As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
It is a strange thing that the tempest in the tea pot of America has never appreciated that America is a land of Canadian English, Americanized Europeans and Latin Mexicans.
America is a land of easterners, midwesterners, southerners and westerners.
America is a land of white people and brown people.
In all they are the offspring of restless and wrested warlike wandering cloth of the land whose covering is always a sword's sheath upon a hammered ploughshare ready to pierce the heart of crush the skull.
For some reason, the English never quite understood even in stalemate of war, that the Irish just did not want to be English. Even the northern English and Irish of the northern tip of the island always appeared a hyphenated version of English as did the Americans.
I found this line concerning Ireland which was as proper of lesson for Indian terrorists in America to Muslim terrorists in the Middle East, as the heart of a people never changes, whether it is Slavics under Turkish, Austrian, Russian or their own rule.
The lessons are always the same.
‘Your oppression taught them to hate— your concessions to brave you; you exhibited to them how scanty was the stream of your bounty, and how full the tribute of your fear .’
— Lord John Russell (Speech, Feb. 7, 1837).
It is not just English in nature, but all peoples in 1776, the English had been taught the hatred of Americans and how concessions only made the braver, which reinforced the lesson the War of 1812, and yet in a generation later, the English were dealing with the same Irish plague which America offered, and the same impossibility of Pan India in their independence, as much as the Pan African restlessness for independence.
Russia experienced all their Greats to a Soviet era where the 21st century still has republics grating for their own independence.
It matters not the tribe for if one attempts appeasement, it is viewed as weakness and if one attempts sanction it infuriates the savages to further rebellion.
I have quoted this line from fiction uttered by John Wayne in True Grit, in a person can talk to a rat all about laws, but the rat will never listen, so you either have to kill the rat or just let them be, as there will never be an intercourse which the talker will not be either blamed or blugeoned.
The 21st century has a reality that if China is fed, will they then stop eating? Russia bribed with Slavic lands will they then not desire more land? Iran provided nuclear advancements, will they then not employ those advances.
Politics has nothing to do with trust. Diplomacy has nothing to do with being cordial. It is all about fear and always about fear. It is about either your being afraid of your enemy or your enemy being afraid of you.
There is no friendship in politics or diplomacy. There is only fear which induces enemies to be allied and fear which causes an enemy to await the day of your fall to which they will murder you.
You can never cripple an opponent to never rise in terrorism against you. All you can do is leave enough cripples alive in fear of your exterminating them heinously to never attack you.
That is the lesson of Powder River. That is the lesson of Nagasaki.
There have been no lessons in the 21st century. Therefore there will mass murders as there is no fear, so there is no respect, so therefore there will be wars inflicting the lessons which politicians and diplomats never learn.
nuff said