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Obama III


I do not see good in the unearthing of the bones of the murderous usurper, Richard III of the English. He was one of the most gruesome in appearance of curved spine and demoniac personality of all the Angle monarchs.

Richard seized the throne of his dead brother, and thereby murdered his brother's sons, the rightful kings of England after he kept them in the tower.

It was only the sharp work of Henry of Tudor, King Henry who set this butcher into the grave and hell where it belonged.

Richard was brutalized in death on the battlefield, for such was the hatred of this beast. Slashes to his face, his skull sliced open and a sword piercing the brain, with some artful judge shoving a sword up his arse, were the remedy for this despot.
A reality hinted at, unlike the movie, that perhaps his wrists were bound at his hurried burial, meaning he was captured, sliced up a bit in retribution which he would have accomplished to Henry as he did accomplish with others, if he had the opportunity as he did when he took the license to do these heinous acts.

A search to unearth such evil and pay it homage of state, when Henry gave the justice required and showed this butcher the rites it deserved in being buried outside a church which would wiped from the earth in the purge, is something from the dark orders of things and such omens are never good signs for the current royal family nor all Israelites of the 13 tribes.

Some things do require teaching and reminding as only this blog accomplishes now. It is not the purpose of this blog to pass judgments on Barack Hussein Obama. It is the purpose of this blog to make known the purposes of God.

For many, that perpetual grin wrapped around B. Hussein's face as he lies and destroys, manipulates and murders, while being protected in it all, is so very puzzlling. The reality is though as this blog stated from the start, in God's is not protecting Barack Obama and his heinous crimes condoning him nor them, nor his followers.

America is a nation in majority of sodomite sin. It is repeating the sins of it's foreparents in ancient Israel when Solomon brought in pagan rites, Jeroboam caused the people to sin, Ahab prostituted the people to sin, and in that, God judged Israel and God after many warnings and chastisements, is now Judging America and the west.
America has special Judgment for she is the financial head and sword of God in the children of Israel. She was to use the God given wealth to spread the Gospel not whoredoms. Her might was meant to produce peace for the world to grow in Christ under, and not to use it to initatiate satanic feudal rule.

Barack Hussein Obama has been allowed to usurp and keep 1600 Penn Avenue, as God will Judge America for her national sins. This could not come to be with Sarah Palin in office as was meant to be. George W. Bush was America's last chance and she rejected that chance.
Sarah Palin was the American Virgin, lead out and gang raped, sold into Eurasian slavery and murdered politically by the high priest of the rites in B. Hussein messiah Obama.

Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin is getting away with nothing as no usurper ever does. Some last for generations in their murderous regimes and others like Richard are cut down in a few years by another lion.

John Kennedy stole the election from Richard Nixon, and was eliminated by the forces guiding such things. Bill Clinton stole the election from George H. W. Bush and was politically impeached for it.
Forces do weigh and balance the situation out. Barack Obama does have a purpose though in being the leader of this bastard whore nation of America, so that the True Messiah will Judge and render Sentence upon America.

All of this is interesting in this blog as stated has not been sent to pass sentence upon the Obama regime. The reality is the fate of Barack Hussein Obama has already been written by God, as God is the Justice in the Scales. The full context or time has not been revealed as God has not chosen to do so.
Barack Obama has purpose and it has been revealed here, in he is the precursor preparation for the coming anti Christ. Obama is preparing the way by making it crooked. The little false messiah horn of Obama will become the little false messiah horn of the anti Christ, who will perform all the things Obama pretends he has the magik to initiate.

So Obama is provided license in the demon architects to build the house of the anti Christ for the feudal world of satan. That is a form of protection in God allowing the faithless their own choices and destruction, as that is what they will in their free will.
All of these purposes are being worked out, and God is in charge, and Mr. Obama's smugness is a false audacity he is trusting in foolishly, as there is a God and God laughs at such self delusion.

The anti Christ will be taken without hands, meaning the final Judgment is of God's own doing and no human is involved. All of this is God's business and God will accomplish His Will as He always does. This blog does the work in explaining the situation and awaits to see God's workings, and is Wisely not asking for details as it is none of my business what God does, and my knowing might mean I have to tell of such things, and then the powers that be would not be pleased as they never are when the Prophet starts making God's Judgment's known.

There have been nothing but bad omens associated with Mr. Obama from day one. This blog stated in 2009 while the crowds were cheering before Obama was installed, that there would be "utter ruin" with Obama and that he would fail as an American President.
All of that has come true and will become more degraded. That is enough for revelation in these evil times, as more bodies pile Andrew Breitbart high and the prudent are by the city gates watching and speaking of things they know.
I do not see good in the spirit of Richard III released in England after it was entombed by Henry.

The only good which will come from Barack Obama is the Lord's sifting of America in death by disease, cannibalization, famine and war in God ridding this Promised Land of the evil and leaving a remnant of Faithful for Christ's return.
History does repeat itself and America is the children of Ahab, and now even her monarch sister of England has heard the call of the usurper and unearthed their own in Richard III to join in the apostacy and blasphemy.

Obama blow fly death has been unleashed and the lord of the flies has heard the call of dead Richard, and now he has come from the grave by his conjured followers answering the call.

It is an evil time and the worst of these things have yet begun, by the sign that the forces of destruction are still being unearthed for what is to come.

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Richard III from the grave

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