"Augustus Cæsar was wont to say, “I would rather be in an army of stags, where a lion is general, than to be in an army of lions where a stag is general.”
Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther
To ponder turning points in history of world upheaval, there is a reality that it is not the part that empires are assailed by such incredible tyrants in Alexanders, Washingtons or Hitlers, but the reality is the empire is so filled with creatures not human, but primate in degradation that the mere human appearing on the stage, confounds and defeats such empires.
In study of empire, I have again and again come upon a reality, that the great Generals who defeated other great Generals, were neither of the sort, but instead one mediocre General defeating an incompetent General.
I have engaged here in taking apart Lord Wellington and Emperor Napoleon at Waterloo. This to the Eurasians was the great battle of titans by which all were set. In reality, Wellington fought nothing, but took a horrific beating.
Napoleon was a horrid field marshal in he never pressed to turn Wellington's flank as it should have been, where the real weakness always is. In conclusion, Napoleon used up the French military in crushing attacks on Wellington's center, and after the French were used up, Wellington marched forward and scattered the French.
For those who battle over this, I place these same English on the shores of America, meeting one Andrew Jackson, with American militia, Tennessee and Kentucky riflemen, and whatever New Orleans dwellers who came out to fight to save their women from rape.
General Jackson smartly stung the British early delaying them. He then built his defenses, and his gunners in shot for shot silenced the British cannon.
This leaving only an infantry charge, was repulsed with slaughter by the American marksmen.
While General Jackson did not attack fortifications, then neither did Wellington against Napoleon. The end result was a reality that the Americans smashed the same British which had endured a long battle with the French and then smashed Napoleon.
In essence, it does seem a reality of the commentators in the American Civil War, that after the officers of the North stopped trying to win the war for the South, that Northern or Southern armies could have shipped off to Europe and routed thee entire continent, as the American was the superior fighting force as was proven in two world wars.
That is what is interesting in these Eurasian empires in time and again some tyrant arises like an Alexander, Hitler or Mao, and the reason they arise is there is no General on the opposing side to neutralize their mediocre rise.
Alexander was a drunken brawler, who killed more of his officers than the enemy ever did. When he defeated the Persians, I took apart that battle and revealed how incompetent the Persians were in the battle.
The same is true of Hitler, for the military planning he conducted was absolutely filled with mistakes. Hitler defeated himself against the Eurasians and the one American General who was a General in Patton smashed the Germans with ease, while the rest of the allied military hunkered down in the lowlands.
Mao was given China, and his military prowess was as horrid as Stalins in simply slaughtering their troops as dead troops did not rise up to slaughter comrade dictators.
For this reason, I have been Inspired to conclude that there is not going to be some fantastic tyrant in the anti Christ. Observe that creature of Barack Hussein Obama Chin. This foreign agent had everything handed to him. Obama Chin took orders well, read a teleprompter adequately, and engaged in theater whereby all was decided in betrayal where he was murdering those who trusted him like Col. Khadaffi.
Bribed Chinese and Russian leaders to stay home, does not make a world leader, and that is what Obama was until the Fang Jinn appeared after June 13, and began the epic fall of the regime as Obama was in the frozen foods section in a cold storage unit. There was nothing on the board for Obama to be tested by, and if there was, he would have been trumped as easily as Bashir Assad did in Syria.
That is the point in this in the miniature tyrants of Assad and Kim of Korea, easily handled Birther Hussein, as Barry Chin was always an empty suit who was making war on primates in the zoo that a troop of girl scouts could have swished away with butterfly nets.
I do not believe in the end times that there is going to be any King David or Nebuchadnezzar or George Patton for the world to contend with, as individuals like that require moral codes and nations behind them of moral people. The world is so base now that it can only produce some narcissist with fawnlings following in greater lustful need than the vegetable brains they will conquer.
Describe the American military as an army of lions, led not by stags, but by video game sodomites with stars and bars on their sleeves. The American still knows how to fight in the country, but the leadership is completely political minders and the company they keep are sodomites like the image of Obama.
The Americans blood let at distance and are letted of blood by cartel proxies to turn them into beastie dope heads which beard the lion.
The whole of Europe does not hold 10,000 fighting men of quality. The Russians have probably 10,000 fighting men of quality. As for Asia, their fighting men are limited to Kim Jong Un who has a few thousand men of quality equal to that of the Chicom.
The rest is fodder as it always has been.
I assess that when Armageddon comes, it is going to be worthless leaders sending off worthless troops, and meaning no disrespect to Christ, the Lord of Hosts is going to face culls of the flock numbering 200 million and it will be a slaughter of the ilk more than a fight.
What else can it be when men become animals? The more debased the leaders are the more baseless the peoples are following, so it is a fag pied piper tooting his flute while the lemmings plunge over the abyss to their death.
I had always thought that the End Times would bring forth the best of the worst, but Barack Hussein Obama Chin has proven the prototype of it will be nothing but worst imbecile pounding the worst twerp. The world would be pleased to be rid of regimes like this as one King David with 300 valiant men could defeat a world assembly of such refuse.
Can anyone with a mind assess that anything in this world is inspirational or the best in this Age of Obama anything worthy.
Yes the gay parade, the peace in our Obama awards time, are certainly what this world has produced for the 21st century end.
Yes that last great battle of fags and twerps, led by fags and twerps.
nuff said