As a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter in caring for all of us.
I fully know what it is like to search for answers and not have anyone available to explain a thing besides a shrug of the shoulders and some Bible verse that does not answer what the real yearning in the heart is for. It is hard and I have been there and I never really started out in this to know things. I thought that it was all Bible Elisha stuff and Hollywood, but that has not been the way it is for me in most cases.
I have rules to live by with God, and that is I always base everything on Scripture as the starting and ending point. That way if something is "off" Scripture, I am very leery of the information as I mention in a sometime soon published work that Martin Luther saw a vision of Jesus with wounds on Good Friday and sent it away as he ascertained that Jesus was not appearing in the flesh and therefore the vision had to be not from God.......the vision disappeared.
satan is in this and it does deceive with all sorts of things and events. That is why the place to always start is opening yourself up to God in prayer and telling Him what He already knows in I do not know what I am doing and that I need His help, Jesus in my heart and the Holy Ghost guiding me through all things.
The Holy Ghost has that vocation for us and He will fulfill it. God for me and for TL is as I have said, not the audible voice in most cases. God for me is like a zip file of emotion which I then receive and have to backwards off the emotions let it unwrap into thoughts.
As of late I have been more fortunate in I do receive impulses of thought on things which prove correct after being weighed, prayed and measured by the Bible for fact.
I do not mean to make this confusing, but this is a language of Spirit and demonic spirits attempt to make it a false message, but the Spirit speaks in emotional frequencies for me and it is a matter of sorting it out slowly in God with God's help.
For example, there was a police officer who pulled someone over for speeding near here yesterday, and last night I had a vivid dream of parking tickets handed out to all of us here, and there was even a photo of me at a stop light that changed to red. It was all odd, and I was wondering about new parking spots and it was a matter of it was set by an auditorium near my hometown, and I saw that one chick from Star Trek getting a ticket too.
It was a number of things in my brain sorting things out from real events, as we watched a Trek movie last night too without the chick in it, but it was vivid enough that it troubled me. I could spend time on something like that, but will just leave it as God sorting things out in my day as unless He repeats a dream over and over, I presume the message can come from another source.
I recommend a practice method of simply praying to God, asking the Holy Ghost to open the Bible up and to guide your hands to where He wills to read and to make the explanation aware to you. That way God is speaking to you directly, but know that satan might try to send in some message too through the opening, as God does allow at times tests of your ability to stay on course.
By example, if you got a message about Abraham offering up Isaac, it is not about a message from God for you to do the same. So you do have a responsibility to not go off on things, but to weigh and measure things. You have like 70 years to get this figured out in God, so you have time and there is no hurry.
Sealing yourself off is important as all sorts of things come off of other people now in most are troubled souls. The only thing that has worked for me has to just cut the ties with people, and then some demonic thing still is trying to get in and upsetting me about something to keep me off track.
One of our friends here I was moved to speak in their anointing themselves with oil which they blessed in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. You can do that to yourself and your family if they hold still for it, and Holy Water your house, office, car and whatever else you speak the Name of God over in giving it all over to Jesus Authority.
I am unique in I have been doing this for some time since a child in focusing on knowing God. I have siblings who mock me and say God does not speak to me, but I know different and God is often a movement inside of you in a feeling that I ask you be wary of in this statement, but in Remote Viewing it is a reality that people when they open themselves to the matrix they get a "tick" like your body spasms from the energy charge. It is small, but that is what happens when you open yourself to God in information does "pop" sometimes in your head.
Previously, I used to just push in contact with the Holy Ghost and I would pick up all sorts of things by association which I had no business knowing, but that has sort of shut down as I have been utilizing a different method which was quicker for me and have been honing that.
All have abilities, but you have to know that reaching out in aura that you do make contact with all sorts of things. I can read and touch anyone if I focus, but you do pick up their impulses too and need to cleanse of such things. I freaked out a lying woman one time in Texas when I informed her that I could sneak up on people when they were asleep. Every person can be read, but some people have an ability to shield themselves too and it requires more effort to pierce the veil.
You can always do the same read on God in just focusing on Him and projecting yourself to Him and then feeling the touch in your soul or heart. It takes practice and it can be done in prayer to God and just constantly reaching out to God.
I would recommend not extended sessions as you will wear yourself out, as it takes time to build up Spiritual strength to make the connection. I have grown to the point in God that I listen non stop and am always projecting to God, and I pick up things. I do not so much pick up people any more as I do not want the clutter, but I still in my radar see things and hear things that alerts me of the emotions of others or their presence.
TL is much more gifted in seeing things. I can hear a bit better. It is odd the abilities of each person, in I somehow have an ability to like have an arc of energy strike me to read things which is quicker than most types of inquiry. I would be more pleased to be Elisha seeing things, but for now that is not my ability and I do not know if I ever will have that gift as when I have seen things it is a troubling thing. For TL, the ability is "touching" in TL can feel the Spiritual touch them. When I started that the Angels stopped allowing it, as I was not apparently allowed to develop that.
When I set my will to it, I can "radar" in finding anyone in their location. I just project and open myself and I feel a warm glow in the direction of the person I am seeking.
The base of this simple. Always submit to God from the first touch. Keep it in God and no one else, and that includes Angels or Saints. Then just listen patiently, ask for Wisdom from the Holy Spirit and try everything over and over to make sure it is from God.
Know that satan is always there looking to deceive what you are receiving. God though will from the start mind you closely and always help you as you are going to Him, and He will draw near to you.
People have different abilities, and your ability might be something in one of the other senses. I have an ability to scent things too which helps some in information, but I do not see much use for it in the broad subject.
My prayer is, In the Name of Christ, receive Your child into closer care in teaching them, guiding them with Your Holy Ghost for their keeping and growing them in revealing yourself to them and giving the Peace of Jesus into their hearts, minds and soul Amen and Amen.
I will close with, we are all frustrated with things. Sometimes we need to let go of things and cling to God for His Peace for a time, and then have God sort things out, in clearing out the Spiritual slate for a more settled beginning.
satan is not going to want you to have any Peace nor connection like this, as it knows what an immense problem you will become to the demonic once things start coming to the reality of God in your life in Him. Just keep moving forward, rebuking that which is contrary, and the things that used to be stopping you, will disappear as they no longer work against you. Granted other things will crop up, but that means you are growing in God and more of a target.
I hope this helps, and there is always time for more questions and answers here, as that is what this is all about. Fang Jinns might seem important, but that is nothing compared to one person obtaining in God some information to settle them and grow them Spiritually.
May God bless the Good in Jesus Name Amen and Amen