As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
Eurobus: Russians access to it. Same group that created Stuxnet in the Jewish consortium created Uroburos (Eurobus) for the Obama regime in the cartel network.
The Russians were given access to it to spy on Europeans.
Code Name Uroburos IR/ Euro Burro IR/ The Money Mule
Edward Snowden alerted the Europeans to this self installing and self perpetuating spyware.
The Obama trillions poured into Europe was the focus of this malware. The cartel used it to track the money flow transactions of those funds, as it's purpose was to discover the "leaks" of money escaping from the cartel in various competitive sources.
The FSB was given access to the Codex so the cartel could piggy back off of Russian intelligence to discover the money flows into Russia.
The dead financiers which have been a focus of late and mentioned here, the reality of their connection in this, is they were money handlers for the Obama bribes looted from the US Treasury in Tim Geithner e currency generation. When Edward Snowden's information was given to the Europeans, from Vladamir Putin, it alerted these bankers to the reality that they were being tracked by this malware for the cartel.
These bankers were cooperating with the authorities, as in they were talking of the details in the skimming operations, and the cartel murdered them.
It was the FSB which informed the European Security Services in the reality of driving a wedge between them and the Obama regime spying with the cartel. The cartel was caught flat footed in this. They were not behind this schism between America and Europe over this.
Vladamir Putin's operatives alerted the Europeans and that is what started this exposure, as the panic is, this was literally tracking all the off book funding as in graft, bribes and pay offs which is larger than the above book money.
What Edward Snowden has released is the tip of the iceberg. The berg unseen is what the Money Mule is a part of in data mining.
For those who remembered Hillary Clinton, Web Hubbel and Fort Marcy Parked Vince Foster, Rose Law Firm was CIA money tagging in PROMIS the original malware. PROMIS was one dimensional codex. What Money Mule is, is PROMIS GOSSIP, or it mines data, seeds itself, picks up the auxiliary transfer protocols, as emails, cell phone, FAX confirmations, and then reseeds itself in the tags.
PROMIS linked funds transferred. Money Mule puts links into every partitioned fund.
The key to Money Mule is it assembles like molecules. The web is a codex of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon for example. Money Mule is like hydrocarbon, but disassembled. It in stealth looks for the other elements of it's Codex to reform the long chain to transmit it's data and once transmitted, it breaks apart into the original elements again flooding the internet.
It remembers where it has been and what it has purchased and contacted.
It is built to evolve. It is like a thought process which learns new operations and can rewrite itself.
To explain this, part of the operation in the illegal bail outs of Europe by the Obama regime was the reality that the 1 trillion dollars dumped into Europe as a start, had every cent of it tagged. It is not paper currency but E CURRENCY. It all shows up in Codex of 0100011101001010 etc....
Every monetary unit of this is tagged. When the trillion is divided, it is tagged in self replication. Think of these tags like flashing red lights with sirens which send out "cookie packets" back to the NSA. It is like outlining a book in study notes.
1. US Treasury
1A. Bundesbank
1a Bayer Pharmaceuticals
1b Deutsch Intelligence
1ba Iran
1bb Israel
1bc Rothschild
1c etc...
I in no way confer this is the actual money flow, but in the above, it reveals how a government would distribute the money flow to the major players who then funnel money to each special project. By this the cartel literally could find which of it's own family is operating with their own off book deals as much as the IDF being tagged in it's assets being double agents.
It is not that difficult even if funds are withdrawn in cash or moved in bonds. All currency is serial tagged in each banking sector. If 100,000 Euros are paid to some Palestinian operative, those Euros will red light when deposited or spent. It is not like people move at supersonic speeds. PRISM records and processes visual identification in comparing all tracking data, so known associates files are always operational and cross referenced automatically.
This system tracks all sorts of things by association, even counterfeit e currency, as if funds appear not generated from source tagged code, then that money is outside and points to the source.
The NSA can Mockingbird stories of there being too much gossip data to keep track of, so they are not, but the reality is what Baby is evolving in the plasmas generates trillions of calculations a second. The reason the "worldwide web" was slowing down and reaching maximum use, was not from people, but because Escheleon had plugged into it and was consuming all the bandwidth. That is the 2 ton gorilla in the room.
The reason Escheleon created mpeg dams in the bandwidth farce was that it was easier to create surveillance on text and in mpegs information could be hidden in the transmission. By putting the dams in like Youtube, it created a reservior of known uploads. It is why regime servers never crash on bandwidth and other sites auto crash.
Money Mule has been operational now for years. It has tracked every penny and it has by proxy collected all the gossip associated with that money.
The program is not associated with FUXNET. This is a different group and in Bill Gates was not involved in the codex at Microsoft.
The Apple security glitch though which was now fixed in that open window is a part of Money Mule. Apple has working agents of Escheleon and created that window, but Apple did not realize until Edward Snowden exposed it, that the Macs were open portols for the gossip data mining, picking up the money flow.
Microsoft did not close the portols, but instead started sending packets which Escheleon could not filter out.
You have to get this that human intelligence, even at the security levels does speak to what is on it's agenda. Remember what I stated about the Mockingbird NSA story in they could not keep track of all the information, which is a lie. The root of this though was the reality that they were acknowledging the spoof in the Microsoft window was bombing this data collection.
This should fill in the gaps on the stories posted here and other stories around the net which have been puzzling people as to what was taking place.
I would add that the FUXNET piggy back into Welfare funding is in a holding pattern. It is installed, but has not been activated in this time frame yet. MIC is waiting on event flow.
We shall see.
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