In the study of the human form, it might appear to the ignorant that the observations and verbiage are racist, sexist or some other malady of insecurity, when in reality I find as much idiocy in a white President dying on a hot day from eating too quickly cold cherries and milk as black man named Dio constantly Darwin candidate in attempting to die for not having food.
In the Irish memoir of With Axe and Rifle, the reader is introduced to Diogenese or whatever this Negroid is named and called Dio for short. The man is good hearted in helping to rescue an Irish family from a river crossing, but he has absolutely no sense.
His next appearance is being found on a river bank about dead, due to having fallen in love with a black girl, who died in being sick, Dio runs away from a whip happy owner, but with feet all cut up, and no food, he is on his tits up phase.
Reasonable intelligence would indicate that if one was going to escape, that one might try to lay away some provisions in an extra biscuit for a week, and perhaps some type of metal with a sharp edge to hack at meat or make some type of spear to acquire fish or small game, but Dio had none of that which is a proof of his ability at the time to require someone to care for him, for while he could work, he certainly could not manage self care or comprehend a future tense of need.
In this rescue of Dio, the people who were rescued care for the nigger as Dio calls himself, while another nigger named Peter calls the overseers chasing Dio, "white niggers" in not being too bright either in planning things out.
Dio is sent to the underground railroad with the family tutor, who is tracked by the white niggers with a dog, but when the tutor kills the dog, the white niggers are just stuck on stupid, but the tutor is not bright enough to elude them, and has to escape back to the family, leaving Dio in a cave with supplies.
Dio has food enough for 4 days, but he eats it all in two days. Dio has no matches, and does not figure out to keep a fire kindled to keep the spark alive. Dio is afraid to leave the cave to find food. Dio has not the sense to leave the cave after dark to at least find water, whereby when Dio is found, Dio is weak and dying, after two days without food and water, when Jesus made it 40 days without food and water.
I am mystified by the human animal. Colonel Dodge relates his book upon finding a lost white man, that the man was out of his mind, and actually ran away from his rescuers.
I know of another story on the AlCan highway where a lost soul kept crossing that landmark and going into the wilderness when he should have stayed on the road.
There are cases of humans in fear being out of their mind in being lost, and then there are cases of the human animal not being educated enough to overcome the emotional bonds which will destroy them.
Dio was lovestruck, but he was in the latter end proof that while the slave was capable of freedom, they were not capable of anything more than the grasshopper in they fiddled away the provision and then unlike the ant had nothing prepared for the future in considering that.
The slave of the era was basically a well trained dog. It could manage a service, but it rarely rose above that service as they had not the generational experience to develop an advancement on their own. Africa as much as the Afroid American is evidence of this, as there is an inherent genetics in the majority group which even with interbreeding, still does little more than go through the motions of their training.
In reflection, this makes that small group of Semites in the Arabian and Persian before Islam dumbed them down, and their Indo European counterparts as the ethnic divergents in technological advancements of all mankind.
The Asian has proven great mental capability and industry, both martial and agrarian, but they were cottage in mindset, instead of that Nimrod harnessing of the mass politic.
Granted these are types of the majority and not the individual, as one can find as many ignorant white trash as one can find intellectual Negroids, but in the examination of this, those stereotypes do generate true and to create a fiction which is covering up the reality.
The Semite white race has literally through military exploitation almost wiped itself out as they are so warlike in nature. In America, the Asian American Indian was as predatory in self extermination, but in Asia, those peoples even warlike were never on the verge of extermination.
Granted the American Indian is traced back to a Japanese mountain people who are then infused with Phoenecian bloodlines, making two distinct martial peoples in bloodline, apart from the Hamite strucutures of Asia, but it all returns to the historical realities that the American black, was captured by other superior blacks in Africa, who then sold them to Europeans and Arabs, as this group was not capable of building shelters or contemplating a future of need.
As Theodore Roosevelt noted in 1910 on his Africa expedition, the American black had advanced far more than the African Negroid, but the reality is welfare now is the master of the Afriod in America for the most part in most are not that far removed from Dio, dying in a cave, because he planned for nothing, and could not foster a plan to save his own life when he made animal like mistakes in not rationing food or keeping a fire burning.
The human animal is interesting. In the peoples of the west can be told they are free while imprisoned, managed by the conglomerates and then slaughtered, and they make no more effort than Dio in trying to save themselves as it is not in their structure of understaning of comprehending clever betrayal from within the group.
Yes if the children were slaughtered in the streets the western mind would react, but slaughter them in the womb or in the vaccine and without the visual proof, they will believe the fiction.
One can always find examples and they are most peculiar and interesting studies. The example of soul twinged Irish trying to make a Dio out to be more than pet, is an interesting bias.
“He had his rifle, you must remember,” I answered, “and although he may not be a very good shot, he will be able to knock over a few birds or a racoon, or an opossum, and there are berries in abundance growing in the neighbourhood of the cave.”
William Henry Giles Kingston. With Axe and Rifle
Yes Dio had a rifle, but was afraid to use for defense of his person, for procuring food and he had not the intelligence to equate that in flint to powder, there was fire for his life......and yet he was still dying.
....and what of peoples in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas with the same wares as Dio and hiding caves dying from starvation in a world full of food and fuel.