As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........
"Washington always went straight to the mark, and he now saw, through all the dust of legal and constitutional strife, that the only real issue was whether America was to be allowed to govern herself in her own way or not."
Henry Cabot Lodge
This is the question which 21st Americans face. Do they govern themselves by right or not?
Do they fear Homeland, IRS, NSA, FBI and whatever police state is lurking behind every email or highway hedge or do they welcome the presence of the intrusion within their American lives.
Either one lives as an American or one exists as a gulag inmate. There are no gray areas in this reality.
Either you get up every morning free from someone spying on you in traffic cams, free from wearing a seatbelt, free from being monitored, free from being forced abide by some regime program or executive order, or you are enslaved.
The first American, first General, first President succinctly constructed the argument, "Either you are an American with rights to govern your own life in your own way, or you are an inmate dictated to and no longer an American."
Either America is Republic or America is a concentration camp. You must examine the question and decide, and then no longer be deceived in knowing either you are a Citizen or the state is your enemy.
Then in the course of human events, you embark upon judicious representative actions to address the issue.
There is a course in this:
The Founders first petitioned for redress of the infringement of their rights.
The regime then answered with threats.
The Founders then debated in representative body in delegates, and voted, to become independent, knowing this would be a military action, and not one of a mob terrorist action.
It is the heart of the matter and it is a question that each individual must answer.
Will you submit or will you stand?
Lame Cherry