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The Obamubbles

that Queenie has been workin' her emancipation for Uncle Abe for quite some time

I applaud B. Hussein Obama and his script writers, as they have even outdone sociopaths to a level of "Americans are idiots and we can tell them anything".

The first level in this was the lovely Muchelle Robinson Obama AKA M.R. Obama who we were told how beautiful, gorgeous, Paul McCartney crooning Michelle sexy this 8 year old trapped in a 50 year old cotton pickers form.
It was all strange to the normal mind, as it was like MR had won the Miss Beauty Pageant and instead of solving world hunger her prize request was for all to tell her mirror mirror how lovely she was.
Yeah MR was the ugly witch in this bizarre children's tale and all of you story readers were looking at Sleeping Beauty Sarah Palin in knowing she was the babe, and Muchelle along with the husband, just had to make Muchelle the babe on the global block.

That now has even not been enough for the Obama's as Muchelle tried desperately to be Diana Ross for 4 years.............yeah you probably should not Freud that one in what Barack gets his balls bouncing on or what Michelle got her boobies bouncing on in priviate in Chicago days........as both of them liked the Supremes supremely and ............ick.

Now though Barack in press conference said he the Obama's were likeable and could the smoker in the GOP Congress come over and play with his cards.
Look, I did not write this scipt and never made this up. Obama wanted males who put things between their lips and suck on them........like Monica..........to come over to his OVAL OFFICE in order to play with his DECK.

Sure it was double entendre by Obama, and you saw it on display when Muchelle rolled her eyes at the playful Boehner and Obama bandying about things, to see if the MR would sign off on the playtime.
MR of course responded with "You are going to replace me with him???? I don't believe it!!!!"

So now you know the psychological conversation which no one else has exposed........blah blah blah blah blah.......and blah.

What is odd though to me, as it is odd, were the Obama's in the parade viewing booth. Obama was doing a white man or Asian dance there.Muchelle was tryig to be a rock star ho. They were recreating the Clintons beach scene of long ago of the "happy couple".

Then there was head bobbing Queenie who appears like Sloven on a bread and water starvation diet.......Queenie has no black in her, as that head bob was all Peking.
Sloven just sort of lays in there and not a whole lot goes on......she still looks like she is auditioning to push a mop for a living.......maybe that is why MR wears that mop hair chop.

So this degrades then into ABC doing kissy face stories as the Obama's pose, jig as Chins and head bob.
Yes they really are likeable I guess........reminds one of the square freaks from the 1960's who were not with it, to quote their generation.

What came next in the Obama transformation is..........the media started running Mockingbird feeds of the Obama's are now the example of blackness and not the Huxtables in the Bill Cosby fictional family.

Do you get that?

It is not enough for Obama to .........well be Jesus, Reagan, Martin, Bill, Abraham, Mahdi, Ossama..........you know the list. No man, Obama and MR now they want to replace Bill Cosby and Felicia Rashad, as the new fictional American family.

Do you not get the hillarity in this?????

You got Birther Obama, with more birth abstracts than a border busting Mexican along with Social Security numbers..........adopted by every continent.........goes by different name than what he is in AKA..........his old man blew dust......a dock worker knocked up the whore Mum from the Philippines....adopted Indonesian.......foreign aid student................I stop there as Obama is pure fiction.

Then there is MR, who has this thing in her panties that looks like a male thing. Then there is that black thing.........the woman's closest slave relative is like from 2 centuries ago.....she is a Norwegian RobinSON..........

Then there are the Obama daughters who look nothing like Barack or Muchelle.......but more like Scottie Pippen from the Chicago Bulls and Stevie Wonder from the Detroit Motown.

The Obama's are fictional and now they want to replace their fiction with another fiction which is what America once desired.
The Obama's are now the Obamubbles.

Do you now see how absoutely insane this is? No the Obama's do not get the joke as they are nuts. The people who scripted this for them find it a riot and can not stop laughing at their stage act and the American audience watching all of this dumbfounded........well at least the ones who are still in their right minds.........the left mind has left the building with Elvis long ago.

I wonder what comes next in this dicatorship? Is Obama doing Caligula fairy dances in the theater room already inviting Jake Tapper over? Will Obama now start entering places with HEY HEY HEY as Skinny Albert?
Is Muchelle next going to be Princess Diana? Is Queenie going to be...........Marilyn Monroe.........is Sloven going to be Betty Boop?

The Secret Service has to be watching this Four Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest and start every transmission with BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE.

Thing is Diane Sawyer and Bob Scheiffer actually signed onto this and think that Boehner and the GOP are the nutty ones........well maybe Di and Bob figure the willing duped are more dangerous than the dupes Obamas.

This is just all too Twilight really even for me as it is like sitting in an LSD bar watching the bullets fly by and say hi.

nuff said 234

PS: For you Obama voters so this soaks in, could you imagine if FOX and George W. Bush had announced that he was Martin Luther King jr. and that the family had now become the best example for a family than the Beaver Cleaver family.......how you would have hauled W in to the nut ward and rightly castigated FOX in not knowing Ward and June were not even real?????

agtG 234

Welcome to Tarzan Obama's Jungle


Before I got fed up with Facebook in being stalked, hacked, backstabbed and whatever, there was this little dog humper named Ginsu chic who liked going around ragging in PMS on males on the right or females on the right who were not as perfect as her blade.

Got really disgusting in she even lowered herself to slap around my dead sister, after she had these beasty tirades about NATURAL LAW in it was quite wonderful to mass murder Col. Khadaffi as this Ginsu got off on things Mark Levin slobbered over in Obama murdering people in the bin Laden home and leaving children to crawl around in the blood.
By Libya, even Mark Levin wised up in figuring out this savage nature only spawned worse things.

This blog was proven right in the anal rape and posse murder in Benghazi which is ANALGATE in the connected murder of 30,000 souls in Syria and now the Obama armed terrorists in Mali and Algeria piling up more bodies.

That is what brought Ginsu to mind as she chased around the Tea Party in Kim Jong Un must be her dream guy Mongoloid.

“Settling accounts with the US needs to be done with force, not with words, as it regards jungle law as the rule of its survival.”

Complete with nuclear warheads, ICBM missiles and direct threats about vaporizing American cities, that must make Ginsu's lily dewy wet.

 “We do not hide that a variety of satellites and long-range rockets which will be launched by the DPRK one after another and a nuclear test of higher level which will be carried out by it in the upcoming all-out action,  will target against the US, the sworn enemy of the Korean people,”

Don't get me wrong in this, in I do admire Kim Jong Un as the only man in the room. He is on par with Vladamir Putin. The rest of the world has these Obama fags prancing about and that is what makes Kim look so viril.

 When it came time to tie the knot, Kim married the hottie Ri while Obama tagged that guy Muchelle.

When it came time to pose with kids, Kim pats them on the head and Obama fondles them on his lap.

See Obama just makes Kim Jong Un look more moral and American than Chinoid Obama ever will.

Like David Patraeus. Obama sets him up with big titted women to bring him down, and then Dave is just out there as the women do the posing with rabbits.

Kim has a problem with a military guy, and Kim just fires an artillery round at him, and obliterates him. Kim instinctively pulls out his big gun and Obama instinctively goes for big tits.

It is just bad for everyone when even China, place of human cannibalism is even more girly than Kim.

China, North Korea’s sole significant ally, even come down against Pyongyang’s intransigence, with Xi Jinping, the next president, telling a visiting delegation of politicians from South Korea that he opposes the regime developing nuclear arms or any weapons of mass destruction.
How can you be the popular girl when you are sounding like Obama broadcasting from the Forbidden City.

Kim Jong Un is not a fool. He is probably one thee most adept natural leaders the world has produced in the post Reagan era. That is the reality and it is not going to change.
No matter if Obama makes al Qaeda his terror group and arms them, they are still going to be lusting after atomic and biological weapons, and this is what Kim Jong Un knows and still has the network of Obama marginalized terrorists to perform kabuki with.

You must comprehend this that North Korea prints almost as much US currency as Obama does. The little Korean wives they are sending across the border to fulfill the needs of Chicoms are agents of the dear leader, and they are pumping more than their hips in pillow talk.

Kim realizes the weakest links are China and America, and not Japan or South Korea who will bite him. So Kim shoves a broom up Obama's ass just to show the world who is the man in the room.

Sure Kim is a bit touchy about things in going off on Peking girls printing he had plastic surgery to appear like dear leader one. He will get that figured out in  time too and realize he has the babe for a wife while Obama just goes around fondling Indochinese chics on his election theft tour.

If Kim was up to his game, he would be featuring all the Obama Birther stuff in Obama being a Chinese agent, along with Obama being the had of al Qaeda which is all factual. That might be the most dangerous thing he could do as Obama would react to that, but Kim would have the American underground championing the propaganda in stating Kim was the honest one in the conversation.

I do plan to touch on this further in what is taking place in all of this. I have the art work on the comp here, but just have not written the story in exposing things as was awaiting Inspiration.

For now though, what could be more wonderful than Kim Jong Un actually threatening Barack Hussein Obama with his own policy of Jungle Fever.....I mean Jungle Law in which Obama has murdered piles of people with around the globe.
It certainly appeals to the Mark Levin slobberers as they do like the blood lust in things.

Oh if Kim Jong Un would like to donate some of the Clinton bribe millions that Jimmy Carter negotiated to his dear leader dad to this blog in order to do have Ri do an interview, it would be welcome. Need her in some pin up pose though. Nothing slutty, but when you are selling North Korean communism, you got to show the wares in exposing what a guy Muchelle is.
Just some leg and a coy pose....think of Grace Kelly in a silk dress with her legs crossed.

nuff said


The Sex Machine


This is novel......

Oh let's sing first as singing is alawys fun.....

or not as the live feed here just got wiped clean....apparently the brown recluse did not want to sing today.

Let's sing again as the fat lady was before Congress.

Ooooo when you get through to me
It's always new to me
My double visiong get's the best of me
The best of me!!!!!!!!

Tonights the night I'm going to push it to the limit
Going to live all my years in a single minute!!!!!

So this is novel in when Bill Casey was in Iran Contra, the coup set up, that he got brain cancer and Reagan got amnesia. With Hillary Clinton though it is a matter of.......well someone doused the old gal with a Dr. Germ.......and then when that did not make her got tits up.....she does go tits up but that is with Huma and different than a viral infection.....with Huma it is like......well your husband beats you as a serial rapist so eventually you start getting rode hard by Vince and Hub......and after they do not satisfy, you start doing the lesbian thing as lesbians you can change undies with and things.

Where was I?

So it is like this, Hillary Clinton had her brain almost explode. I know this as the radar wave I speak of here, that have hit me, do things like explode my blood vessels in eyes and ......yes rectal bleeding. Did my puppy too which eventually killed her. Nasty stuff all of this and .......where was I?

Oh yeah, so Hillary's brain explodes. Bad shit that, what not eh? It was all Joe Biden and Obama really and the story is, Biden wanted to run in 2016, or told he was by Obama to keep his mouth shut. Hillary was the problem and Hillary bites, unlike John Edwards they both nailed in zipper gate while his wife was dying with cancer.
So you can't just toss Hillary in prison or hound her, as she bites. So the boys with radar turned up the volume when the bug didn't put Hillary down for the count.

So Hillary is like puking and things, and not going tits up. So they zero in on her and zap her hard. Was nasty ass shit them sitting around in the black room wanting to play with the dials, but it is all now digitals in you just set GPS coordinates, bounce off a thermal radar image, and send in the juice.
You don't feel a thing and don't hear a thing. Next thing you know is you got blood in spots that blood should not be. Different than Limbaugh getting  his heart zapped in Hawaii thinking he could piss on Obama at the same golf hole.......I digress.

Where was I?

So Hillary gets the brain bleed and is dizzy, so she goes BADAHBOOM. Is an art form really to make the brain bleed on the outer cranial areas and not the inner or you end up with massive headaches or get a Tim Johnson......see you don't want Hillary cruising around in a wheel chair or arm flapping like Gabby Giffords or people get sympathy and then she can stand up and say, "Barack Obama raped my brain and Joe Biden tried to aborticide it!!!!!"
Be great theater, but Hillary was only left with "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE HOW THEY WENT PECKER UP!!!!!", and that only makes her look nuts.

Nuts is a good thing when you don't give someone brain cancer, as people feel sorry for you in emotional outbursts, being fat and lesbian and having to wear goggles for glasses like a Seinfeld character in that Lloyd Braun with Kramer.

Where was I?

Yeah pay attention as I know Hilary is hot. Man she got it all going on yet with her beaver cleaver.......that lesbian zone is still enticing to the man who knows it will get cut off. Bill said so that Hillary's snatch still has snatch life for 3 more husbands with heavy traffic.
Yes mam, that Hillary is femme fatale......and unfortunately the fatal part of this femme is Joe and Barack gave her date rape wave and she fell down and broke her crown.........not  the story but let's sing.

Huma and Hillary 
Went up to the hill
To fetch a 2016 run
Hillary fell down 
And broke her crown
And 2016 came tumbling after

Ok so that was not it, as it was like Hillary fell down and broke her hip.....no she broke her hip first and that is what caused the fall. Same with Hillary, the broke her brain first and then she just got dizzy and fell down as a swelled brain will do that.

I just think with Hillary being all sexy......you know because with Terri Schiavo liberal ghouls told us she was more sexy while being dehydrated to death as Jeb Bush looked on....that Hillary is even more sexy now. She is just so very sexy and I wonder if Barack and Joe factored that in, in the voters for Obama who go in and ride 90 year old depends women in the geezer home are just going to vote for Hillary in 2016 and not Joe.

That puts Dame Hamrod in jeopardy as she is even more appealing now, in octogeneriaphiles will be wanting to diaper her and feed her some protein the penis way. Is probably why Bill Clinton was sexing up his brain defunct wife as Bill probably got some of that down in Arkansas......some of them 90 year old diaper wearers just are too come hither for a man like Bill.

Where was I?

Hillary is just too sexy now, and the danger of Joe Biden is she will sweep through the primaries in such numbers that Obama's vote rigging will not work. Look they tried to rig Ben Netanyahu out of existence and came close, but vote fraud just can't beat a 30 point spread.....and we know the spread on Hillary is big as she has been at this a very long  time.

Yes can this be the undoing of Barack Obama's vote scam machine in Hillary Clinton has turned into the sex machine for 2016.
Mrs. Clinton is now even in more danger from brain blast as she has a history they can point to, and these wave busters are still penetrating the domiciles of competing forces.

Will Jeb Bush be next or did he get the message and is meant to settle for Scooter Bush in 20 years?

Tune in the next few years and see if Hillary's brain explodes again and if she becomes more sexy in the 2016 death run......a corpse elected over Joe Biden.

You do realize posting this here, has probably in the 87% category kept another attack on Hillary Clinton from happening........

agtG 263

PS: Biden always wants to turn up the juice.....friggin' turn her into Jiffy Pop for f*ck sake!!!!!!!!... well someone likes pumpin' up the volume........
Barack shhhhh and Muchelle shhhhh....

agtG 236

Casey Anthony


With the last of the inept charges by Florida prosecutors thrown out of court againt Casey Anthony, some things still require addressing.

I only weighed in on Casey Anthony's case before she was found not guilty by the jury, stating the charges and the prosecution of this woman, should find her not guilty as they were inept and mishandled in a bungled investigation and case.

I do not get sucked into court hype cases as I really do not care what pretty personality is being lynched, whether they deserve it or not. Casey Anthony, if she was a fat ugly Mexican who smothered her fat ugly black kid, would never have made it to the television or paper. She got the attention, because she is a good looking young woman who is white.
No one wants to watch some Mexican, black or Asian.........well Asians if they do something like eat the kid with rice, but television is built for good looking people.

No one cared about O J Simpson. It was his bottle blonde wife that mattered. If that chic that Kobe Bryant had raped had been a notch better looking, he would have still been playing prison ball for that rape.

It is all about looks and people are prosecuted for looks and get attention for looks, and the better looking person usually gets off as they get the breaks in crimes.

I have not did the forensic research on this wayward Ms. Anthony. Whatever she was, she certainly has had brains enough to keep out of the press in trying to disappear from view. In reality, whether she smothered the kid or whether it was some accident.....does not matter as she is not guilty by the courts.

For those who held up her partying as proof of her being heartless. People act out in all sorts of bizarre ways to deal with pain, especially the modern odd child. Going out and partying to get away from pain is as common as Alan Alda on MASH getting smashed in trying to deal with all the bodies he was sewing back together.

Granted Ms. Anthony now that she is done with this in misdemeanor convictions, she can do anything she pleases. Am certain she could "tell her story" in Playboy for seven figures in shoot if that tempts her as a million dollars after taxes can buy allot of privacy yet in Idaho or Mexico.

The reason I'm moved to post on this one more time is simple, in I hate it when people are in a tight spot and the world piles on while those fine law enforcement ladder climbers decide to make someone their next step on the rung.

George Zimmerman is having that fun time in Trayvon Martin with the same group of judges in the mob threatening him with murder. Few things in life are worse than when the prosecutors of some detective gets it into their heads with political backing to build a career on you. Then the press gets involved, and it is up to you with hundreds of thousands of dollars in court fees to trust in a judge and a group of 12 people who are divided between being too stupid to get out of jury duty and lusting as being court groupies to get in on a big case.
Then there is always the juror who is going to use your life to write some damn book or themselves pose for Playboy as the cash in.

I do not know what Casey Anthony has for plans, but in this world she could run for public office and probably win, as America likes crooks in office and Birther Obama in two election thefts is the largest man at large felon America has around.

When it comes to portrait of child killers, who is the one in the picture found not guilty and who is the one admits it?

So you do get this, Barack Obama has thousands of dead baby Anthony's laying around in this world............he made political hay off of Sand Hook's babies and he made it his November 2012 issue when he had babies left crawling around in bin Laden's blood and urine.
For the holier than thou, get the point, in what Casey Anthony was exonerated from.........Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of in his admitting it. Worst part is, you folks are supporting someone who did what Casey Anthony is being persecuted for yet.

Casey Anthony does not have command of Predators, al Qaeda terrorists or nuclear arsenals.

As piles of dead babies have not shown up around Ms. Anthony since her release, she is probably not a threat to anyone.

Can't say the same thing now about Obama can you............

As I beg allot for money, tell you what Casey Anthony, donate something and you can publish some interview here. I will give you your reign a hell of alot better than The View.


Art of the Gun


Rex Applegate and Jeff Cooper were two of the finest craftsman in the art of combat, both in knife and firearm arts. In stating that, one can have flashy knives and guns, in Hollywood style which are absolutely worthless to the average person.

I'm armed constantly and never consider myself armed, but I traverse the large metro areas in full view of police and yet am armed without license. My tool which I carry is an Old Timer, Schrade Cutlery, Trapper.
This knife has two blades, one being a sharp point for making cuts in hides and the other a rounded blunt skinner for pelting hides.

It has no lock back, for it's design is pelting furbearing animals. It is though perfectly balanced and I never chose it to kill people or get into fights with. It is simply what I carry by choice and what I probably would forget I have in my pocket as much as my bright little LED flashlight to blind a criminal as that is my personal mentality, in defensive mode in taking actions to ward people off before a situation ever begins.

I was discussing things with the TL while in the check out line in how a throat punch is the best measure if one has a life threatening contact where retreat is not available, if one does not have some oven spray or some other thing in aerosol to make a person's eyes close and make them think of other things.

All sorts of things are weapons, which include spikes in a dowel to a screwdriver, to a small ball pein hammer, which the authorities have not figured out yet makes a quasi brass knuckle, and keeps your knuckles from being broken when striking an assailant.

In my psychology, I have always been someone who prefers shotguns and artillery.......I prefer old cannon to modern Howitzers. While I have always been an experts marksman or deemed a rifleman, I do not like chance in any situation. I prefer the trench gun, or 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot, in a light load for control in a pump.

I have no time for semi auto, although I do own them. I also detest full auto guns, as all they do is burn barrels out, and few people can control that kind of recoil as muzzle blast, recoil and flash just intimidate shooters in a short  time, as people do not have ear plugs nor safety glasses on.
One must always compensate for auto and semi auto actions, as the creep always goes up and to the side one is pulling to compensate for the recoil. Hollywood is great at showing fiction, but none of it fits reality.

If you were to give me one single shot 12 gauge shotgun, a modicum of cover, I could consistantly take on a group of 10 criminals and win every time. Place me with a single shot pistol in the same scenario, and my criminals had semi autos pistols, and I would win in a fight like that too, as I have been trained for it.

Time and again one can see these old fat service men or video freak children, out gun numerous SWAT law enforcement and win, for the simple reason that John Wayne said in the Shootist. You have to be willing and most people are not willing and will flinch or think about things first.
There is a vast difference hetween shooting things on a range and being in a live firefight with distractions.

The fame Dirty Harry in his 44 magnum, shot Smith and Wesson special loads, for the simple reason he did not need bullets blowing through cirminals and killing other police or civilians.

There are balances in this in one is better off with a 22 that they can put on target than on a larger gun which is missing the target. The most lethal round on record is the 38 special + P load or the FBI loading of 158 grain semi wadcutter. It was shown to produce one more one shot stops than any load in the data.

I prefer revolvers and pump action shotguns. For me, the ultimate defense weapons are not available, but they would be short barreled in the 12 inch size in a 12 gauge shotgun as in a Remington or a 92 Winchester as John Wayne fired in westerns loaded with a 38 or 45 Colt loading.
The aim, handling, balance and resiliance of these two types are superior to all other guns available. Arnold Schwartzenegger in Terminator 2 had an obsolete lever action shotgun which would also be a candidate. Problem is the government has denied Citizens from short barreled firearms for defense for years, because criminals found they were the best weaponry.

Yes deny the law abiding Citizen when the criminals are the ones breaking the laws, and are still breaking the laws.

I would not want a 223 Brushmaster or whatever is being gunned around now in these Jokers for Obama gun control. I want the Finn Agaard methology handed down from elephant hunter Bell of Africa in a medium velocity bullet of medium weight to deliver the death blow. That is stability and ease of shooting. The 223 was designed in modern warfare for making cripples of soldiers so other soldiers would be used up carting them off the fields.
They also provide a lighter load in cartridges on paper and while all of it sounds great in combat, the Eurasians still play with the 30 caliber rounds moving at moderate speeds to kill Americans.

So I have not read the statistics in what all the civilians are buying up in Obama gun purchases as I doubt they are making the right choices in the expensive pistols and revolvers, as I would be more secure with a single shot Harrington and Richardson youth 20 gauge tucked under my seat or by my bed with an elastic clip than a big ole Hollywood pistol in my purse.
I pretty well know my purpose in life now and it is simple. I pay attention to my surroundings and any sign of trouble by instinct I place myself between it and the Tiger Lily as I will be moving them away from the field of fire or danger in taking cover and moving to an exit.

The push in America should be for the legalization in repealing the sawed off shotgun and rifle illegal laws passed a generation ago. These are the best defensive weapons there were ever produced in double barrels or pumps. The same for the Winchester lever actions.
They are not that concealable, but would hide under a coat. Civilians should not be penalized for the crimes of criminals.

As you can see, this blog is about correct assessment, and the reply from Americans should be to gun control is to repeal the illegal laws so Americans can gain access to real defensives weapons they have been deprived of.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive and doctrine.

Pony up.

agtG  254

Obama Control


My children, this is a lesson on the Constitution for idiots, ignorants, boobs, morons and other classes of Obama voters as of course you are so highly gifted in being experts on the Constitution, that you are Napolitano terror watch lists.

One note first, I was pleased to find out that snow, ice, storm and winter has a good side in the state police of America instead sit home instead of robbing people on the highway.
Pity really, as one would hope these speeding pirates of state regimes would go into skids and Darwin select their ways out of this world ridding  the Citizen of this scourge on America.

Snow is the Constitution's Friend.

I digress...........

The Constitution for starters does not grant any rights to you in the least. That is not what the document is about at all. That legal form of national law is instead a prison upon the Government allowing it to only operate in specific grounds with some doors forever locked.

The only reason the Bill of Rights were added, were due to fears that the US Government would do exactly what the Obama regime have enacted in grabbing absolute powers to become a dictatorship.

The Bill of Rights are not limits on your rights, for the Founders and Philadelphia Fathers completely gave all responsible liberties to the People and the States, with the Constitution granting limited scope to the Federal Government only for the common good.

The common good was simple in protecting the Citizen from those who would harm you in America and out of America. If the Government is doing more than that, then the Government is not Constitutional.

The Income Tax is unConstitutional as it grants rights to the Federal System beyond the taxation which Congress was originally granted.

For that matter, the ending of slavery in granting rights to the Negroid is unConstitutional because the Government has no right to grant rights to non Citizens.
Congress could outlaw slavery in a second level law, as it does crimes of murder, sodomy and rape, but granting rights to non Citizens was never allowed.
A slave could be freed, then they could go through a legal process to become a Citizen, and that would be Constitutional.

Outlawing alcohol and making it then legal is not Constitutional as it has no place in the governance of America, and the Government has no authority to tell people if they can get drunk or not.
If a drunk kills someone, then the drunk is subject to second level laws and can be executed when tried in court and found guilty. The Constitution though is not the place for allowing or disallowing activities.

The 18 year old voting amendment was correct as it changed an existing mandate of the Constitution, as much as the stopping of FDR from being a perpetual President in not following George Washington's two term self imposed limit.

See America needs Obama Control as he can not control hisself any more than FDR could. That though is what the Constitution is. It is a document which sets limits on the Government.

Examples of Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin high crimes, are his being a foreign agent in not being a Natural Born Citizen.

Obamacare forcing Americans to have their assets confiscated for a Government mandate is unConstitutional.

Obama executive orders in deciding which Americans he can murder by designating them outside the Court of Law is unConstitutional.

Obama's ever expanding wars without declarations is unConstitutional.

Obama gun control threats are unConstitutional in violating the Second Amendment and forming seditcious acts against the American people in denying them their guaranteed rights of being armed.

In reality, what the American system has devolved to, is absolute dictatorial status. This is beyond impeachment status for numbers of members of Congress, the Vice President and starting with Justice John Roberts, but it has devolved to absolute high crimes against these United States.
These are executable offenses when tried in military tribunals and court systems, due to the fact that this is treason, sedition and the overthrow of Constitutional Law in America.
People have been murdered from Andrew Breitbart to Col. Khadaffi. There have not been trials nor have their been declarations of war.

Without those legal Constitutional measures, then anyone dying is an illegal act and that is murder.

America is a lawless land for it has every facet of the regime now operating in violation of the Constitution. Mr. Obama can not be impeached, because he is not legally in office. He stole the 2008 and 2012 elections by electronic fraud, another Constitutional violation in free and fair elections.
Mr. Obama is subject to being arrested though on a Judicial warrant for his numerous crimes and removed from office. Considering the illegal nature of this regime in Vice President Biden has been enabling this overthrow of America, along with the Congress, along with the apparent attempted assassination of Hillary Clinton by the regime, it is a matter that in the Presidential succession, no one could be found to actually become President as everyone is corrupt.

The reality is though the Constitution is what it is. It is a document in which the Citizen and States retain all rights which are not granted on limited nature to the Federal System.
In all honesty, the silence of even Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court along with the three other Justices who are Constitutional is troubling and places them as conspirators in this overthrow of the Government too.
It has become that deeply embedded in thee entire system is corrupt, and the majority of the states are just as corrupt in being nothing more than quid pro quo regimes of criminal graft and rapine.

nuff said

agtG 291Y

The Continentals


I was raised to never retreat and to pick battles wisely, and all in due season. When it comes to defending our republic, we haven’t begun to fight! But we delight in those who underestimate us.

I love you Mrs. Palin, but you left the battlefield much to the bloodied eyes of your abandoned Compatriots as you picked at your bag of Chic Fil A battles with your multi million dollar pay off.

Some Americans like yourself can confuse "wisely" with cowardice and confuse "wisely" with prudence, as your due season was purchased with the blood of this blog holding point and field, as you appear with your confederates of Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin exorcising the ghosts of Reagan and Breitbart..

Your Republic is dead Mrs. Palin and you are foolish to distract Patriots to fighting over a corpse buried in the Obama Abyss.
If you happen to lurch into the light in the embers of the shattered Bonhomme Richard, know this Mrs. Palin that John Paul Jones in his "I have not yet begun to fight", it was about striking the colors and you struck yours as you abandoned the field for more prudent quarters.

Those who remained on this dangerous and bloodied fields have not forgotten, nor is the sound of current tourists on our field, is held with the same value as advice in "how we should have bled better".

Our flag is not upon a sunken ship of state, but is nailed fast upon the enemy's Serapis now our possession.

We know our ship Mrs. Palin. We know the treacherous waters upon which we sail. We know our colors are nailed to our mast. We know the battle Mrs. Palin.

We are upon these stormy seas Mrs. Palin, and know the waters. We do not need someone calling from shore about pointers about the battle we were in, are in and will be in.

You might not have begun yet to fight Mrs. Palin..........we never stopped.

 Mustangs earn their braid and brass.

God bless you Sarah Palin.

The Continental Scouts

agtG 235

Widder Clinton


Now that ex president Billum Clinton has offered up his serial cheated upon wife to three more penises to penetrate her to the age of 120, after Bill becomes worm food, this blog wills to mention a few pertinent facts.

Apparently Mrs. Tony Wiener has turned Hillary Clinton straight or more to the point, Dad Hillary is not pleased with having to raise Huma's and Anthony's child in that mixed marriage of lesbian and Tony pervert.
One can appreciate the savvy of Mrs. Clinton in going back to the male side of marriage, as no men ever get a pregnant pause.

For this reason, this blog offers of several candidates for Mrs. Dame Hamrod to marry once Bill is in the viewing room.

First, we should be equal opportunity in this, as Bill will probably dead in the next few years, so as long as Mrs. Clinton marries a lesbian of dried up ovary extraction, then women should indeed be the first mate to husband Hillary.

Rosie O'Donnell is a prime choice in she stinks like a man, and is as disgusting as most southern males, and with Rosie's eggs all in the dehydrator, she definitely would be key.
Rosie would also die in a few years, leaving Hillary time to marry two more males.
Rosie though has children and that might interfere with the inheritance Mrs. Clinton so richly deserves.....plus Mrs. Clinton likes lipstick lezbos, so Rosie might be a pass.

This leaves Barbara Walters. She is old, not able to produce eggs unless they come from the produce section of the grocery and she is a known whore with ample millions for a dowry. Babs might be at the stage of napping a great deal and needing Depends  changes, but perhaps Babs daughter could come over and do the diapers while the marriage would be bliss.

For second round husbands, there could be Ben Afleck. Ben is an idiot, married to Jennifer Garner who has not improved with age, and has children. Just making movies or not making them is what Ben is  pretty good at. He would in the next decade want to move up to a wife who could actually do political things in the power structure and that is something Jennifer will never qualify for.
Furthermore, there is the lovely step daughter, Chelsea, who could help Ben with boner issues as she has those Web Hubble lips meant for sucking.
In that Hillary could use her mouth for Madam President things, and Chelsea could be Sexcretary of the Interior.

In that, John Edwards is on the block. John is rich, he likes to put the wood to women, and when Hillary was done being rode, John could ride Chelsea or a host of interns. It would be like having Bill around without the rape.
John Edwards could do numbers of things as first lady and do them well, from wearing his hair fashionable, and by that  time his daughters would be of age for Playboy and that is something all could appreciate.

As the 3rd husband group, there of course is Justin Bieber. Justin in 20 years will be this fat middle aged idiot, instead of a thin young aged idiot. Such things would be viable for him in he could ride Hillary and some teenagers for recreation like Charlie Sheen, and that would be the type of scandal all could appreciate on the left.

Speaking of Charlie Sheen, why go with Bieber when one could get the real deal in Charlie Estevez. Charlie brings a great deal to the Hillary husband field. He is Mexican and would bring in the latin vote. He will sex anything and Hillary might not be the most desirable at 100 years old.
Charlie's dad, Martin, was President on television at the West Wing, and that kind of thing is just good to have as a first spouse.

These candidates to replace Bill Clinton are Hillary's best prospects. Granted Hillary might just go for the wild side and go after Obama voters like Bill O'Reilly or invite Rush Limbaugh in out of the cold right for some of his hot left political perspectives as Hillary and Rush would really heat things up with about a hundred pounds of Viagra.

This blog hopes the best for Hillary Clinton in her matrimonial ventures AB, After Bill. She is still quite the vixen with the right light even after her lesbian ventures as that took allot out of Hillary and her surviving the assassination attempt on her life by Obama, she deserves a few good romps.

I would be remiss in this warning though to Dame Hamrod. Please stay away from Alec Baldwin as he would be too much drama. Bill Maher would probably give you several diseases. Barack Obama would have too many boys over to play with his toy and Muchelle likes toying her boy thing a bit too much.

Given that advice, I look forward to the Hillary Clinton weddings.....all three of them

Lame Cherry will be the one dressed in white.


Bill Clinton: Hillary's 'Got Time To Have Three More Husbands'...


Aaron Swartz Murdered Twice Done


My children, I'm about to take you onto a journey by this blog's hand which you were never meant to explore. It is one of Aaron Swartz's murder and how the Mockingbird mechanism via Matt Drudge and the willing conditioned have reinforced the "suicide" in the same way fellow Diaspora Dead, Andrew Breitbart was conditioned to non existence.

The people that Mr. Swartz and Mr. Breitbart came into contact with, as much as Andrieu Riera of Scytl in his murder by auto accident, are the enforcer group, who are the control group connected to intelligence that are called out to assassinate Presidents, Sec. of Wars, FBI Directors, CIA Directors and wave makers like Vince Foster.

Aaron Swartz made waves on key elements of the cartel's agenda that Mr. Obama has been implementing and for this he was professionally removed.

These enforcers are professional and never miss. They work in the shadowlands in this nefarious network which assassinates one of the Shah's remaining sons or drags Col. Khadaffi to his death, because these Muslims are in the way of the new breed of Marxist Muslim who are being put into control.
It is the enforcers job to do these things, and it is intelligent to not activate them when one is dealing with the powers that be.

Hillary Clinton in her brain exploding had a fringe activation employed against her in the Star Wars weapons lab as Rush Limbaugh did with his heart malfunction in Hawaii. The Obama regime is not like the Clinton regime in the hands on murder inc. Obama's backers employ a wide array of sanctioning strata, and one of which is the the high technology.
A great deal of the old MKULTRA has surfaced with B. Hussein. He, himself, is a product of ULTRA in the intervention he underwent to reprogram him from a loser fag foreigner doper in college to a community organized mole based upon Bill Ayers thought patterns.

ULTRA II has been the catalyst in the Obama American operations in his Jokers and Hookers. They have become more active in making certain that those like Aaron Swartz who have the hard data though hacking are being sanctioned as Andrew Breitbart was for his activity.
The moment these diaspora dead started mentioning leverage in what they would do with their information, they were terminated.

I will now take you into the world of TRON, a place where Lame Cherry was a rock n roll band burned onto a hard copy and escaped onto the internet where Baby and the apes play in the spider's web.

What first must be addressed is not all hackers are the same. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were hackers. Jobs lost out on a great deal of revenue when he refused to make Apple a spy window as Microsoft did. It was not that Apple could not be hacked, as it was geared to monitor the "creative" minds in what they were initiating, but it was just that Jobs did not cooperate for revenue and this was what kept Apple from overtaking Gates in the intelligence money flow.
Jobs though after leaving and being brilliant was someone who could not be controlled. He did come on board with systematic advances through back engineering........yes that is code word for what he was being inspired by, but cancer was his sanction cure, and with Apple now failing after his death, Gates is once again doing his god's work who is Obama.

Everything has built in doors for intelligence to spy on you. Your computer now is actually part of Homeland NSA. Yes you are the spider in the web collecting data for the main frames in your interaction as you set patterns.

There is then the Wikileaks hackers who are employed to bring down those who are targeted, and sanctioned by Obama and the Berliner boys. There are those hackers who attack Baptists for the Obama gay agenda......all part of the allowed seedlings who are doing Obama's work to keep things steered by electronic terrorism sanctioned by the regime.
That is why this blog noted and exposed if the hackers who are supposed for liberty were interested in it, they would be exposing the Rothschild finances or being Robin Hood in taking that stolen money back. They do not do this, because they are of the Obama mindset. If they ever tried it, they would be a corpse statistic as that would be a direct  threat to the cartel in the feudal order.

I will next utilize this illustration of mind conditioning. The Big Bang Theory. You know it and have watched it as I have. You do not though comprehend entirely what you are seeing, but what you are witnessing is that thing which murdered Aaron Swartz.
What you have are geniuses who just so happen to be surrounded by big breasted Jill Kelly women. In real terms, these are called minders.

Minders or moles are not just at Hutatree or Terry Nichols operations. There are minders who are involved into every hacking group. Aaron Swartz had contact with numerous minders who were reporting on him and controlling him in part. It is how the information flow of octopus is kept track of, in the things these geniuses come up with and discover in the system are the things which has caused the overthrow of the free world.

It  does not matter if they are fags or women. The minders are there always and they produce the psychological intelligence in the trip wires and are the ones who bring a soda with a smile laced with a depressant that starts the suicidal process for murder.

Big Bang allows the conditioning of these Hawking types who are deluded into thinking they are brighter than everyone else, so of course these big breasted mice are attracted to them, and the genius never considers they are the rats in the maze as Sheldon and Leonard, while naive, could never be dating or in bed with a female who would murder them when the orders were received.
They also show up at funerals stating all the things the family and friends desire to be told. Yes suicide is painless, but let me stick the knife in your would so you keep that suicide propaganda alive......as we all know the troubled geniuses all commit suicide.

There are foreign hackers. Obama contracted with two groups who came to play with me, in Jewish and Russian based contractors. They have had full access of the internet giants in Microsoft, Google, Face Book and Yahoo.
Ms. Yahooters of Wisconsin is such a control of these Obama groups in assisting in the things Yahoo like all the hub centers gather on intelligence in each of you. She is the tits distraction the public is never to notice in, you know that Homeland never, ever, contacts Yahoo about security things or spying on people as Yahoo is pure as the driven snow and just virginal in all they do.
Yes computers, the 300 million dollar genius heads, have never once had a conversation with Homeland as all of those stories about money support from NSA to all the giants is just a fiction......yes Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Ms. Yahooters never mention those conversations as of course they never could have happened.

They never notice their servers having problems in being monitored, because of course their computer wizards are just so stupid in not ever noticing anything like that.

I can tell you that every one of these minders top to bottom who ever had contact with Aaron Swartz reported on it, as Swartz data storage site was one which all sorts of things could be encrypted in piggyback mode. REDDIT as are numbers of public post sites is loaded with the olde personals of:

JERRY. Mum is sick. Come home by the 7th as she needs to see you. Your loving sister, Bill.

Operations can use the bin Laden military channels as this blog exposed was the Sheik's burst communication package he was hiding in, and operations when the requirement is off book, is to post in photos, burst files, songs to simple messages all types of information.
The main frames of Mum and Dad filter all of this in the patterns, but Baby knows things like the spiders will pull naughty bits out of blogs and have them posted as the actually daily communication threads.

Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive in this article of exclusives, but that is all I'm going to say about that box of chocolates.

Aaron Swartz was murdered. The conditioning is for suicide to misdirect. The hackers seizing the government site were initiated by a mole whose purpose was to distract and give the children something to play with, so they did not start acting out like Aaron Swartz and need to commit soda suicide too.
It got messy with those bio weapons techs all going tits up a decade ago, and the cartel does not want to deal with dozens of Swartz suicides as the rats just might start figuring out it is not accidental.

Every hacker has been under scrutiny in this and there is a sanction list formed in order to deal quietly with the ones who will not leave Aaron Swartz dead. They will be allowed to act out in some ways, but already measures are initiated to deal with this, as this will be shut down like all of this diaspora has been.

There is a reason this blog should be funded as it drools upon itself and scribbles insanely on the wall like King David among the Philistines. It knows by Inspiration how to tell the public things while running up to the edge without tripping the wires beyond bleeding out of one's eye veins.
An audience is appreciated for those performers on the stage, in the audience knowing the story, but sitting quietly in their seats and not interrupting the performance.

There are enough rich bratty hackers bumping about this blog interiors who are being tracked. The rich part should be donating to the high numbers, as it is amazing that posts about Aaron Swartz murder keeps them alive, so they remain operational and not misbehaving by instigations of their minders, so they become the next Aaron Swartz.

Matt Drudge knows Aaron Swartz was sanctioned. He  can only highlight things to keep resident pressure on, so he does not become a sanction candidate. Drudge knows that Andrew Breitbart was murdered. It would only get Drudge the same fate if he pushed it.
It is better to let lame underground chatter stoke things outside Mockingbird to keep things cherry. There are hosts of cowards in this all terrified of being the next sheep hung from the meat hook.

I have cautioned from the start of this, that this is game and one plays the game if one plays by the rules. It is not something to be indulged in by those who think this is a game as it is not a game at all, but a series of tolerances and absolutes.

Skynet exists and there are operational a entire series of minders and moles, quite conditioned and quite conditioning everyone to form this feudal state. Each with bias and being fed their psychopathy so they willingly engage in the end result. This is controlled chaos that sets a mass pattern by design.

This is your best operational platform, not too large to leave imprint, but imprinting on Baby and the apes. When the information is Fahrenheit 451 memorized for when the fractures occur, that is when acting out  would be an objective, and the cartel has factored that in too.

So just buy your ticket, keep your mouth shut, watch the show, read the script and say alive.

If you need a translation my rich bratty brats, donate so things keep flowing in Inspiration here, shut up and behave, watch the theater and read the blog as you figured out what is taking place, so you stay alive.

You have learned enough for today my children.

nuff said

agtG 265

Marissa Mayer: Ms Yahooters


I noticed that Marissa Yahooters Mayer is not a donor to the Lame Cherry blog. She is the aging hot ass from Google who is worth 300 million bucks and was placed in control of Yahoo.

You might think the above photo is pretty porn, but as you can see by the reality of the Lame Cherry technical photo studio of enhancement, that my retouch of her took Marissa from blah to scorching sindickation.........yeah I mean sindickation.

It did not take much in replacing the Apple ball with a Lame Cherry cherry kiss. Then I was Inspired to put her into some shoes that did not make her look like Clementine wearing size 9's. Follow up with putting her in a real slutty dress of real deep red colors, and you got a Yahooter exec who snaps.

Sure I did all this and this skirt will only Tweeter on Twitter about murdered Aaron Swartz or talk about new brainiacs she is hiring to faultering Yahoo.

The fact is I could save Yahoo if this Wisconsin milk maid would just do more than try to be the tart of the intelligence gathering gulag for Homeland.
I have not forgotten how Yahoo for Obama censored my mail in 2008 and was a real ass about it all in terrorizing me and others.
No that is not the fault of the Holstein Queen of Wisconsin......she just dropped a kid onto the world by some odd husband name of Barogue of something sound anal retardo for Obama, but as she claims to focus now in priority on God, family and whatever in that order, I wonder first if her mammary production is Holstein or Ayrershire.

Oh I suppose you want an explanation on that too.

Alright, Wisconsin makes cheese.......they rely on German Holstein cattle from said region due to large milk production by that breed of black and whites. Holsteins have low butter fat, meaning their milk is white......so is the butter and cream. Ayrshires have high butter fat, meaning their butter is BUTTER color or even orange due to fat content and no need for color added yellow poisons to make you think white butter is yellow.

See what I was curious about is Marissa Mayer's milk production a white color or a more yellow color. Some women actually have babies who poo orange due to the high butter fat content.
Some women are Holsteins in lots of milk and some women are Ayershires in lots of butter fat. Now I know you did not know that, even as women, but I know these things about lactating women.

I doubt Mrs. Barogue will care about such things, as she of course could not donate 2 million out of the 300 million horde stash she has.......I will not go into udder conformation on milk cattle, vein capacity, teat length and defined quarters with full intestinal capacity, and wide mouth to ingest large amounts of fodder to turn it into milk.
I did notice Marissa Mayer does not go by sperm donor husband's foreign minder sounding name, and I did notice she has a good hip structure for hard mounting and vigorous riding, with ample child bearing hips, and a mamary supply of D cup before impregnation that most likely swelled to DD or E when full milk production commence after freshening.
Yes Marissa Mayer in a cattle herd would be considered a good breeder. I'm quite certain the Obama clan would not be able to afford her, at 12 cows in trade, as she is probably a 20 cow bride...........25 if the husband assess that fine ass muscle structure in she could join with Bessie the milk cow in pulling the plough after both of their milkings, twice daily.

All of that assistance already for Ms. Yahooters, and one would think she would be really interested in donating to this blog a few million in the launch of life projects and how this blog would be the anchor of a new media for God, family and whatever...........you know the things Marissa Mayer Tweeters about when not riding apples up her twat.

There is nothing like a fine milk cow. They just make you feel all secure and happy in just looking at how lovely they are. Yes the short nipples are for mechanical milking and not hand milking which is a shame, but how now brown cow, can one be in this world of Yahoo owing me restitution for terrorizing me for Obama and well Marissa Mayer...........you know the Rothschilds started out with that name too.

I wonder if they were into milk production?

Where was I as I digress?

Yes it was about this growing list of American Aristocracy who have not donated to this blog while talking about God things and being all Mockingbird spy network.........and after all I have done for them like keeping Rush Limbaugh in thought and helping promote Jerome Corsi.

You would think that comparing Marissa Myer to a cow would be something that she would really be flattered by in her being from Wisconsin. What woman would not want her big muscular ass noticed for child bearing hip and plough pulling abilities?
Muchelle Obama had all of that and it is why Barack married her....although her milk production appears to have been of pygmy goat proportions..........

I digress as this is about Marissa Mayer, as Ms. Yahooters. I know she would as a prim and proper, faster pussy cat wanna be, really like having a popular girl like me around to girl talk with.

I could keep her from fashion sins, but doing photoshops of her. I could enjoy money without having to slut myself up. I could help her age more gracefully.........perhaps get her a boob job or get her a plough to pull around to tighten things up, as I'm sure her Denegue named husband is too castrated to suggest such things............300 million I'm certain never came up into his thought process, no more than her having big hooters.........never did check her mouth for taking in quantities of protein for milk production........

Where was I?

Yes Marissa Mayer would enjoy being a friend.......one would think the elite would figure out that being friendly to me stops them from being skewered in public. It is a hard thing to think you are hot in a photo and then have it revealed you are not, but a fashion sense photo which does make you look hot.

Yes if only Marissa Yahooters would sit her cherry on my lame cherry in the free flow of commerce, she would be much happier in founding a new media.....or hell I might just give a nice home to some Ayershire looking to produce milk.

Ayershire cows are really pretty.

I know she would donate if she had a computer and 300 million dollars as cows really love me, almost as much as dogs......and cats, goats, turkeys........blessed Virgin, everyone loves Lame Cherry!!!!!!!!

Odd how in the olde aristocracy all great artists like myself had benefactors looking to benefactor artists, but in the Obama feudal order......well they just all talk as talking is cheap.

agtG 237

PS: Marissa when was the last time you were thanked repeatedly for teaching someone to think?

Obama's Illegal Entry: Operation Aztec


As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive or exclusives........

There is in the Obama Ledger an operation dovetailed into the Sandy Hook Ultra II operation which is scheduled to take place in the voting down the Feinstein gun control vote.

It is termed Operation Aztec. Margin notes began this questioning the feasibility of creating a mass slaying of illegals in Texas in order to humiliate the Republicans there in order to push for illegal legality, but was deemed not feasible.

What was engaged since was bringing Mexican Senora Sotomeyer out of the cave to start a conditioning process based upon a broadcast network story of a latino who fought the system to not have her family deported.
This is the key element in this for "dead baby sympathy" in what has transpired.

Operation Aztec is keyed upon a California entry point, in which the Border Patrol and INS is going to apprehend a specific mule shipment of illegals, namely women and children in the Sandy Hooker numbers.
They will be attractive and feeds are running from Mexico to a Latin American nation. These victims are connected to the opposition and have been threatened to the point that the process has started to move them to join family here via a religious route.

They will be safeguarded on the route and crossed over into California, even though elements still desired Texas, but Texas will not create the desired "New York effect" that Cuomo generated for Sandy Hook.

This group of "attractives" will be photographed and provided minor "buzz" with nothing reaching the regime, except in "attempts" to become involved in the paperwork in order to keep them being deported as their return would mean their certain death as political enemies of this state.
Peppering is being established in Mexican returnees in "political assassinations" to spread this as a "quoted" backdrop to negate Obama and Holder's Gun Runner. There is balance in this as the underground media will call up Gun Runner, but the Mockingbird blast will be thought enough coupled with the "attractives" to keep the puppy press focusing the mobs mind on what transpired.

Aztec is designed to involve a mass rape and murder of these attractives on their return. The photos will be released with blood and flies. Narrations in Spanish will be fed to Univision to start the attention as English speakers will be curious over the mass death of pretty people and it all hidden in Spanish.
Something was recorded in ginning this up on YouTube like the fake Muslim file for ANALGATE.

The talking points of Mockingbird will generate as Sandy Hook a conspiracy "things do not match" to keep the fringe chattering about things, like wrong identies on bodies and connections to the elite.

At this point, Chuck Schumer will unleash his "Feinstein" illegal rights legislation banning all deportation of illegals and garnering them immediate rights as Americans.
This is the California clause in the Ledger in like New York, a pre written law will be rammed through and signed by Jerry Brown affording American rights to all illegals

Feinstein and Schumer will join in this co federal overthrow of American rights, as this is promoted by Obama "the likeable guy".

Something in the psyops margins discuss Obama with an "attractive" between his legs as at Sandy Hook in order to gin the conspiracy chatter, in a supposed dead girl in central America is alive for an Obama photo op at a California location.

As a further Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.........

This operation is designed in everyone is supposed to focus on Obama executive orders as is the bait in this, along with Feinstein and then Schumer, with key GOP traitors. That is the slight of hand, but the real protocol in this is happening before the public and they do not have the game figured out yet.

It is the New York law that is the juggernaut in this. Remember full that this blog  exposed that Chief Justice John Roberts was flipped on Obamacare through blackmail concerning those purchased Nazi latinos he adopted? This blog has alone been stating the scenario is, that as Obamacare, John Roberts is the treacherous vote which is going to make all crimes Obama as the law of the land.
Obama has told you that he does not need Congress and will act. His slight of hand is executive orders he knows the appeals courts will shut down. Eric Holder already has this gun control fast tracked along with the illegals legalized, directly to the Supreme Court.

John Roberts is going to be the 5 to 4 vote making certain that New York's overthrow of the Second Amendment and the California legalization of legals as full American citizens will be the  law of America, which will never be overturned.

This is the Obama second term overthrow of America. It is in the Ledger and the coming operation is the one which binds all of this together.

Aztec is the first trimester operation, before Obama brings a refocus onto the Middle East for his legacy thing involving Iran. Obama has flipped the Israeli elections enough for that broadcaster pretty boy liberal to bring Netanyahu to partition. Syria is in the works and the stepping point is Iran, with a sanctioned terror event in the protocols in New York.


nuff said

agtG 269

The Obama F Word


The reality of why Abraham Lincoln was murdered by the Europeans at the close of the Civil War had numbers of reasons, but the real reason has never been explained. It was beyond the reality that Lincoln self funded the war the Europeans started for slave trade interests to make America as it is under Obama, a debtor feudal state to Eurasian powers.

The reason Abraham Lincoln was murdered was a policy hidden for the most part and only spoken of in passing, and that is his, RIGHT OF THE RETURNEE, as was covered exclusively by this blog.

You do not comprehend in Amazing Grace, what exactly Lincoln was doing when he started the repatriotization of the African slaves. For the reality, Abraham Lincoln died for Danny Glover and   Samuel L. Jackson's sins of the present in enabling this foreign agent of the Eurasian order, B. Hussein Obama.

Abraham Lincoln, based upon the Liberian repatriotization of the Negroid to Africa, was invoking an economic war equal to the one Ronald Reagan waged against the Soviet Evil Empire.
You do not comprehend the Lincoln Doctrine, for just as Amazing Grace out of England stymied the American slave trade by taxing British shipping who held that cargo, Abraham Lincoln's Right of the Returnee in the Lincoln Doctrine would have brought down the Eurasian Empires.

As only this blog has spoken of in the Obama reorganization of the Neo Roman Empire and the New Asian Order with the Muslim Caliph as merchantmen smugglers for his new feudal order, enslaving Americans, the reality is in all of these Obama wars is the partitioning of the world on old feudal lines of control.
It was by opium, sugar, rum and human traffic that the old feudal order, built all those pretty castles and estate mansions you see Obama staying at or on Masterpiece Theater. It was that commerce class that Obama has origins in of the bastard aristocracy in illegitimate children of the royals running the second tier of the mercantile that the modern mafia which Obama has organized again for this feudal state, who is reinstalling the old order.

It was by rapine of New World, African and sub Asian lands, that this order was funded to amass vast amounts of wealth all for the ruling few.

In comprehending that reallity, imagine now as the Monroe Doctrine was American Doctrine, coupled with the Lincoln Doctrine of the Right of the Returnee. Know that the feudal lords of Europe as were some in American quarters of the South, their terror in Haitian type uprising, Mexican Revolutions, Boxer Rebellions. Boer Wars, when the natives like the Americans became restless and started to revolt.

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies - Telegraph

www.telegraph.co.uk › NewsWorld NewsNorth AmericaUSA
Feb 11, 2011 – Abraham Lincoln wanted to ship freed black slaves away from the US to British colonies in the Caribbean even in the final months of his life, ...

Examine the Lincoln Reality in what would have happened if hundreds of thousands of slaves, now Christianized, now rudimentarily educated, knowing self determination instead of hiding under bushes and waiting for lions to eat them, and knowing self defense and firearms use by association with white American slave holders.........if that mob was repatriotized back into the West Indies and Africa.

The Chinese had thrown off the Imperialist in the dope trade. These European powers comprehended full what would take place if this mob of Negroes were returned in mass to their regions of control, in how it would be within years, they would be hacking the life out of the feudal lords and ruling those regions.

That would mean no masses of income flowing into Europe from the west. Africa would be an armed camp, sub Asia would arm fully, the West Indies and Americas would be completely a European free zone, and these small states of Europe under the control of the Rothschilds would be back to their current status of little fiefdoms trying to suck the life out of the world by piracy.

That is what Lincoln was about to unleash with his deporting of Bill Cosby and Michelle Robinson's relatives back to new colonies. Lincoln was going to set an advanced black back into feudal plantations, where they would being a revolt which would destroy the empires of the world.

This is why Bismark of Germany stated that it was the Europeans who murdered Lincoln, as they could always find one nut to blame. The Europeans murdered Abraham Lincoln, because of the Right of the Returnee in what those radicalized blacks would do to the feudal system.

It is amazing in this that Obama mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski under Jimmy Carter actually radicalized Muslims to attack the Soviet Union in Asia, and Obama has now taken those radicals as his terrorists in overthrowing the old Anglo American order, for his central European order........the old feudal global state that he is initiating for his Berliner benefactors.

The very plan that Abraham Lincoln had started, is the plan the European order has used to bring down America, using this political bastard from Lincoln's Illinois in the Chinoid Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin.

Lincoln was murdered as he was going to use liberated blacks, in their own nativity to bring down the global slave state, but types like Danny Glover instead after Lincoln was murdered, stayed on the American plantation system, as the cartel deemed it would be better to make them sharecroppers for a new cartel master, who would then use them for a voting block to plunder America more in the welfare state.

The Afroid like Danny Glover likes mouthing off for Obama all the propaganda, as blacks like Kobe Bryant go to the Lincoln movie and are so ignorant they do not even know Lincoln was assassinated in the end, but the reality is they are the reason Abraham Lincoln was murdered and they are the reason now with this foreign agent Obama, that America has been slaughtered.
In exact ways as President Theodore Roosevelt saw African blacks grinning under stick shelters he forced them to build when they were huddled in misery under bushes too sloven to make a hut, the same blacks in America have devolved to grinning for Obama in thinking he is their shelter as Obama burns down America.

That is the reality and the story behind why Abraham Lincoln was murdered. It was because blacks were supposed to return to their homeland and take their lands back from the feudal lords. The American Afroid was a tool of the global elite, and is still a tool of the global elite in complying with the status of ward of the lords.

These Afroids should be ashamed in this, but they are not. They in glee assist B. Hussein Obama in his destruction of America after raping the Virgin. Abraham Lincoln emancipated the Negroid not for America, but for their own lands. The GOP illegally gave them Citizenship to attempt to keep control of America after the Civil War.
The Europeans and their democratic operates arrested that development in the same way Putin took al Qaeda from Brzezinski and turned it onto 9 11 America. Obama now in giving these terrorists the Caliph has set off an inferno of rapine in the world to try and  bribe this mob back to serving the Neo Roman order.
The American Afroid in mass has enabled all of this for the designer negro Obama, who is Asian in origin by his obvious genetic traits and the photos of his Filipino Chinese mum on the dock in Hawaii with dry dust shooter Barack Husein Sr.

The reality is, if Lincoln's Doctrine had been enforced, Africa would now be a thriving self governing continent. The reality is if the Lincoln Doctrine as the Monroe Doctrine were enforced today, world revolutions would start in Africa, Eurasia and Latin America which would bring down the global feudal order, and free peoples in America, Australasia, India and the Commonwealth would benefit, as would the Europeans, Russians and Chinese.

Without examination of this historical reality as is now being bastardized by the political bastard B. Hussein Obama for the same interests who murdered Lincoln, America and the world will be in this gulag as is constructed and implemented.

None of this is lost on the feudal lords and priests. They put Obama into Illinois as a cruel reminder of they murdered Lincoln and have now replaced him with a foreign agent masquerading as a black by design, to rub it all in.
The feudal lords are sadistic with long memories in the rites. Obama is a joke my children and he and the lords are laughing at a joke, you are too slow to get.

agtG 238

Sandy Hook Trajectory


The following forensic diagram reveals the "shooter trajectory" at Sandy Hook based upon the 5.9 height of the published unsub.

To explain, the adult male at the far end of the classroom firing at an adult or child, would have the following trajectories in red. As the unsub neared the teacher of the child to the outside wall, the trajectories would be even more pronounced in firing into the ground or floor.

We know that the one teacher was shot in the face, hence the head shot trajectory, but this is still a magic bullet as we do not precisely know the green car's location exactly nor the shooter's position for the "assigned trajectory" which is the official explanation.

It is only through a window would the following be possible as the handgun, shotgun or rifle in 9 mm, 40, 45 or 10 mm, the 12 gauge or the 223 is incapable of firing any projectile through a brick wall and penetrating a vehicle.

To penetrate stone, a 50 caliber type weapon with an armour piercing bullet might accomplish the task, but this is an anti aircraft type weapon requiring a bi pod to fire. This is a huge weapon that snipers will long range utilize, and this was not the published weapon at Sandy Hook.

To explain the published ammunition, the medical examiner stated that the bullets were all non full metal jacket type.
There are three types of bullets. The full metal jacket which is a bullet that is fully covered with metal and has either a steel or lead core. This is the civilized bullet for warfare, as it is designed not to blow up on the human body.
It is the only type of ammunition which would even come close to penetration in brick in larger calibers.

Soft point is a jacketed bullet with the softer lead exposed for mushroom effect as when the soft lead contacts bone or muscle, it flattens out and expands, causing a mushroom effect for a larger wound channel. This is the primary required hunting bullet for quick kills.

Hollow point and jacket hollow points are designed to fragment on contact or great a massive energy transfer of the bullet into the tissue target. Consider this like a  belly flop diving in the pool. It is a surface transfer round, and will penetrate being jacketed, but these bullets are for defensive purposes in shooting intruders and transferring all energy into the body and not exiting, to harm bystanders.

The JHP was the official bullet explained by authorities. It could not ever, zero probably chance, ever blow through a 3 inch brick, travel across an open area, and then penetrate an automobile.
It would 100% of the time be stopped in the brick. If by some freak of nature it found some inferior brick and exited, the 223 and the 40 caliber rounds, are so lightly charged by powder that they would not be lethal after encountering brick material. In other words, no penetration of automobile metals, but it might dent them.

For this reason, the bullets at Sandy Hook if they came from the school had to be fired through a glass window, which in turn brings about it's own problems as glass is sand. School glass is a safety glass, and usually in two layers. It is meant to not shatter when broken and is resistant to breaking, and in most cases is thermal glass in double layers for climate control.

This glass could be penetrated and leave a shatter hole. It though would absorb a great deal of energy in the impact on this glass negating a great amount of the effect of the lethality of a bullet in speed, as speed is what gives a bullet energy to penetrate objects to kill.

The authorized version of the Sandy Hook vehicle is a fabrication, even in best possible scenario as the bullet trajectories would not match the shooter to the car.

Further complications arise in the green car has an exist and entrance hole in the metal of the car. Meaning a bullet which appears 223 was fired from inside the vehicle and another larger caliber in the 30 to 40 plus caliber was fired into the car.
The above trajectories point this out based upon the green car diagram.

We know for certain the car bullet holes as the photographic evidence is in the forensic photo.

In examination, the forensic trajectory points out to the following scenario at Sandy Hook as to what took place.

An adult reported they thought they saw the shooter sitting outside the school on a bench, when she entered the locked door.
It was between that moment and another that events transpired in the parking lot that was the beginning of Sandy Hook.

The green car is the literal smoking gun. In human psychology, it is definitive by the bullet holes that one to two occupants were in the car.
At some point, an armed individual approached the vehicle from the front fender. I assume it was on the passenger side. This would conclude someone was seated in this car expecting someone to approach.

The individual who approached the car, did not come near the passenger window nor driver window. It was front on, which means they were moving to engage the person in the car, but were also leery of the occupant.
We know from bullet trajectory from inside the car that it exited the car at an approximate 20 degree angle upward. This concludes the car occupant had a rifle with the barrel pointed up and away from the occupant, which would explain the approach from the individual from outside.

The person in the car fired first in the events that transpired, and by angle attempted to shoot the outside antagonist in the head who was not allowing a shot from the car door window.

The shot missed as no blood spatter was located, and it is conclusive that the outside antagonist immediately withdrew at a slight angle from the car while ducking in a half crouch.
We know this because the bullet entry point was angular and lower than if someone was standing by a car shooting at an occupant.

Both antagonists separated at this point. It is inconclusive if any further firing took place outside the school in a gun battle.

Conclusion is though car occupant, upon encountering the firing of his or her weapon in the enclosed vehicle, experienced muzzle blast which even with ear plugs would stun the shooter in the discharge, including concussion slap to their eyes.

What is logical is the individual with the handgun, as it was outside the car and firing into it, retreated toward the school, and at this point gained entry by force, by firing into the glass and opening the door.

This points to a reality that the person in the car, armed with the 223 was advancing on the outside antagonist.

No public evidence exists at this point, except scattered reports of one teacher being shot in the face, like the mother was reported to have been dispatched. This is an attack on personality in the shooter is wiping out a superior persona which they feel threatened by.

The majority of the carnage was in one classroom, and scenarios are varied in one shooter attacking authority, saving children from what they perceived as dangers in the school or competition for the teacher's attention, to, something deeper was involved at Sandy Hook that someone in authority there was involved with, and the children were silenced for what they saw, knew or were a part of.

Identity murder in face shots, and multiple body firings are acts of aggressive passion. Whatever took place in that school after it festered in the parking lot, was unleashed in volumes.

Evidence points to more than one viable shooter due to the time necessary in expending ammunition and time allotted in the fray.

There is no doubt the green car was the scene of a confrontation. This then brings the examination to a reality of this car had bullet casings, at least two, which were not reported by authorities, in their scenario which points to a cover up of their knowledge of something more was taking place at Sandy Hook than one lone gun man as is the official fabrication.

When theories are presented which do not match the evidence, nor in theorized trajectories than something is being covered up.

It is also reported that the shooter did not die of a self inflicted wound.

There are too many discrepancies in all of Sandy Hook. Mockingbird has been active in laying evidence to "conspiracy nut" events like these, to cover up what was taking place, and to give the public something to chew on in the distraction as other events are transpiring off the first event.

The vehicle is deduced to be 7 inches below grade, in a 4 inch curb and 3 inch rise for drainage from school to parking lot. This assessment factored in puts the shooting height at 5.9 feet, dropped to 4 inch eye level at 5.5 feet, a probable 6.2 feet trajectory toward the car.

The conclusion is on the base time line of the beginning of Sandy Hook in what transpired in the green car, there is either outright incompetence by investigators or the first installment of a much wider cover up.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

agtG 332YY

Headline: Obama Goes Outrage!!!!!!!


How long America?

How long America before we open the Drudge Report some morning over our big biscuit and see that blazing siren with the above photo and the caption reading:

B. Hussein holds bawling Boehner hostage
17 Secret Service Agents shot dead by Obama Rampage
Obama Outrage at 1600 Penn Avenue Predicted by Lame Cherry

(fascinating note in preview, the links would not show on the above links. Odd as they were for photos of the Salahis at the White House, the Salahis with Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin chix pix and Sarah Palin in a Lame Cherry t top.
Interesting things happen to the popular girl's blog in links are grabbed while being published)

Yes how long America, in this gun nuttery of B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, blasting up Camp David he has admitted now, before Obama in the blood on his hands bloodies America even more.

Who was it but B. Hussein Outrage Obama who has still to prosecute fellow Islamist Nidal Hassan over Fort Hood..........even to call Hassan a terrorist or to even claim this was an act of terrorism from an Obama voter?

Who was it that let the accomplices of the Condom Christmas bomber go? B. Hussein.

Who was it that had a movie about the Sheik bin Laden corpse as it was such a delicious thing to him, but B. Hussein.

Who was it that allowed his dead friend, Col. Khadaffi dragged around Libya and then murdered in mass, than B. Hussein?

What about Benghazi and ANALGATE, in Obama has hours of anal torture rape of Chris Stevens, and has yet to find anyone responsible, as these were Obama's blood on their hands terrorists under his 2012 hostage taking orders for his election?

Who got 300 million in terror fund donations illegally in 2008 than B. Hussein?

Who was it that allowed that innocent, sweet, sugar and everything nice, Lara Logan, be gang raped by Muslim Brohood fingers to shut her up, and Steve Kroft would not even inquire, but Barack Hussein Obama?

Yes who went to Sandy Hook to fondle little blonde girls, who were supposedly dead, in relishing some necrophilia, Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama gets off on than, yes, B. Hussein Obama?

Who was taking names in 2009 of people who did not support him?

Who was boot on the BP throat as Obama flooded the GOP Gulf States with oil?

Who flooded out the Missouri River GOP states deliberately?

Who was it that went Predator missile crazy immediately in slaughtering the children surrounding terrorists, but B. Hussein Obama?

Yes America, how long is it going to be before Secular Islamist Obama, the man protected by Robert Morton, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and the list upon lists, from impeachment and arrest, before Obama goes OUTRAGE, goes Islamic nuts, goes Muslim mania and invites the Republicans over to the White House for some card playing, and the next thing you know, John Boehner draws to an inside straight, and Marco Rubio has a pair of deuces and....yes...........John Thune is dealt the Dead Man's Hand of Aces and Eights.........

.........all with Obama accusing that sexy Kevin Yoder sitting on his lap without a bustle, dealing from the bottom of the deck and Obama pulls out his Obama hosers, a 12 gauge mag, double barrel skeet gun, and draws that horse leg, and goes to work with it blasting all the Republican leadership to hell.

Sure then the Secret Service rushes in and mad gunner Obama douses them with lead........next thing you know 17 latino prostitutes are not going to be underpaid for turning tricks..........and Obama grabs the red phone off the desk and starts threatening to hose off Netanyahu and others in this mad Muslim mania?

Sure as your coffee is cooling in this Obama Outrage, we will all see Obama dragging John Boehner on a leash, with Boehner bawling, as Obama screams out ALLAH AKBAR, and starts making demands......for things like 70 virgins.........the release of the Blind Sheik..........Palestinian Homeland...........Jews out of Israel..........death to America..........

What will happen America when Obama goes overt and actually takes American hostage with his favorite tool of a gun, the thing he strokes up at Camp David..........and no longer does things slow, but rams it in hard for effect.

Yes what happens when Obama whips out his sword and lops off John Boehner's head on the White House lawn and has Muchelle bury him in the toxic White House garden?

Is America prepared for crazy Obama? Does the Secret Service need FBI protection?

What about the US military, when Obama hits the nuke button and orders the US to nuke it's military?

What will Jill Kelly do? Will Obama lure her huge breasts to the White House for a 4th time to lure in David Patraeus so Obama can wreck his revenge on Dave?
Will Obama hold Paula with the large breasts hostage to lure David in if he escape the first entrapment?

Just to what lengths will B. Hussein Obama go when he snaps?

Yes what happen when the Headline is just OGO, and every one knows it means Obama Goes Outrage, in next week it is John Roberts coming clean on Obama blackmailing him......then it is Gov. Perry of Texas having Obama go off on him......then it is ......you know the list......yes how long is it before Obama goes nuts in the headlines, and it is not just the headlines of......

Obama Goes Outrage!!!!!!!!

The above is not satire no more than,  Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr........

 Real people are dead, whose murders could be gotten away with. How long will it be in this Obama regime before murders of people now only blackmailed into Obama positions, are being sanctioned, beyond Andrew Breitbart and other key computer geniuses who opposed Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama and know his criminal secrets.


agtG 250Y

Operation Invisible Dragon


When Barack Hussein Obama announced that Sheik Ossama bin Laden was killed, this fabrication set in motion the murders of key Americans as Andrew Breitbart and the Navy SEALS.

Here is the story they were murdered for.............

When the George Bush war in Afghanistan was in the final process of flushing Ossama bin Laden from the Tora Bora mountain complex, it was the breaking point of the Sheik in his pleading for his men to die for him, as the reality of his grandiose delusion struck home.

Pakistani intelligence had a great deal riding on the control of the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and their primitive Muslim enclaves. It was they who assisted the Sheik in his escape from the American slaughter when a window of opportunity was afforded the leadership of al Qaeda to slip away into Pakistan.
It was deemed by certain American intelligence that the decapitation of al Qaeda would accomplish nothing, but only splinter in hydra a dozen more bin Laden's spreading the flame of Islam in more terror attacks.

When Benazhir Bhutto announced the intelligence she had been given that Sheik bin Laden had been killed by a Pakistani intelligence operative, it was PAK intel covering up the operation of getting Ossama bin Laden out of the country, so as to not track into American reprisals.

The Chicoms were key in this, and it was they who were approached and they accepted a deal whereby the Sheik would be allowed safe haven in Xiangxang province, which was a Muslim hotstpot, in return for al Qaeda not stepping up then terror operations in China proper.
In return, the Sheik and Dr. Zawahiri, would receive necessary medical care, assurances that the Americans would not be allowed to cross the border in the future and that the Chicoms would not assassinate Sheik bin Laden themselves.

This was the status quo during the remaining 7 years of the Bush43 administration, with full knowledge that Sheik bin Laden was secured away in Xiangxang with frequent forrays of Dr. Zawahiri into Pakistan and the hinterlands of Afghanistan for propaganda purposes.

With the advent of Barack Obama, a new creedo was in the process of being worked out, for the time the Sheik would succumb to his medical conditions, as his operations had been splicing together commentaries from the Sheik for some time both due to his illness and the Chinese were not about to allow a digital recording showing his presence in China.

When Jerome Corsi of the Swiftboaters, engaged in the informatoin campaign to expose the nefarious roots of Barack Obama's phantom birth in Hawaii, the entire bin Laden scenario as laid out in the Obama Ledger was in process revamped, as Barack Hussein Obama without a birth certificate was about to be exposed for the foreign agent he was.
In this, Ossama bin Laden according to the Obama 2012 was to be killed in a SEAL strike during an October Surprise for Mr. Obama to hide his election theft in which was being engaged using electronic voting programs. All was though necessary then in that spring and early summer to change the subject from Obama Birther issues, and that meant to kill Ossama bin Laden.

US Intelligence had reported via DOD assests that the Sheik was in a safe house in Pakistan. This "sheik" who was being protected by the PAK Intel, was not Ossama bin Laden in the least, but the beginning of the process of setting up a SEAL strike zone in the previous year of 2011 for the October Surprise of 2012.
The chicken farm with garden that became the "bin Laden" red herring, was inhabitted by a group of mid level terrorists who were protected by the Pakistani's in their network operating out of Afghanistan in commerce and leverage.
This was the shadow family of bin Laden as it was referred to. PAK Intel in part laid the groundwork for this "protection" of bin Laden in order to gain more leverage with terror assets in the region.

This Ossama house, was known by DOD and reported to Barack Husein Obama in August of 2011, but Mr. Obama did not move on the intelligence as it was in the ledger file to be operational in October 2012.
It was not until the spring of 2012 in distinct problems with Obama's birth records, that the timetable was advanced and the murder of Sheik bin Laden was carried out. It was nothing of guns blazing, but of simply fudging the treatment on dying man. The Sheik probably would have expired before October and he simply was expired in the spring of 2012 and the Chicoms took possession of his body, into which negotiations were entered into for the Sheik's DNA.
This is the DNA Obama blundered over in stating he had the DNA and it was bin Laden's, within hours of the "SEAL raid", which was impossible as it would have required time to send samples out to technical labs and hours to process it.

Once the DNA was confirmed the Chicoms bargained for something invisible which they had been tracking, and that was the Stealth helicopters which the Americans had created.
There was absolutely no viable reason for America to fly stealth technology into Pakistan in risking it, as they were in control of the airspace. The reality is the deal was worked out that Obama intelligence assets put in a technical gliche into the helo's system which showed non fixable damage to the machine. Protocols were engaged for blowing up the helo, which the Chicoms had coordinated with to be able to salvage the entire systems.
This is why the helicopter with stealth technology was blown in the faux bin Laden  grounds and PAK Intel allowed the Chicoms in. The operation was in exchange for bin Laden's corpse out of Xiangxang.

The faux bin Laden group, never knew what hit them. The SEALS were pro active and the terrorists were disarmed and promised complete safety.
This is why the "bin Laden" women and children were secured afterwards by PAK Intel, and full Mockingbird media never attempted to interview them. They were not bin Laden family in the least. This was a different group altogether and to the day, they had no comprehension in the Farsi illiteracy that they were the bin Laden stand ins.

The stealth helicopter was coded Operations INVISIBLE DRAGON. That part of the operation was successful and the DOD was "told" a cover story that a bogus stealth technology was involved in this blow up, and when the Chicoms retrieved it, that it would do them no good and make them more vulnerable to being exposed as the American radars knew the wave lengths it was visible at.

The Navy SEALS were never allowed to piece all of the information together in the operation, and would have in time. It was for this reason they were mass assassinated by being loaded into one transport helo, into a predetermined staged area where al Qaeda was waiting for a coup de grace.
al Qaeda was not part of the cover up, but had been promised by the regime as they had for other American murders, to "get the SEALS" who sanctioned bin Laden, in return for their not bringing terror attacks to America again.

This is what was behind the introduction of the kidnapping of Chris Stevens for the Obama 2012 election theft. It was to be a hostage rescue and terrorists being killed to boost Obama's voter appeal, which the polls all pointed to his losing to Romney badly.
The margin to make this happen was in the 5 points, as numbers larger than that, the public would be suspicious it was deemed. In reality, the American public is so delusional now, they will believe anything as their attention span is 15 seconds. When the Sandy Hook terror events were unleashed for the gun control distraction to keep the public from focusing on ANALGATE at Benghazi, the confidence of Mr. Obama soared as he had literally killed two birds with one stone in the cover up and advancing disarming of Americans by criminalizing them.

The stand in for Sheik bin Laden was examined, and the data sealed a well as photographs which would have shown discrepancies not gone into here. The body was buried at sea and the corpse of bin Laden was burned with the ashes spread over the ocean.
Clinical evidence of this was garnered though as it always is for the vaults for leverage purposes.

That brings the closing of the story in the neutralization of Col. Khadaffi, President Mubarak and Dictator Assad with the Pan Caliph being installed on the old feudal system.

Operation Invisible Dragon, a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

agtG 276 Y

Al Jazeera Al Gore Reporting



Al Jazeera Anchor: What can you tell us of the Great Satan in this attempt to bring down peaceful Iranian aircraft loaded with peaceful nuclear bombs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Al Jazeera Al Gore: Well, I can tell you Al Jazeera, that in listening to the report on Al Jazeera, which came from the Indian press, which sourced Iranian State Media, which quoted The Onion, which based it's story on Pravda which was quoting Huffington Post, which quoted Ed Schultz, which sourced Rachel Maddow, who was speaking to Chris Matthews, who asked a question to Propagandist Carney of the Obama Regime who was..........

Just a moment Al Jazeera...........I er uh, who was quoting communist Venezuela, getting a direct statement from Kim Jong Un of North Korea............so we know this story to be absolutely factual and true.

Al Jazeera Anchor:
What is the story concerning the Great Satan trying to down peaceful Iranian nuclear armed aircraft peacefully flying over America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Al Jazeera Al Gore: Well, I can tell you Al Jazeera, that the reports reported about beloved leader, Barack Hussein Obama, firing off weapons at Camp David.
Mr. Obama lets his Muslim blood get up out there, in he is blasting at robins, blasting at bushes, heck fire, if the Secret Service gets done with a prostitute, he gives her a 21 gun send off.

That is burning up immense amounts of ammunition, and this is what is behind the over 1 billion rounds the Department of Homeland Security has been buying. It is all for Barack Obama as he goes through ammunition like Muchelle through cherry pie.

I have been told personally through sources that the skies over Camp David are black and the clouds rain lead and not water, Obama is throwing so much lead into the atmosphere. This of course immense darkening is helping Global War..........I mean Climate Change in the gun powder clouds have literally shielded the earth from the sun.

Numerous people I have been told though have been injured when the lead bullets falling from the sky hit the sheep of Obama's pasture.

Al Jazerra Anchor: What of the Great Satan and downing peaceful Iranian nuclear jets flying over America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Al Jazeera Al Gore: Well, no jets have been downed, but the piles of brass from Obama's spent ammunition are causing immense problems as  there are mountains of brass now burying Camp David and interupting directional navigation as the Iranian aircraft's compasses are all pointing to Camp David and not the North Pole due to this metal deposit.
The Iranian jets are thinking east is north, so the danger is these peaceful aircraft in flying west to America, will be flying south, and end up bombing......I mean flying over the Indian Ocean and bombing.........I mean er uh, disrupting the lives of innocent dolphins creating new interent designs and writing poetry under the Indian Ocean.

My main concern is this pile of brass, when the sun does come out, will reflect the sun and cause a spike in Global War..........I mean er uh, Yeah I mean Global War.....ming.

Al Jazeera Anchor: Thank you Al Gore for exposing the Great Satan in another attack on Islam and how this is George W. Bush's fault, as you reported bushes are near Camp David.

This is Al Jazeera, the most trusted source in media, winning of awards globally, especially the Al Qaeda Award for Truth, the Dr. Zawahiri Award for Honesty, the Muslim Brotherhood Award for Peace.

This is Al Jazeera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post Script: As no one has explained why NBC puppy pressette Matt Lauer raked Al Gore over the coals on al Jazeera, the exclusive here is simple:

Just like Charlie Rose was sent out to fillet that fag DailyKos for daring to think he was a journalist of the left, and Rose made a damn fool of him, the Rose Intellectuals are just fine pissing on the world, but they are the top peckers on the urinal.
When Al Gore chose to sell a western asset, and pretend that al Jazeera was in the same league with NBC, then Lauer decided to cat scratch Gore for interupting the caste.

Matt Lauer did not lurch into honesty. He simply was protecting his caste. If Gore had sold this to NBC and NBC reports worse than al Jazeera, then Laurer would be fine.
It is that brown skinned folks thing. They can at Qatar bribe Obama and bribe all media, installing minders, but the white folks rule the caste.

Al Gore saw the color of money. Matt Lauer sees the color of their desinger negro serving the white liberal caste.

nuff said in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

One more thing, the reality is this blog in Inspiration controls the internet chatter which moulds what the Mockingbirds have to react to. If the Qatarans, purchased this blog, they would get a 48% market share due to chatter.
Al Gore has no chatter, no more than NBC, no more than al Jazeera in the west, as they preach to isolated Islam or the Letterman cocktail crowd who influence a 4% margin of nothing.

That is the reality of the media.

nuff said

agtG 238

A tear is a Prayer


I have noticed in life that prayers are an interesting thing, in God seems to find some prayers easy to bring about some are not easy. It is not that anything is difficult for God, but that God has difficulties with people.

God seems odd to me at times, in He answers prayers for new Christians almost immediately. I remember a blonde on television who told Pat Sajak or some night host that she asked God as a child for big boobs, and this woman sure had them.
That is the bizarre thing to me about God, in He answers the most wasteful prayers, as while I did not ask for big boobs, I did waste my first prayer on nonsense........also asked for Wisdom and unlike my thinking it was a "POOF" and you are Solomon, God instead found it His pleasure to teach me the hard way.
Somehow I do not appreciate Wisdom the hard way.

It is a wonder to me really why things I need, things I pray for in God to tell me or show me the place He wills me to be, so things get where I pray for them to be..........God is a God Who is set in stone, won't hear and is off looking at apparently large breasts development on blondes.

Yet He does take 2 years to get me an 8 by 8 cake pan.....I get two, one for the sliding cover I have, but then apparently some old woman had to die or get put into geezer land, and her ungrateful children had to clean out her stores and my pan had to end up in a junk shop.

That I can understand and feel bad about, as I wonder about things like that and how sad it all is. I would have planned things out different, but then I'm not God. I do think God likes waiting around for last minute stuff in drama, like parting Red Sea water and swooshing things over Egyptians at war.
I know people do not respond allot until.........well breathing their last or that fear of God thing as that usually gets their attention. Just the same, I do believe some prayers amount to more with God than other prayers.

Like parents praying for their children. God pays attention to them. Children praying for their parent to be saved is special too. People have to be aware though that praying for things, one gets things they do not want.........like praying for someone to be saved, might need a tragic event no one wants to get someone shook up enough to get them talking to God.

I do think that people are different, meaning some people are tougher than others and some are must more mule brained. God has a hard time getting through to people. Like for example the Indochinese peoples, who I adore. Those people suffer a whole lot in having huge burdens they seem to inherit. TL, has a friend from Vietnam who just seems in a rut where she just takes on responsibility with worthless males.
She could do so much better, as like Asian women, she works all the time, is always someone you can count on, but yet there is that duty thing going on in them, that they just are cemented in and dynamite will not get them off that track.

They have faith like that which is admirable. They are precious to God like Israelites in once you get them going in the right direction, they just will not ever deny God. The part that prayer helps in all of that is God moves for those people when their family intercedes for them.

I do not mean to make it out that God overcomes all if people choose not to be caring about others. My dad was someone who is most likely going to be the one saying all the good he did in life and Jesus saying that He never knew him. He could quote Scripture and use it against you, and he did. People like that who sit in pews or their own holier than thou though are the ones who will never change, as like Cain they think it is their holiness than God's and the only sinner in the room is you.

For people in other beliefs though, they have that belief for a reason. Faith is a thing that is though always there, and sometimes they are in another religion because they do not know what to do with God. Sometimes God is seen as a God of Europeans. Sometimes though God is there in them, and the goodness in them is God and they just do not know what to do.

Prayer though always helps God do things, as much as a Christian child or adult being an example to people not yet saved, that they can ponder. Praying for Jesus or the Holy Ghost to help save someone you care about in your being a living conduit of the Gospel is a good place to be, as God is the One doing the thinking, and you are the one being utilized.
We never know what it is that God is going to accomplish through us that is going to make a difference in how He saves people.
Tears for those we love are prayers I believe that God hears in special prayers.

There never is such a thing as a wasted prayer. God is always up to something and prayers always come to something. The reality is though we never need to fear outcomes nor have an anxiety that we are the ones doing the solving, as God already has things worked out and things solved.

Sometimes, there is the greatest missionary work in our own home, in a child just praying without night after night work, for the saving Grace for a parent. God is not going to use prayer time like that to beat a person over the head to toughen them up in Faith, as there is an entire life out there and things to learn endurance by. It is though not a child's responsibility to save a parent and they should not think it is their burden or feel guilt over it.
It is though something that as all children of God, whether 90 or 9, that if the Holy Ghost is putting a thought into your head, that maybe that is communication God is willing to move on if He hears back from you.

Sometimes it is God's vengeance and sometimes it is God's good for someone. It is though the reality that God does have things happening on schedules and sometimes Christians need to not be so focused on "what they think needs doing" in talking to God, but going with what God is bringing up as that is on the agenda.
That is not to say that we can not pray about anything as prayers are a big reservoir of God to operate from. It is something though to keep in mind that God is in charge, and is moving and answering prayer, and that He is working through us if we pray.
That makes things easy for us and the responsibility on God where it belongs, as He is a Good God Who weighs all things in people's lives and decides on things in Mercy, Grace and Love.

Sometimes we come into the world to help God with the chance for someone in saving them. Sometimes it is like my Mom who carried me around when I had the croup so I would not die and sometimes it is me years later carrying her around so she can stay in the world from a broken hip.
We do not save though as God is the One Who saves. We just are there in caring about them as God Cares for all.

First we keep ourselves in God, and then God can utilize us in ways we might not think important in being the living Gospel to someone else.

God lead you my children by His Holy Spirit as you abide in His Peace in Christ's Name Amen and Amen

agtG 247Y

The Real Holocaust


This blog has been one of the few journalist sources which actually dared to explain the realities of what happened to "Jews" in World War II. It did so with the warning that not doing this, and posting propaganda only gave windows to those who would create a reality denying that the holocaust ever happened.

Morsi Aide Claims Holocaust Is Hoax...

6 Millions Jews Actually Moved To USA...

This blog has never denied that Jews were persecuted in World War II. The reality is though the story is complex and secular Jews of the Ashkenaz ranks censor facts like the numbers of Jews who ended up dead, included troops, communist officials etc...
Recording a soldier fighting for Germany or the Soviet Union in the same group as the Jews in concentration camps is incorrect.

The reality is from America, to Europe, to Asia, that numbers of groups of different races died in numbers close to or in many cases exceeding the Jewish numbers. For the reality of it, there were Ashkenaz financiers who inflated those numbers in order to finally get the world to get the Jews back to Palestine, as the British had refused over monetary reasons in the 1930's when Germany was attempting to deport Jews.
The French reported they in fact were deporting Jews out of Europe.

The reality is the "death camps" were work to death camps in the majority, in using forced labor too assist the German war machine. The fact is the Ghetto Jews were offered up by financier Jews, as slave labor, in deals said to be toasted in the elite Jews with the German Nazi's.

Situations like that really throw a problem into movies like Schindler's List and other depictions which have made the holocaust a financial success. I wrote years ago of this, in what is the purpose of numerous holocaust museums in America, when American had nothing to do with this, this was not Americans who were shipped off to camps and America under FDR actually kept Jews out and knew of these camps in Europe.
The holocaust museums are in America, because that is where the money is and the holocaust is a revenue producer.

I have something startling that should puzzle you, and make you ask the question of who bastardized the word HOLOCAUST , as it was a sacred word in Catholic and Jewish religions.

You never knew that probably did you? Yes holocaust is Greek. In fact, it is in the Catholic bible a number of times. It is HOLOS as in whole and  KAUSTOS meaning burnt.
Hebrew is HOLAH KALIL, as in that which ascends and entire.

What holocaust meant for all time before it was bastardized, had to do with the offerings before God as the Bible instructs in how they were burnt up entirely in the offering.

Ask yourself what sadistic individuals actually decided, and Jewry signed off on this, in stating that the "burning of Jews up at creamatoriusms" was a burnt offering to God, in the context of the word?

This can be answered in reality, as the Palestine Post was printing the word in 1938.

  • "... the French press is worried lest there be some connection between the bloodless holocaust of German Generals and Ambassadors and the persistent reports that Mussolini is about to intervene in Spain ..." (6 February, 1938 p. 4, col. 4.)
  • "For the first time since last September Japanese aeroplanes again raided Canton ... Although the damage exceeds September's holocaust, the death toll was somewhat less ..." (29 May 1938, p. 1, col. 1)
  • "After the Haifa holocaust ... " (17 July 1938, p. 8, col. 1)
  • "Yesterday was also an anniversary of destruction. It was the day on which Great Britain entered the World War 24 years ago. Since that holocaust swept over the world, it has had no real peace ..." (5 August 1938, p. 6, col. 2)
  • "... the holocaust of 1914-18 ..." (11 September 1938, p. 8, col. 3)
  • "... thanks to the general dread of yet another European holocaust ... [Hitler] has brought them peace with territorial aggrandisement. (11 October 1938, p. 6, col. 2)
  • "... the planning system of the Bolshevist regime has broken down ... The holocaust of directors and engineers shot as "wreckers" to stimulate others has brought only spasms ..." (27 October 1938, p. 3, col. 2)

That would be like someone calling what happened at 9 11, COMMUNION, as Americans were engaged in being slaughtered by Muslims in an offering to God.

There was a progression though in this sadism, that was from the communist anti nuclear movement funded by the Soviet's who started connecting the word to Nuclear Holocaust. The propaganda machine of leftists connected to the Jewish media elite, then seized upon this word to connect it with the Nazi period, for ad appeal, as the camps were 25 years away and nuclear war was the big fear.

In the 1970's, Hollywood came out with "holocaust" for a movie, and this is the spin which has spun this into a half century later, money maker in building a fiction that has all Jews wonderful, all Germans evil and all the rest of the peoples who died in that period as not important.

There is now great debate in whether the Red Cross numbers are real or are fabrications by both sides. From the Red Cross numbers I have reviewed, it does appear that, there was a double count taking place, meaning a Jew would be deported from the Netherlands as "dead" and then be recorded again as "dead"
at a death camp.
This kind of "fabrication" took place with Madeleine Albright, the infamous "dirty Serbs" hater in comments, in Muslims were reported slaughtered in her Kosovo War that was for an oil pipeline that Bill Clinton never got built, but these same Muslims showed up later alive when the voting booths opened.

Those who control the press write the history and make up the lies.

I will touch on a group of "Jews" who were killed or murdered, depending on what side you were on. Before the war, there were Ashkenaz communist "Jews" who were secular athiests, who were calling for the extermination of Germany. That kind of talk really got Hitler wound up, and is what drove the Nazi party. They hated communists with a passion and Hitler when he got the opportunity attacked the Soviet Union and invested great resources in executing communists in countries he liberated.
For the record, these communists were in numbers "Jewish", but not of the religious type. The local populations are recorded as cheering when the Nazi's shot these communists as they were despots and persecuted the people.

Not the kind of story Steven Spielberg is going to make nor are those facts ever going to be let out, as it interferes with the "victim Jew" that funds the Israeli state in billions in aid and that holocaust museum structure is a great money maker.

You must understand my children, when one has people in power fabricating things and lying about things, that people who hate Jews in being trained to hate Jews in Muslim countries, because for the last 50 years Jews have humiliated them in wars, that there is a receptive audience in the world for leaders who start saying the holocaust never happened.

That is what happens with lies. Lies have knowingly been sown in this and it has been done to fuel the fires of hatred, as this blog has explained, these secular Ashkenaz, hate Jews. It is that type of hatred Obama has for Benjamin Netanyahu, because Obama's Berliner elite, want Jewish people, especially Judahites of the blood purged from the Holy Land, because they want that Temple Mount as their own and not competitors to the Ashkenaz elite who bow to satan.

So one has these satanists bastardizing sacred words in a Catholic bible and Jewish Scriptures as part of this. It is sick and deliberate as they hate Hebrew based religions, as they compete with the satanic orbit.

None of this does any good, as Obama has set the Middle East on fire. It does the Ashkenaz cause good though as the Israeli government just was prompted to blow up Syrian missiles being shipped to Lebanon.
The entire mix of this is all about blaming Jews, and when the big bombs start going off, no one is going to really know who blew Muhammeds Dome off Temple Mount as the body counts pile up......but there will be calls for a nice unifying temple of peace to be readily built.
That is the logical scenario projected out and what this blog has noted.

Things are reaching a nuclear holocaust point again, as Obama allows Iran more nukes so that Obama can have his spoken of legacy in disarming both Jews and Persians, as he replaces Carter and Reagan. Problem is all of this has big problems and only big body counts move people to do things they would never do.......like letting Jews out of Europe, instead of holding out for more cash.

The reality is piles of Jews died due to allied bombing in cutting off supplies. Piles of Jews were kept alive because the fascists allowed the Red Cross to give them care packages. There were both well fed Jews in the camps who were healthy, even while Americans took photos of sick Jews who were dying of disease.

None of this can be discussed, as the prize is Temple Mount and the elite behind Obama must keep this fired up until they get their hands exclusively on that property, and then lie to Muslims, Jews and Christians that this Temple is going to be for all.

Actually am tired of this subject, but as Matt Drudge is dragging it up again to flog Muslims who Obama is funding for stating the holocaust did not take place, then the facts must be revisited much to the elite's chagrin. 

Good thing I got my big ass Catholic bible, filled with holocaust, as it is a collector's item. I wonder if Peggy Noonan or Sean Hannity got a holocaust bible? Would think their being Catholics they would.
Mine is a big one as apparently big bibles get you something from the Vatican or else the nuns would not have sold a newbie Catholic such a big one.

Oh that is right, that is in drafts here, and you do not know about my big ass Catholic bible.

In the spirit of the holocaust for money, I think I would sell it for a million dollars. Maybe Levin and Hannity could team up on it. It has holocaust in it........dead Jews in it..........God had Moses swallow up that one bunch of Israelites so that was kind of an earth holocaust............Noah holocaust of rain, but no Jews alive yet..............yeah them Babylonians burned things and Jews must have been roasted in that as God divorced them so He could bring about Jesus in the Second Covenant of Grace.

I figure this holocaust bible is a moneymaker just like the other one.......no not the cereal offering one........no not the Armenian one by the Turks in 1900 something.......no not the one the Japanese got roasted in Truman's A bombs........no not ............just a second and let me finish, I'm talking about the exagerated one by the Ashkenaz that the Obama socialists were doing as no one would let them deport Jews who wanted to leave.

Be a great deal in Levin could read the front part with holocaust words in it, and Hannity could read the back part with whore of Babylon words in it.

I said I was tired, so I better stop typing as that will please the censors of the elite.

agtG 302 Y

Middle Aged Bathsheba


In Bible study, the Tiger Lily and I discuss numerous thoughts directed by the Holy Ghost. We were contemplating King David and Bathsheba in the events which took place in that horrid series of events.

No one though has ever addressed this as the Holy Ghost has never revealed the reality behind this.

David was somewhere in his middle to late fifties in age. We can mark this date as Solomon was probably 12 to 15 years of age when David breathed his last in this life. That would be 55 to 58 years old.
Age was not the problem in this, but it was a series of events which were the problem. In not making any excuses in this for David, there is a reason he fell down in the worst possible way and it is not any coincidence this man chose to validate himself with a woman who was another man's.

The start of this was in Second Samuel in which David was in battle, and grew faint. This alarmed Israel completely and they forbid him to join them in battle again, as he literally was Israel.

2 Samuel 21:15 - Online Parallel Bible

Now when the Philistines were at war again with Israel, David went down and ... Afterwards, war broke out between the Philistines and Israel, so David went down to ... his servants with him, and fought against the Philistines: and David grew faint. ... and David waxed faint; in the battle, not able to bear the fatigues of war, and ...

David, the mightiest of warriors, filled with the Spirit of God, who had killed lions and bears, giants and thousands......had leaped over walls and bent metal bows as the Lord taught his hands to war, was when the season of war came, left in the City of David while all the other warriors and his chosen men went out to battle.

This was a national castration and a Spiritual castration of David, because this was a man who for his entire life had relied on valor and vigor in the Spirit of the Lord as his foundation of his virility, and suddenly it was all gone.
David the warrior was left at home with the women to grind. While it is not recorded, it is evident that the same women who sang of David's ten thousands slaughtered, whispered that the King no longer had what it took and needed to be coddled at home, while the real men were out prosecuting wars.

It is not recorded in the Bible, but forensic psychology points to David must have questioned God in this in if God really loved him, because the God who can do all, certainly could have made him young again in having feet like a deer and putting him upon his high places.

David cut off from the validation of the things that made him. His being hurt and the connection to God being strained, his gaze was upon all he had in the City of David, which he no longer could defend as his own.
Into this Bathsheba, the wife of one of David's mighty warriors and the granddaughter of his most trusted adviser was seen on her roof top.

The examination of what David saw is unimportant as it was enough, because he had to have beauty to make the ugly in him feel not so worthless, and he summoned her to look upon her.
Bathsheba was under the King's command as all people were. She was from the outer cities and probably this was the first time she was in the metropolitan area. We can surmise this as she was without child, so she was newly married and young.

Examine for a moment in this, that her husband Uriah, was not an Israelite, but someone of valor who joined David's troop. While Uriah had great standing in Israel, he was not an Israelite and the marriage was probably one of political convenience in which she was bartered in the best situation she could hope for. It had appeal no doubt for an attractive young woman to be with the warrior. Women do that all the time as beauty queens and jocks.

David though was of more appeal in being Israelite, and being a King's mistress is an advantage as your grandfather is the King's adviser.

It was willing by both David and Bathsheba. It was not anything heinous plotting, but two people who were both looking to validate things in them. Nothing was forced on Bathsheba, but as she was probably a teenager, the entire situation of youthful tonic to an old warrior spun things out of morality.

Bathsheba would be impregnated. David would respond in his shame to trying to get Uriah to impregnate his wife. Uriah not doing that as others in battle were not with their women as a matter of honor, was left to the commander of the Army in Joab, David's relative to be put forth in battle to be killed.

Joab was always doing necessary things from killing Abner and Amasa, rival generals to David for Saul's family, who God gave the throne to David from.
Joab even told the message bearer of Uriah's death to remind David of the orders, as he knew David was going to be furious for retreating in a battle which cause Uriah to die.

The events then went into God's chastisement as David was warned by Nathan the Prophet of his sins. David thought he would be killed by God for this, but was not.
Instead it would be David's own children who would set off horrendous events of incest rape, the brother killing the raping half brother for his sister's honor and this killer, Absalom, would raise himself up to try to overthrow the Kingdom in trying to murder David, and yes, Absalom slept with his father's wives to mark them.

It would be Joab again who would kill Absalom and tidy things up. Joab would chose the wrong son to back in not Bathsheba's in Solomon, and for this Solomon would execute Joab for all the "blood" on Joab's hands.

Joab would also in the war Uriah was killed in, summon David to take the city, unless Joab would be known as the leader of Israel.
That must have really rubbed salt in the wounds of David in just taking credit for a war he was out sexing another man's wife in.

For that reason, Joab in forensic psychology must have detested Solomon which caused Joab his life. Solomon was the product, after Bathsheba's first born with David was slain by God, to make certain it was not Uriah's child, that caused Joab to murder Uriah to clean up a national mess.

Bathsheba and Nathan would secure the throne for Solomon as a coup was plotted. Thus moving David to make Solomon regent while he was still living.

Bathsheba's grandfather would commit suicide in choosing Absalom as King in the overthrow. A great many people died all due to a middle aged crisis in a man coming to terms with his frail nature.

Men pressed beyond their nature in questioning the Love of God as they age. It is an interesting study in how all fail in some point in holding onto life in fears and not eternal Life in Love.

It is good that God is the Judge in this, as when good people fail, there is only God there Who can forgive and lift them up.

agtG 271YY

Blinded by the Light


Gov. Mark Sanford, after Jim DeMint vacated his trust of South Carolina in the Senate, for the Heritage paycheck, has been moved to run for District 1 in South Carolina to replace the Congressman that Gov. Niki Haley appointed to DeMint's seat.

This blog is about to reveal something before all of you, and as this blog only deals with matter anit matter exclusives, this is the original Lame Cherry unplugged from the propaganda press of Mockingbird and plugged into the machinations of Mockingbird to explain things.

In the George W. Bush era, there was undertaken Operation Gipper. Yes that is the mock for the operation in it's slur pet name, as it was designed by the Bush side of the Obama coin to wipe out any Conservatives who might be rivals to the Rovians or who might assist a coming Reagan in gaining power.
The target for the Presidential nomination was George Allen.

Other Conservatives were brought down, like Sen. Larry Craig, as a purge was set in motion to never have a repeat of the Reagan Revolution, as only Straw Men like Romney would be placed into primaries in flipped elections all for the purpose of this Obama / Clinton / Jeb Bush group of feudalists to maintain power.
It was only this blog that stated the GOP primaries needed to be fixed as the process is stacked against American candidates in favor of manipulations by the feudalists. From Rush Limbaugh on down, not one word was ever mentioned of this necessary fix as Mockingbird was in control of the propaganda.

Obama revamped Gipper, for his own machinations. The two targets were John Edwards on the left and Mark Sanford on the right.

Literally, Mark Sanford was absent without control of his faculties in rejecting everything he had worked for, his family and his God, all for an affair.
He would face the same pattern in this, that Sarah Palin did in Alaska in ethics charges which were bogus. None of these events are by chance, but were generated from the Mockingbird aparatus.

Three Conservatives would be targeted as threats in 2012 and in 2016, both to Obama and Jeb Bush, as Obama would pretend to be assisting the Rovians in their plans as Rove had assisted Obama in his installation, along with the election thefts starting with Al Franken in Minnesota who stole the seat from Conservative Norm Coleman.

The 3 targets for Obama were Sarah Palin, George Allen and Mark Sanford as the next 3 years would play out.
Palin would be promised things, terrorized over the message of Gabby Giffords when Ma Bush chimed in that "Sarah Palin did not belong down here with proper folk", and finally in the Romneycrats, Palin was abandoned in the protection and finance as was designed to let her know she was room temperature if she continued.
Palin would wise up finally in January 2013 in breaking ties with FOX, as FOX as was exposed here was minding her in surveillance for the feudalists. Yes FOX is an intelligence operation, not aimed at liberals, BUT AT CONSERVATIVES.

George Allen was neutralized by siimple election theft as Obama flipped votes in his electronic programs to steal the election from Romney.

Mark Sanford though was the interesting person in this, as the operational protocols were not simple thuggery as in Palin or vote theft like Allen. With Sanford, the Demon Machine was unleashed in psychological conditioning on various mental aspects in chemcial and wave length restructuring.
Impulses based upon MKULTRA in ULTRA II which was enacted by the Obama people, as they had utilized those protocols to reprogram him from a Muslim fag dope head to a community organized dope getting head in Chicago. People use the operations they are comfortable with, and from Biden's thuggery of Lawrence Sinclair, the Kennedy smears of Axelrod on John Edwards to the AGENDA crew who targetted Mark Sanford, ULTRA II was set in motion, and the Governor of South Carolina discovered all sorts of impulses, not to enter Batman movie theaters as the Joker, but to think with his zipper, and condone it in a moral way of "engagements" to as South American minder, with large breasts ............sounds perhaps like Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelly who brought down David Patraeus, now does it not, who was another right wing competitor to the Obama and Rovian feudalists.

Patterns my children, patterns mean everything, and when one starts noting Conservatives dropping like blow flies off of Obama, then something has been engaged to remove them as a political force, but the ruling political forces.
When you start seeing patterns, it means intelligent design is behind it. It means that those in the shadowlands have been activated to promote a situation as another situation is being degraded and neutralized.

Mark Sanford and David Patraeus are like operations in "offers made which could not be resisted", because the part of the brain concerning fidelity, was shut down.

In small scale operations, what was done to Mark Sanford is conducted against children in elementary and colleges across America.Fluoride is a conditioning chemical to make Americans in mass sedate.
The Obama voters were exposed to a mass manipulation by the Demon Machine.

Wonder of wonders, the internet has now been exposed to be a depressant. The work this blog did a decade ago, exposed this electronic pulse was an enhancer in aura connection. You can feel people via the net. Facebook is addictive to types because of what is wave generated in the pulse. People have natural MySpace gregariousness, and this can be exploited, but it also burns out.......leaving the same withdrawal drunk of alcohol.

So for those who are condemning Mark Sanford, they have been equally psychologically manipulated and they think they are quite sane. I have warned you my children, that when "the devil made me do it", that same impulse of temptation can be regenerated in mass as it is simply a wave length electronic pulse. That is the essence of the Demon Machine which this blog has been mentioning, in conjunction with the Plasmas in Baby and the apes, which are engaged.

Obama's contractors are intelligent and have an FU attitude as in the smiley face on his Birther abstract forgery. There are layers in this in the brutal murders which started with Donald Young in Chicago. There are also Fringe technologies that have been activated for Obama, as there is a time line in this, and these things must be accomplished now with no more delays.
Ronald Reagan threw this time line off. There is no more linear room for another Reagan.

Let's sing as the unbelievers do not believe the illusion they exist.

Blinded by the light
Ripped up like a douche
You know the ruler in the night...........

Oh mine of little faith, who whine about things of trajectory in begging some minder to refute the facts published here as all the always experts go silent..........I will explain the links below in all are Mockingbird stories on Mark Sanford to condition information flow..........and look who Uncle Roger hired but Mark Sanford to give Conservatives that adulterous face like "Foster show us your tits Freiss" tries.............and put him on display at Mockingbird FOX, the Obama network covering up Obama's election theft.

  1. Mark Sanford disappearance and extramarital affair - Wikipedia, the ...

    For six days in June 2009, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's whereabouts were unknown and there was media coverage of what was described as his ...
  2. Mark Sanford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jump to Disappearance and extramarital affair‎: Main article: Mark Sanford disappearance and extramarital affair. From June 18 until June 24, 2009, the ...
  3. Mark Sanford Engaged to Argentine He Had Affair

    Aug 27, 2012 – Remember Mark Sanford, the former South Carolina governor who found his true love in Argentina despite being married to his wife? The affair...
  4. Mark Sanford Sex Scandal: South Carolina and GOP Assess the ...

    Jun 25, 2009 – Sanford's extramarital affair aside, critics say, the fact that he went AWOL in South America for almost a week without even telling his staff about ...
  5. Mark Sanford Affair

    CHARLESTON, S.C. — Former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose political career was derailed four years ago because of his affair with an Arg..
  6. Mark Sanford Goes From Mistress Scandal to Political Commentator

    Jan 3, 2012 – LOS ANGELES (LALATE) - Mark Sanford, who last dominated news for his mistress scandal affair in Buenos Aires, was tonight commenting on ...
  7. Mark Sanford News - The New York Times

    Mysteries Remain After Governor Admits an Affair. By ROBBIE BROWN and SHAILA DEWAN. In a rambling news conference, Mark Sanford apologized for ...
  8. Sex Scandal-Marred Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford...

    Oct 23, 2011 – By Radar Staff Former South Carolina governor Mark Sanford is launching a career in television as a Fox News analyst.Once considered a ...

Now you are aware of more of the story my little experts. You are not aware though as the effects of the Demon Machine have been overcome by Mark Sanford, that he will be less susceptible to the effect in like protocols.
If the feudalists desire this educated subject to be neutralized, then election theft like George Allen or Todd Akin will be first initiated, then it moves to Niki Halley in bogus charges to keep her off the Romneycrat ticket and then there is always that Forestall stuff in going postal on one's self as a final solution......well John Heinz is another ketch up......but hey John Kerry is the big state boy after all that, so ........well Theresia could just donate and then all this girl talk would stop, but then the performers on the stage do like to be noticed by their pets........but it takes a popular girl, as the pets are so trained, they are more interested in sniffing each other, than the grande scheme behind the curtain where the wizard is Oz.

agtG 229y
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