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Pax Limbaugh


My children, you do not know this, but I tell you, so you will know, and that way Rush Limbaugh and the mole mics will know, and with all knowing what I know, then all will know, and we will all be a very knowledgeable family.

See, when one is in power, sniffing the kook aid, the ghetto green,  rubbing the ass side of the tits up coin, doing the brothel, believing the spin, pulling your magic rabbot (yes I mean rabbot) out of Obama's monkey pants, you just tend to believe the Mockingbird talking points.

You start noticing after the first script though that at the second decade, that the half brains are no longer interested and your audience starts falling away.......
My children, do you remember that protocol I told you of in George W. Bush was trying to make all the Brzezinski radical Muslims get tired out, go home and take naps.....so Bush would not have to kill them?

Ah my babies, do you know what getting rid of George Allen to Sarah Palin was? It was the same Rovian operation in the RHINO GOP taking control of the Reagan Revolution, disappointing you, taking your Tea Party and ruining it, so you would all go home and get tired for naps, so you would not vote, and they could take over and rule again, after ruining the Conservative label?

Yes my children, Limbaugh was designed to keep you from taking up arms, just like Hannity and Levin are paid primo bucks to keep you in the Obama gulag.

Now understand this my babies from the inside. Limbaugh is not David Limbaugh. Limbaugh is a whiner who had to have his Mum get him his first job, and Rush has been playing at Conservative his whole existence. They finally got him a blonde minder to play his Oedipus as the old man needs someone to tuck in the napkin now.

Limbaugh actually believed he was making the green kool aid. That is how Mockingbird controls the assets in making them think they are in charge, and then hooking them with currency and when it finally dawns on the, olde Rush just wants to take a nap and let Obama win too.......while being roused from his slumber in mumbling talking points or something he read here for sparkle.

See Limbaugh ran out of scripted sparkle and like Beck had to start looting emails and blogs to look brilliant....and was so profane, in needing to be the smartest kid around, he just never could bring himself to give credit to this blog.
It is Limbaugh's addictive personality. He just got addicted to the illusion he was intelligent. You don't get it in Limbaugh is Obama.......Obama does the teleprompter and Rush does the electronic script.....all composed by the same Mockingbird division of right and left to keep the inmates from rioting in pinning them against each other in fear.

Limbaugh knows most of this and that is why he sulks. He got hyped on Reagan and thought he was the stage act to follow Reagan in directing things, but he never spotted Karl Rove in the curtains producing all of this for Prescott.

Now you have to realize in this Rush Limbaugh's problem in he figured enough of this out. He really did want to play in Obama's back 9 and Obama wanted a little lustful romp too, but  the problem is what Obama was doing for the feudal state could not be delayed, and Limbaugh was told to shut up.
That is what was behind Limbaugh griping about losing it all......Limbaugh was threatened by the left and was told by the right they would not afford him protection, if he did not comply.
It is the same mandate Sarah Palin buckled to.

They all buckle to these things, just like the miracle transformation by Michele Bachmann in losing her voice. There are all sorts of things people can be frightened by, as the cartel has all the information to blackmail people and let it be known it will all  just not be gone, but you will be ruined, and you will be in worse places than prison, stripped of everything if you do not do what you are ordered.
Congress is brimming with this. When they can blackmail John Roberts to install Obamacare, you realize just how honest Ron Brown was in saying he was being monitored by the Clinton's for his spouting off and taking Vietnamese bribes.....before the ice bullet to the head message was sent not to just him, but to everyone to shut up.
Vince Foster did not get the messsage as he thought he was top rung, and when "they" stole back the millions in bag man fees Foster was earning as extension of the original lawyer laundering fees of Hubble, Clinton and Foster using PROMIS, he was shot at the White House to send the message to shut up. Foster was dumped not at Fort Marcy, but across from the Saudi Embassy to finger them IN THE MONEY IN WHAT WAS GOING ON in the Clinton deal with Saddam's food for mansion bribery scandal that Marc Rich was laundering money for.

I digress.....

You do though have to get this, in this is large. It is protected and when Andrew Breitbart or Aaron Swartz foolishly think they are top Jews on the Star of David, they end up dead, as the Seal runs this and SEALS are expendable too as lower rank assassins when they out strip the protocols.

Rush Limbaugh is not that bright. His old man was a fighter pilot who was connected and Pop was a local lawyer who was Conservative. Limbaugh figured out the Mockingbird need to be the Jesse Jackson and Bill Ayers to manage the Reagan Revolution until it could be killed. Limbaugh go the job from Casey Management, and Casey got brain cancer to shut it all down as the Prescott heirs once again took over the operations.

Limbaugh is that bright though to see the obvious, and to know to keep his mouth shut.

See, Limbaugh took baron  talking points on bio fuels. Limbaugh lied about this, as bio fuels competed with oil baron funds. That is what this was about, and that is what this blog stomped Limbaugh on at Newsbusters.
Limbaugh is a fag bully who doesn't like someone outing him. He came back on this 3 times as he had orders, and each time this blog exposed him as a liar, which had listeners more informed what a liar Limbaugh can be in the talking points.
That all brought the reality that Limbaugh was losing Market Share. So he had to try and gin things with 24 being used by liberals and doing leftist cartoons all to try and inflate his numbers. He was under allot of pressure from delusions and from the powers that really put Limbaugh in place, as he was not doing the Bill Ayers job.....and he never could get control of the Tea Party, as those Americans knew what a fraud Limbaugh was.

Limbaugh got way out of the loop when he made his Two if by Tea. Sure you in tax breaks for corporate welfare paid for all this blonde  tea thing that fell flat, but it exposed Limbaugh in not knowing, even though it was made plain that the Tea Party would be dead in two years..and it was, but Limbaugh thought that it was a perpetual thing and linked to tea to whore the Tea Party.

You can figure all of this out my children, if you just watch the game, and stop watching the girl all the time.

This blog has assisted B. Hussein Obama numerous times and when Obama took the advice he did great like growing his terror beard for Cairo as he was by murder becoming the head of al Qaeda at 1600 Penn Avenue.
I will now assist Rush Limbaugh as he really has no clue and is at the the tipping point that new talents grooming like Andy Dean are going to be the big contracts and Limbaugh will be gumming his dentures as someone else services his daughter.

The cartel has tried to smear and isolate the bloggers who run the chatter. They have tried to make certain that no money flows to them, as they are concerned over what takes place in the blog forums. For the majority part, the bloggers and commentators in the right are a ruthless, satirical and honed lot who are not being suckered all the time. Limbaugh did a good job in teaching them how to think past first level.
Numbers though are stuck on stupid and once some bright chimp points out a reality, they then all grab the banana and think they had the thoughts.

What Limbaugh needs to do, so as not to get himself sanctioned in going floppy Hawaii heart again in a radar wave, is to do something like begging the benefactors to allow him, and Hannity and Levin to release something like this.........

Ditto heads, you know me, el Rushbo, in all I have tried to do. In doing all of this I over did at times. This is a dangerous world where interesting things happen to people who talk too much. I can only be here if I hint at things. Sometimes there are those who do more than hint. Some drool on themselves and scribble on the wall saying things, and those things permeate the internet, and end up on here and end up on drive by press as those facts have to be answered by those who generate the talking points.

A blogger like Lame Cherry has been kicking the hell out of me, and doing such a job in the facts that ditto land is where it is. That popular girl has been saying things though and in ways, that I and others can not say nor touch. Think of Lame Cherry as something beyond this program what the cocktail crowd knows but the Golden EIB can not touch on in FCC rules and other regime threats.

You are a generous audience, and if you find that blog, perhaps you might donate in knowing the dirty work she has to do on point in this fight, is something we have benefited from, as like in all wars, I had to make deals with some factions to keep this program running in guiding this division of patriots past the no man's land to the next battle.

See if Limbaugh had been intelligent to do such a thing, to just share a cigar around the hearth, not try to peek up my tunic nor shoot me in the back as I go back to the shadows, then this blog could have been an asset that would have buoyed up Limbaugh's and the mole mics minders.

What Rush Limbaugh feels, but does not know how to get out of the gilded cage is how to make those who are working for God, work for what he is been hired to do, as he has been persuaded that the fringe is not to be mentioned as it can not be controlled, and the fringe being made an example of would only bring it more public notice.
Limbaugh knows too much to be allowed to go away. Levin stupidly hints he knows things, as he validates how important he is in his need of validation. Doing that only proves what low levels they are and how they should not be trusted with the real information.

If Limbaugh dealt with this blog in an affirmative way, he would not be having problems, none of them would. They were told to ignore and the pressure builds from the masses for the facts, and hireling Alex Jones is not up to the task.
These mole mics need to fund the bloggers to appease them. The the protocol would be to dilute them with more bloggers fed more Ulsterman insider gossip. Doing  that, the fringe bloggers carrying the load will in numbers be more concerned about protecting their Jackie Gleason train to the June Taylor dancers.

What the fringe does will not go away, as the Truth from the grave of lies will keep working the bones of it to the surface. Does not matter the source as God will raise up new sources to carry out the commission.

I offer Rush Limbaugh the Pax Limbaugh, the Limbaugh peace, if he can get out from under his minder's skirt in fear to join the adults for the first time in his existence.

Limbaugh do you want to be someone or a footnote. You are a footnote already.

Ride boldy ride, for you have the gold which you will never hold.....
There beside, astride in packs abide
Across dusty pan and grave American
From shore to shore, more and more
Ride bolly ride, ride boldly ride

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old--
This knight so bold--
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be--
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied--
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

agtG 263YY

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