As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.......
In Martin Luther, an interesting examination takes place on the reality of counting ones wealth, goods or power, in how it appears a sign that death is upon the door, in exact measure as the rich man in the Parable Jesus spoke of his having so much wealth, he would pull down his barns to build new and then have a life of ease.
The rich man was informed by God that he was a fool for his soul would be required of him that night.
"Therefore we ought not to trust in money and wealth, nor to depend thereon. I hear, said Luther, that the Prince Elector, George, begins to be covetous, which is a sign of his death very shortly.
When I saw Dr. Goad begin to count his puddings hanging in the chimney, I told him he would not live long, which fell out accordingly; and when I begin to trouble myself about brewing, malting, and cooking, etc., then shall not I drive it long, but soon die."
Illusion and delusion is the reality of this 21st centry, for we read that the worst culprits have always been the head of the Vatican, skimming money from Catholic faithful.
The last Pope who tried to divest Rome of her wealth, was found murdered 30 days after taking office.
Rome lusts not for money, but power, and lusts to rule the world which is Christ's alone.
The Popes’ Covetousness.
The covetousness of the Popes has exceeded all others’, therefore, said Luther, the devil made choice of Rome to be his habitation; for which cause the ancients have said, “Rome is a den of covetousness, a root of all wickedness.”
I have also read in a very old book this verse following: Versus Amor, Mundi Caput est, et Bestia Terræ. That is (when the word Amor is turned and read backward, then it is Roma), Rome, the head of the world, a beast that sucketh out and devoureth all lands.
Truly at Rome is an abominable trading with covetousness, for all is raked to their hands without preaching or church-service, but only with superstition, idolatry, and with selling their good works to the poor ignorant lay-people for money; therefore St. Peter describeth such covetousness with express and clear words when he saith, “They have an heart exercised with covetous practices.”
I am persuaded a man cannot acknowledge the disease of covetousness unless he knoweth Rome; for the deceits and jugglings in other parts are nothing in comparison of those at Rome; therefore, anno 1521, at the Imperial Diet held at Worms, the State of the whole Empire made supplication against such covetousness, and desired that his Imperial Majesty would be pleased to suppress the same.
At that time, said Luther, my book was presented to the German nobility, which Dr. Wick showed unto me. Then the Gospel began to go on well, but the Pope’s power, together with the Antinomians, gave it a great blow, and yet, notwithstanding, through God’s Providence, it was thereby furthered.
The Pope’s power was above all Kings and Emperors, which power I opposed with my little book; and therewith also I assaulted the Bull on the Pope, and, by God’s assistance, overthrew it. I did not write that book on purpose against the Pope, but only against the abuses of Popedom; yet nevertheless it startled them quickly, for their consciences accused them.
Martin Luther
Literally almost 500 years ago, the German nobels led by Martin Luther, engaged the Emperor to suppress the covetous or lusting nature of the entire empire as it was such a detriment to humanity. In a most telling example of wealth, Dr. Luther in that age past noted that money and power of the elite holds no protection for them and oft is the case that the poor were the ones who were saved by God.
"The richest monarchs have had bad fortune, and lamentably have been destroyed and slain in the wars; on the contrary, poor and unable people, that have had but small store of money, have overcome and had great fortune and victory. "
Martin Luther
As Luther noted in a telling way, God invests more money each year in the provision for wild sparrows that governments do for the whole of their projects. Consider that reality for the rich and the powerful, that is it no wonder that when has a millionaire or billionaire stacked on one side, and the Lord has sparrows he has invested more money in like the poor peoples, that in the end, it is going to be the sparrows and poor people who are protected, as God has the greater investment in them.
What good is a Pope spreading false doctrine and holding billions of dollars to God any more than any rich person scattering a few dollars to charities so not to pay taxes, the poor have levied on them?
Absolutely nothing, for a flock of sparrows at least creates fertilizer in their guano for the fields, but what does a rich person create but a foul mess in the water supply with each flush of the toilet.
500 years has changed nothing. Rome is still filled with lucre heisted from the mass of Faithful and the rich people's hearts are still filled with covetousness marking them for temporal and eternal death.
nuff said