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Bashir Snowden


You missed this my children so it is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, even if I would gladly trade it for mule deer doe and twin fawns, even if they are called blacktail in the northwest.

Anyway, why is it that Bashir Assad suddenly with RFID chip shows up on the media in a really progressive counterstrike in the inept Obama Jinn thing in St. Pete.

You do realize Obama Jinn was under wraps and I mentioned about where he was, and out he popped on Putin's leash right with that 300 million dollar bribe?

Probably do now.

So there are rules in this like Saddam Hussein with Diane Sawyer looking all tyrant so of course you wanted to blow up Saddam, not in a sexual way. There is Bashir Assad looking all human, which does not sit well with people in America as you only murder people you never see on television.
So there is this white guy Bashir, being reasonable in joining with Putin in a staged event in advocating the turning over all the Syrian WMD's for international keeping. Sort of does the end around on Obama Jinn.

Then there is Bashir looking reasonable and not like a mass murderer........wanting peace, like he wants a Nobel Prize for peace and not more Obama war.

It all goes back to this just did not happen.......it took place with cooperation of Ashkenaz media which rules for Obama. Interesting is it not that, Bashir Assad, got to be the human white guy and now it looks like Obama of the jungle looks all ape primate in not being too bright.
You do get that right? You got a 3rd world Assad, with pretty white wife and pretty white blue eyed children, who use Facebook, making Barack Obama Jinn look like a monkey that never Darwin evolved.
You got Putin looking like Ronald Reagan in all of this now, and Obama looking like all dark sinister in........secretive Hussein.

Then you got Obama with that frau of North Dakota in Heidkamp or whatever in offering up ceasefires and red lines not meaning red lines, and all sorts of things like that to give the Fang Jinn cover........but cover from what?

It all goes back to who is backing Bashir Assad and WINNING at this moment in making Obama Jinn look foolish, like a monkey.

Bashir Assad and Vladamir Putin the white guys, along with white guy Cardinal George all are thumbing their noses at this dark guy Obama of Peking origins in a Sugarland breeding program. That kind of stuff is not lost in the world, in what a world it is, when the white guys are on top riding the black or designer black man, in exposing him for a fool.

Someone in the cartel as I  told you is making America via the Jinn look really bad, so someone will show up in Europe and look really good...........one would suspect. That is high powered machinations being used to lynch that Fang Jinn Obama shapeshifter and IS THE STORY IN THIS FOR THE MOMENT.
The folks who designed Obama and have kept the Jinn about the house, have done a psyops on the world as it is distracted with the Syrian bombings......and it is for definite purpose of Bashir would have not been allowed out to show his human face.

Will the Obama regime just take this in being out smarted by Putin and Assad.....via their very own handlers? Or will Obama Jinn launch some Bashir bombs as obviously feeding cyanide to Syrian kids is anything the world cares about.
Yeah think about that one, in you can mass murder Syrian babies and no one cares......hell you don't even get Baptists trying to go over and brush flies off of them like they do blacks in Africa. Sorry day for Syrians when the Baptists will not even brush flies off of you.

Mule deer are my favorite deer. They do not poop on top of haystacks the way whitetails do, and there is just something magestic about them in being more robust, even in the blacktail grouping. There is just something western about mule deer compared to the Virginia whitetail which I have two peering at me and leaving footie prints on my road.

I really would rather be doing all of that, away from all of this or at least having a respite so things here would work out better in doing this task. In most ways, I think I am a Syrian babe really, because none of the rich Americans will even donate a few hundred grande to me to save me from Obama bombing me as his minions try to feed me poisons.
I think I saw a beaver in a hay field the other day coming back as it was too big for a woodchuck. To me money would mean this autumn, taking TL for the first time on an adventure in trapping happy little springs which would keep open when it was below zero, and we would check for mink and then frown at raccoons being caught in tearing things up. There is lovely serenity in a little spring coming out of the ground in how life giving it is, and, knowing how to place  1 1/2 coilspring to catch a predator which has been tearing holes in muskrat homes killing them and biting the throats on grouse hens in the snow to eat the neck meat.

Those are the things I used to call life. Feeling what it was like to have a 1200 pound horse on the end of a rope to being snuggled into a brown duck canvas coat as they are always reassuring with big pockets.

I will teach you something before the world explodes, even if Obama Jinn keeps pissing on the fuse.

Brown Duck Canvas is a bastardized name for the Dutch Brown Doek, like Yankee is bastardized Jahn Cheese. Doek means linen and it is like Boer for neighbor, in friend.

I would to see mule deer again in the morning chill, instead of this burden.

Mule deer hop instead of run like whitetail. They have large ears in what their name means, and not hooves like a mule, although there are mule footed hogs with regular ears.

Oh well so Bashir is a man now and not an animal. I wonder how they will get him to look like an animal to Americans again and make Putin look bad for backing him?

That is what you should be thinking on my children and my brats. Is the reason I'm on point and you are back at the canteen telling war stories, unless of course you have been burning powder in a Ruger.

Who is making the Fang Jinn look even worse, so that as things progress the world will think America deserves to be nuked by terrorists.....

nuff said.

agtG 246

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