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Barack Hussein Obama vs The Fishers of Men


I was just in prayer my children, praying for things in Jesus direction and was moved to contemplate Jesus and taxes.

For those who need reminding, Jesus did pay taxes. The story of the Temple tax is most interesting.

Matthew 17:27

Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

See the tax collectors came to Peter and started questioning him why Jesus and he, had not paid the tax they were under law to pay. So Peter approached Jesus with it, and in order to not cause trouble, a miracle was accomplished with the coin in the fishes mouth.

Consider this though in the modern world, as I often inform God what He knows, as I'm a simpleton in building cases for things in prayer that God already knows it is a different world now.

On Jesus directions, in America or anywhere in the world now, Peter would have violated the following laws.

Peter did not have a fishing license which would have brought about a greater fine.

Peter did not have healthy transportation of this perishable item, so he violated health codes. In that, did Peter eat this fish, catch and release it or did it die, and how did Peter dispose of this fish. Was their PETA animal cruelty involved in a hook that harmed the fish?
Just what kind of animal rights, USDA, FDA and United States Fish and Wildlife Service did Peter have on his trail, all because of this fish?

Now mind you, this fish had money in it's mouth. What kind of coin was this? Were there traces of lead in that coin damaging the environment and did Peter carrying it through communities expose the environment to this coin in what it might have had? The EPA certainly would have become involved investigating this coin.

Then there is the matter of income. Yes this money was found, but was income, so the IRS would definitely have to have a W2 form on this, and taxes would be owed. If Peter being a fisherman were to claim deductions, would an audit be necessary to examine if this coin was really covered in deductions or was it a gift, not so noted, as God certainly did not sign any legal documents stating He gave Peter a coin, which was a one time donation under 10,000 as required by law.

As you can read the above, we have fishing without a license in America, transporting, incorrect disposal or animal cruelty, involving this fish. There is the matter of proper food storage, as Jesus had a public ministry.....and yes Jesus did not register with the IRS for non tax exempt status, so there is that matter of all those gifts he was given that did not have taxes paid on them, and that were owed the government.
Rumors had it that Jesus turned water into wine in Cana, and that of course is creating spirits without a license, and although one may ferment one hundred gallons per individual, the evidence might be those were 55 gallon jars and being two, that would put Jesus over the limit for wine production in a given year.

Yes this was past a year in violation and with penalties, it is plain that Jesus was a knowing fugitive of the law when He sent Peter out to fish without a license, and started endangering the environment with toxic metals and the matter of food poisoning or ground and water contamination in the incorrect disposal of this fish.
As no veterinarian was present to examine this captured fish and perhaps released, there is the charge of animal cruelty and covering up the act.

It is apparent by modern United States laws that Jesus was a career criminal. He engaged in these crimes by inciting others. He falls under organized crime in the RIKO Act. Furthermore, this career criminal is subject under the Patriot Act in acts of terrorism as his presence in questioning authority and inciting mobs has been reported.
To further mention, did Peter cross jurisdictions in this fishing for money direction? That is then a federal crime, but we know Jesus has been in several states committing these crimes of turning water into wine, paying taxes, feeding thousands.....yes does Jesus have a restaurant license and has his food preparatory methods been examined and certified by the Department of Health.

Looking at this Jesus and his criminal activity against the government of Barack Hussein Obama, it is evident who the real criminal in this is. It has been noted that Jesus told His followers to take up weapons to defend themselves, and that will bring in the BATF for weapon's control as are these weapons military, concealed and do they have serial numbers or are those numbers filed off?

Urgently, this Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, must come under the full surveillance of the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. Reports indicate this Jesus has stated He is the Messiah, and this is in full traitorous status in an attempt to overthrow messiah Obama's tenure in the White House, yes it is an attack on the Presidency of the United States, by Jesus claim to the title that messiah Obama has defined as his own, along with Obama's second coming.

This Jesus in All Points Bulletin, must be considered armed and dangerous. He is a career criminal and is a direct threat to the Obama government. A definite shoot to kill order is mandated for this career criminal, who is insane in saying He is the Son of God and should be approached with all caution.

His followers should be likewise treated with same mandate.

Under the laws of the United States of America, this Jesus is a criminal and a direct threat to the rule of Barack Hussein Obama.

nuff said


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