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The Adulterated Form


American Hollywood is an interesting visceral reaction of a group of writers, producers and actors whose main attributical psychopathy is one of an inability to engage in intimacy, when American really are an intimate people.

In forensic psychology, the reality is American homosexual and heterosexuals of power groups have a great problem with being close to people whether it is sexual, business or warfare. Granted someone like Stephen Spielberg might have a German laying on to of an American white male, shoving slowly his knife into his breast as a voyeur looks on cowardly, in Spielberg's manifestation of the darkest of intimacy, but all through Tom Hanks drama of Saving His Privates, it was a psychopathic revelation of how much these types do not like human contact, as it is ishy.

I have stated that some of my friends are Vulcans. There is an appreciation in historical terms for, example the Assyrians who are the modern Germans. They were a most intimate people and one would not realize this in modern German culture as there is not a great deal of any emotional nature in them, but they are a people who are steeped in revelations of national intimacy.

They were a most successful people really in forming the first real empire, even if God gave that title to Nebuchadnessar of the the Chaldean Babylonians. The German Assyrians simply though reveled in intimate acts.
It is why the power elite of America in not liking waterboarding in terming that "torture" reveal how undeveloped they are as a leader class as they just do not have it in them to appreciate real torture, because real torture is intimate, and involves not fists or firearms, but a human contact that one realizes it is human on human intimacy taking place and no salvation will come.

The German Assyrian was masterful in this. Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and his Temple whore wife, set about a people at Nineveh who would really never have an exact comparison in intimacy.

The Assyrian conquest of the Americans, then known as Gilead Israelites in the Lost 10 Tribes was profoundly intimate and is recorded in less detail in the Bible, but enough of it is there for those who were there to expose this in what real torture is in the  rape of not just the mind, but of the body, the body of a nation.

One must comprehend that when the Roman legions gang raped Boudicca and her daughters in England, the Stalinist Russians nation raped the East German females, that they never did come close to the intimacy that the Assyrians had as a culture. Even the British Red Coats in Europe in rape, murder, robbery and assault never approached the Assyrians. For that matter even the Muslim Ottoman was restrained in only raping masses of women by decree and enslaving masses of males for war by mandate. There just was not a national outpouring in this.
In Obama's rape of Syria, the Syrians are just shot or raped. This al Qaeda for Obama just does not have any intimate nature in them, as they are terrified of human contact.

See, the Assyrian was a national mechanism of destruction on the human level and reports are recorded that the Syrians were engaged a great deal in this on the Israelites early.

A common happening for the surviving captors of your American ancestors was to put hooks into the jaws of the person to lead them. In this, the handcuff or plastic bands just show a lack of intimacy in the nature of the elite in a hook in a jaw would be the end all. It would mark the captive, hurt all the time in heat and cold, bleed profusely when put in, and in jerking this hook, one could have ultimate control in the captive.

This was common back in the day. One would see nobles all chained together with hooks in their jaws. It certainly took the fight out of them, and as they were driven like sheep through the villages, the populaces would note that there was no help from the enslavement which they were now subject to.

One must though regress in this as before hooks appeared in the leader's jaws, there was real intimacy.

Nothing conveys a feeling of rape, like foreplay before rape in taking daggers and ripping up pregnant women in the streets, cutting the babies out in abortion techniques which the modern liberal supports, and as this mass of guts of mother screams and expires, the infant is decapitated and thrown before her.
For weeks this vacuous starring female would be in the street with eyes sunken in to blackness as the infant and her rotted.

It was most effect in mental conditioning of scents and sounds are even more important than visuals. Swine, dogs and cats feeding on the corpses have equal effect in castrating the population to helplessness.

Yes the Japanese Imperialist would throw babies to the air in Asian lands and then bayonet them, but the Assyrian would smash infant's brains against walls or under their feet.

Screaming, crying, blood and guts.....and one must note these Assyrians accomplished all of this without sterile gloves. The same dagger in which one gutted the pregnant female is the knife one sliced bread and meat with for supper.

That is intimacy.

What followed would be rape for days and weeks, but by the time weeks rolled about the wailing had been silent and servitude was of more value than intercourse.

During this though the women, old men and of age children would benefit from more intimacy in the skinning alive would begin. Nothing is more soul rape for a nation than to see your brave bully, staked down on the ground and another brave enemy taking fillets of skin off to make him scream.

Details in this are not meant for the public as it is an art form which should never kill the victim even after they plead for death. Suffice it to say that those who know the art, would do it by half and of course suturing skin back on to living skin avails itself of the effect that the organ of the skin  being the most sensitive is one which as burn victims will note makes them more sensitive to hot, cold and touch to where they will scream at the thought of contact.
Then of course there is fever and chills.

That though is saved for the latter victims of the empire, as one always fillets out a few of the mighty to leave on display as nothing is more ghastly to conquered people than to see the "what is under the skin or behind the face" of the people you use to look to, in order to protect you.

Novocaine and self cauterizing scalpels have assisted the modern practitioner in this vocation. Information from interrogation is not always all that was of necessity and providing an intimate contact of relief assists the practitioner in the oil of cloves upon the Running Man's drilled tooth.

What follows in the weeks was crucifixion which was the real mark on the land.  The scene of national rapine of pregnant women dead with dead babies, dead head mashed children, the skinned alive protectors, and then the crucified forms of the powerful in priest and king to let the masses know that God has abandoned them is the coup de grace.

Interesting in B. Hussein Obama and Leon Panetta have put American women to the slaughter in combat. Now perhaps you understand why in there is nothing more demoralizing to a nation than to see their women gang raped and screaming for more and then being slaughtered.
I suppose you missed that and no one has explained it to you.

Certainly worked on Lara Logan did it not? Here her champion here has exposed all what B. Hussein did to her in rape conditioning to shut her and other women up, and she did not even come out for a donation cuddle in me being her chivalrous popular girl.

Crucifying people is intimate and it has distinct purpose as it is not about terrifying the masses alone to submission as Rome crucified and it did not assist in stopping insurrection in the least.

Crucifixion is not about bleeding to death and the mass does not understand it, as the person does not bleed to death at all. The spikes are placed into the wrist and feet, not so much to secure the person, but instead to assist in their expiration.
See the nails are driven into nerve sensitive areas. That is vital as one expires in being crucified by the suspension of the body and not blood loss.

The human body is not built for being suspended, and if one did this to anyone without nails, they would expire. The nails keep the person from standing or pulling themselves up as the body sags as the pain in the wound channels in sensitive nerves becomes more raw with wear, as the person tries to gain breath from suffocation.
If one remembers the blood and water came out from Jesus when he was pierced. That was the separation of fluids in the chest cavity from being suspended.

One dies from a form of pneumonia really in crucifixion. If a person was allowed to shift weight, they could probably last for several days or even a week. Suspending though will cause death in under 12 hours in most cases.

The reality is then, that the ruling powers have all these corpses of the savior elite hanging their to look down on the rotting bodies of women and children that the pigs are crunching the bones on as pigs like eating carrion like your pet dog or cat.
Gruesome yes, but effective in your favorite pet drags home the fetus of your neighbor who is dry eyed expressionless staring at you, and it stinks of rotting flesh as that is what it has been rolling in and consuming.

That is the mess in this, along with later after the maggots and dogs are done crunching bones which are now glistening white months later, all to remind a subjected population they are vanquished with never to rise again.

Of course the Assyrans took the non murdered and exiled them to far off lands, and settled other non murdered peoples on your lands, so it completes the cycle and the people's turn out quite sadistic and vengeful.

It is though about intimacy, and as one notes in the current crop of Obamachurians and their propaganda conditioners in movie and video games, just how much this is a mark of how afraid of human contact the world is.
A Ted Bundy or a Dexter good  guy executing other serial murderers is rare, as the reality is, blood is nauseating and screams are heard again in the nightmares of the night.
The Assyrians relished this as a sport and was celebrated that way, while Rome just did it in the arenas.

Americans are that way in liking their sports and blood performed by beasts on the fields. It suffices where in Europe the soccer fans resort to stabbing others in the buttocks or going home in Italy and slaughtering the wife.

All of this lurks under the masses skin, as the masses do enjoy in minority intimacy. It is the statistic of serial murderers operate in the hundreds in America. Some like watching blood letting on drone shows with anal rape on big screens in the White House and some are paid to do it Sealed with a medal or an allah chant.

The psychopathy of what one views on television screens is one of a phobic reality to intimacy. The beating of others is rage inside and the firearm is a need for power. It is male and the far more feminine nature is the knife and the soothing promise that the torturer will provide comfort.

The elite do not really realize all they expose to their natures in producing it again and again. One watches on screen an adulterated form what one is too afraid to accomplish in existential reality.

It is always there lurking to be learned again. Sadism in the subtle forms of the bullying politician with a job only for the special donors or the bullying state police handing out citations to the mob. It is all there and always there. That gravitation to power by those who deep in their nightmares are thee most castrated of all in being terrified that their secret will never be known.

On display in Assyrian Germans it was a wound of psyche too much for other empires, in they never could accomplish the full measure, as they just had to have that Nobel Prize about their necks eventually giving the illusion that they were not as sadistic as of old. They simply employ more sanitized means of national abortion, pedophilia and skinning by 2000 pound bombs.
The anal rape and finger rape is delegated to those still feigning intimacy and recorded so all can be intimate from a distance.

So much to be learned here in a doctrinal on the global feudal state as compared to the feudal state of antiquity.

To live in the past is to reside in the future.

Lame Cherry

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