Caution: Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, remove head from sphincter and then turn head and cough.
It is an amusing thing to hear Rush Limbaugh stuck on stupid. He has these talking points that the Obama regime set up Obamacare to crash in order to make such a mess, so that single payer in Medicaid will be thee only way to get health care.
Yes that is the Limbaugh Conspiracy, and the rich half brain is befuddled as his talking points will not permit his half brain to conceive that his puppet masters, actually created a virus program in the continuing Edward Snowden operation in this cyberwarfare against the feudal state.
The reason for bringing this up is half mind Limbaugh was relating that some Californicators from San Francisco just happened in a few days, to have created a working replica of Obamacare, whereby a billion dollars paid by the Obama regime to a Canadian regime, to build this system which went into meltdown.
The reality is, it is possible to like any network company like Amazon or Microsoft, has working operations to keep track of your records, and if you use a competing email program like Thunderbird, it will import your information from Windows without a glitch.
See all of this Obamacare meltdown has now been proven to not be problem with the program as there are working programs across the globe.
If you need a remelt of this, remember the work of the Spaniard who created the modern voter fraud software and was murdered for it, in how it operates on odds, readjusting and voting trends to steal elections for Marxists like Obama.
Geez Louise people, you can go to any dink insurance site and it will factor and compare your insurance rates CORRECTLY without a problem, so the problem is not some Canuck program, nor is it that Obama manufactured this failure for single payer as Limbaugh's half mind directors are guiding this to. This is a reality that the evidence supports FUXNET, exactly the same way Stuxnet caused a miscalculation to the Iranian uranium refinement.
Stuxnet as was broken here, was created by the astute Jewish computer programmers, numbers of who Obama hired for his first election theft, and then Stuxnet was given to the Germans to install into Iranian computers to set back their nuclear enrichment.
I will not revisit FUXNET's workings, but this is about the reality that three comp wogs in California easily created an Obamacare mirror site, and that site worked.
FUXNET is the reality. Obamacare was brought down by a brilliant operating system "over function" that is OS based and can be reinfected in a moment.
So the reality is the Lame Cherry was proven absolutely right again in another exclusive in matter anti matter. The extraction of Limbaugh's head up Obama's ass by these three California geeks is proof of that.
The further reality is now that thee entire media is either so scared or Mockingbird, that they will not breathe a word of FUXNET.
FUXNET should be celebrated. It is not some virus programs created to get you to buy anti virus programs, nor is it Bill Gates leaving codex holes in Windows for Intelligence group spying, but FUXNET is a shot heard round the world. It is MIC, the Military Industrial Complex putting the remnants of it in jeopardy by taking on the Socio Conglomerate feudalists of the New World Order. Yes one is about economic control and the other uses economic control to gain complete control, but FUXNET for the simplicity and daring of it, in a series of operations against the Obama regime is a major drama of immense importance as the world hangs in the balance as literally between Rome and Carthage in two differing systems.
This blog was proven right again, against all odds and against great hindrances. Being right though does not provide the money I require. That comes from donations, and it is literally not until one of you rich people steps up, clicks that donate button until it works and enters an e check with that 350,000 dollar feature, does right win to stay around for another year.
You rich people have a choice. You can be lied to by Obama Jinn media. You can be steered by Rush Limbaugh half mind propaganda, or you can donate that big donation and get a handle on what is really taking place.
Look, I have no problem if you want to donate 1 million or the 11 million which Rush Limbaugh still owes me for plagiarism, as there is no limit. That Adelson could donate a billion as could Buffett and that money spends as readily until the crash as any currency.
That though is the short version of FUXNET: THE SAN FRAN ANAL EXTRACTION.
and upon inquiry, these three comp wogs were suggested into building this, not by the Socio Conglomerate nor the regime, but this was MIC in a........
Well do you remember when Barry Obama showed up in Lawrence Sinclair's hotel room uninvited for a second round as a Chicago hostess? Showering might have been involved afterwards, but with MIC this was the Obama Golden Shower in now that they have the Fang Jinn down they decided on some watersports for humiliation purposes.
Keep track of this in every side is covering this up, and that means that the regime is so neutralized now that it can not retaliate on these Insiders in this Mexican Stand Off. The regime nor the cartel has the ability to stop what the Control and MIC are engaged in.
That is most important as more things are coming.
Looking to always serve the Obama regime, this blog advises that the cartel blow up the Dome of the Rock, which would start an upheaval. Iran will comply with missiles, for the Jews to counter reply, and the Fang Jinn can pull out it's magic wand for some hosing too.
Net result is no one remembers what the last subject was, the Ashkenaz can then build their par dux Supreme Court Temple of Peace on the ruins, the horror will assist in the Europeans bring about their anti Christ to rule the world, and by using plutonium on Damascus the area will be radioactive enough to keep Putin from rolling past the Saudi ammo depots.
All of this will happen as it is planned, but I just offer to move it up for the regime to get off FUXNET stupid as that object is not going away.
Come donate, seven of you girls donate by e check 50,000 and that is 350,000 dollars just like that. is not being rich and informed much better than rich and nescient, that is ignorant so you do not have to look it up.
Wordweb made me answer a question in the new talking version, and the answer is if I do not fly, meaning I am not rich, then I can use Wordweb for nothing. Is too bad I trust some rich person to do the right thing, when so many computer sources just zaps your computer like FUXNET if you do not donate properly.
II Corinthians 9:7 "Every person according as they purposeth in their heart, so let them give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."
Seems St. Paul had a bit of a problem with those thumbing through his writings without showing due offering too.
Wonder if I was St. Cherry if I would get the Immaculate Mary treatment or the Martin Luther treatment. I could spell Mary in the beads, but I suspect they would try to burn me at the stake like Dr. Martin of Germany as he wrote volumes like St. Paul, and I tend to do.
God used his writings like Paul to start a revolution you know. All on like foundation that the Germans came up with the cash to buy books.
Yeah this was about FUXNET and your donating, so donate.
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