As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
I have found quoting myself to be the only maxim or standard of any worth, because no one else is worth quoting, as the human is profoundly one dimensional and left to their own standard, they become their own reason of destruction.
I place before you, Mom Terry of India. She for liberal dolts was championed as some wonder, but the reality is Mother Teresa could only exist due to American nuclear bombs, and supposedly everything that was the antithesis of her dogma.
You see there would not be an India today, if it were not for President Richard Nixon warning the Chinese communists in their open warfare upon India, a war which India was getting whipped, that if the Chicom did not cease and desist, that America would drop nuclear bombs upon that horde to save India.
I lay before you, the American pacifist of New England in 1820 and the American militant of that era from the Mississippi Westerner. On one front, the pacifist wanted a 13 state America to be managed allowing the Indian terrorist to prevail for their management. On the other, the militant desired expansion of a broad America taking lands and defeating the terrorists.
Such polar opposites brought about arming of Indians and then wars. The pacifists caused the wars and degradation of the tribes as they always do.
People such as Mary Baker Eddy are quoted as beacons of light. Others are quoted as their own deacons of light. God is Love is such a Biblical quote, but if one examines the Christian sects, one finds that God is Love, and yet God is blamed for all sorts of things which are human free will.
Jesus was the Word of God and Creator, long before He was the Spirit of God, housed in a man, to lay down that life and take it up again to eternal Life, and when Jesus returns, it will be sword in hand as a Warrior King, to lay down His rule of this world for 1000 years.
In that, I focus on the "there is no standard" reality in this world, for if one is a peaceful person, what that will get you in the end is your destruction by others. If one is a militant person, that will gain your own destruction through destroying others.
Religion is based upon the weakness of the founder. Muhammed was sex pervert of violent passions, so he took the Hebrew Christian balanced religion, and took out the Grace, Mercy and Love part, so he could rule with an iron fist and slaughter opponents.
The Muslim god is one of doom and hell. The Muslim is a devout religious person, but in that devotion, the Muslim would do good to visit the Command against idolatry, because allah was the demon entity of the crescent moon in local sects.
This for Christians is always a point of judgment of them by outsiders, because their God is blamed for exterminating peoples in floods and in wars of conquest. How can that be in a God of Love, but the reality is, that God allowed those peoples generations to repent, but they instead degraded to such a dark spiritual form, that the Light of God could not redeem such filth. It was when their iniquity was full, that God in Love, ended their chaos, so they would not breed more generations more depraved.
It is a point of was it better to allow a people without hope, who only clung to money for fulfillment, and would do anything they could in cheating others and preying on the poor, as they found deviant sexual ways to find purpose in the day........or was it better to kill them all and end it, for the simple fact that even a depraved American can still fathom, a city where a ruling class is raping children and murdering poor people is an asylum, and allowing those types to flee to other cities, was the same effect when all of the criminal elements poured into America from New Orleans after a hurricane and brought upheaval.
Building a religion on weakness in communion only being grape juice, because you have a problem with the effects of alcohol, is as flawed as a Hindi finding cattle sacred, when a cow is no more special than any other life form.
These religions, and denying God is a religion too, as it deals with a judgment of that person on themselves and all humanity that they have given up hope in their being any way for them or others to ever rise to anything beyond carnal lusts, are a manifestation of all that is right for a moment, but progresses to all that is destruction as the culminative years progress.
The book of Job is an insight to all, in it, it reveals that God utilizes satan the destroyer. In scientific examination, ask yourself what would this world be like if there was no rotting corpse or death? That sounds wonderful as a Promise from God when He rules, but in this world, it would mean every tree leaf would be still piled up, and with no fire to burn them either..........then that would mean no fire to keep warm or eat........oh yes, and without digestive enzymes breaking down food, that means you would starve and humanity would vanish without consumption in this dimension in a few months.
God's Light is meant to Shine in this darkness for things to come which in a different standard will be one where Light will have no shadow. It is the moon in the sky showing mankind born in darkness, coming to light, and as the life fades, the human goes to the grave, but one sees there the faint glow of something of that human still remaining in the heavens above. That people are more than a physical body, but one of a Spiritual nature too if they choose that nature.
The adversary of satan is a force of this life for this set time period as it consumes life in an endless cycle of destruction, necessary in this lesson.
God did not create death nor destruction, but it entered into His Plan through rebellion or sin, and decay followed on earth, but not in Heaven as God's Order is above this plain.
One can say God is Love, but Love is discipline and punishment too. Love is not license. Love is liberty with responsibility.
There are many dogmas which prevail. A woman crying in grief in relating her experience on the death of a parent is in need of the foundation of the Bible, in caring for her in sharing that grief, and not a spiritual leader lecturing that, that grief was not justified as her parents were God and they never experienced death.
That kind of satanic nuttery, and it is from satan, just as Peter being ordered by Christ, "Get thee behind me satan!!!", exposes a reality of deception and denial as Jesus experienced all things and overcame them all as the Son of God, and that includes death.
The Bible orders that God demands people care for each other, which God requires more than rich offerings to Him, because caring for others is the foundation of God. When someone is grieving, you do not beat them over the head with a Bible or some dogma, as that is satan inflicting through you in your weaknesses upon a person who suffering who needs to share and heal.
Up to a point when people are in grief, I have no problem with lying to them. If a person has a child who has commited suicide, it is quite clear that they are in hell, but telling a parent that is not going to do anything but harm them, so informing them that God is a God of Love and God will weigh and understand all, is not a lie, but it deflects from hurting these people more in what they can not face.
This is important in this, because if this type of "standard" became the norm, then some fool would be preaching in time that suicide was a great thing as it got you closer to God. It is the same lunacy one hears espoused from pulpits that sodomy is acceptable to God, for God loves sodomy is an abomination and sexual deviants of any form have no place in the Salvation of God.
I will my children for all to understand and comprehend, that this life is a fluid series of events, where the Word of God is the guiding direction for Life, but in that life here, there are many different events which require a slight rudder direction change at key moments.
The Bible says a little alcohol helps people who are depressed and helps the digestion. satan finds idiots in that, and the next thing you know you have Christians at communion having a drunken orgy. It is the standard that there is no one standard and while the Bible is the absolute guide, it is in life, that slight adjustments must be made to correct the balance as all peace gets you killed and all war gets you killed.
I always think of the Catholic nun who was praised by that Vatican sect and mourned as she was said to have never told a lie in her life, but her great burden was when the Nazi asked her if she knew where the Jews were hiding in World War II, she lied and said she did not.
She never told a lie in her life? Her very universal religion is nothing but a lie in her worship of Mary as the Queen of Heaven and a consort of Redemption in Christ. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the Truth is not in us, and we are the spawn of the father of lies, in satan.
Of course, you are going to lie to anyone to save an innocent person's life. That is as Christ stated in being wise to the ways of the world, but one does not make lying the standard by which you live and make it only the exception to save life or ease grief when people will not be reasoned with.
I was doctrinated a Martin Luther Lutheran. Martin Luther was the greatest Apostle after St. Paul for the good of the world. Luther though for his reasons, left out the Commandment of graven images, and put in two about coveting. That was wrong, but an entire religion has been advocating for generations something against God's will. It does not make the entire religion Godless, but it does make the point of corrections must be made, for what if Luther had left out the Commandment about stealing, and then Lutherans would be like the Talmudics who teach it is just to cheat the goy or non Jew out of things, which spirals to teachings one hears akin to the mud people diatribes in "chosen people" and people who are subhuman.
The world experienced what took place when that Babylonian teaching found it's way into the Nazi religion.
Caring is the foundation of all which is in the Bible. That Caring though in Checed in Hebrew, does have boundaries though in one visits a prisoner in prison, but one does not invite that prisoner into their home, or one gets their people raped and murdered.
A prison ministry is for those called by God and not for the masses. The majority of people would do well to deal with themselves in accepting God first, then in that foundation with a saved spouse, guide and nurture their children. Most people have enough to cope with in that never being dealt with, while they grab the reins and run off trying to save others and causing disasters as their home lives fall apart.
It requires the Holy Ghost with God's Sense, and beyond Common Sense in dealing with this life for Life in God. God gives this Wisdom freely to those who ask, but it is revealed in Solomon, that being too wise becomes a burden as his life became an existence when one indulges themselves in the world. A Christian is a sojourner here, doing good, defending what is right, being responsible while astutely measuring all in Caring, in accepting the Grace of Christ to Save them before they are returned home.
There is no standard in this life. You can not have peace without a big weapon. You can not have life without death. The only absolutes are Jesus is Thee only, Way, Truth and Life to obtain Spiritual adoption to the Father, God Almighty in Heaven.
nuff said