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Denying what you are


What is wrong with being a Nigger?

I was pondering how the son of a President Theodore Roosevelt recorded in his experience in World War I, how the Negro troops were looked upon and engaged in, exactly as the stereotype they were.....and the blacks were not in the least.

"There were some colored troops near by engaged in repairing the roads, and
a number of us determined to get up a quartet to sing for the men. We went
to where the negroes had built themselves shelters from corrugated-iron
sheets and miscellaneous bits of wreckage from the town. We collected
three quarters of our quartet and were directed to the mess-shack for the
fourth. As we approached I could hear sounds of altercation and a voice
that we placed immediately as that of our quarry arose in indignant
warning: "If yo' doan' leggo that mess-kit I'll lay a barrage down on
yo'!" A platform was improvised near a blazing fire of pine boards and we
had some excellent clogging and singing. The big basso had evidently a
strong feeling for his steel helmet, and it undoubtedly added to his
picturesqueness--setting off his features with his teeth and eyes gleaming
in the firelight."

I state this in knowing that Birther Obama's counterfeit birth abstract, lists him as some race other than black and point out to colored, negroes as accepted terms, and the blacks on the Western Front seemed adept at living in garbage and refuse, which should not be frowned upon, as their slave training no doubt prepared them for this domicile in France hearth and home in the United States military.

They were employed in their real talent of repairing roads and not fighting, and no one was complaining.

Furthermore, we find that when the thought came for entertainment, the natural ability for impersonating Al Jolson without black face paint as Birther Obama Chin engaged in, brought about singing, shuffling and that ever present, "You can always see a darkie at night by the white teeth and white eyes".

If the Afroid would not make such an effort to focus upon blackness in a Designer Negro in Birther Hussein, none of this past reality would really be of consequence. Little rich white babies could suckle from Mammies hired breasts so the perky breast of socialite white women could stay pointy. Chris Matthews could gain sage advice from an 8th grade educated black janitor on his sexual problems, and of course Bill Clinton could always fondly remember his first Afro sex with the sister of that bright boy B. Hussein Obama.

All these milestones are very important for the males and females on the left in politics. It used to be that everyone could enjoy negro entertainment as that is what the Beatles and the Stones built their blues rock careers on.
For some reason being a Nigger became a bad thing, when Kermit Roosevelt expressed a common expression on blacks that everyone knew when you wanted a minstrel show you didn't find a group of Italians. If you wanted spaghetti, you got the Italians as that was their expertise........as they were not much for war either as war has proven since the downfall of Caesar.

Until the populace is capable of dealing with an historical account by Kermit Roosevelt and not see racism in it, but reality, then there is going to continue a reality that the public will think there is something wrong with being a Nigger.

Is there anything wrong with being a Nigger?

There must be as the Afroid uses the term to call other Afroids.......but then they use the term Uncle Tom for a black who seeks to rise above their situation. So is there something wrong with the term Uncle Tom all coming from the Afroid group?

So what is a black to do? If they are lazy they are a Nigger and if they are productive they are an Uncle Tom.

Denying what people are is a modern mistake. It would have been insanity to put these children of slaves in charge of any military as it the white British officers were killing enough of their own in making a disaster of things. The Negro simply was not ready for anything above fixing roads or a minstrel show.

One can visit the Designer Negro legacy of Birther Hussein Obama Chin. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for Peace in not doing a thing, but he did nothing but start wars and create piles of dead people. His Obamacare is nothing but rationed national death, as were his flooding of states or oil polluting of states, as his regime robbed the Treasury of trillions.

Barack Obama was a proof that an Oriental Negroid mix, could not play sports, could not dance, could not sing, and frankly could not use chopsticks..........and proof this foreign child was not ready to even organize a Chicago black neighborhood as the children ended up more dead or more in prison.

Birther Obama Chin was successful at destruction, but that is not the change to believe in, as one does not believe in the plague nor atomic bombs for making a nation better as the Black Death and Hiroshima proved.

The Birther would not be chosen by his confederates in his lifetime to sing or dance, or to fix roads as his stimulus was road destruction and not construction in 2009 costing 1 trillion dollars. It seems that the Birther was best suited as a Peking prostitute for males as his true calling, although that sort of thing was frowned upon in the Kermit Roosevelt US Army back in the day, and Mr. Obama has now made it his calling in making the US Army the sodomite corp.

The problem is Barack Obama Chin was neither Nigger nor Uncle Tom nor anything black. He was a designer negro doing the Al Jolson black face paint routine in fooling blacks and liberal whites trying to revisit a past where people understood the abilities of blacks of that era.

The reality is the Negro always spoke non Queen's English, and one can still hear the odd cadence and dialect of this Indonesian Obama Chin. How much has changed from the end of World War I to the 21st century when a patrician sought out a minstrel show and new to go to the Negro group from past memories, and the modern patrician trying to relive the past installed the B. Hussein song and dance to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Nothing has changed.


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