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Mt. Obamamore


It is not an accident that B. Hussein Obama is becoming Abraham Lincoln in his second election theft having cannibalized. John Kennedy and Martin King in his first installment at 1600 Penn Avenue.

Obama has consumed Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Jimmy Carter on the left, and Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bush inc on the right in his first term.

Obama is the displacement pharoah in carving his initials on the past leaders of Egypt in this psychopathy he is obsessed by for validation.

Taking Lincoln's Bible is amusing for Secular Islamist Obama as well as his power birth day. This is all the rites stuff of the mystery religions like going in and spreading sperm into the harem of the previous guy you just assassinated.
If Obama is allowed to manifest this out in time, he will no doubt take the attractive Bush twin to wife in giving George and Laura 12 cows for her......he would try the blonde, but he is phobic about blonde women.

As this Stalinization of Obama progresses out in B. Hussein's American illusion, he will assume Lincoln in emancipating America from America's Constitution. He should fully remove the other Mount Rushmore personas too in Washington in Obama becoming the father of the new Obamerica, Jefferson in the new Obama executive orders and Theodore Roosevelt in stomping hard and using the big stick for murder.

Barry Chin is going to get rid of everything American, traditions to people. For those Eurasians who are amused at this, it is a given that if B. Hussein is dictator for as long as he prefers.......he will do the bin Laden to the Peking and Moscow boys too in changing things. Obama is obsessed with having his own likeness on everything where he floated a turd in or hoped to flush a toilet at.

This is his carnal power days and wishing on monkeys in his pants stuff. Obama coordinates as much as any Muslim on 9 11. He is fully aware of dates, human aura and familiars like a Bible. If you think you have witnessed all the goofy of this, then contemplate again as Obama is a practitioner in this.....he fancies hisself a full god king priest manifestation now.

This is only the beginning and when one is dealing with a 10 year old psychopath, one will have Caligula insanity manifesting worse than Brian Williams rolling over in the bedsack.

You just wait until chinoid Obama really becomes a white man.

Obama is interesting enough to put his historical 44 image on everything in America from Mount Rushmore to Martin King.

He already has that sodomite marriage at the National Cathedral......that is all his doing darlings.

gods do not need elections my pusscats.......gods rule forever.

Nimrod Obama is in the making.

You have been warned.

agtG 303Y



I have decided I'm incensed about the tourists attempting to co op my 21st century exclusive on Benghazi AKA ANALGATE and now trying to sound intelligent by asking head up the ass questions which this blog answered months ago.

This Floyd and Mary Beth Brown of Right Wing News are examples where you can see the ball and chain has poor Floyd's nuts so hung on the wall, he is too timid to even come out of the box.

They can not jump in bed with the salacious charges made by Four Star Admiral James Lyons in confirming that the Lame Cherry exclusive was anti matter matter spot on in Benghazi was about a hired kidnapping, but then back away in being too nutless and ovaryless to actually have the balls and eggs to deal with the facts.........no they ask questions trying to sound intelligent, but just are cowards.

As I give God all credit for what goes on here, I'm also incensed at the Robert Mortons, Joseph Farah's and Chris Ruddy's who have covered up Analgate and none of these Floyd and Mary B have given credit to the Bob Woodward Watergate story this blog broke.......and it did it with not being fed intelligence data from an inside the government coup as Woodward did against Richard Nixon.
They are all cowards this bunch as I was the one with my neck on the chopping block and getting my eye veins exploded in radar sweeps breaking not just ANALGATE, but this entire series of exclusives.

I do not know the Four Star Lyons, although it might be said we ride the waves the same.

I will though explain a few things though as the tourists always get things screwed up as their brains are so f*cked up sucking on Mockingbird dick that they just can not accept the story broken here, and then have to go embellish it all putting their psychopathy on it.

That Blind Sheik, Omar Abdel Rahman, he was part of the mad money notes........those scribblings in the ledger margins of the mad cap ideas in the fag file. I will run this up the flag pole to set things straight as I know where this BS is coming from as it is part sourced where Lyons is getting his data from.
See Obama had a list like that Libyan bomber of suggestions to make the 300 million bribe he laundered in his campaign in 2008 to go easier. Rahman has a turban head replacement. The followers want BS released, but the replacements and the other mullahs do not want this Ahab seeing the light of day ever again as he dillutes the terror pool glam shots.

They want Rahman dead in prison to make terror outrage over, and Obama wants Rahman loose so it is one less thing to have the terrorists bitching about, which they do not want in the first place.
Problem is Obama does not want him really released either as Rahman is a loose cannon who Obama can not really control........Obama would have to have him murdered to clean things up if he was released.

That is what is meant by the mad margins. That is the chit put in their by the Islamists Obama has lurking around the regime who want all sorts of things, and keep putting things in for their negotiating demands that Hillary Clinton was chattering on about.

See Obama wants Chris Stevens kidnapped for his 2012 election theft. The terrorists who were supposed to do it, were offered Rahman as a cover.......Obama never intended the release as he was going to mass murder this entire lot.
The hired terrorists out of Afghanistan with Iranian control, did not want to end up assassinated, nor did they like the offerings of Rahman to compete in their power structure. The end result was the double cross of numerous double crosses this blog exposed, as Obama was supposed to be double crossed in this for a perpetual Iranian 1980 hostage situation to sink his ass in the same way Jimmy Carter had that tied to his tail, in the Bill Casey protocols laid out then.
This was all a dirty dick mess, and so many double crosses involved that it was perfection in covering everything up in making it complicated so the Floyd and Marys can poofer about on the fringe smearing Four Star Lyons who had the balls to actually come out and expose his sources as this Blind Sheik thing has been in the circulation in the right wing talking points in the old turban head being released.......as the continued coucous before the jackasses in turbans.

Enter into this Lindsey in the gay ear Graham, still mouthing off about this. You remember that John McCain was swabbing Chris Stevens deck in the start of this with Graham. As was reported here, Stevens got his hair tusseled quite a bit by the DC establishment..........hints were Anderson Cooper was part of the glee club and Lindsey Graham is hot on this because of the high notes hit too.

Is really pissy that the fags in this are not manning up, even the dykes like Rachel Maddow in protecting one of their own in Stevens in pressing this on ANALGATE which includes the Turkey Gate and the other stories here exposed exclusively in the arming and transporting Muslims.
This included the Obama regime being blackmailed wholesale by terrorists and the Jewish government over ANALGATE as everyone over there knows the penis feces smell of this, and that is what has stymied Obama's Middle East Islamocommunist overthrow in his disarming Jews of nukes like Iran.

Obama is not going to stop on this, but he has been slowed down.

I'm telling you this now so pay attention, as I have posted on this, this past week in part in Obama has pulled out the big guns of gun control and set this flu pandemic loose IN ORDER TO PROVIDE COVER and a DIVERSION to his 2012 election theft and how it all dovetailed into the butt rape of Chris Stevens as ANALGATE which is bigger than Benghazi which was broken here months ago and now these tourists are trying to sound intelligent.

Obama is in real trouble over this, and that is why he unleashed these two measures to divert the talking points from his crimes.

I have already hinted this is more sinister as it did involve WMD's and that flu pandemic was just a part of the ledger as this has spiraled out of control.

That is why that Aaron Swartz story was making the rounds and only this blog has listed the codex geniuses who have been murdered from Andrieu Riera, Andrew Breitbart, the Mad Russian and Swartz in the visible diaspora being offed who are on the computer fringe of knowing what the web has been really unleashing for the cartel under Obama's global election thefts and intelligence gathering. All of this connects but these nutless and eggless wonders who think they can play at this in being a part of Mockingbird money flow to dampen things down and monitor all of you, will not inform you as they are either the idiotry or like Limbaugh being blondeberry minded as he likes the lifestyle.

This blog by God's Grace broke Benghazi, and is still breaking stories. It does not matter if the cowards thing I'm the mad prophetess,  because the reality is the stories were broken here first and exclusively as they always are.

I keep telling you to pay attention and not be distracted by these things as the molotov mob does this to keep you from focusing on things. I'm not going to tell you to stop listening or reading other sources as they only prove what is written here, and it only exposes them for the frauds they are.

Look the system is so corrupt now that even Jackie Chan can see it. Lindsey in the gay ear Graham can not do it alone even if it is visiting the old soap dropping memories. This is not going to be covered by the media or your talking heads. It is going to be Floyd and Mary'd to death as Obama laughs at the joke, because you are too slow.
There is just not the force in this to bring down Obama. Obama blew the power curve off the grid, while it will come back with a vengeance worse than what you could ever comprehend, the reality it when Obama is brain zapping Hillary Clinton and bug zapping old H. W. Bush, he is only doing it along with pandemics, because he has the power to do it.

Yes it exposes Obama as being in trouble, especially burning the gun control issue for his stolen election political capital to survive this round, but it only means Obama will ignite a greater nuclear firestorm to save hisself when the time comes. Obama is a consumption entity and that power curve requires feeding.

I will leave it at that, as the tourists are pissing in the pool and calling it lemonade and you have to pay attention to what is taking place as that is the real story of plus minus, cause and effect.

agtG 327 YY

Shit from Shinola

Sure um, let me take the second one first


There is still something wrong with Barack Hussein Obama's brain. In a synopsis of his January press conference, he had numerous pauses, numerous AH's and UM's, in searching for words.

Thee only time he was capable of carrying out a long sentence structure was literally speaking on what Republicans thought.

Then Obama could speak......I like Speaker Boenher and when we went out and played golf we had a great time, but that don't get a deal done.

Yes Obama is most comfortable in speaking broken Indonesian English. Obama literally smiled and looked up and to the left in hope, in saying HE WANTS THE REPUBLICANS TO COME OVER AND PLAY CARDS WITH HIM.

Synopsis of Obama answer.

alright ah.

Matt Spetalnick Reuters

Well...........um............ultimately congress makes the decisions whether we spend money.

ep ep, then both at least in the house of representatives.......but and eh, um........well folks put them into the decision about that. I suspect that. Ah but....the larger issue here is what are we trying to accomplish.

Then if we are trying to ......then is that...uh..........we are spending more than we take in. The we.......take in and increase revenue.

There is a recipe for getting that done........um

And in conversations with Rep. Boehner we came close.

It seems that.....

There is a particular vision about what government should and should not do.

Um.....they have suspicions about SS. Uh kids in poverty are getting enough to eat, or........they have a particular view on what government should be.

That view was rejected when debated in the presidential campaign.

That is something we should look at last resort.

Ah, but.......if the house republicans disagree with that. It will damage the economy. Em the government is a big part of this economy.
That defense contractor is an important part of the economy. Let's make sure this does not stop on the other folks.

Um, my hope is common sense prevails. So let me just repeat, if.......the issue is deficit reduction.....uh, getting it sustainable then democrats and republicans in congress have a partner in me.

Um, there have probably been more pain and drama in getting there and if we recognize not paying our bills has a problem.

Sure um, let me take the second one first.

Barack Hussein Obama
White House Press Conference
January 14, 2013

There are still mental capacity problems in this Barry Chin.


Playmate wanted at 1600 Penn Avenue


Everything it seems falls to this blog as the Ulsterman Insiders have absolutely no information on things........in they are so boring  for rich people, especially RIP.

This is about Barack Obama and his press conference in which he was pleading  for Republicans to come over and play cards with him or something......and smiling about in telling how great him and the Mrs. are as playmates.

Here though is the thing...........

Call it a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exlcusive............AGAIN.

The Washington elite, really dislike the Obamas. They had enough of the Obama whore hand parties with the Salahi's in palm sex and those gyrations of salsa dancing to Stevie Wonder.
Look you want the inside story on this in what is being said, it is Joe Biden's definition in the Obama's smell like clean blacks.
Yeah black folks have an odor when clean and the crystal cutware crowd just do not like Barack Hussein and Muchelle Hussein Obama.

Obama cheats at sports and he always is trying to grab a cuddle. The wives of gay men do not like it, and the gay men do not want to be known as Reggie's sloppy second Love.

Muchelle is boring. She has this victim thing going on........she is pleasant enough according to the crystal sect, but she shatters it all after about 15 minutes as it is this same whining thing going on in a constant repeat........is like listening to Carly Simon in YOU'RE SO VAIN.....great song, but geez louise mildred it splits your brain after the 500th loop.

The Obama's always got this ............Nig group around them..........and I do not mean blacks. They got these pale faced wacko women who get abortions when nothing is up the uterus and they got these terrorist sympathizers who come up with ways to abort Jews out of the womb. Sure the Letterman cocktail crowd  can joke about that stuff and implement the policy, but who wants to look at Amy Carter's bush snatch when one drops their fork and sees that under the table.........and you wonder if that fat Arab across the table has a suicide bomb around his paunch.

That is the Obama problem in the Nancy Pelosi types hate the Obama's. Obama is begging for the GOP to like him, but they do not want to be Newt Gingrich with Bill Clinton or have to put up with sleep overs with Barry in bed.........and his mentioning it as jokes in press conferences.

Barack Obama is lonely. He only has Jarrett and mummy is not amused. The inner cell is trying to fast track the diversions on gun control and making illegals Americans in order to keep the public from talking about ANALGATE and the 2012 election theft.
Obama has real problems in the blackmail coming out of the Middle East...........the Muslims do not want to be around him at 1600 Penn any more than Jews do now.

Old Bob Schieffer summed it up in his consternational look about Obama at the press conference in not comprehending what the hell this retardo is about as dictator.

It is all a matter that one has to be a crass asshole to be a darling of the DC elite.......John Kennedy was the last perfect boy for that job.........Obama just likes things up his arse hole, and while the elite having things shoved up their's, with Obama it is more like at the geezer home with a suppository for fun.

It has gotten so bad that the Obama daughters have gone like the Reagan daughters in Ron jr. and Patty........meaning, the Obama kids do not want to bring people over as their parents are so mocked by the establishment they go to school with.
The girls have gone over to the dark side and are talking trash about parent 1 and parent 2. Got so bad that the "Obama is not really my daddy comments" have been rumored about. Although flipping it is Scottie Pippen or Stevie Wonder only gets one the, "Yeah but it is still black sperm", that the comments are not repeated.
Works better to say it was Rahm Emanuel in why he got the Chicago mayoral job.

Look I will write satire on this for later, but will preface it, with I told Obama he needed John McCain to take him out and do manly things like shoot guns and kill things.
For a governess fee, I will volunteer to teach the Obama's how to be acceptable in patrician company. I would take them to Texas and Barack and I would go shoot some whitefront geese.......Muchelle could pick them and cook them up......do a job she was born to, like making sure our sleeping bags were aired out for a warm night's slumber.

We could bring in Scalia and his wife.....maybe Cheney and his wife, and the Obama's then could see how real Americans act without that fag thing going on.....Mr. and Mrs. O could do some foot rubbing and serving of hot brandy by a fire........and if Muchelle chopped off her toe, I could sew it back on as Tony bandaged it.

It would all work out, and then they could go back to DC and throw a party letting the interesting people do the talking and the elite would start tolerating the Bobamas.

That is the insider stuff on the Obama's. Look I can't write Ulsterman's stuff too as I'm not paid off to do it. I could do it if I had the six figures, but right now I'm in a fix just surviving here.

The Obama's are just not likeable people. It is why they had no friends anywhere.......well except those pedophiles in Hawaii. They are all election thefted up and no one wants to cuddle with them over ANALGATE.
Bill Clinton could rape women and it was something exciting, but Obama fingering up the a hole is just nasty.

You want to know the damned thing in this..........the joke in the crystal service set is, "We miss George W. Bush.......well we miss Laura".

Yeah it is that Obama bad.............you did notice no huge name New York or Hollywood is turning out for the Second Inaugural Election theft right?

You got it as TL and Baby Sister know.............Obama is on nig status with the elite. The novelty of the designer negro has worn off, and no one wants to play with the bathed nigs at 1600 Penn Avenue on the liberal left or the lincoln log right.

If you think the above is harsh, you should have heard the jokes being told about why people were not attending Obama events.......there is actually a comic pool operating in odd reasons.


agtG 243

Arrest B. Hussein Obama


I wonder how many are going to get the real insult.

I will not be sucked into B. Hussein's nor Aaron Burr Biden's infringement upon gun ownership, because the reality is this:

A well regulated militia means a civilian population who is armed, and not a standing army.

A well regulated militia means not regulated by laws, but regulated as in Naval gun terms in well trained.
The US Government has been in violation of this Constitutional mandate, in the Government should be providing firing ranges and ammunition, and arms necessary to every Citizen to be well practiced in firearms use.

The shall not be infringed is simple. You know what a fringe is on cloth. It is anything that frays the cloth. Anything that gets in the way of any Citizen owning a firearm freely, is an infringement.

For the record, the 1968 Gun Control laws are an infringement as they stopped the ability to order firearms through the mail. Anything that hinders a person's free access to firearms is a viiolation of the Constitution.

I have a great fondness for Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer in Tombstone, but the banning of firearms in any city is a violation of gun ownership and the right to have ready access to those firearms.

What Barack Hussein Obama, and for that matter the unConstitutional mandates of New York and Chicago, are illegal. What Mr. Obama is engaged in is the overthrow of the US Government on many fronts, with the Second Amendment his latest attack.
Mr. Obama literally with the Congress and Justice shredded Article Two of the Constitution in he is not Natural Born. In this Mr. Obama can not be impeached, as he is not an American.

Mr. Obama can only be arrested for high crimes against these United States, as he is in fact unConstitutional.

The reality of all of this is simple. Congressmen threatening to impeach Obama are ignorant of the reality of this foreign agent, B. Hussein. Barry Chin should be arrested and can be arrested by anyone from Justice to the US military.

“It was all focusing on enforcing existing law, administering things like improving the background database, things like that that do not involve a change in the law but enforcing and making sure that the present law is administered as well as possible,” said Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.).
The very laws that the NRA and other violators of the Constitution have imposed unConstitutionally on Americans is an infringement. The Citizen has every right to order a Browning II Machine Gun if they can afford it through the mail according to the Constitution, and that without background checks or illegal Class III federal firearms regulations.

If said person is criminally insane, it is the local jurisdiction which is responsible for convicting them, and once convicted legally, they are then legally barred from owning firearms as they are barred from voting.

That is the key in this, in Mr. Obama wants illegals criminally voting for him, but he coddles the criminal wanting their vote too, instead of securing them in the courts while allowing the medical establishment to enable them because threats are not "crimes".

The enabling of criminal misbehavior is the problem in this, whether Mr. Obama not being a natural born Citizen in the enforcement of the Law.

If any of Obama's Jokers had threatened Obama, they would be in prison. They instead threatened others and were allowed to continue on being initiated on drugs and mind control.

Enforcement of laws is the key, in laws if someone uses a firearm or does not use a firearm in a criminal act, bars them from owning a gun.
In Hebrew Law, parents were responsible for bringing their children before the elders of the city, to denounce them and provide evidence so they were stoned. There was not any aspect of the need for the reprobate to have raped someone or murdered someone first. Unruly conduct was all that was necessary to bring this before the Judges to start the process.
It was not a matter of degrees in banning sword ownership.

That is the Constitutionality of this and it falls on Mark Levin and his apologists for not dealing with Obama being disqualified from the Office of President. It fell to Terry Lakin who they abandoned too.
It has now fallen to this blog and Dr. Kate who are still marked as Birthers to tie this entire criminality together.

Barack Obama has had no authority to do anything from the White House. His executive orders are subversion of a foreign agent against these United States and that has been proven here time again according to the British Nationality Act and Indonesian adoption laws, along with Mr. Obama's illegal re entry into America, after being the adopted son of Stan Ann Dunham, with Obama's Asian Chinese roots as is proven by his genetic traits.

Arrest B. Hussein Obama, that is the Law of these United States. Enforce the Second Amendment and get rid of all of these gun laws as every one of them is an infringement and unConstitutional.

Someone breaks the law in a felony, the execute them. That solves the problem of the criminal misusing firearms which are the Right of every American Citizen.

agtG 345 Y

Lamce Arsewrong


I really do not care about this fraud Lance Armstrong, as it is not my French cycling career worth millions that was ruined by his fraud domination of a stupid bicycle race. That is the problem with Europeans in the first place in they gravitate toward fag sports and then have to stick knives in people's asses at soccer games or go beat up their Italian wives, because there is no manly blood involved.

Why I address this now is simple. People are holding up Live Strong, which is when they are attacked by cancer, want some support system to make the terror of it not so bad.

Armstrong is a reprehensible ass, like the New England Patriots are assss in stealing Super Bowls, several of which would have belonged to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Armstrong is a bully, and whether his bullying was due to his whatever he was taking is a Joker point.

That same point though in "his cancer survival" is something no one is addressing, because maybe Lance Armstrong brough cancer on hisself by his additive intake, and when he stopped doping, the cancer lost it's food source and the body healed itself.
Furthermore, did Armstrong keep doping and that is the reason he was able to overcome whatever cancer he had.

See that is what Lance Armstrong would come clean about if he cared about people. Armstrong should be a lab rat for testing to examine exactly what was his miracle cure. For that matter how about hauling in Ruth Bader Ginsburg to see just how she lived through pancreatic cancer which kills all others in about 6 weeks.

Is always odd in these things in how for the longest time people just died from cancer, and then the majority quit being poisoned costing all they had, and then by miracle these cancer survivor stories started showing up in people were cured...........
Yet now we see Lance Armstrong, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Fidel Castro free and cured, and yet others like Hugo Chavez is a living corpse, like so many other people who are poor for instance..........just what is it in the cancer thing that LIVE STRONG represents a segment of well insured and moneyed people who survive cancer, while the rest of the bunch like my cousin Dottie with liver cancer dies in a few months.

Of course, Oprah Winfrey is not going to be asking these things. Like how autism comes more with vaccines. How fast food additives now give asthma. How the connected elite never get cancer, and cancer is just one of those things that culls the ones who are not of the upper classes.

Lance Armstrong only came clean on this stuff because of that money pit foundation. That is why they changed the name of that place long ago, so as to keep the money pit piled high as cancer people flock to it for an illusion to keep them from this terror experiment which this population of Americans is being studied in the mutant self regeneration of cells for immortal existence.

So everything Lance Armstrong is, is a fraud, like riding a bicycle is some sport or Olympic event. Bicycles are what fags ride, because the small penis bunch is riding Harleys with leather to make up for their psychopathy.
Yes all of this starts getting really disgusting when one knows in forensic psychology what is going on in the grey matter. Europeans like fag sports, because they have lost every war since the 7 Years War........that is almost 300 years of losers where the aggressive ones are dead under the sod, and the sods are above ground breeding with shemales a bunch of queers who ride bikes and lose to Lance Armstrong.

Do you really get how fag Armstrong is, in he had to dope hisself up to beat a bunch of queer Europeans with girl DNA?

Daisy Daisy
Give me your answer do
I'm half doped up
Trying to win the tour
The dope might give me cancer
I can count on a cure
But I know conceit
Will be discreet
With Oprah and Gayle on the view

Hey Lance, how about donating a few hundred thousand to the blog as penance.

Let's end with this..........

Yes more comforting than that guy girl Lance photo at the beginning.

agtG 262

Obama's latest murder victim


REDDIT Founder's Father: 'Aaron...Was Killed by the Government'...

This blog has compassion on the Swartz family in the murder of their son, Aaron.

Aaron, like Andrew Breitbart, had thought America was a place where "the guys with white hats won" and barvado is what won out in knowing the Truth would triumph over evil.

America though is not John Wayne nor Clinton Eastwood morality of the lone American facing the world and riding off into the sunset victorious.

America is a place of organized murder projected at home and abroad. Few have connected the dots of the start of this in Obama predator strikes, Hutatree, Gabrielle Giffords, Sarah Palin and the growing numbers of Jokers and Hookers, representing the thugocracy of the Obama regime.

Swartz family were naive like most in thinking exorcising racism by installing a foreign bred agent like Barry Chin would make America a better place. America is the place of political gang rape of women whether they be Christine O'Donnell or Lara Logan.
America is a place where children crawl through pools of blood in the bin Laden staged home and no one bothers to cover the story of what the occupants saw.....and only this blog notices no follow ups were allowed.
America is a place where Khadaffi is brutalized in the streets before he and his followers are mass murdered.

America is a place where SEALS are murdered in quid pro quo and Chris Stevens is anal raped in a botched Obama 2012 election theft wag the dog....both events are connected and both are the equal brutality of Obama and Holder dumping guns across the border in Mexico to slaughter latins and Americans......yet no one investigates that, nor does New York Cuomo suddenly pass laws convicting Barack Hussein Obama, but Sandy Hook, just whores it's way into being as the Age of Obama shrouds the American corpse of the Virgin who was raped and murdered before our very eyes.

The father of Aaron Swartz does not know the complete story in surmising that it was just the Patrick Fitzgerald thug crew who tortured his son to death. It is deeper than that, and other families in America and abroad are in the same limbo of what went wrong in this Nobel Prize Age of Barry Chin.

The Obama regime is Murder Incarnate. It slaughters by missile, by poison, by cancer, by wave and by means of the undiscovered country.

Aaron Swartz joins a list of whispered names all accidental and all suicidal. Some are familiar, some are not, but the reality is when there is a culling of the most gifted computer programers, that is a pattern and the links all were about elections, Obama and data protocols.

The silence of the Judas Goats is deafening as this murder spree consumes more lives of people daring to speak out about what is right, and finding too many facts, and soon enough finding mourning families who do not realize just how dangerous America has devolved to in the Obama Abyss.

The father of Aaron Swartz is a brave man driven on by grief. He will be discounted as unbalanced by the media and coddled that way, as Eric Holder and Patrick Fitzgerald continue on for Barack Hussein Obama.

No mention of the Rod Blagojevich family though in his being a political prisoner at the start of this no more than what was done to Lawrence Sinclair in his suffering as Aaron Swartz from the start in knowing too much.

John Edwards hounded by the regime to remove him as a competitor in 2012 as his cancer suffering wife dies.

The Swartz family has a great deal of company. They though remained silent when Terry Lakin was ruined like most did.

The question is how many dead are there, beyond the thousands of Soldiers offered up for Obama quid pro quo to Muslims in his slaughter pits.........how many dead have not made the front pages in the stories they knew in the details of the regime like Donald Young of Chicago?

How many Aaron Swartz's never were noticed and they were just buried by grieving families as accidents will happen and suicides are just the way it is.

James Forestall, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph McCarthy, Chandra Levy, James McDougal, Vince Foster......

Lame Cherry right again in matter anti matter exclusives. The patterns do not lie. Forensics always uncovers the cover story.

agtG 297

Kill thy muslim and Love thy Obama


Have you noticed after ANALGATE in all the election crimes of B. Hussein Obama, that he just has disappeared from the foreign policy stage after Hillary Clinton's brain exploded?

You do remember that dashing Obama of four years ago who was launching predator strikes as often as he was pulling his dick out of his pants to take a piss right?

You remember the tens of thousands of dead Muslims Obama piled up in four years, including the twice dead corpse of Ossama bin Laden, whose hidden photos will either reveal a stand in, or a problem revealing a date signature of wrong cause of death as he was killed in 2001 by Pakistani's and not SEALS........

I digress.........

See there is a problem in the Barack Obama playground, as someone has ordered him to go back to America and assault Americans on gun control and illegals or they are going to wise up and put ANALGATE together and start a revolution and bring B. Hussein to Justice.

What is behind this is Obama is being blackmailed by everyone in Eurasia. I'm surprise the Lebanese Ossarians have not published this in their press as they can not keep a secret. It though has all affected the Obama master nuclear plan in the Middle East.

You do recall just a few months ago how Bashir Assad was on the Obama hit list in Syria just had to be given over to Obama's al Qaeda terrorists. Now Assad is setting the terms in this "humanitarian disaster" in stating he is going to run for re election.
What is that 30,000 Syrians butchered by Obama terrorists, set off by his Iraqi ambassador a year ago, and all Obama has to show for it, is Bahsir Assad dictating how the new elections are going to be handled.

Do not count Obama out in any of this, as he really wants the Jews out of nukes. The problem in this though for Americans is Obama has been ordered to focus upon you. That was sort of unhealthy for former Obama friends like Khadaffi and Mubarak.
Hell Mubarak's stocks are rising too in he is supposed to get a new trial.

The entire Middle East is in bedlam, and Barry Chin is the cause in trying to put this communist caliph together. It though all went up the arse over Chris Stevens, and now Americans are the target by this foreign agent, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin.

Perhaps it is not funny, but in ways it is amusing that Obama's terrorists have degraded from suicide bombers to getting their 70 virgins in Syria as rape is the choice of terror in Syria by Obama forces.
Muhammed had a sex problem and the Germans remember Stalin's lust of using rape on all things female there after World War II in breeding a new mongrel Russian German race.

Yes we heard in the debates with Mitt Romney how Obama was going to do all these magical things, and the interesting part is, Obama literally has disappeared from the foreign policy stage in the worst of events and times.
His terrorists in Mali are handed off to French for extermination. Nuclear Iran is not even mentioned. No one hates Netanyahu of the Jews any more. Libyan anal terror in tracking down those Obama donors is not mentioned. Egypt is in bed with Iran. Turkey arming terrorists and Obama is AWOL.
Yes it is a new order in the Middle East and Obama has been sent back to America to have little blonde school girls between his legs.

I can give you a little of the chessboard to start you thinking on this. Turkey has been promised in part a "greater Turkey" or a lesser Ottoman Empire in this, including parts of Syria, Armenian and Kurdish Iraq.....IF things get simmering again.

As I stated an Egyptian Persian east west Caliph is being worked on.

The Jews and sons of Ishamael are laying low as Obama is a non player and the players of Eurasia are more interested in Temples on Holy Mount and Saudi assets.

What this means my children is a new player has taken control of American foreign policy and that son of perdition is not in America, but in Europe. The world has changed and Barack Obama has been ordered to keep the Americans busy, so they do not get busy and go into revolt and bring him to trial.

It is all a strange time, and with the absolute news blackout in this, this is coming from the top down, as the puppy press has been ordered to ignore all of this and let the adults in Europe do the talking.

You have to pay attention to cause and effect. What caused Obama to drop the Middle East?


What is the effect?

Answer Obama will not focus on exterminating America, instead of the Middle East.

Who has taken Obama's place in Europe that is now in charge and no one sees them?

Yes Syria is a "humanitarian" problem, but why is Nobel humanitarian Obama not caring at all what is taking place in what he started?

Answers are above. A greater evil is destined to arise to clean up the Obama messes.

agtG  343YYy signature 5, signature 3

October 14


I wonder about weird ass things. Like a few days ago this ad pops up in the ads that deluge me, and I saw it was in Arabic........and it had this picture of Obama and this white bald guy who did not appear too bright.

It was winked at me by the spiders so I wondered what they were talking about as I did not get a good look at it.

Then it popped up again a day later, so I grabbed it and started data mining to just see what oddities would come up from the spiders that Baby and the apes mind.

It is interesting in putting Obama and the bald guy together into a data search reveals the wonder of Obama............how Obama's picture was the most loved on Facebook after his election theft............really bizarre beloved leader stuff that must have come from the Obama's children writing script or Val_erie Jarrett doing the best she can to make sure Obama is loved, as we all know a bunch of zombies clicking bogus Facebook links being bogus themselves is a sure sign how wonderful Obama is.

When I put the bald white guy in though, what came up first was the English Queen's Jubilee celebration and some Yemeni in Canada getting a medal for teaching Yemeni's to keep speaking Arabic while in Canada...........yeah that is what passes for great policy in Canada in do not assimilate Yemeni dope chewers, but keep teaching the kids to speak Muslim, so they can listen to all the terror mullahs and get warped that way.

The bald guy though is the Yemeni leader, a really loved guy apparently in being white in a brown Arab world.
Shhhh no comment on that please in how that all works out in this is the guy Obama chose to rule Yemen after Obama blew the place up. I do not really know the exact skin tone of the folks Obama chose to rule in other Muslim lands...........but I can assure you there are no browner than brown paper bags in the lot.

Where was I?

Yeah why is it that Baby was posting Arabic links on my ads, as it is not like I visit those peaceful terror sites of Islam?

That is the interesting thing in this, in the spiders were trending  Yemeni's in THE BALKANS and in AMERICA.That was of a week ago on January 15th.
For the record, those Balkan Muslims.........they are the Kosovo, stolen Serbian lands Muslims..........they are the Albanian Muslims.........you know the white ones who are the ones they were worried about during the Bush43 years concerning terror acts, as they could not by visual pick these white Muslim European looking terrorists up............

I have this to be posted on January 22nd, but think I better do a Drudge red light on this one, as something is hinky looking in this in what the spiders are trending.
Of course, it was that same Muslims in France and Canada they trended for most of 2012, until Obama blew up the elections with his tidal wave of election theft......and that was pointing to something that was exposed out of happening.

It is interesting that this popular girl was getting ads up too for hajib wedding turbans. I know I always wanted one as what is more fitting than having some 500 pound wool turban smashing a bride's head down and making her smell like her sheep smelling husband to be on the wedding day.

I wonder of October 14th. I wonder of SAM Revolutions that were featured on the October 14th site. I wonder why ads for Islamists are popping up on my sites, when this popular girl has not been surfing terror pages.........but has had interesting things pop up when someone has been hacking into my spaces and lurking about AND THEIR SIGNATURES ARE WHAT ARE TRIGGERING THE BOTS.

Just a note of interesting things in being popular as the gossip going on in the plasmas is always more telling than what is being told by Rush plagiarist Limbaugh or ..........I really would like the networks to find some sexy chica on the left to mention here, as that Diane Sawyer about makes me puke.........is not because she is older than prostitution, but the woman talks like she is having an orgasm at the end of every sentence.Is like watching an old dirty 30's movie about socialite spinsters getting off on the gin.

Any way, I wonder of Obama blowing up Yemen, and the spider links now to the Balkans and their history of  being the primer to  blowing up the world.

Something is taking place on the back channels that the spiders have overheard. Publish this the 16th maybe and see what I can stick in there and move about to the 22nd or something.

Is very difficult having all of these things to say, and not enough room to say them.

the Bosnian War, Oct. 14-17,

Dad ratter, I just have to put something attractive up here, as all that Caucasion Islam which Secular Islamist Obama is setting up in the Caliph is just not interesting.

as all that Caucasion Islam which Secular Islamist Obama is setting up in the Caliph

I put that down again so that soaks in.......

agtG 289Y

Upskirt Foster Freiss


 Llke jock dude is with her for her personality and intellect

Brent Musberger did something this past week which is of no importance in he saw Miss Alabama in the stands duringa playoff game and as network cameras lingered on her, he said she was gorgeous and how quarterbacks always get all the hot chics.

All facts as that is what shallow women are drawn in breeders to is the large idiot male they can dominate as strong men of character and intelligence are too hard to deal with........like Brent Musberger.
That is not a slap at a Mrs. Musberger, because she might be hot too, but I have never had ESPN doing upskirts on her.

Musberger got into big trouble over this with the heads at media. He would not have gotten into trouble if he had said, "Whoa, that is the kind of bama babe who would turn a straight woman lezbo".
The reason being in there has been a concerted effort for years to make women ugly, to cut out all straight normal sexual realities, and it all comes from the heads of media who are fags. It is why you never see any cheerleaders on television unless ugly in most events, as it is part of the conditioning........the fags want to see sweaty fat lineman cracks of the butt as that is what they are jacking off to in the media booth.

I speak of this, not because of Musberger, as he is the best sports commentator, play by play and anchor in media.
He is fun and entertaining, and does his job with skill so the audience is not tortured like on other ABC, CBS and FOX  events.

I speak on this, because Foster Freiss has weighed in on ths and Mike Gallagher who loves Foster was praising Fester today as Freiss sends out spam notes about his thoughts on things and somehow associated Musbergers's locker room comments with morality, as in Biblical morality in focusing on praising what his good.

Ah lusting after a woman in public, even in a joke is not Biblical.......Jesus was not out saying how great Mary Magadelene looked and who lucky his uncle Joseph of Aramathea was for hitting that.

The reality is Foster Friess is problem in America. I have disdain for this fraud and astuter readers will comprehend why in this billionaire jerk.

When I contacted Foster Freiss about  a media venture to turn this country around. He ignored my correspondence. Yes he really cares about women's issues for America by that example.

Want more?

When Mike Gallagher was out pheasant hunting at Gettysburg, which was covered here, did Foster Freiss have ONE LADY in the midst? Did he invite Sarah Palin? NO
Did he invite Christine O'Donnell? NO
Did he invite Lame Cherry? NO

Did Foster Freiss ever take the constant vigil in chivalry for Ladies in the poltiical gang rape which took place on all American women in this Obama Rovian rape squads that produed Lara Logan and Chris Stevens in Africa? Hell NO!!!!!!!!

Foster Freiss is part of the Aspen Institute which has been focused on here by TL and myself. Aspen is a wacko hippy group that has nefarious undertones in the founder was dead and the wife took it over for this thing that Freiss is a part of that joins with George Soros and other feudal lords.
Now does that sound very Conservative?

How about the reality of Freiss backing Mitt Romney.........now there is fine a guy who was involved in election theft in Maine and Ohio, so he was dirty and could not call the cops when Obama stole the entire 2012 elections at the White House and Congress.

Mike Gallagher is a retardo with most of his brain not functional. He likes Freiss because Freiss let him shoot a pheasant. Just like all insiders Gallagher champions those who run the payola for him, just like Limbaugh shills for baron oil over biofuels in lies.

Brent Musberger is an American male who can and did say bar room comments to a woman, and the babe appreciated it being from bama. He did nothing wrong.

The people who are doing wrong are those who enabled the Rovians and installed B. Hussein Obama again, and that starts with Foster Freiss and his cadre of mind conditioned types like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan.
They have bastardized the Reagan Revolution deliberately and Foster Freiss has stood by holding the coats of those who held down and gang raped the American Virgin.

Sarah Palin shoots guns. I shoot guns at pheasants and other things. Yet Foster Freiss could not offer an invite to American Ladies in the least as he does not want the around, and Foster Freiss could not be happier about the political rapes clearing the fields of American Ladies like Sarah Palin, as she was not his immoral type out of Aspen.

Foster Freiss' way is what ruined America in the last two elections. He is what is bad about the right wing, as he is in bed with the left.
To start quoting Scripture in crude sport's bar comments is disgusting. That though is Foster Freiss breach to barrel. He is the type that comes to this blog to jack off to the porn, pretending he is reading the articles.

Freiss wants to prove he is real. Then he can donate a few million to the blog and I will build the broadcast I said with part of that funding. Otherwise he is another clever fraud who just put the Conservative label on saying, "Nice tits baby" to a woman and defending the dolt who said it.

Without money, Freiss is all talk, and that is all Freiss is, as his record has been one of watching the political gang rape of American Ladies and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

agtG 293Y

Desinger Negro R Us


Being a pioneer of forensic psychology, the field never stops fascinating me in while it is in a finite field of plus minus, it spirals out to infinite actions and reactions, which constantly surpise me as the human psychopathy always is unpredictable.

For example, the subject, B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin in his January press conference of late, exhibited the abnormal Obama in stuttering and disjointed thought. It also produced an interesting syndrome of Obama pleading that he was indeed loveable and looking up and too the left with a smile, he mused about Republicans coming over and playing cards with him as he as lonely.

The greater rat maze though is the one which fascinates me, as it is about Mockingbird and all of these hired Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and Ingraham types, along with the also rans of Savage, Farah and Drudge who either are ignorant in not being Inspired or simply missed the greatest psychopathy on display in Barry Chin.

Mr. Obama Chin as of late has been saying things which are amusing to me. He has a pattern of two phrases that he absolutely believes and with passion. It puzzles me some in where he was infused with this, even though it has been his driving force in his dogma, rhetoric, dictatorship and fantasy.

B. Hussein made the following statements several times and they are telling. The first was about the record spending and his conclusion that the problem in all the spending was due to health care costs.

His follow up conclusion in this was then that there was not a spending problem as he had fixed the costs of health care.

B. Hussein's second statement dealt with this record spending and debt. He was not concerned in the least about the spending or the debt. His concern is about the debt ceiling instead, as if America defaulted, then it would ruin the ability to bower and that according to Mr. Obama was the real problem

He went so far in this press conference to inform Congress that if they were too timid to raise the debt limit, as he would not be held hostage to negotiating over it every few months or every year,. (The every year statement was interesting as Mr. Obama is by law supposed to offer up some type of budget which indeed deals with debt limits and spending.), that Mr. Obama would unilaterally raise the debt to any level so he could keep spending, which is what he deems will fix this.

In synopsis, Mr. Obama has concluded that he has fixed the budget, even though health care costs are still raising at trillions more than what his projections are. Welfare, waste, expanded government and unnecessary government agencies as EPA are not even noticed by Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama though does focus upon defense spending as what is something which should be slashed even further, when he has literally begun a crash program which America can no longer engage a two front war as has been American Doctrine for 70 years along with removing the nuclear umbrella America has.

Mr. Obama has monetized the budget and economy with Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner of the Fed and Treasury. That means simply, Mr. Obama has Treasury create money out of thin air with no value, which the Federal Reserve then takes and loans back the US Treasury at rate to spend that money.
The US has no bond investment any longer, but the Federal Reserve which is literally the US government with foreign ownership of key banks, buys up it's own debt in covering what Obama is spending.

This is akin to your house, in which your spouse would be spending millions of dollars, but you would be making minimum wage. To fix this, you in turn start printing up money to cover things to pay all the bills in mortgage notes you create from your bank.
In the real world that lands you in prison, as it is counterfeiting. In the Obama capitalism, it is how he literally with his shadow monetary group, has been running or ruining America.

Barack Obama's monetary policy is to keep spending trillions of more in debt, that is being covered by the United States in Peter robbing Paul to pay Paul. The Chicoms, Putincrats and Eurolords have all agreed to this, because of the simple fact this will destroy America as a competitor by this immense debt which can never be paid back.
Yes an American monetary implosion will be horrendous for the world. but in the Eurasians game of chess, it is a great deal less costly and it does not have the risks of fighting a war against the Americans. They intend to defeat America by Obama spending IN EXACTLY THE WAY RONALD REAGAN BROUGHT DOWN THE SOVIET UNION WITH SPENDING.

That in caps is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

The puzzling thing for me is no commentary has been engaged in about this, and it has been in full sight for weeks. Nothing from the Mockingbird pundits, which means an absolute media blackout is involved in this using gun control as the elite are attempting to protect their robber baron shares and allow this meltdown which will further centralize power.

Barack Hussein Obama considers the US debt not a problem as he has been taught that he can create money out of nothing to solve his spending and that debt is not a problem at all, because in his understanding he has fixed spending by Obamacare rationed death.
Obama does not need a small business class nor job growth in his understanding, and only conglomerates, because his creation of money out of nothing will pay for all these bills. The economy can stagnate and shrink to Keynesian feudal levels, and all is deemed sound by Mr. Obama, as he can just keep printing magic money to pay for things.

Yes this is completely insane, because currency only has value when it is backed by work which created that wealth. That is what money is in reality in being a transportable thing that reflects a person's hours of labor, so an economy can trade your chemist work for a farmer's wheat or a doctor trades their treatment for your typing skills, all made barter by money.
When someone is just adding currency as Mr. Obama is by punching in numbers on a computer program for electronic money, then it makes that money worth less and your labor worth less. It comes to a point in Banana Republics, the Weimar Republic or Mugabe's Zimbabwe that printing up this much money leaves it with no value.

It is known what this monetization has been engaged in by Mr. Obama, but he has never come out in such simple terms in defining things as he has no intention of cutting spending, balancing any budget,  creating any budget or making an economy which would create jobs. Mr. Obama has now stated that he has fixed the spending problems of health care, and even with trillions more in spending and massive tax increases, it is all going to be fixed by printing up fictional dollars to pay for it all.
The only problem to Mr. Obama is Congress not raising a debt limit which would endanger his spending, or his Ponzi Scheme, because that is exactly what Obamanomics is, it is a Ponzi pyramid scheme, which will collapse robbing Peter to pay Paul......and with Obama Peter does not even exist.

I have stated that there are several economies and the fictional one Americans have been gouged by, by B. Hussein is one which will have to implode as Great Britain's did in the attack which brought down the empire when wealth generation did not match spending intake.

Inflation is already eating American's alive. They can not keep up with the costs of buying homes, transportation, fuel and food. There is a feudal American state in wards of Obama welfare, the working slaves and these elitists like Limbaugh and Chris Matthews worth millions hiding the reality of all of this Obama ponzi, for the barons and tycoons on top engaged in this house of cards.
These feudal lords who installed Obama know that the masses must be bribed or they will revolt as they can not afford to live. The entire scenario is one of Obama moving to disarm the masses in enough numbers, so when this does implode when the Eurasians pull the plug on this as Europe rises to replace America in the west and China in the east as Obama has created, the mobs will be able to be pacified in an FDR speech of nothing to fear, but fear itself.
In that, the protocol would be for some Pearl Harbor terror attack to refocus Americans on a wound and not how they have just been plundered.

This is Obama in what he has admitted. He is so secure in this madness that he has been repeating it often enough in private and in public that it has been in print, and the masses apparently do not comprehend what he has been telling them.

It is the Obama fashion show in the window of Designer Negro R Us from the Peking main office.

Obama's synopsis is spending money which does not exist on spending which he has solved in Obamacare as spending rises.

All fascinating.

agtG 336 YY

Obama's Pistole Packin' Posse


I wonder sometimes why B. Hussein is left to his own devices as he just finds ways to antagonize blacks.

Then again, the only thing worse than being black in America, is being Asian as Obama the Chinoid refuses to share a stage with them, but he does like feeling them up on post election theft junkets as was revealed here on the Magical Fondling Tour of 2012.

Somehow when Obama brought in his pistol packin' posse to rape the Amendment Toi of America, he found a way to pull out his pistol and wave it like a pedophile at the little white girl in the photo op.

Yes when in Obama, put the cute Caucasians out in front on Obama's power left side and pay them special attention.......especially the pretty white girl.

*please do not remember Obama's thoughts on display in Rome in 2009 in his looking at the butt of a teenage girl there with Sarkozy gazing on............

So Obama sends a message to blacks and sticks them in back of him. I feel sorry for that grinning little black boy, as this is the greatest day of his life. He finally gets to see a real Chinaman acting as a designer negro, the black community can all wait for turkey hand outs and cell phones, and where does Obama put him, but in the back of the bus like.......what's her name, that black chic......Rosa Parks it is.
Yeah just like blacks never noticed where the Afroids got stuck behind Obama as he only has time to chat up the little white girl.

I wonder if he was asking, "How many cows to make you a permanent wife of 1600 Penn Avenue there little girl?"

The little white bro though really looks uncomfortable though. Probably is allergic to MSG as they put that into Chinese take out allot. Worried Obama is going to give him an allergic reaction and he will asphyxiate.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, the little Indian girl. Feel bad for her too in she looks like she is wondering where the paddy is..........probably only speaks Dinesh D'Souza...........yeah can read her mind in, "My parents traded my sister for this dress to the Arab dress maker, and now that white is going to get the 12 cows my father was counting on and I'm going to have to move to Qatar and be the 15th wife of some geezer Muslim."

Allot goes on at Obama events..........blacks in the back, little chatting up of white girls, Indian girls being traumatized and little white boys terrified they will die of an allergic reaction for getting too close to Obama's chopstick.

10 year old Obama though really does well with children under 10. He had those two blonde girls between his legs and over his leg at Sandy Hook and he was having a great time wrestling with them......seem to recall the little white boy's radar was very uncomfortable being around Obama in that photo too.
Had no idea there was such a fear of allergic attacks by instinct around B. Hussein.

Looks like as Obama showed the children his pistol, that the only ones who enjoyed the show was Obama, the little white girl and the black kid.....of course the black kid probably had a bath and was pleased that Joe Biden said he smelled like a clean negro.

Oh yeah, the missing Asian kid........they really had a great time too in not attending the Obama pistol show like me.

Take a close forensic look at that photo in the Negroid Indian female and the Caucasoid American male have their shoulders cocked away from Obama in not liking him.
The black boy wants to meld into Obama and is shadowing him the worst type of unction.

The little white girl.......her head is saying yes to Obama in the thrill of the attention, but her hips are cocked away too like the others in saying no to Obama by instinct.

Interesting what children pick up now is it not, what not eh?

agtG 227Y,  263

Silent Obama is Deadly Obama


As an exclusive, this blog will once again explain in matter anti matter exclusives concerning Mali / Algeria in being proven absolutely correct again on all things.
If you are torn between the Truth and if I'm a liar, then believe Christ as He will never lie.

It is "nice" to see others are speaking of the Neo Roman Empire as was predicted here first, and the Canuck site quoted here is a fitting one for background on this African Obama outrage.

And it is military action, both covert and incrementally more overt, that will see the West’s extremist proxies and the West’s faux efforts to stem them, increasingly creep over the Mali-Algerian border, as the old imperial maps of Europe are redrawn right before our eyes.

Yes the OLD IMPERIAL is back in the global feudal state as has been explained exclusively here for years in the Neo Roman Order, the Caliph and the New Asian Order, all of which Obama has been funding and invading through those trillions he has been debt spending.
Get this point, that is why Obama is going berserk on this in raising the debt ceiling. He and the Berliner boys need this cash flow to not be stemmed now, as the moment of the birth of the old order is breached the vulva lips.

 REPORT: Hostages held in Algeria killed...
BLOODBATH: Helicopters strafe gas plant in desert...
Fate of 7 Kidnapped Americans Unknown...
Hostages 'made to wear explosives'...
Obama, Clinton Silent on Crisis...
LATEST: Some 'escape Islamist captors'...
Gunmen dubbed 'Signatories for Blood'...
One-eyed Jihadi leader...
Retaliation for France intervention in Mali...
FLASHBACK: Romney mocked for debate mention...

It was only here that his blog  started exposing that Obama has been ordered to return to America and rid the world of the American problem in this gun control and soon to be illegal citizen problem to distract the Americans from the Obama election thefts and what ANALGATE at Benghazi was hiding in the master plan of al Qaeda terrorism being run out of 1600 Penn Avenue by B. Hussein Obama.

What is key in this, is Obama has been silent on all of this and while it was puzzling. The reality is it is the olde French order with the central Europeans who have been engaged in this phase of completing the Caliph in north Africa in the main focus being Algeria and the treasures there.

These al Qaeda terrorists in Algeria are Obama associates who took these hostages. Obama and Clinton have been silent as they are agents of the new order. The Mali group was but a rogue group meant to initiate the Algerian overthrow.

I have not covered this here, because I do not have any interest in precursory wars in clean up operations. Algeria is a lovely place, but it is fodder for the empire.

I will give you another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

Do you remember all those mansions you saw on Masterpiece Theater or the places Obama stays in France?
Do you know where the money came from for all that splendor?

It came from empire. Now get this point as I have stated this before. Obama hates COLONIALS. You have to understand why he hates colonials.

Colonialism is AMERICANS, CANADIANS, AUSTRALASIANS and the Orange Free State, and what Queen Victoria was attempting in Africa and the commonwealth in SELF RULING PEOPLES of all nationalities......mean blacks, Arabs etc.... ruling themselves in civil peace.

The Cecil Rhodes, DeBeers and Rothschilds types can not make fortunes with which to gain control of masses of people and nations, if those people have money, arms and self determination. They need Mexicans in America, Muslims in Europe and whatever in whatever for instability to keep the majority off balance so the minority feudal lords can gain power.

Obama is an Imperialist or Empirical in nature, because he envisions the many serving the few.

What Obama has engaged in with the central Europeans is the dismantling of Anglo American finance for the world slave state.
What is appearing now in French conquest is the reality that France will be the feudal lord or is being told they will rule the Caliph from Morocco to Syria.

I have mentioned that Turkey has been promised a lesser Ottoman empire. All of this is about the regaining of splendor and rule on the old lines. This is about Empire on old orders and while you are looking at Africa or distracted by your guns, the cartel has been engaged in a realignment of Asia in the same way.
China is the chosen eastern influence with promises of the Russian frontier. Russia can not be allowed to be a competitor being a Slavic problem state. It must be hemmed in by China and the Caliph in the grande scheme to be a pretty vassal state.

I have warned from the start of this that Obama has been promising everyone thee entire pie. In time, someone is going to decide, as in Putin to take things before he ends up like Khadaffi.

Yes Obama has been silent these past months on his "Muslim projects", but that does not mean he has not been active as this blog has warned. Obama could  care less that Americans were held or slaughtered in Algeria, because the Neo Roman Order is what he serves.
All of North Africa must come into the orbit of this. If you care to research the archives from Susan Rice stories on her African connections, this blog was years ago making mention of the division of Africa in various rulerships for all of this.

My apologies to this taking four years and not four minutes to start to be seen that even the blind can notice it now.

This blog has posted on the greatest breaking stories in modern world history and has been proven right again and again. This is all going back to pretty mansions and titles......it is going back to slavery, but it will all be under different situations to make it all appear holier than thou.

The attack was apparently carried out by a one-eyed jihadi leader, Mokhtar Belmokhar, who has been linked to a series of kidnappings of foreign nationals for ransom in North Africa that have earned tens of millions of dollars for al Qaeda's local affiliate, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Belmokhtar has been nicknamed Mr. Marlboro for his smuggling expertise.
What can be more cool than a new bin Laden.....a one eyed bandit who has  been running.......oh who was it that stated Obama had set up the protocols for al Qaeda to be the mules in their funding operations to keep them content as Obama hands over the Caliph to their communist natures?
Oh yes, Lame Cherry.......that popular girl all the big money players censor and will not donate too.

That is enough my children for now. Burnished gold by amber will be once again common, built upon the blood and anal rape of others.

Sing it Ray.......no not Ahab the Arab

Sing it Ray.......

No not everything is beautiful.......

Sing it Ray.......

he's go the whole world
in his hands
he's got you and me sister
in his hands
he's got the whole world in his hands

agtG 278

The Second Amendment is Gone


According to the new gun control mandates from Obama and a gulag like New York, the following realities are true.

All military style weapons are banned.

For those who missed this, the military has had single shot muzzleloading pistols, smoothebores and rifles.

The military has had lever action rifles.

The military has had pump shotguns.

The military has had bolt action rifles.

The military has had break open breach loading weapons.

The military has had semi automatic weapons.

In the above, that is literally every type of firearm ever used and in use for defense or hunting.

The obvious Constitutional violation is, how does one have a well regulated militia, meaning a well trained non standing army of civilians armed with militia or MILITARY weapons, when the new gun control laws violate the very principle of the Second Amendment.

I will not be drawn into this bogus diversion, no more than going into details that this blog warned they were going to expand the definition of "insane" to stop firearm ownership, to include people who disagree with Obama feudalism as all Reagan Blue State folks are defined as crazy already.

They have already banned all guns and firearm ownership in America. GET THAT POINT. It is now simply a graduated period to enforce it. It takes decades to do court cases and with John Roberts blackmailed over his Nazi babies he imported from South America, Obama's gun grab will be enforced by the courts.

See it all matters Marky Levin when you Mockingbird sell outs discounted what John Roberts did and did not have your Boehnerites impeach him, Soto, Kagan and Breyer to send the message.

nuff said


Protocol of Suicide


Depending on time constraints, initiated contact will focus upon 3 areas.

Area 1: Engage contact with mood altering medications, sonic, photon or wave length mediums.
Initiation is indicated by inoculation of mail, high frequency directional sound, pulse emissions of monitors or radar wave frequency.

Sub sections involve initiating select narcotic use by introduced protocols of social nature via operatives, all to introduce psychiatric treatments as cover for the "depression" which is code word sown into the target's vocabulary and initiated into family and friends.

Area 2: Handwriting scans and voice prints are operational mandates. Handwriting generated from computer programs in automated writing devices create the suicide note.

Sub section involves voice print utilizing computer programs to "reach out" and phone friends and relatives while subject is neutralized to sow the depression protocol.
Target not remembering said contacts evolves to greater influence of the suicide doctrine.

Area 3: Sanction occurs with speed in which target is isolated and random chance of family and friends will not interrupt operation. Midnight to five operations are recommended for ease of construct and time structure to allow rigormortis escape.

Sub section of poison, asphyxiation, slashing or firearms allow leeway of psychiatric posture. Each builds upon known psychopathy. Assistance in each is accepted with narcotic effects.

Sub section of surveillance cameras, known access times of neighbors, security and the placement of note predating event are mandatory for stealth reasons or blood spray reasons in firearms assisted cases.

Each operational structure must be followed with Mockingbird talking points of key depressionary and suicidal tendencies, reinforced by family and friends.

End synopsis of suicide protocol.

agtG 263

The murder of Aaron Swartz


As Mike Gallagher goes on the attack dragging the dead corpse of Aaron Swartz through the media mud in reinforcing it was a "suicide" and questioning it all as Gallagher plunders the legal facts stating that Aaron Swartz broke into MIT, and that this is all his fault........let the realities bite Mockingbird Gallagher in the ass.

Gallagher is the problem in this along with all the right, who have this smiling face of apologists, in parrot repeating the regime line. Gallagher and this crew could not spout the line of Andrew Breitbart's murder was heart trouble as Breitbart's empire was divided up to be taken over by the cartel ending it's investigatory work.
The widow Breitbart has not donated to this blog either, but then neither has Orson Bean, who I really like, now that his Ros Carter euphoria has worn off and he is an American.

Meanwhile back to something more..........

Aaron Swartz was exactly like the government at MIT. He simply walked in, placed a wifi system in a closet and pulled the data out.
That is what Aaron Swartz was adept at, in he never had to break into any location. He was exactly like the government coming into all of your homes every moment with surveillance systems to spy on you. Mr. Swartz simply would drop off his conduit and begin gathering data.

This blog will reveal something exclusively again in this in matter anti matter. Aaron Swartz in his VARIOUS wifi conduits......yes he had more than just the Justice Department and MIT operating, and it is the ones which Justice is not talking about, is where Swartz got room temperature over.
It is concluded that Aaron Swartz sometime in the past months figured out in part what he had accidentally gained access too. It is concluded that Aaron Swartz went gonzo and did hack into classified Obama areas, which did detail the murder incorporated lists.
Aaron Swartz it is concluded obtained the raw talking points which would have exposed the murder for hire of the Obama regime, and he made it known that either the charges were dropped or this was going Wikileaks.

That is what set the suicide protocols in motion. The information that Aaron Swartz of the diaspora obtained was equal to the damning informaton that Andrew Breitbart had his conduit download which would have brought down the Obama regime for crimes.

This is not a Foster Freiss / Mike Gallagher smear of Aaron Swartz of "intellectual property". This was a reality of classified information that these computer geeks gained access to and for this a growing list of them has been murdered.

They are telling you exactly what Aaron Swartz found, and it was about the murder lists that Obama has engaged. Connect the dots children in that list IS LARGER AND HAS MORE AMERICANS WHO HAVE BEEN MURDERED ON IT THAN HAS BEEN MADE PUBLIC.
It was one thing for Swartz to envision a rats in the maze polling protocol to win elections that would thwart the Obama Scytl, SOE and Sequoia operations which got Andrieu Riera murdered in a "car accident" on a night of no rain, good weather and no other reasons a car should crash in Spain.
Andrew Breitbart was onto this list. His work though was on the bin Laden corpse in how that was set up, with other interesting details that dovetailed into the Swartz murder.

This is the Jewish contractors who were hired in 2008 for the Obama election theft. They installed a back door surveillance system of the internet and turned it on Americans via Yahoo, Google, MSN etc...., along with Obama's horde of commenters who moved onto sites with mania to create the Obama illusion.

Aaron Swartz was too arrogant like Breitbart. He showed his cards. Breitbart's files were wiped, but in the forensic profile of Aaron Swartz, I conclude that he placed his files in several locations and they have not all been located.
Swartz was intelligent enough to dead end some copies. These are deadly files and whoever blunders onto them is going to get the message......"if you are reading this then I have been murdered by the government via the executive order murder file".

There are two files in this that the Obama regime is operating out of. The classified file which is the one quoted and the operational file with the names of Americans like Aaron Swartz.

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

agtG 242

Mokthar is Here!!!!!!!


Obviuosly we have a problem here, as the new manufactured terrorist leader in the Cyclops Terrorists is more sexy than his boss B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin out of 1600 Penn Avenue.

Mokthar Belmokhtar even has a sexier manly name than his boss, B. Hussein AKA Barry Chin.

You can just hear the excitement in the terror groups in yelling, "MOKTHAR IS HERE!!!!!", followed by unregistered AK 47's blazing bullets into the air as the background checks in Obama terrorland are only as extensive as not covering anal rape of Chris Stevens, but if you will kidnap him.

For this reason, this blog not receiving any high dollar donations from Foster "show me your tits" Freiss to Rush blondeberry Limbaugh or other assorted frauds on the American right, offers the following:

mokthar برای كمك بلاعوض از 1 ميليون دلار، پذيرفت با اهداء دکمه در بالای گوشه راست نمادی از لنگ بلاگ، دريافت خواهيد کرد آدرس ایمیل من مخلص شما می تواند برای ما ارسال کنيد تا بعد به من یک عکس از بعضي از لباسهاي زنان به دنبال القاعده خواهد بود، كه در اينجا نباشند، همراه با طى بيانيه اى با شما در مورد فهم اينكه چرا شما موفق می شود تا به عنوان یک تاجر مسلمان در آفريقا به obama خليفه شده است بیشتر از همه شما می خواستم انسان در جهان؟

Mokthar for the donation of 1 million dollars, complied with by the donate button at the upper right hand corner of the Lame Cherry blog, you will receive my email address whereby you can then send to me a picture of some gorgeous looking al Qaeda women, who will be featured here, along with a statement by you concerning your understanding of why your being so successful as a Muslim merchant in Africa for the Obama Caliph has now made you the most wanted man in the world?
You could also explain about what you know of homosexual sex with Chris Stevens.

I presume you do read Farsi.

Oh and include something about Obama being not American, the Birthers are right, Obama tried to kidnap Chris Stevens for his 2012 election and Obama leads al Qaeda. That will really get you noticed in the talking points.

That sounds like a primo deal there Mokthar in you get to be interviewed on the best blog in the world, get to show off some Islamic communist women with guns and no doubt after this you will have more than 70 virgins in this life wanting to be your wives, as women just have a thing for bad boy one eyed monsters.

Look Mokthar, you can not help that you are sexier than the homosexual B. Hussein Obama. It is just a reality about Afghanistani men compared to Horn of Africa Chinoids. It would be fitting before you get torched by Obama and Panetta to speak your last rant and testament. You are a man of Obama merchant Islam and commerce, and what better way to be carrying out your trade than dolling out some bucks from Obama trade to get the email, taking some snaps of the Muslim lovelies and giving the exclusive to the Lame Cherry blog.........no one reads that Mauratanian rag or even knows where the hell that is.
You got to go with the blog press Mokthar to hit the big time.

Think that is about it in the conditions this blog sets down....except keep your last will about three paragraphs as people will not pay attention to more than that and make sure your babe pictures are not over 200 kb's and limit them to 4.
Also Dick Wolfe of Law and Order seems popular in that Richard Belzer terror look alikes, so maybe find some terror chics who look like the Law and Order cast.........Angie Harmon types........maybe have them accidentally rip their clothes and have them blowing in the wind for effect.

That about wraps it up Mokthar. You might as well spend your money Obama helped you earned before Obama silences you.

Oh better make it a million five hundred thousand because after Obama 40% tax hikes, I need to have close to a straight million left over after taxes.

That should do it.


Icelandic Wonder


Children, my children,  are the most resilient of beings. Parents who are disasters seem to only make them better. Parents who are children, create children as adults.

Children should never be discounted in being able to handle tribulations, for they are not Lord of the Flies at heart, but they are God's children in the worst of situations, they are Joan of Arc in both shepherdess and knightress.

I recall the children of Lebanon in their Civil War which daily had artillery and rifle fire. There in the rubble were the babies playing in the midst of the shells still booming. They were completely unafraid and completely aware of the situation.
One does not have to ask a child in the reality of the world what they think, for they do not think, they simply know.

Iceland was founded by a race of liberated souls who navigated a world wild and as untamed as they were. The Runes of their soles which touched the ground are all across America in the stones they left, the mooring rocks they put their ships to and the bloodlines they founded in the northern Indian tribes as the Mandan.
It is estimated that there were 60,000 Vikings in North America upon the Great Plains, having sailed up the Great Lakes and into Minnesota. Lands which were vast lakes then, connected by the space of time as the children of Israel roamed the land which would be America.

I have numbers of pets in this life. The Slavic peoples, for all the endured. The Indochinese people for all they endured, and many came to America founding lives here in the best possible civility.
America was founded on Scottish, Irish and Germanic character or it is what Americans are, and yet these other children arrived here and appreciated the work, and continued on it to every person's benefit.

When I was a child existing in nowhere, my delight was jets. My eyes were as those of a hawk and I would study them. I knew the 747, disliked the lesser jets of the DC's as of course they were pretenders to the Boeings, and the 707 was just not a heavy........now there are so many others bigger is not smaller in 727, 737 an the triple 7.
I still watch the jets, and I still wonder in their landing how such huge things do not simply stop and fall from the sky. American jets were always so much prettier than even the Aeros out of Russia. A child sees things and knows things without bias of the adult world, but biased in the truth of the child in seeing things with pure vision.....yes sometimes without wisdom, but always with reality.

Too many liberals talk down to children, and expect of them answers. That is the mistake in children the lower themselves to the stupidity of the adult in groping for answers in a simple world where predators eat prey, all things grow old and decompose, and in the end the fox feeds the grass with it's carcase and baby rabbits are born of that fodder.

I looked around as a young person, and noticed how many miserable people were as adults. I was miserable enough as a child, so I swore I was never going to grow up, but remain a child in trusting that miracles did happen and I would live in that reality of forever being a child.

A child really only needs to be loved with boundaries, and in neglect, war and hurts, they will respond wonderfully in overcoming things. They are so resilient and only in the worst ways are they ever completely damaged and turned into liberals.

A liberal child is one who thinks they can change the world by will or thinks the world is perfect and they want to become the world, whether urban or wilderness.
A Conservative child realizes the world is just a place they visit in a situation called life from God, and that they are to become like Him, and return to the place He is.

The children are prepared for the Great Tribulation. The adults are not. Children see the Spirits and listen to God openly while the adult is more concerned like Martha in baking the bread, instead of the Bread of Life before her.

Children are God's best prayers breathed to life and women are God's breath of the eternal prose.

Children learn from Godly parents and Godly parents learn to see God again in Hope as by a child He leads the way.

Parents and children need each other in a wonderful miracle that each of Us have with our Parent God. It all teaches and is all the world is, for we are but here a moment in eternal time and then return to our eternal nature.

It was said that if a dove would carry a drop of water from every ocean, every 1000 years, until they were all empty, that in that time, it would not even be a moment in eternity.

We should focus upon that destiny as we grow here as God's Spiritual heirs, for that is our Home.


Bingo, Bango, Obamgo and ANALGATE


Did not I my children mention here in the turban head trading that the Four Star Admiral was saying what was behind the ANALGATE botched hostage attempt was this Blind Shiek bomber of the World Trade Centers in the mad notes in the margins?

See that is what has been floating around in this. I tell you that here are these whiners who are all nuts sucked up to their abdomens about this blind terrorist going tits up in an American prison.
They think they can curry favor with terrorists if they work this deal.

That is figment one of this imagination in the Obama Fag File margins.

Figment two is this group of terrorists WHO WERE PROMISED BS for trying to  take Chris Stevens hostage. There are a hand full of these terrorists working for Obama who have a great deal of promises from Obama.
This Cyclops Terrorist who is now public boogerman number one in Mali staging all of this, is the merchant trader in this. HE HAS BEEN KIDNAPPING PEOPLE FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN RANSOM for the entire Obama regime.
Remember back to the US Navy shooting Somali kidnappers for Obama.........gee this Cyclops has been doing the same thing without any military actions. THAT IS BECAUSE HE IS OBAMA's OSSERIAN MERCHANT IN AFRICA.

This blog told you children that Obama set up the dope trade into Africa for South American narco communist funding as part of his Marxist hub in the Americas. al Qaeda Africa had Boeing 727's as you recall and are part of  this contraband trade.
Obama worked a deal for al Qaeda to do the smuggling as mules for hundreds of millions in profits to appease them, until he could handle over nations and their oil deposits for that 300 million dollar bribe Obama took into his 2008 campaign.

THIS ALL COMES FULL CIRCLE and has been covered here from the start while the rest of media did not. I will give Sean Hannity one moment of credit as he actually mentioned this on air several years ago, before going Limbaugh silent again.

So what you have here is the Cyclops is Obama's merchant terror Muslim. He is now the boogerman like bin Laden was when the Sheik was an asset of the CIA doing work for American interests.
This one eyed terrorist is simply the conduit for Obama Muslim mafia crimes. He represents the loyal wing of the Muslims who like BS.

In this though, it was the contenders in the other mullahs in Obama terrorism who do not want this Blind Sheik ever released as he will take their power, and Obama will not be able to control him, so BS will have to be die.

This was part of the entire double cross that got Chris Stevens and the gay posse murdered in Libya in September. Obama laid this wide open to take place, but the rat up the ass that got Stevens murdered was the opposing Muslims OUT OF AFGHANISTAN AND IRAN who did not want the deal going through in BS being  released into the midst.
These outlander Muslims, have no authority in real Islam. Meaning, that crank Ayatollah out of Iran naming himself grand pubbah, is not listened to outside Iran and southern Iraq. Khomeini or whatever that terrorists communist Muslim hybrid is named, does not want, any more than the Afghanistan terrorists this BS let loose as he would sway the terrorists.

I remind you that the Afghanistan Muslims always referred to Sheik bin Laden as a foreigner. Afghanistan bloodlines are not related to the Ishmaelite lines that bin Laden was. They like North Africans are different bloodlines and just as leery of each other as English and Irish or Germans and Polish, even though they seem to be the same family and belief structure.

Chris Stevens as this blog broke was by Obama election plans, supposed to be kidnapped. The people who were supposed to do it, are the BS loyalists. The people who raped and murdered Stevens are the anti loyalists to the BS in answering to another mullah.

I told and warned you that Obama was putting America into Muslim tribal wars, and sure as a broomstick goes up the arse, Obama has done just that.
The people promised BS from INSIDE THE OBAMA MARGINS, and that includes Hillary Clinton having whispered this about this terrorist's release as a cover for the Obama 2012 stolen election, is what was driving all of this and it still is.

Terrorists of the Cyclops are still looking to be paid. They want Mali and Algeria. They deliberately saved the US hostages at the gas plant to get what the original deal was in Chris Steven's ass for the Sheik's.

That is why Obama has been mum on this as much as Hillary Clinton. THIS IS 2012 ELECTION THEFT COMING TO BITE OBAMA IN THE ASS AGAIN. You might have been distracted by Obama gun control wag the dog, but Cyclops the Terrorist has been on the margins trading for the contract he was promised over a year ago when this was set up.

In reality, thank God that the Cyclops is focused as the American children just let Obama steal the election and then went Charlie Daniels mad in the pied piper of gun control to cover all of this up.

America the Cyclops has given you and, Lindsey in teh gay ear Graham, a new window to blow all of this open again, as it refocuses on ANALGATE and all of the Obama crimes.

This is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive in explaining all of this as no one else is going to.

The Cyclops is working for Obama in the free flow of dope and contraband in Africa. This is the operation that B. Hussein Obama, the leader of al Qaeda at 1600 Penn Avenue has been running since 2008 when these deals were set up.

All covered here, all Lame Cherry exclusives and all proving right in the evidence now being revealed for those who did not dare to believe.

PS: As you will not be able to handle this, the Algerians blew up that gas plant strafing it, as they were trying to kill the Americans held hostage as they do not want them alive to bring about this Blind Sheik trade. The Algerians know exactly their entire government is about to be kindling and this was their last shot at saving themselves.
Cyclops though on intelligence provide him, took the Americans out as HE WAS ALERTED THE ALGERIANS WERE GOING TO MAKE A BESLIN STRIKE.

Hillary Clinton for Barack Obama is the one pushing for the BS trade. PANETTA IS IN ITALY TO OVERSEE THIS and to thump it hard if thee entire terror group needs to be murdered like the bin Laden compound.
Obama wants a hostage rescue to give more cover to him as a "hero" in what he lusted after for September 11th in the Chris Stevens botched operation.

agtG 308Y

REPORT: 32 hostages dead, missing in botched Algerian rescue attempt...

At least 1 American dead in bloodbath...

Sahara hostage holders make new threat...

REPORT: Group's leader offers to release Americans in exchange for release of 'Blind Sheikh'.

An American Reality


I place this as a notice to all the worthless damned Republicans and their right wing talking heads to what the reality is in America.

Yesterday I received a notice from the government concerning unemployment for myself. To preface this, I have worked my ass off to sickness my entire life. I have done things in having several jobs at once, including this blog to caring for my Mom and nurse maiding idiots who need to be told to not be Darwin Candidates.
I have been having a rough time for years in reality, and yet everyone expects for the pony to get up when they want a ride.

My application, which was online, and from  public library, because the unemployment sites ALL mandate Windows whatever to navigate the sites and will not accept anything else, gave me a red flag that something in my past 3 years of employment did not fit the criteria.
Past three years have been engaged in limited livestock and this blog for meager income.

So I tried to phone the government boys on Saturday as I only had two days to contact them........big surprise in, they do not work and have the weekends off.

They write me this form letter though informing me a week later that I have not enough wage credits........whatever the hell that means, so thta I can not obtain unemployment.

A system that is supposed to be there for someone who has worked their entire life and not taking a fucking thing from anyone, and according to the government, I do not qualify.

Now I see constantly these "cripples" in their new vans, usually smelling of 5 dollar a pack cigarettes, barking little dogs and new clothes with government handicap entitlements.

When I attempted being hospital sick, because I could not afford to go the hospital, to obtain a disability several years ago.........the Social Security gal told me I was "too rich" in I actually had saved a few thousand dollars in the bank, so I could not get disability.
She told me if I spent the money that she would then try to help me apply.
Having a friend at the time in Ohio who had disability and was getting 17 dollars a month in her payment, I decided to put it in God's hands to die or live..........as the hospital when I phoned them about medical records said I should come in and be treated.
When I mentioned I could not afford that, they said I should come in any way and run up the bills.

Yes then I could have collection agencies hounding me and dragging me into court, ruining my name in publishing it all in the papers.

It was all such a wonderful thing.

What started me on the unemployment ride was this past year, the government with their breeding of predators, bred so many of them that they killed all my low level livestock in the thousands of dollars.
Of course I applied for that job too to handle the situation, and had the same computer glitches as in applying for unemployment benefits. When I reported it, why the response was that everything was ok, and I just needed to send my resume as that was enough.

No reply, no interview, but some other fuckhead who does not do their job, was given the job as they were related to the authorities I suspect..........and I still have predators and nothing has changed in no one is doing the job.

I did report this to the EEOC, but they of course replied that as my state had covered their ass in hiring from a pool, that nothing could be done on the complaint.

Want to know why I hate Republicans even more than democrats? See Repbublicans look at people and view them as scum, because Republicans had silver spoons in their mouths from birth.
Republicans are like pretty Sarah Palin having doors opened to her, before she got to big and they slammed them shut. Republicans are like the autocrats or Romney and Bush, whose parents kissed some Rockefeller's ass and fucked over some poor qualified people for the job long ago.

That is what a Republican is. They are not Ronald Reagan in being a poor kid who washed dishes in school to pay for his education and got a break, because he was pretty...........no Republicans are all the assholes of this world who had some insider give them a hand up while smashing some poor bastard down.

democrats are the assholes who take care of their own who sold their souls like Michelle Robinson of the Chicago mafia. Mind you democrats are not saintly as if you are not a democrat who as bent over for them or paid an extortion fee, then you are dead to them, just like the unions.

So I post this advisory, that unless you are in the system, they system will not do a thing for you. Granted if I was a goddamned Mexican or some fucking Indian import, the world would be open to me in I watch my Mexicans prowl through my city with a road map of the car dealers, the bankers, the grocery and the second hand store, because it is all set up for them.
The same way with the pretty Indians who talk Dinesh D'Souza while getting 10 grande to shit in America out of the taxes I pay.

Yes I'm not pleased by any of this. I do figure though in time, that Obama will find some body donor parts program or some slave service that all the people who get hand outs are going to have to pony up for them..........and that is why I maybe am being saved by God from that degradation.

It just pisses me off though in I have never taken a thing from America or any nation I was stuck in. I paid my bills. I have never been in debt. I laid in bed dying when I did not have the money and God made me better. I have even done my best always to be a good Christian in helping people out who were worse off than me........although that is hard to find now.

Yet I see people being paid what has to be a fortune as vans are not given away and nor are new clothes.......gas costs a fortune as does food...........and what do I get for serving America?
It is like in the city I had to park clear to hell and back a week ago, as the front parking places were full. I was doing more than cussing loudly as I was helping my Mom who walks with a cane the 50 yards to the store.

Of course parked up front were all the assholes, and there was a brand new white van with a cripple sticker on it. I was not pleased.......saw the codger in the store and his wife was in great shape, and he was probably in better shape than Mom.
Yes he was a semper fi, but I personally loathe that bastard and hope he dies, service or not, as he is the problem in America, like those damned Mexicans and the fucking Republicans and democrats. They are all shit and shit on Americans who have done nothing but served America all of their lives.

I always operated in life that someone else might need something more than I did, so not to park in spots or to take things.......hell I would not sign up for giveaways as I saw that it was always some rich person winning the drawings. Hell I don't know what is wrong with people, in they got a pile of money and they still are grabbing for some give away.

Pissing and moaning about things does little good, except when God gets a hot prod up the asshole's asses and turns it cherry red to make these shitheads move.

I pray God makes them answer for all of this. I'm not happy about any of this, and I knew all of this in dealing with polticians for years.........the government never does a damn thing for you. The government only does things to you.

I look to God to somehow fix  things as He always has, but this has just been such a pisser and I'm tired like most Americans in being pissed on, as all these politicians on the right look stern in not giving a shit about anyone and all those grinning bastards on the left think this is all going so well.

I will quote me as Reagan is dead and I'm the only one worth quoting now.

The government never does a damn thing for you. The government only does damned things to you.

Lame Cherry

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