As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........
There are significant observations that the key to immortality, the Tree of Life, is not just a singular dimensional effect, but that at least two vistas present themselves to the human.
We examine the two forms, one in Adam with Eve and the other in Jesus the Christ. We examine the Christ figure primarily, as the Adamic figures are witnessed in being driven from the Garden of Eden lest they eat of the Tree of Life and become like God.
One notes that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was also in the Garden and upon eating that fruit, their eyes were opened or their understanding was expanded to being like gods in knowing good and evil.
The Tree of Good and Evil was an enhancement which translated the human to a higher level by a reaction within the body, which is physical. The same of the Tree of Life if it would have been eaten, would have translated the body to immortal in a physical partaking.
Note in Revelation after Jesus return to rule, that the fruit of the Tree of Life by the river which flows from Temple Mount is 12 types, born each month, and this tree has healing in the leaves for the nations, that this is that specific tree which changes mortal man into immortal man, and it is a fruit which does the translation.
Enoch, is the only person noted as having been translated. That is not transfigured as Jesus was on the Mount in meeting Moses and Elijah. Enoch was changed in walking with God and found no more. It was this physical change from mortal to immortal which must be comprehended, but also known there is a difference between immortal and eternal, as they are two different statuses.
You have a mortal body and an immortal soul. Both though can be destroyed by God in the Lake of Fire as Scripture reveals. When though one attains the Spirit as God is Spirit, then that Spirit can not be destroyed as that Spirit is eternal.
Jesus had an immortal soul, but was sown with the Holy Ghost in an eternal Spirit, housed within His mortal body. When He laid down His life, and took up His Life again, His body was not translated or transfigured, but that body became eternal.
The process being noted in the Shroud of Turin in being of such an intense Light that it produced an image on the cloth.
So by evidence we note that there is are two physical means of changing the body. One in the Tree of Life is eaten and causes a translation of the body and one which is Spiritual which can transfigure as Moses at Sinai in his face shining like light and one as Christ transfigured on the Mount, which is not permanent, and a permanent one which is fully eternal, as the Bible notes will be given to the Faithful.
I have discussed the Tree of Life in plan as due to the demon "metratron" who revealed the design of this tree in the Sacred Geometry as activated by Photonic Physics in frequencies which then translate the human from mortal into immortal.
You see these single dimensional portrayals of the Tree of Life in pentagons, pyramids etc... which are all geometric parts of the sphere of life, which placed into motion create the resonating frequency to change human DNA into immortal DNA.
The medical inventor, Royal Raymond Rife created a frequency machine, which could "cure" people of cancer and other things, because he discovered that sickness vibrates at an inferior frequency compared to health. Expose disease to a healthy frequency and it is neutralized.
Rife was destroyed by the medical industry and the order, as this touched upon the reality of the immortal mortals of what is engineered now in the Age of the anti Christ for this order.
It was this reality which is the examination here, in there is a definite light frequency which when exposed to the human mortal form will transfigure temporarily to permanently.
One must comprehend that sonic waves will tear the human body to shreds. In like manner certain light waves as in microwaves will fry the human form due to exciting or speeding up the vibrational rate of the molecules. It is possible to excite human molecules to transform them in speed, but if the incorrect type of light or sound is implemented, the human would be blown apart, fried or radiated.
It is though possible at correct frequency of Light to accomplish a number of kinds of abilities provided that Light is not of this dimension, which is a consumptive dimension.
In seen light, humans see a limited band of light in the Rainbow. The lower frequencies in infrared heat or cook and the higher frequencies in ultra violet actually excite and rid the physical of germs.
Placed in the archives here, were the Angel photos which were exclusive here in revealing that the Angel when the color is separated out, vibrates at the higher frequencies. It is also noted that Spirits in emotions vibrate at different frequencies which produce different colors as humans do in their auras.
On that evidence, we then conclude that a higher frequency does cause an effect upon the human form without destroying the human body in that perfect frequency not of this dimension, will fine tune the human DNA to a Godlike status of eternal.
In an interesting test covered here, the English had discovered that people with senility, when wearing a "light helmet" actually recovered in that treatment. If some forms of dimentia are pron or organism related, then just like a mole which is fungal, when deprived of it's melanin covering, it withers and dies immediately.
Intense light has beneficial effects as noted in this treatment, which points to the reality that the human body exposed to specific perfect Light, would change from mortal to eternal. I state this is God Light as the only source as all others would be a death light as one can not clone God, but as God's Plan is initiated here to create children of Light from these physical humans, it is a simple regeneration process.
No one has ever spoken of this in the three life forms or mortal, immortal and eternal, and the process involved explaining these realities.
I will not go into the 12 types of fruit on the one Tree, which is resonant frequency linked to the 12 tribes when combined form a perfect frequency as that is a separate though connected issue.
It appears the fictional Dr. Bishop has left the building and it is just the Lame Cherry left to expound upon the fringe sciences. I seem to think I have something else to write about, for another post, so will close this examination here for this time.
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