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California Dreamin': I got you Summer Day


I lament over Reagan's California, become a Brown socialist stain of the feudal lords which imports slave labor to vote in mass to destitute themselves as the rich hide behind gates like cave dwellers concerned about the saber tooth cats about to eat them.

The one export California has is rich people fleeing, who inflate prices in poor rural Conservative states impoverishing all and voting for more leftist trash.

California is dead and it bothers me. That great Republic with the grizzly on the flag was such a wonder once. The Spanish land owners in their rancheros were annexed by Kit Carson Americans in a vista where everything grew, it was always warm and sunny, and the land was filled with Forty Niner gold.

It was the place where dreams were made of as everyone had plenty. It was a boom state built on gold, and then it stole Colorado water and made even it's deserts bloom into billion dollar industries.

California is an odd land of parched lands of the north, the central Mediterranean and the foggy San Francisco area with deserts and mountains on her west. The land of earthquake and drama, and all on the edge of having it all looted from her.

With the war industry of the Military Industrial Complex, California became as a state a large economy than most nations at one time. All that federal money flowing in, with a population of workers who worked brought a wonder to the world.

California is now though dead. She is a place though if it is purged of it's slavery and it's feudal lords would blossom again. It is not that difficult really, as California can be Texas or North Dakota if they would just be what they are.

California's solutions are simple. She needs to cut spending to Ronald Reagan era percentages to end the welfare state.
California is rich in oil in shale at Monterey and in offshore wells. Worrying about an earthquake and clean up is ridiculous to the point of telling people needing jobs they can not have them as an asteroid might hit one day.

Oil is California's future in paying her debts and rebuilding what she was. Coupled with agriculture and technology, that state can indeed become what she was. She can not, no more than Greece though import uneducated foreigners to fill democratic voter ranks to hold feudal power. Her time will come as Detroit and all failed communist enclaves.

California is in a winter season of death, She can find her summer day and not have winter as a spring will arrive when a responsible leadership would take command and govern for people who work and reward them for that work.

California benefits America when she is productive and a tax producer. She built a great deal of America in those tax revenues which came from their federal projects in space and war, gleaned from lend lease to Europe in World War II.

It does not require much space in writing to deal with fixing California, as she can be resurrected from the crypt in simple responsibility and governance.

Not being adult about California will create in a major earthquake a multiple trillion dollar bill which will lay in rubble as no one will have the money to fix things then.
 The same holds true as America sags in sin, that California will be a foreign slave camp and in war, the invaders will have willing latin, Muslim and Asian hosts to make a beach head where California will become a gulag in the ghetto wall being the Sierra Nevadas to holocaust the people left there.

California must prosper for America to prosper. California will either be the largest ghetto in the world sucking the life from America or she will be made to be the Golden State again. Either the choice is made or it will be made for America.
The corpse of California will make a pestilence all across America killing Texas oil and New York stocks with all perishing in between.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as this media is the only place anything is discussed in the great diversion.

nuff said


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