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Old Neutriment


Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Unless the spirits are involved, there is never any spirit in the feelings driving humans to devotion or hate.

Lame Cherry

It is always perplexing to me the absolute hatred and vehement ignorance which surrounds the reality of General George Armstrong Custer. I know that those who work so hard to enforce the propaganda are employed by the same demonic structure which murdered him and his command, but it is disheartening at times to see intelligent people make statements trusting in statements of others as if they came from the Mount.

There is a writer who has a Custer book apparently as most do and he has a really informative website, but the problem is in his Custer condemnations is that he never exhibits any non bias. I am not here to expose the idiocy, but to utilize the reality in making people see things they never saw before, including this Larry Brown if he ever blunders onto what God is doing here.

I make no secret that when this started, I did not care about George Custer and only knew what the propaganda was as in the movie Little Big Man which really was a smear of the General. In time though, through the Holy Ghost exposing what idiots were all these experts who had the secret information as to what happened at the Little Big Horn, when the reality is the entire government knew, as Gen. Nelson Miles published the real account as far as the physical evidence, was just proof of how the always experts are ignorant and biased.
From that I heard the voice of Libby Custer and others demanding justice for that mass murder set up by the government and fanciers, and I  responded.

The case her is a quote from the official inquiry by the military and President Grant.

Washington, March 11, 1879.
I. The Court of Inquiry of which Colonel JOHN H. KING, 9th Infantry, is President, instituted by direction of the President, in Special Orders No. 255, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, November 25, 1878, on the application of Major Marcus A. Reno, 7th Cavalry, for the purpose of inquiring into Major Reno's conduct at the battle of the Little Big Horn River, on the 25th and 26th days of June, 1876, has reported the following facts and opinion, viz.

As you can read, this was President Grant and he military conducting an investigation, and in this report, they find Marus Reno not guilty of a variety of charges, which this Larry Brown says are from the Custer clique.

Now let me ask you something in do you believe that Barack Obama always investigating himself from the Rod Blagojevich briberies he was engaged in for that Illinois senate seat being sold or Barack Obama investigating himself on Benghazi, and pronouncing himself innocent or there is no case there, is any different from a President Grant who was plagued by an equally corrupt regime, which three years previous had just overseen thee greatest military disaster in America of one of her most celebrated military celebrities?

To explain the reality of this, President Grant was old military which had a code of never airing dirty laundry. George Custer as a democrat went to Congress and testified for days about the Republican Grant regime's horrific policies which were corrupt in selling Indians goods to impoverish them, and then these savages were out raping, robbing, murdering, in short terrorizing the American heartland.
It is no different so you understand than the Obama regime arming terrorists causing Benghazi and other terror events as these Indians were terrorists fighting for what they believed in and murdering Americans in the process just trying to farm and graze lands.

When George Custer did what he did, he infuriated the military command structure which was Gen. Sherman, Grant's closest friend, and it exposed the entire Indian ring which was barons from the Civil War making a fortune off of Indian warfare, and they would soon have new "white Indians" in immigrants to exploit for huge profits in selling them things.

To view a government investigation of itself which is that corrupt and a military which was comprised of officers who were jealous of the boy general from Michigan and who were protecting their General Grant in what actually took place in arming Indians, warning Indians and the reality that both Reno and Benteen at the Little Big Horn disobeyed orders General Custer gave them to attack in proper order or to join the General's command is denying that Gen. Crook disobeyed orders and withdrew from the field, and went hunting in the Big Horn Mountains instead of joining the Custer command.
We know for a fact that Gen. Terry, head of the Custer command dispatched messengers to communicate with Gen. Crook at the Big Horn Mountains, proving Terry knew Crook had not obeyed orders, and this was before Crook's communications to the Chicago hub of military command in Gen. Sheridan reached back to Terry.

The evidence points to the reality that a conspiracy was taking place and it involved the government murdering George Custer and his command.

For the government to not even make mention that Reno was out of his head, was drinking and of course he was in fear of joining George Custer as Reno had failed to implement orders as directed in pressing the attack successfully.
Reno was at this battle, stationary and not attacking, for at least one half hour, which is like being a bird with one wing. Cavalry is about movement otherwise you are just a sitting target.

I know that Reno and Benteen were engaged in a conspiracy with Washington and the military to get Custer murdered on the field.
Benteen disliked his commander in blaming him for the death of Joel Elliot at the Washita and told the press anonymously that. So it is not that difficult to see from the Reno hill that their being advanced to command with the death of the Custers is what was undertaken, and Reno did not handle that type of Brutus treachery well.

The entire Grant regime investigation of this was a fraud. It never examined any evidence exposing the reality of what took place that day, which Gen. Nelson Miles who would later head the military all fully understood and defended Custer over from the most powerful interests in America at the time.

So the military inquiry set up by the Grant regime guilty in all of this should not be an Obama surprise that 3 years later they found themselves to be innocent of not obeying orders, supplying arms to Indians, not implementing orders, conduct unbecoming an officer etc...

Of course the men on Reno hill were going to be making disparaging comments about General Custer as they were pinned down and getting the hell shot out of them. The same men also hearing volleys from the direction of Custer's command noted that Custer would be after Reno with a pointed stick if Reno did not move.

There were outright distortions in the Reno Benteen command stated they "attempted a move" to join Custer where firing was heard, and then the investigation states not all in the command heard the firing.
They knew where the Custer command was, and they also disobeyed orders. They also did not in mass ever go to join the General when he needed it, but elements in the command actually rode off to the direction of the Custer stand and were forced back.........it was only upon seeing that, that Benteen and Reno made an effort to move.
Yes, examine that in what would have happened if a few companies had reached a Custer stand and they reported Reno and Benteen were not moving and made no attempt to move. They would have been tried on numerous charges and been shot as they were guilty.

 Now, Billy and Cracker-box Dan and Morland was brave men, nat'ral, good soldiers, but the skirmish they'd been through down below with Reno, plumb out o' his head with skeer yellin' orders they couldn't hear, and the panicky retreat up the hill kinda made 'em crazy fur the time bein'. They was like riderless horses in a fire...

The points in this are a guilty regime which hated the person exposing them, investigated itself and found itself innocent. Edward Snowden was hunted for exposing corruption and George Custer was hunted for the same reality.

In that though, even the military investigating in stating Reno was innocent laid this epitaph on the findings they signed their names to.

The conduct of the officers throughout was excellent, and while subordinates, in some instances, did more for the safety of the command by brilliant displays of courage than did Major Reno, there was nothing in his conduct which requires animadversion from this Court.

Yes, covering things up for President Grant, did have it's limits as not prosecuting Reno or Benteen, left an aftertaste in their souls in noting Reno acted with cowardice while others subordinate were forced to save the command.

This blog does not condemn Marcus Reno, it only states he was a vain little man, who abandoned the field from chasing down Indians which both Gen. Terry and Gen. Custer condemned Reno before the Little Big Horn, and when Reno was offered advancement his conscience got the better of him in not following orders in not implementing the attack, which Reno knew would be a Custer loss and Custer would be crucified a failure and ruined forever, leaving Reno in command, and Reno went out of his mind, as it was a real fight in people having their brains blown out.
Reno knew and was driven by that fact in he knew he ruined Custer, so he was not about to show up in Custer's camp facing his own arrest and ruin.

Frederick Benteen was an opposite in Benteen was brave. He also was a malevolent and petty sociopath who had no problems in the murder of his commander as he would justify it as " an execution for Joel Elliot's death".
Benteen in letters to his wife within days of the slaughter, was sending her the "bring up packs note" in telling her to keep it as it would  be worth money. He also never stated once to his wife any remorse in the mass murder of 300 plus men he served with, including his commander.
Benteen had loaned money to Mrs. Custer in what one would assume was an act of friendship, but he did not even mention Mrs. Custer to his wife, but he did focus on the advancement to command now that Custer and the others were dead.

I state these realities as personal prejudice for whatever demonic exploited reasons is behind the damning of Custer and holding up others as telling the truth when they were not.

George Custer was a boy at heart who stayed that way due to his having to grow up in real war as young man. He also took command seriously as well as battle implementation. He was a devoted husband and of that cavalier American class as Jeb Stuart.
He was not evil and not glory hungry. He had proven his bravery numerous times, to the extent that his brother Tom had been seriously injured trying to keep up with his big brother, to which Tom was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor Twice.

The old military and the Grant regime are most bothersome in this in their pettiness keeps revisiting the Lt. Colonel ranking, as the "federal army" was jealous of the Michigan army which produced the boy general, who served the United States military as a full general.
Consider that bias against General Custer and his stars. Here was a man who was a boy general, promoted for bravery, served under General McClelland of the entire army, and when the war was over, he alone was chosen under age 30 to command the United States cavalry in the pacifcation of Texas as representative of the American Government.......while the Mexican government tried to hire him to lead their entire military, and those Grant people put him at the rank of Lt. Colonel.

No not full Colonel, but Lt. Colonel for a Major General.

What did the Grant people do then? Why they left the Lt. Colonel without promotion but in command in Kansas in an Indian war. They then made him face court martial for saving his wife.
They then had to recall him again when the entire department begged Washington to reinstate him early, and it was then Lt. Colonel Custer who led the winter campaign against the terrorists who when he arrived were openly riding into army camps on raids as things had gone that bad in a few months without his leadership.

He pacified in the Washita battle and other negotiations to bring in the Indians to the reservation on the southern plains ending war...........and what was his reward?

No promotion, but shipped off to Kentucky to chase southerners.

Again when America needed him, the Grant people called, but no promotions, no the Lt. Colonel was in command of the upper Missouri with several forts under his direction and no promotion.

Led the Black Hills Expedition of 1974, and no promotion, but was smeared in the press by eastern interests, which did not help as General Custer arrested the son of the President for being drunk.

Again no promotion, but when he outed the crimes of the Grant regime, they illegally removed him from command without redress. It was only at the begging of Gen. Sheridan and Terry, that he was allowed to "ride along" and just command his own 7th Cavalry.

George Armstrong Custer, a national Hero, and never once promoted to his rightful place as General, and kept humiliated as Lt. Colonel. and in the official papers it always echos there, as his being a bonified general who earned that rank just galled those Grant puppets along with Grant to the core.

That is the way it was. Either you were a Grant boy, or you were like General Sherman's second in command just ushered off to some humiliating job after being a General, the humiliation of which killed that man in depression.

I will keep at this explaining the realities to expose the crimes of today in this Obama regime to those of the past, as both are linked as the same treacherous ilk are involved and the same media types are printing the same smear jobs on the innocent while leaving the guilty off.

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