Tastes Like Skunk Ass
Last year I was denied my rights as poor person in joining in on the Lays Potato Chip 1,000,000.00 new flavor contest, as these sites are all geared to high speed internet and I have none of that in just dial up which required like 90 minutes to order some garden seeds in the same period.
If I was a leftist, I am certain that the ACLU would file a lawsuit on my behalf, as my submission would have been something like Peperoni Pizza meat flavor with buttery Mozerella cheese topping, of course all in a dried powder to fool the taste buds.
The concoction which Lays chose is stated as being "Cheesy Garlic Bread". The problem with garlic when it dries, is that it gets this sulfur flavor to it. Certain things have that scent like rotten eggs, and it is nature's way of natural warning to not eat that poison.
There is another scent in nature and that is what I term the new Lays flavor reminds me of, and that is the repulsive scent which comes out of the glands of the skunk.
So the new Lays Cheesy Garlic Bread flavor really tastes like Skunk Ass. It is not that I have ever smelled nor tasted a skunk's ass, because I am neither homosexual nor a bestial pervert, but the thing is when I have eaten these chips on three different trials which they all ended up back in the garbage container, is it says in my mind, "This tastes like Skunk Ass".
Now perhaps the market might have an appeal as people might like that skunk ass flavor as it does linger. Then again consumers being told that this was garlic cheese bread taste, might think it is garlic cheese bread flavor as humans can be convinced to buy yellow potatoes because they taste "buttery", as some Darwin candidates get their colors and flavors mixed up without an LSD bad acid trip.
I did see that a rather manly looking German woman was the winner as she was posed on the back, in her LL Bean type fagsexual attire. Her name is Karen Weber - Mendham, a name which has that double German too it in Saxon Mendham whether in Germany or England.
She reminds me of that frau who married Andre Agassi after Brooke Shields dumped him or he dumped her. Stefy Graph was her name and I guess this woman in American Mao attire of urbania is attractive. I would like to state that she is not responsible for the Skunk Ass flavor of the Lays chips, as the idea was all she came up with, and as real cheesy garlic bread is a very tasty treat, I will assume that the frau with two German names but no visible wedding ring, would not like Skunk Ass flavored chips nor would be smiling posing with them.
I know that canines in below zero weather like that skunk scent as it appears in call lures. So perhaps Lays chips after the massive failure of Skunk Ass flavored chips might have a market for trappers, providing of course long hair fur prices arise for the trapping and snaring of those predators..much to the delight of baby birds and bambi not eaten by fox, coyote and wolf.
I just do not know, and as Lays is not employing me, I am not about to assist them in marketing to trappers who might find canines have an attraction to a Skunk Ass scented potato chip.
To pay someone 1 million dollars for a skunk ass flavored potato chip seems a bit much. I cringe if in a homosexual promotion awarding fagsexuals that Lays comes out with feces penis scented chips or sopping crusty vulva flavored chips, one with that Vaseline topping and the other with that latex dildo scent, as we do hear that ass to face is quite acceptable in some perverted crowds, so why not in potato chips.
I digress, but Lays of North America in Plano Texas has made dried, Gouda, Monterey Jack, Parmesan, Cheddar, with vegetable oil and garlic has made Skunk Ass a flavor that people are buying.
I did notice frau, Weber - Mendham, was not eating the chips in her pose, but was grinning like a skunk eating shit, as I personally would too if I was paid 1 million dollars for Skunk Ass chips.
Interestingly, (excuse me), I just burped the chips, and honestly the ass part does not come back up, but that sulfur skunk scent does.
It was good to see that Weber - Mendham was not apparently deluged with charity requests of her money as all are, and it is interesting to note she says she is going to use the million for college, braces for the kids, a tropical vacation and a robot to cook and clean for them, and some show shopping for her.
The shoes I concur as she has man shoes on, with her man pants, man belt and man shirt as her man hands finger her Skunk Ass chips.........no charity there just like the rich people on this blog, but at least the money will go to the cartel mind indoctrination at schools, vanity in looks, cartel vacation hotspots and a robot to spy on the family.
I hope she does not wear men panties as the NSA has enough of that as the office and in spying on women, the lesbians like that lipstick silky look to make the keyboard sticky.
At least with no legal representation to file suit for the denial of my right of access in being poor to the Lays contest, I have at least on this website alerted the public to the Lays Skunk Ass flavored potato chips they paid a million dollars for.
It probably will be popular in the homosexual community, but as there are not that many fagsexuals, they will have to billionaire stock up for the pantry. That said now it is certain that the Skunk Ass flavor Lays will be permanent at Frito Lay, taking market share as a political issue and bankrupting the company.
See if Lays had just provided a playing field for poor people or had decided to be a benefactor, it would be this popular girl with the Popular Peperoni Mazzi Flavor on the back of the package, but now all there is, is that Skunk Ass flavor Lays and that poor double named German girl not doing Rush Limbaugh tax deductions to keep more money and being tormented to what looks like her eyes are red and watering from that Skunk Ass aroma poofing up into her face............
Have not the Germans been tortured enough? First that Ashkenaz Austrian Hitler, them Obama at the Hitler monument and now .........poor German girls almost blinded by Skunk Ass flavored Lays trying to earn an honest million in this Age of Obama?
Germans should have submitted that ice cream and peanuts chip, as the peanuts produce the salt so you keep eating the chips, and the cream flavor would be the sweet.....yes chips and ice cream, now Lays has two real flavors which could never taste like Skunk Ass, all from Lame Cherry.
Would think that would be worth a couple of hundred thousand.......cheaper than a lawsuit over Skunk Ass flavored chips in alerting the public to that hazard.
nuff said