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The Silver Bullet


As a warning to Americans in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

Your Alamo and your Custer's Last Stand have your future in they are no the last. You military is one of unsound doctrines, surgical strikes and civilized warfare. You trust in a law which will be broken for the winged horse is not a match for the harnessed draft.

In the Panama Expedition of George H. W. Bush, against Manuel Noriega, in a fair combat, your Navy SEALS met with the Panamanian elite of Noriega, who expertly slaughtered and wiped out the American elite.

The American military establishment is one of elite units, who in overwhelming technology have been fortunate to conquer the mass mob on land. Take away though the American's ability to see by their satellites. The Americans ability to communicate in their fire wires and the American's ability to target with computers, and suddenly the hive of hornets becomes Benghazi and the American elite of Chris Stevens become the corpse prey.

This future is coming. American military might on the ground vanished after Gulf War I. It shifted to the power of the air strategy for it being cheap. The reality is though with the Chicom of Peking building rough satellites designed to maneuver to capture other satellites, a reality is that one mother satellite launched, even from an airliner could deploy 100  killer satellites which would destroy the American warfare ability in a blind shot which would be felt around the world.

The Chicom proved in the Korean war capable of defeating the American firepower by sure mass of troops. That mass is still viable no matter of satellites are incapacitated. The same for the rudimentary Russian military in tanks and AK 47's.
The reality is technology stops when electric current is voided. An AK 47 or a PLA soldier will still be killing and attacking long after a US military technologist has been blinded, deafened and pinned as they no longer comprehend military strategy.

Observe what the Obama regime did to the US Soldier in Afghanistan. The regime in a deal worked out with the Islamocommunists in order to "even the kill ratio" of the Bush43 years, placed myriads of US Soldiers into fire bases, which were at the bottom of mountains, so the terrorists could simply fire on them and kill Americans.
This has all been written of here exclusively. The red flare in all of this is the US Soldier had absolutely no comprehension any longer of high ground and strategy and like sheep were slaughtered.
Birther Obama awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor to one of these ignorants from North Dakota, and he had no idea what had been done to him and his comrades he served with. He deemed it extraordinary he had fought and not a horrific event that he and the fellow Soldiers had been placed deliberately into that kill zone.
The American Soldier is a primate without training, for they comprehend nothing of simple strategy, but are taught butt sex in the foxhole instead.

Any time a strategy appears which seems invincible as the Spanish Armada in overwhelming force, there is always a human genius using rudimentary tactics as Francis Drake and the English performed in being in smaller ships, allowed the galleons to float by and then strafed them in the rear.
Yes the Chinese Sun doctrine is always viable in knowing your enemy and then using the enemies strengths against them and your weaknesses to make them strengths.

The hunter, trapper and fisherman of the World War II generation of Theodore Roosevelt commonplace has been exterminated in children no longer shoot, capture or comprehend the lay of the land. This was by design, and now America is filled with these North Dakota buffoons who are awarded medals for being hallil blessed for the Obama slaughter.
The American simply does not comprehend or have the ability of the Rangers and Rifleman in warfare from the Wilderness Campaigns for centuries. They do not  think, but are conditioned like the Nazi, the Maoist and the Stalinist to take orders and die without feeling.

Therefore the period has approached in history when the Americans like their Roman soldiers in a shrinking empire of force will be one day overrun as their grid of power vanishes or winks out. The mobs will then slaughter, and put on parade their human shields in the tens of thousands to further humiliate an America which will have it's own weapons used against them.

You think this is farfetched in the technological arena, that one day a 9 11 will not be passenger plains flown into buildings, but hijacked Predators by hackers firing volleys into the American structures.

You Americans trust in silver bullets and not the Lord of the Battle in Christ. You will one day be exposed to your very great hurt and shame. You have been warned as you have been disarmed of regulating in practicing with your skills in weapons and disarmed in comprehension of warfare.

Go back to your pretty whores in your brothel that you mock the words chivalry and congregation with.

nuff said


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