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Jane of the Jungle


I relate this answer to a very nice Lady who is far too hard on herself. She is generous. She has beauty in many forms and she is Loved by God, and TL and I have deep affection for her.

People who are sensitive tend to be moved to require things which calm them as they feel so very much. I might pamper myself at night in lieu of having the Elders anoint me with healing oil, to have my own olive oil, and in the sign of the Cross, say something like,

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I receive the Peace of God which passes all understanding from Christ. I receive the healing and restoration in Christ's wound in His taking on all sins and removing the power of sin, death, sickness and death.
I am restored in the healing virtue of Christ flowing into me. The Light of God comes into me, flows through me and surrounds me in His love for me in the Name of Jesus Amen and Amen

I might rub then my chest with that Cross anointing oil, and profess to the belief I was healed and that the need for certain things is being replaced by the greater Peace of God doing what those  things were which were bringing temporary satisfaction.

I might make this a nightly pampering before bed as a habit and confirmation that God is accomplishing what I need to have done.

My dad drank like a fish so to speak. In an amusing thing he was tested while suffering from his gluttony in his liver, and the doctor pronounced his liver in perfect condition. To which the old man related, "Well I guess Gukenheimer did no harm".
The same doctors phoned the day he died, that his medical tests came back in top order, of course and Angel killed dad that day, so perhaps the tests were partly right.

Women possess in themselves will to accomplish a great deal. They in Spirit can will things and often do. Ask the Holy Ghost for Belief, Faith and Strength in doing things and God will reward beyond even the miracles we think we only can accept.

Jane, your offer is one of the Good Samaritan. I will keep the offer in my heart and bless you for it.
A neighbor of TL's spoke of having a large house and selling it. She then moved into a condo type rental and is now being wiped out in her Obama voting habits due to rent. It is very sound to scale down, simplify and to obtain your own smaller home.
I mean no lecturing in this as you are astute, but make sure of the roofing in when it will need replacement and drainage if it has a basement, as things people do not need to show up like painting.

As to Rabbi Cahn in the Harbinger.

I have listened to the rabbi once and the problem is he hits on a main point in linking things, but as he looks for more events becomes like Louis Farrakhan in linking things so obscure that a sound mind would conclude that it is beyond a far reach.

The crux of critique is the bases in Isaiah 9: 10-11, which are most interesting in interpretation, and as this is a Prophesy about the Lost 10 Tribes, and their heads of England and America it does fit.

God does all thigns in duality from Christ types to the real Christ and a first Israel in the Mideast and a last in Anglo America. The rabbi seems to discount the American Israelism in his book selling. That is something I will not debate as it has nothing to do with Salvation as knowing Americans are of Joseph is for those who will to understand Prophecy completely.

I would note that the Judgment verses are preceeded by "For unto us a Child is Born", which are quoted at Christmas rightly concerning Christ, and His future King of Kings, in the Kingdom of God.
I would also note that the end of Isaiah 9 quotes that England and America will be at each other and that they both will be at Judah or what is incorrectly called Israel now, when that Kingdom was always Judah after the children of Judah, Benjamin and Levi now there, supplanted now by these Ashkenaz converts.

The rabbi is interesting. I believe he oversteps in order to keep things interesting to people, and is often the case, insights manifest to things unsound as desperation builds to keep the attention.

I would in knowing Christ is my Savior, enjoy the Israel tour, but keep in mind that like most tours money is being made, and it is your money which is providing a good living for someone else you are paying to lead you.

There are numerous verses in Prophecy concerning America and future events. It is of note though that things like World War II were not mentioned, except as an inferred rising of the beast, to reveal how great that was, but it does not gain mention in Scripture as it was not a huge event.
Yes shadow signatures occur off of other signatures and will manifest in like patterns repeating. It proves the hand of God in all events and the things in photonic physics I have written of, but it all comes down to Jesus as a Personal Savior, with the rest being God always revealing through His Prophets events to come, to reveal He is God.

As to the hurting of the one I love, this was a physical injury yesterday and we know of the source. There have been too many "accidents" to it being just random. I can not go into details on how this will be dealt with, nor to explain how this was taking place at this juncture, as I will not afford any opportunity for any guards to come up.
I only warned those who have had indirect parts in this, so they will know what is coming and why, for the express reason so they will know how to appease the situation, as all will be held accountable and as this is a Spiritual matter and what was inflicted upon us will be the same tools utilzed in return, it will not be happenstance when "acts of God" come about.

As G. Gordon Liddy once boasted, "On the battlefield of the mind, you are unarmed with me".

What took place and has been taking place is something my Christian mind could not comprehend as I would never have such things come to mind. Now that I have been made aware and TL was injured, I have activated God and this will not stop in His retribution.
The Holy Ghost confirmed this to me, and I will not let this go.

Onto a bit of shopkeeping..........

In this combined message, I am going to inform you Mark Steyn types using Canadian cartoons to illustrate the October 10th, messiah Obama's Yom Kippur doomsday on America in Nel tied to the rails and forgetting it is Dudley Dooright of the RCMP rescuing.........

That people have got to comprehend something absolutely. The corruption of America is so complete that no election will fix it, and no generation of re education or government will undo this.
Americans are as Israelite slaves coming out of Egypt and God had to kill the entire generation off for 40 years in the wilderness to end them, as they could not be untaught and always wanted to return to become government wards in Goshen to the despot Pharoah.

I warn you Americans, that unless you get this through your head like the Civil War in what Gen. Sherman prophesied and was called mad in stating the Civil War would be a mass murder affair, that thee only way to resurrect America is by a revolution.
That revolution would require millions of armed Citizens with the assistance of the military and police state. That group would then as in France, have to over a period of a decade in lynch mob courts execute at least 30 million people and in reality 100 million people to cleanse their cancer from America, so as not to infect it again.

It would be a case as the fill for Limbaugh, that Mark Steyn would be hung, because Steyn would rise up in defense of some Mockingbird agent who was conditioning the people, that Steyn knew to be a good person. In order though to make America into what she was, it will require the execution of the treacherous and traitors, and then a fourth wave of executions of those who "would rise and say the bloodletting was enough".

You will note in the Book of Esther, when the Jews retaliated on their enemies in the empire, that Queen Esther induced waves of killing those who would make genocide on the Jews.

Until you understand what is involved in this exactly, do not be foolish and fool yourselves that elections, impeachments or civil means will solve this as those behind this are murderous and will murder you.
To be foolish in thinking that a revolution will solve this, and you are not ready to execute in lynch courts 100 million people over 10 years time, with even more draconian rules of cleansing appearing with killing those who say "enough", then you are not ready for any semblance of this, so shut up and sit your grily ass down.

Closing up shop for now..........

Do not be troubled for me, for I know what requires doing and by God's doing it will be done.   I knew of the effects of the attacks, but did not comprehend how to neutralize them. I believe I do now and will believe this will rectify what is taking place.

agtG 238y

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