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Prepare to meet thy God


Are you so retarded spiritually and seared soulfully that you do not know Americans, the Lord your God has been reaching out to you and pleading for you to return, so that He would bless you and protect you?

Do you not even comprehend the age old warnings and pleadings? Pleadings of severe drought? Pleadings of storms destroying and killing? Pleadings of a nation fed not from God but regime welfare so you are at risk in your homes, your health and you have no work to uplift you nor to fulfill you?

Therefore hear the Word of the Lord, America, along with the sister tribes of the Lost 10.

As the Prophet was Inspired to write before the captivity of the Northern Kingdom when your parents in sins of rejecting God for their own filthiness of their legislated morality, PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD, OH AMERICA.

Can you not comprehend in your stupor the warnings of Deuteronomy 28? Are you so sinful now and under satan's bonds that you can not even open the Bible to see your many flaws and faults?
There is a Way, a Truth and a Life in that Scripture, Namely Jesus the Christ, Thee only begotten Son of the Living God.

America all you will have is this intrigue in foreign and domestic fraud of bribes to foreigners for a false peace and rationed death at home. Your regime judges you as enemies of the state. You are criminals for simply being and like a flock of chickens awaiting to be slaughtered when the Mexican slave labor comes to collect you.

It is a new thing in the women are not only barren, but the Lord has made your men without seed. You lust as a people in everything you do. You are like cats screwing on a hot tin roof, engorged and screaming in pain, but yet you will not stop sinning.

The Lord's Judgment is Just and Right. Prepare to meet your God, the God you abandoned and put in this demoniac false messiah to the Office of Christ. Prepare to meet your God, America, for the Lord's Judgment has come.
Warning upon warning have come to you, and you would not note them. Wars upon wars. Hunger upon hunger. Need upon need. Each day more robbery of you and each day a greater burden of debt.

Listen children of God. Do not be deceived into thinking you will not be touched by this any more than you have not been touched already by this American iniquity.
Elijah hungered and was fed with the widow in the famine. Jeremiah was thrown into the miry cell for his death. David was persecuted by the regime of Saul. Jesus was beaten by Roman guards. Do not think that in a national Judgment that even the Just and the Righteous will not be untouched. God will protect the life He has given you, but God will require an accounting and a reckoning of an entire nation.

It has been decades of warnings, and nothing was changed, but for the more degrading and the worst. Prepare to meet your God, America as the scales will be balanced and the trampling out the vintage of the grapes of wrath where they are stored is.

The signs are there, and the ministers and priests have not told those in their care. They lie to the nation and speak of salvation and of good deeds, when the nation is nothing but a whores den of iniquity. You are sodden with so many ejaculations of foreigners and apostates that you wear a sperm skin as your clothing in the lewdness of your naked nature.

I call you not to awaken, children of darkness, but to slumber. Sleep in your stupor and drown in the vomit of your waste.

I saw mine enemies who had robbed me and had tried to bond me to satan. I saw mine enemies coming to me, pale, sickly and weak. Their children were gone except for a boy. The boy was blear eyed and they were asking for direction in the heartland, and it was given, but it would do no good.
They were the walking dead and they burned in my light as dead and would be no more.

Prepare to meet thy God America. Prepare to meet thy God in His full Wrath and Judgment. Amen and Amen

agtG 239, large sequence finish

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