As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I deal in reality and not propaganda here, and in that reality, subjects are explored which make the timid uncomfortable as it removes the scab of mind conditioning from them and requires them to think again past their set patterns of Manchurian minds.
In debate, one sets before the audience perameters of the subject and that is where the debate is then centered. In this, I set before two points in what has been deemed evil and what has been defined as good.
Point 1: Adolf Hitler defined Jews as predatory vermin and was at war with their communist leaders who had called for the genocide of Germany.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt refused to allow Jewish refugees into America, was part of an international plan to not allow a Jewish homeland as Adolf Hitler advocated, and rejected a Jewish refugee ship loaded with European Jews and made it leave American waters.
Point 2: In 1897, there was in fact a Gentleman's Agreement signed by England, France and America for the genocide of Germany to remove the Fatherland as a competitor to the European and American powers.
Franklin Roosevelt instigated the start of World War II in allowing Japanese bombers to attack Pearl Harbor, sinking old battleships, while putting the American carriers out to sea.
In 1939, Adolf Hitler sought to retake German speaking lands of Greater Germany, which had been annexed from her at the end of World War I, the instigated war for the genocide of Germany.
Actual events taken in context, place a different understanding on events, compared to events taken out of context.
In conjecture, as Franklin Roosevelt plotted to start World War II, and gain American involvement in direct relation to the Gentleman's Agreement of 1897, then could there not have been another Gentleman's Agreement for the extension of Rothschild management Marxism of eastern Europe for profit, and that the real reason for Franklin Roosevelt's instigation of World War II, was at the behest of the Rothschilds in the old gentlemen's agreement in order to complete the genocide of Germany to remove the fatherland as a competitor, and once again for America to supply troops and munitions in order to profit by, as exactly what took place under agreement in World War I.
Point 1: Why was it a good thing for Soviet Marxist Ashkenaz Jews to call for the extermination of Germany in 1930 and an evil thing for Germany to defend herself in retaking Greater Germany, but in 1950, it was an evil thing for Soviet Marxist Ashkenaz Jews to call for the extermination of America and a good thing for America to arm with nuclear weapons in a Cold War where America had by victory made western Europe her colonial states?
Point 2: Franklin Roosevelt knew of the Work Concentration Camps which were agreed to by Jewish Ashkenaz elders for the slave labor of their people by the Reich and it was of absolutely no concern at all to Franklin Roosevelt. In fact, the heinous photos of disease and starvation, were brought about by end of the war bombing by American Army Air Force of supply lines to these camps.
Franklin Roosevelt created his own concentration camps in America for Japanese Americans, who were only allowed to leave the camp if they agreed to the forced labor of fighting and dying in the United States military. The entire German communities of millions of Americans were kept under FBI surveillance.
When realities set in, lines are no longer black and white, but become grey in the grey matter of the brain. Did not the Germans have the same right to security in concentrating peoples who had threatened them with extermination, as Americans did in rounding up their own Japanese citizens?
The Jewish Ashkenaz elders agreed to this slave labor. The Japanese Americans did not agree to the concentration camps and looked with disdain upon the Japanese who agreed to risk their lives in forced military service for Franklin Roosevelt.
The matter of the inflated numbers of the Jewish holocaust for an Ashkenaz controlled Jewish homeland, instead of a Sephardic Jewish homeland bring out further points.
From Red Cross numbers on Jewish deaths, the number of dead was in the 1.3 million figure. A large number, but not 6 million which was arrived at by double counting Jews in one area as Poland as dead, and then dead again in a Labor Camp area.
When taken in context, the Jewish dead in numbers were under the numbers of most European peoples from effects of the war from Russia to Germany to France. For those who cling to the numbers of "these were gas oven deaths for the Jews", that is not correct, as the numbers of Jewish dead including Soviet communist troops, those communist Jews in control of Soviet states whom the local populations cheered the Germans when they came in and shot these despots, and the numbers of dead caused by allied bombing.
To further compare points, Adolf Hitler in order to subdue England, bombed London with rockets. In retaliation, Prime Minister Winston Churchill fire bombed Dresden.
Franklin Roosevelt with B 29 bombers as carried through by Harry Truman, fire bombed Tokyo Japan and other Japanese cities, culminating the nuclear holocaust fire bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Joseph Stalin called for the mass murder of 10 million Germans after the war. Instead, he sent out the Soviet military to gang rape every female in Soviet occupied east Germany, in another form of genocide in mongrelizing the German people by Russian mass rape.
The Germans are acccused in Rothschild propaganda of incinerating labor force Jews, which has been proven to not have taken place in the numbers posted. In reality, the British incinerated Germans, the Americans incinerated Japanese, the Russians raped half of Germany to death, and at the close of the war Harry Truman oversaw the mass concentration of Germans, which George Patton attempted to liberate them from, in which it is claimed the American allies achieved a like number of German dead as the Jews experienced in their death camps.
Germany in 1897 had every right to empire as England, Russia, France, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, Dutch, America, Japan and yes even Jews in finance all practiced empire. The Ashkenaz Jews were simply ahead of the curve in concluding empire did not require land, but only bank accounts.
For this though Germany, was sentenced to extermination by those the fatherland was competing against.
Germany in 1930 had every right to take back by force it's lands annexed from them, as much as Americans had the right to take back the Philppines annexed by Japan at the start of World War II.
It has been censored from history as the adulation of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the repeated propaganda, the reality that the majority of Americans before World War I and II, were completely in George Washington foreign policy in not wanting anything to do with foreign entanglements. American policy was to never become involved in European Wars, as that is what the main thrust of the Monroe Doctrine was, in not just to keep Europeans out from the Americas, but for Americans never to be drawn into global conflict through European intrigue again as the French and Indian War bloodied America from the start.
The American Hero Charles Lindbergh led the non involvement movement in America. It was supported by the majority of Americans, so Franklin Roosevelt kept pressing Japan so she would attack America, and Japan was then blamed.
Charles Lindbergh was destroyed by Franklin Roosevelt as much as FDR marginalized Joseph Kennedy, another competitor to a low government post.
On a real scale of evil in World War II and rightful innocence, the most murderous and treacherous was the Soviet, Joseph Stalin. Stalin's friend Franklin Roosevelt was the next most heinous, and lest we forget, Stalin who was FDR's friend signed a pact with Adolf Hitler to divide up Eastern Europe.
Next Tojo of Japan practiced the most feudal warfare in being democratically beastly to all peoples.
On the balance of good side, there would be Charles DeGaulle and Winston Churchill of France and England, but recalling that the 1897 Gentleman's Agreement was what began this, and that Churchill's contention with Germany was about German competition to British world rule, if Mr. Churchill had not been manipulated into this war for German genocide, England would never have had a problem as a managerial empire for German commerce.
Mr. Churchill's ordering of fire bombing Dresden, was part of warfare in retaliation for German bombing of London and acceptable in rules of warfare. Mr. Churchill reacted with appropriate disgust as Franklin Roosevelt laughed at his friend, Joe Stalin's claim to exterminate 10 million German males as a war prize.
The French while suffering intrigue and delusions of grandeur, should have left the wounds of 1850 to heal, and submit as she and all Europe did when some other people were the Holy Roman Empire. I include Mousellini of Italy in the French barely mentioned group, as both groups never really awakened to the war and their leaders were men without armies.
I make these realities known not to condemn Americans, British, Japanese, Italians, Russians, Germans or French. These peoples were all misdirected by heinous despots or misguided leaders made to react in a trap set by financiers. In the majority the peoples and the militaries of America, Britain, Italy, Germany and France behaved in a most civil manner.
The Japanese being a feudal people did not comprehend Ashkenaz financier civilized warfare where the point was to make money and gain power, and not to live with honor afterwards.
The Soviet military though, murdered by Stalin, not armed by Stalin and left to be slaughtered by the Germans, reacted in the most heinous of ways when unleashed by Joseph Stalin in the mass rape of German females of all ages.
I have mentioned the Jews in their financial empire, but in point they must be examined also, in their leadership contracted with Germany to sell their people into slave labor camps. Once this culling of the poor Ashkenaz and religious Sephardic Jews, with cropping rich rival Jews was completed, the blame fell upon Adolf Hitler, and to gain sympathy the work to death camps, became holocaust camps in inflated numbers, for the purpose of gaining control of a Jewish homeland, the thing Hitler was advocating to remove Jews from Europe in the 1930's.
The Jewish elders have no names, as they keep it Rothschild that way by purpose, but their agents instigated the mindset in America, brought German reaction and Soviet action in the most heinous of forms.
Hitler did nothing which the Americans had not done in annexing western Indian lands, the Russians did in annexing eastern European and Asian lands, that the English did in annexing the world, that the French did in Algeria, Quebec, Mexico and Vietnam.
The Americans had their concentrated Chinese coolies, the English their imported Indian wogs, the Spanish their Indians, the Japanese their Koreans, and most had their African Niggers, who were sold with profit by Muslim Arabs and Black African tribes trading in work to death humanity. The Germans were as civil or more civil in the above in the treatment of Jewish labor sold to them by Ashkenaz elite. The Germans did not feed their Jews to Tsavo lions in the way the British did their wogs in Africa.
The reality is when Adolf Hitler was standing up against the genocide of Germans against Marxist secular Jews, and he did not desire war with America or the destruction of the British Empire, but only declared war, after Franklin Roosevelt maneuvered Japan into attacking America, coupled with Germany had every right to take back German lands annexed from the fatherland, and the Jewish elite sold their own people into work camps, while Franklin Roosevelt order refugee ships filled with Jews from American waters, Adolf Hitler comes into focus without the propaganda of being at least equal to Franklin Roosevelt and certainly much less worse than Joseph Stalin.
The entire point of this is when cartel leaders manipulate their populations to enslavement or war, that the other leaders targeted, are less abhorent and more innocent than the protagonists.
The most ludicrous charge against Adolf Hitler still repeated, but rectified by this blog is that the Nazi was right wing. This Ashkenaz propaganda, championed by left wing Stalin and left wing Roosevelt, was a weapon against the patriot movements in their own lands, as much as Reagan Blue State America is now "red state', because red state was found not only to be communist in a rejection by Americans that it cost democrats elections.
A Nazi is a National Socialist, a socialist is left wing. That is the same wing which national socialist Franklin Roosevelt was from and communist Joe Stalin resided in. The difference is that Adolf Hitler was the more humane in Heir Hitler never slaughtered his own people in mass as Stalin did, and Hitler never preyed on his own people as FDR did in deepening and extending the Great Depression.
Do not be entrapped by jingoism, or fanatic patriotism which excuses any regime's criminal misbehavior as long as it is your regime and damns the other regime by inflating their crimes, as is the case in the 21st century in Birther Hussein Obama placing the American label with western Europe on all sorts of heinous crimes of feudal felony, while attempting to make a new Hitler every cycle in Mubarack, Assad and Putin.
No people have the right to defend immoral despots leading them, in giving them license, as in condemning their crimes they make the mistake of thinking it condemns their nation.
Every people has the right to their own defense, their own competition in trade to prosper, and their own right to decide what goes on in their nation by self determination, whether heinous or not.
Americans had every right to take Indian lands from savages for their civilization as savagery is not civlization. Germans had the right to take back lands annexed from them and to implement forced labor of Jews sold to them, because Americans had a like system installed from Europeans.
Wars are waged to illegally destroy peoples who legally can not be destroyed through commerce.
In comparison point, Europe would have been better off under German regulation compared to the American colonial annexation of western Europe and the annexation of eastern Europe by the Soviets. Heir Hitler would have died, and like Charlemagne a new leader would have arisen to dominate, in perhaps an Atilla of the Huns, a Peter the Great of Russia, another Henry of England or perhaps another Augustus Caesar for the 21st century.
When peoples have a George Washington or a Ronald Reagan, a Peter the Great or a Boris Yeltsin, a Queen Elizabeth or a Winston Churchill, a King Louis I or a Joan of Arc to a Biblical King David or King Hezekiah, you note them as much as Hermann and Kaiser Wilhelm as your standards of what is patriotically moral in the best for your people and the most humane for your enemies.
Nations have the right of self determination whether you agree with that nation or not. What is often not right is that cult of persona which excuses one despots sin, while condemns another despot.
Adolf Hitler was transformed to monster status by propaganda, because he led a competitor nation of Germany which would profit from Slavic lands and would contend with European powers, as much as challenge America and England on the high seas, and the financial interests did not desire to share that fortune. That is why the Germans were condemned as much as the Americans were condemned for removing the oil soaked bribery fountain of Sadam Hussein's Iraq from this same financial cartel.
Discussions and examinations such as this are not allowed by the feudal cartel, as making the masses aware of the realities would have the masses not easily manipulated to these schemes. That is what the Lame Cherry does independently in all of these global typhoon storms in being calm in the eye of the tempest to examine things without upheaval in your souls, because everything before you has two points:
Point 1: Who did this?
Point 2: How will this be used to manipulate you to the cartel's further control?
nuff said