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Obsta Principiis


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

Today my children, I provide for you a reality, as was espoused, as was well understood and as was well accepted by those United States and her Federal Government.

"There can be no assured peace until it is recognised practically that Christianity, by the respect which it alone among religions inculcates for the welfare of the individual, is an essential factor in developing in nations the faculty of self-government, apart from which fitness to govern others does not exist."

A. T. Mahan
Captain United States Navy
Quote: The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence
December 1912

As you can fully see, a Captain in the United States Navy wrote those words in 1912 at the beginning of an examination into the necessary art of warfare at sea. In context, he was discussing this concerning the Balkan States or Slavic States, who were and are Christian, had a minority of Mohammadans due to the Sultans raping Christian slave women and trying to wipe out Christianity, in an upheaval there.

I will utilize terms in this which should sound familiar to you from the William Clinton era, and bring you to an understanding that Yugoslavia was not assembled without reason nor Balkanized without reason.
For 30 years previous, there were boiling problems in the Christian Slavic States, because for centuries these free peoples had been abused by rape, slavery, robbery and murder by Muslims in Turkey of the Ottoman Empire.
A percentage of the population born each year was just seized by the Turkish Muslims for the Sultans use from Janissarian soldiers to harem sex slaves.

In 1880, Turkish Muslims framed an understanding for treating Christians better. They keyholed it and it disappeared.
In the previous 1877, Treaty of Berlin, where the Balkan question was dealt with, Turkish Muslims agreed to a better treatment of governance in Europe, but it assisted  nothing in Christian nations from Croatia to Macedonia.
It perhaps relates when the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Christian Serbia, and given the reason to start the genocide of Christian Germany as was laid down by the Grand Orient Society in Paris, that you might comprehend that the Clinton Administration should not have been smashing this bundle of fuel for an oil pipeline out of Russia, while blaming Christian Serbs for the not carried out genocide of Kosovo Muslims.

As in 1912, there was 30 years worth of tinder on those fires, and it would be use to erupt a firestorm called World War I.

I will be blunt, as the Clinton administration was mishandling the backslap the Bush41 administration hit Russian breakup with, so the KGB sold nuclear arms to Iraq and Iran, which then caused Saudi  Arabia to produce Wahabbi teachings assisted by building the Pakistani nuke for their survival, one of the payoffs was to give the Muslims a land base inside Europe termed Kosovow which never existed previously.

During the Clinton NATO Kosovo War which saw this group bomb the Communist Chinese and had Gen. Wesley Clark direct orders to BOMB RUSSIAN SOLDIERS, but was stopped from that by the English, we witness that World War III almost started in a land that is a flashpoint and is always a flashpoint.

We see that now white Muslims are showing up in the west, as the Clinton administration pulled from Afghanistan the Muhajadeen from their caves there to sow a war in Kosovo in this militant Muslim doctrine begun under Jimmy Carter's, Zbigniew Brzezinski to give the Soviet's her own Vietnam.

This is not lost as the Olympics in Sochi, are a threatened flashpoint for more of these white Muslims seeking to make an example as Munich was by Palestinian terrorists did.
This is a massive east west flashpoint in Russia making war on their Muslim Russians while assisting Muslims in Syria and Iran, while the Obama regime is scapegoating Russian Chechen Muslims in Boston Bombings while blowing up Syrian Muslims, as this Muslim Vortex continues to slaughter.

In 1912, the United States Navy fully understood that only the basis  of Christian beliefs afforded any stable platform for governance of any peoples. Capt. Mahan was not attacked, threatened, drummed out of service nor put into Leavenworth as military people are in the Age of Obama.

The United States military once protected America, it's officers and Americans based upon Christian principles. This has now all changed under the jihad of the Designer Negro B. Hussein Obama Chin and it begs to be shown the illuminated light of day to expose the "change" which Obama believes  in the religicide of America for his benefactors.

"To keep Christian peoples under the rule of a non-Christian race, is, therefore, to perpetuate a state hopeless of reconcilement and pregnant of sure explosion."

Americans are being kept under the rule of a non Christian race and forced immorality. Americans are being denied OBSTA PRINCIPIIS which is defined as "the suppression of overt discontent, but relief of grievances".
This is what the 1776 United States Constitution was framed as, the overt discontent of  Americans by King George through his redcoats when the Americans had petitioned relief of their grievances".

Do you comprehend why I rarely will open a book assembled after 1945, as that is when Mockingbird overtook all thought and when Mockingbird was hijacked, then this indoctrination which produced a mind  like Obama entered all media.

I  visit this again, so like Merriam Webster, Isaac Newton, George Washington etc... one reads of Christian virtue and examination, with none of this separation of Church and State which Thomas Jefferson never espoused as Jefferson funded a Church with Government money, and there was none of this "diest" propaganda as even Benjamin Franklin wrote of God as God.

America in the 21st century are in a state of police state suppression of their discontent and are being denied relief from grievances, as American Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin was imprisoned over in questioning all of this Birther Hussein  Obama criminality as the courts have become instruments to the feudal empire as much as the Congress.

One only has to listen to a top Obama warden in the state of New York, in Governor Cuomo, in an interview which sounds as if he has salivic hatred dripping from his gums like a rabid dog, in telling Christians, Veterans and Gun Owners that New York has no place for them.........exactly as the Turkish Sultan Muslims were enforcing in the Balkans.

If Governor Cuomo had spoken the above in 1912, he would have been arrested before a mob removed him from office, and he would have been impeached within the day by the New York Congress.
The same jihad of Birther Hussein Obama Chin Jinn would have never been allowed just 100 years ago as he would have been exposed as  a foreign agent and not an American by his forged documents.

In 1912, the traitors to America on Wall Street and University, had only singular conduits as Woodrow Wilson appearing on the stage to mislead the American peoples. In the 21st century, the entire corruption of corporate, finance, education, media and political is so scathing that a Captain in the United States Navy publishing a book as above would face court martial, while these leftist tools of the new world order are risen to greater power.

Do not overlook that even with a carpetbagger in Hillary Clinton squatting in New York, that Governor Andrew  Cuomo is not on the list as Vice President of these United States as those United States of 1912 no longer exist.

Once again my children you have received more education in a few lines here than you have from all other media.

You wealthy I command in the Name of  the Lord Jesus Christ to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars immediately as I am through with begging.


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