Adolf Hitler was assassinated February 7th, 1950, in Bones Aries, Argentina. He was poisoned at his supper and died immediately. His grave is north of the city.
Eva Braun was with him, but not poisoned.
The assassination was the work of the German conglomerates who desired to arrest control of the fortune which had been taken out of Germany. Heir Hitler desired to return to Germany suddenly like Napoleon, but the plan was not his own, and the year fixed was 1952.
What the operational details consisted of was the Reich was in the process of building atomic weapons in Argentina, which would be assembled in a quantity of 500 warheads. They would be carried on top of a V 4 rocket which was the later progenitor of the NASA Mercury rocket.
Warheads were to be pre positioned in the western capitals and other key areas as leverage with der Feurher appearing in west Germany. A warhead was to be detonated in Argentina as his bonafides.
What was to take place was the re assembly of the Werhmacht, the German military, for a nuclear defeat of the Soviet Union. The map of Europe would find the annexation of Greater Germany in the lowlands, and the vassal state of France with the Slavic nations, and the Soviet Union become a "territory" of German resettlement in which the Czar had started in the 19th century.
The Wafen SS was responsible for Heir Hitler's safety. Hitler still suffered from his assassination wounds, but was recovering and improving, as the headaches had stopped.
It was the competing formation of a new German intelligentsia which poisoned Hitler. It went in with the conglomerates for a dinner. The assassin was tracked down by the SS and killed.
What the basis of what took place was the funds were to either return to Germany to take control, or the capitalist plan of the conglomerates to utilize the money to overthrow the United States, which was accomplished with the installment of their operative Birther Hussein Obama in 2008.
After the "money" was not divided out as was assumed, one of the inner circle talked. This Soldier lived in Florida and was the source of the infamous Hitler photo in America. The person in the photograph was Hitler's double and was put forward by the SS and Eva Braun to continue the continuity of the semblance of leadership of the Reich.
When Jerome Corsi released his latest sensational book for profit stating that Hitler was in Argentina from 1945 to 1965 when it was said Hitler died based on other peoples work, the real history is Adolf Hitler escaped Germany by driving north to the coast, whereby he embarked upon a fishing boat flying a Norwegian flag that took the group to the North Sea, where 9 U boats were waiting to transport the group with the riches of Germany to Argentina.
None of the German high command nor their families died in the infamous bunker. Those whose bodies were found were executed Allied agents in Germans.
The conduit of Operation Paperclip which brought out Nazi Germans and assets to the west, was instigated by German agents in the US Government, and was cover for the real mission of covertly bringing the German Reich to the west to assist in the return of Adolf Hitler.
Argentina was chosen early in 1945 for the Reich in exile. It was not until 1949 when the Americans discovered that der Feuher was still alive.
It was American military intelligence which got wind of the "Patton plan" as it was known in General Patton before he was assassinated intended to re establish the Werhmacht with his 3rd Army as he saw a war was coming from the Soviet Union. As the Soviet Union became more beligerant, a feeler was put out through a German officer to the Americans, stating that perhaps there was a way to deal with the Soviets, and it was at that, it was mentioned that perhaps Hitler did not die in the bunker.
This was in December of 1949 when this revelation appeared. The majority in American intelligence were not surprised that Hitler was alive. The Americans were not in negotiations, but were waiting to see as events developed. The main situation the American intelligence and military was focused upon in not being drawn into a nuclear exchange.
President Truman had no idea Hitler was alive, but Soviet agents which FDR and Truman had protected did become aware of Hitler's survival, and it was this Soviet Deutsch conglomerates who had intentions on America which was behind the assassination two months later.
Hitler's double is said to have died in 1965. A decade later Eva Braun died in 1975. She had migrated to Hawaii in 1957. She is buried beside Adolf Hitler in Argentina.
As stated in previous Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, John Kennedy was assassinated by Germans from Paper Clip inside the US military, for Kennedy making Germany a first strike Soviet target. This was not Hitler's people who shot JFK. It was the conglomerates who being put into jeopardy, put John Kennedy down just as they had Hitler.
JFK knew of Hitler in Argentina. Kennedy was not aware as were most that der Feuher was assassinated in 1949.
It is these conglomerates of the cartel which is behind the overlays of information one receives as pawns blurt out pieces of operations, such as the Soviet's pulled themselves down and went into hiding as a tactical plan. The reality is the conglomerates brought down the Soviet's and informed key Bolsheviks that they could "sleep" as the conglomerates had with Hitler and then rise to put themselves back into power.
It is why the German Lutherans were allowed to bring down East German despotism unharmed, as Germany was the prize and she had to remain non nuclear glowing in a fight.
There were massive bribes in this of Soviets in not Hitler funds, but West German state funds. Vladamir Putin was chosen early to be brought back to return the Russians to power.
America has been overthrown as the Hitler circle designed, but America has not been overthrown to how Hitler intended. America by design was to be the middle trading ground partner with Germany. The 1950's model of American prosperity in the military industrial complex which turned America into superpower was the Hitler model. When this model was Sovietized from the 1960's onward by the Soviet 5th column is when America was destined to become not a central European trading partner, but a ruined vassal state.
In a closing irony, Adolf Hitler in the Reich period pushed for a Jewish state in the Middle East, and was thwarted by it from western interests. Hitler was via his conduits behind the push for a Jewish homeland which took place in 1948 in the Israeli state and that was Hitler's Final Solution.
The founding militant Jewish leaders were picked and indirectly aided by the Wafen SS to bring this reality about. This push was to remove Jewish political incorporation from western governments, as it was known they would promote a Marxist control of those states and become adversaries of German Socialism.
Creating a Jewish state would concentrate and confine the political problem.
Yes the Israeli state in the Hitler vision was to become a self governing massive concentration camp with Islamic problems to keep them busy to not affect world politics.
That is the story of Adolf Hitler after 1945. Der Feuher was thwarted in his major assembly of the 4th Reich, but his group did found the state of Israel. Hitler himself visited the territory in 1946 and 1948. It was viewed that tantamount to bring about his return to Germany.
I doubt in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter that you expected the above eh?
I told you I fill in the silent places so that when you discover reality here, it makes all the pieces fit into place which just are uncomfortable due to the Mockingbird propaganda. Truth has a way of doing that.
I should say something about donating about now, as the American super wealth each of you have, was based upon the massive infusion of German capital to overthrow America to a socialist ally of the Reich and later to overthrow America to a vassal state in the 21st century, so America will not be a competitor to what is arising in empire in Europe as Birther Hussein assisted in laying the foundation for.
Be wonderful penance for the wealthy in knowing where their money came from.
nuff said
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