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Sucking Putin Dick Obama Style


Oh my what have we here........that National Journal........you know the William F. Buckley rag in Buckley was the CIA agent in Mexico, who rose to "mind" Ronald Reagan as ..........well Bill Buckley just loved a community organized society where Big Brother took money from people in  record taxes, where the elite then mandated where that money was paid out in bribes to the conglomerates on slave labor wages all for the rape of America...........you know that Rush Limbaugh anti bio fuels for big oil barons and Mark Levin in bed with bro in law Brent Bozell of Buckley........in thee exact Obama regime policies of feudalism......has come out with a new Mockingbird headline not appreciating what Edward Snowden and MIC initiated in the cutting off at the news of the Fang Jinn regime, in utilizing thee only friend Americans now have in former KGB and current FSB head, Vladamir Putin, to save Americans from the Obama feudal gulag.

Secret American Subculture of Putin-Worshippers...

Amazing is it not, in all the world of headlines in the man who called for peace in Libya, and now in Syria, is the Putin who is being portrayed as an anti messiah messiah, in not bowing down to Obama?

Look at the context of the headline in Buckley's Nazi rag, smears Americans in some "secret cult" as that is what subCULTure is putting into YOUR MINDS to smear you.
And what are you guilty of? Why worshipping Putin in thee exact way the demon machine had the American masses triggered to worship B. Hussein Obama.

Why goosestepping YAVOLT that there comrades as you just got a perfect view of a Stanford and Tavistock Institute psyops operation in people who are desperately fighting for America against the global feudal state, are a cult now worshiping the anti Obama Jinn, who we are all told is evil.......as Andrew Breitbart rots in the grave along with the other Diaspora Dead ........Boston Blow Job and lately the Ship Yard Alexis Nexus ELF magic..........is all "Obama regime good".

There is nothing secret or cult motivated in these Americans. They are the same Americans who in Benjamin Franklin turned to FRANCE for help against the British despots, as the standing regime ruling the American colonies was MAKING AMERICANS AS CRIMINALS FOR BEING AMERICANS.

Yes this Nazi at National Journal, makes this all sexual in PUTINPHILIA, and who are the worst of this, well it is Americans hunters who started all of this, at the Outdoor Life pages, because Putin Like Teddy Roosevelt actually was a sportsman conservationist.

My God can we have anything like that?


He lectured on the similarities between Russians and Americans,

My God how can we have Obama global war if Putin and Americans are looking at how much alike they are?

Ok now to point out that I know National Review by Buckley is not the National Journal by that Bradley Marxist cult. They though are the same side of the coin in one is national big brother socialist and the other national big brother marxist all for the feudal state.

What the National Journal now is doing is making Americans out to be a cult, the same cult hated by the patrician GOP of the Rovians and the same red state cult hated by the Obamarxists which have both on the Homeland Terror Watch List.
The criminals are so named as sexual deviants in the Journal hit piece.

Some, like Young and his readers, are earnest outdoorsy types who like Putin's Rough Rider sensibility. Others more cheekily admire Putin's cult of masculinity and claim relative indifference to the political stances—the anti-Americanism, the support for leaders like Bashar al-Assad, the oppression of minorities, gays, journalists, dissidents, independent-minded oligarchs—that drive most Americans mad. A few even arrive at their Putin admiration through a strange brew of antipathy to everything they think President Obama stands for, a reflexive distrust of what the government and media tells them, and political beliefs that go unrepresented by either of the main American political parties.

The reason this is being focused on, is thee American political system has been taken over to the Tea Party and Greens by the feudal state. Thee only leader who is espousing an opposition to what is the American regime now is Vladamir Putin.
This is why I stated thee only President for America was Benjamin Netanyahu for years, as he was the only one looking out for American foreign interests.

Yes it is a "strange brew" which Americans are sexually intoxicated over in Putin......and do not overlook your being labeled insane over this toxin, but that "strange brew" also links to WITCHES BREW meant to be conjured in your psyche to hint that these Americans are all Tim McVeigh about to blow things up.

What is missed as the little minds who are so IGNORANT in making posts on this blog in finding things UNPLEASANT HERE as they try to mount my God Graced stage is National Journal links all of this to a homosexual smear in degrading all of this to fag terms.

As for Young, recent years have tested the man-crush.

Yes this is homosexual and homophobia is at the core. Now the small minds will not find that unpleasant or target the National Journal because they are too dense to figure that out being mind conditioned. I PUT THOSE FUCKING TERMS HERE TO WAKE YOUR STUPID ASSES UP as you are all in anal thought police in not figuring out how you are manipulated.

I really am fed up and tired with the lot of you as I inform you of things, and then you lecture at me and think you are the teacher when none of you know your ass from a hole in the ground.
You people are all dense as posts, taking your Wall Street welfare and Welfare bribes and that is why the police state has no respect for you, as they know what they are pulling your strings on and getting away with it, and you suck the kook aid daily with a big grin as the regimes finger is up your ass.

Ted Turner: Men Should Be Barred From Political Office For 100 Years...

I wonder if by men, that Ted Turner means all these hairy fucking lesbians with bigger cunts than most men have peckers like Muchelle Obama?

Await your evil angels in your demise. You injured the one I love yesterday. You are Rob Reiner meatheads and Edith Bunker boneheads, all thinking how bright you are.

nuff said


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