As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
It might be an idea to check on for political precident, concerning the ignorant in speaking of TERM LIMITS, that in fact there is a base Federal Law passed by Congress which was quoted by Theodore Roosevelt in his history of Thomas Hart Benton which is as follows:
The greatest single stroke in its favor had been done at the instigation of Crawford, when that scheming politician was seeking the presidency, and, to further his ends, he procured the passage by Congress of a law limiting the term of service of all public officials to four years, thus turning out of office all the fifty thousand public servants during each presidential term.
Theodore Roosevelt. Thomas Hart Benton (Kindle Locations 762-765).
Crawford ran for office in that contentious election of John Quincy Adams to the White House, which the people overturned four years later to Andrew Jackson.
In the above, one can witness the reality that every public official is to be fired every four years. That means thee entire civil servant corp which is now millions of non productive employees were to be replaced.
It was the spoils system, and exploited or not, it is the basis for all public law as it is Constitutional.
It is hard to believe that in 1820 America with just a few million Citizens, that even then there were 50,000 employees of the Federal Government. What an utterly unnecessary burden on taxpayers and only now worse in tens of millions of these leeches sucking revenue from the American taxpayer.
nuff said