When there is Truth in this world, then there must lies oh Lord.
Your servant Job expounded upon Truth and lies as did his friends, and in each way they revealed by Job, that the wicked are punished and unpunished, and it is the shortsightedness of people in not seeing the I AM THAT I AM AND WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.
The Lord is a God of Love in a world of hate. Not hate as the Lord hates evil, but hate that is the antithesis of God.
The Lord is the God of the poor and the rich. The rich receive their rest in this life and the poor receive the burdens which kill them, yet in the next Life which matters the rich receive eternal condemnation in being cut off from God and the poor receive Life with God for not cutting God off from them here.
What is Truth when the Lord tries the hearts of all people, as a rider tests the reigns of the horse. What is Truth when that same tongue in a person speaks evil and good. What is Truth when the Lord sends false prophets to try people to see if they really are genuine.
It was a lying spirit who deceived hundreds of prophets of Ahab to lead him to his end on the battlefield, and the Lord confirmed that lying spirit it would succeed. Yet one voice of the Prophet warned Ahab that he would fall at Ramoth Gilead and that Prophet was put into prison on bread and water rations.
It is the good pleasure to for the Lord to witness His Spirit moulding people as Job, who assailed by the destroyer, are delivered to a place where God's question to satan forever rings, "Have you considered my servant Job?"
The struggle of life here is not meant to be easy, for if we had rest we would not have the real Rest awaiting for each child of God. Life is hard, life is unfair, life is misery. God allows us to forget all of that for most of the time so we continue on to reveal the new creation He is nurturing in every child of the Light.
What are lies? Lies are that God does not love us nor care that we suffer in this world. That is of satan for it only hates and is reserved for torment.
God loves and God cares in every moment for every child of His and He wants all people to come to Him for all of His love and caring.
The lies tell us that the beautiful tree is life, but the Truth reveals the gnarled oak is the example of all of the wind, ice, storm, drought and flood battering that oak to it's beautiful perfection is the Truth of Life, for when the leaves are shed and winter has come, it is the child of God who has a new body in a place where none of this is remembered and all the lies forgotten.
Beauty is a burden, as is intelligence, as is might, as is power. The liberated are the ugly, the dim and the weak, for they have to trust in other things leading them to God to develop all they are, instead of being Bathsheba, Solomon or Samson in the examples of what the lie is.
To fall is to get up. To fail is to succeed. To be poor is to prosper, and as Christ teaches, to die is to find Life.
What is Truth when God reveals in this world, which rejected His Way, His Truth and His Life at the Garden of Eden, is a testimony of Eve and Adam did not fall to temptation to the Tree of Life, but to the tree which brought death in the knowledge of good and evil. The knowledge of Truth and the lies.
They knew that they were no longer perfect in what God shielded from their understanding, so they knew that in imperfection they were sin.
Yes God reveals in this world how horrid things can be and are, when people reject Him and place satan and themselves in control to create all of this destruction which God never created.
It is in that, the knowing, that life is not over at birth. That life is 70 years of futility in being transformed from a soul to a Spiritual child, to a real Life not available here. Life only begins at death, and death is only reached after the lessons are learned or rejected that God wills to know us for who we really are, and that is only accomplished by trials, tribulations and trauma, where we wonder of God in what seems unfair, but it is all Just, for each day is always one question answered.........
Will I love God in keeping His Laws believing His Truth which is Promised or will I love myself and reject God's Way in choosing an easier time here and lie to myself that in Judgment it will not matter.
Call attention the prefect Word of God in Christ for He is the One who has constructed the answer which Pontius Pilate asked long ago.
"What is Truth?" IS is singular, meaning there is only one Truth.
What are lies? Yes ARE is plural and lies are the many paths of deception in this life.
Truth leads to life. Lies follow to death.
The caring for others who suffer reveals the Truth in the compassion in the fulfillment of the Law. That is why Truth bothers the heart as it reveals all the unfairness Job recorded. Lies bring bliss and reveal a seared conscience not fulfilling anything but self condemnation.
There are so many things we do not see nor comprehend in all of the lies, because if we did, we would not reveal to God whose we really are and all would be easy and of no purpose.
If we love this life here too much, then we love this life more than Life. Lies are what this existence is all about in revealing there is only One Truth leading One Way to One Life.
Be of good comfort my friend, for yours is the Kingdom of God, and your family of treasures will be there with you.
In the Peace of Christ, Amen and Amen
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