Being a pioneer of forensic psychology, the field never stops fascinating me in while it is in a finite field of plus minus, it spirals out to infinite actions and reactions, which constantly surpise me as the human psychopathy always is unpredictable.
For example, the subject, B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin in his January press conference of late, exhibited the abnormal Obama in stuttering and disjointed thought. It also produced an interesting syndrome of Obama pleading that he was indeed loveable and looking up and too the left with a smile, he mused about Republicans coming over and playing cards with him as he as lonely.
The greater rat maze though is the one which fascinates me, as it is about Mockingbird and all of these hired Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and Ingraham types, along with the also rans of Savage, Farah and Drudge who either are ignorant in not being Inspired or simply missed the greatest psychopathy on display in Barry Chin.
Mr. Obama Chin as of late has been saying things which are amusing to me. He has a pattern of two phrases that he absolutely believes and with passion. It puzzles me some in where he was infused with this, even though it has been his driving force in his dogma, rhetoric, dictatorship and fantasy.
B. Hussein made the following statements several times and they are telling. The first was about the record spending and his conclusion that the problem in all the spending was due to health care costs.
His follow up conclusion in this was then that there was not a spending problem as he had fixed the costs of health care.
B. Hussein's second statement dealt with this record spending and debt. He was not concerned in the least about the spending or the debt. His concern is about the debt ceiling instead, as if America defaulted, then it would ruin the ability to bower and that according to Mr. Obama was the real problem
He went so far in this press conference to inform Congress that if they were too timid to raise the debt limit, as he would not be held hostage to negotiating over it every few months or every year,. (The every year statement was interesting as Mr. Obama is by law supposed to offer up some type of budget which indeed deals with debt limits and spending.), that Mr. Obama would unilaterally raise the debt to any level so he could keep spending, which is what he deems will fix this.
In synopsis, Mr. Obama has concluded that he has fixed the budget, even though health care costs are still raising at trillions more than what his projections are. Welfare, waste, expanded government and unnecessary government agencies as EPA are not even noticed by Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama though does focus upon defense spending as what is something which should be slashed even further, when he has literally begun a crash program which America can no longer engage a two front war as has been American Doctrine for 70 years along with removing the nuclear umbrella America has.
Mr. Obama has monetized the budget and economy with Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner of the Fed and Treasury. That means simply, Mr. Obama has Treasury create money out of thin air with no value, which the Federal Reserve then takes and loans back the US Treasury at rate to spend that money.
The US has no bond investment any longer, but the Federal Reserve which is literally the US government with foreign ownership of key banks, buys up it's own debt in covering what Obama is spending.
This is akin to your house, in which your spouse would be spending millions of dollars, but you would be making minimum wage. To fix this, you in turn start printing up money to cover things to pay all the bills in mortgage notes you create from your bank.
In the real world that lands you in prison, as it is counterfeiting. In the Obama capitalism, it is how he literally with his shadow monetary group, has been running or ruining America.
Barack Obama's monetary policy is to keep spending trillions of more in debt, that is being covered by the United States in Peter robbing Paul to pay Paul. The Chicoms, Putincrats and Eurolords have all agreed to this, because of the simple fact this will destroy America as a competitor by this immense debt which can never be paid back.
Yes an American monetary implosion will be horrendous for the world. but in the Eurasians game of chess, it is a great deal less costly and it does not have the risks of fighting a war against the Americans. They intend to defeat America by Obama spending IN EXACTLY THE WAY RONALD REAGAN BROUGHT DOWN THE SOVIET UNION WITH SPENDING.
That in caps is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
The puzzling thing for me is no commentary has been engaged in about this, and it has been in full sight for weeks. Nothing from the Mockingbird pundits, which means an absolute media blackout is involved in this using gun control as the elite are attempting to protect their robber baron shares and allow this meltdown which will further centralize power.
Barack Hussein Obama considers the US debt not a problem as he has been taught that he can create money out of nothing to solve his spending and that debt is not a problem at all, because in his understanding he has fixed spending by Obamacare rationed death.
Obama does not need a small business class nor job growth in his understanding, and only conglomerates, because his creation of money out of nothing will pay for all these bills. The economy can stagnate and shrink to Keynesian feudal levels, and all is deemed sound by Mr. Obama, as he can just keep printing magic money to pay for things.
Yes this is completely insane, because currency only has value when it is backed by work which created that wealth. That is what money is in reality in being a transportable thing that reflects a person's hours of labor, so an economy can trade your chemist work for a farmer's wheat or a doctor trades their treatment for your typing skills, all made barter by money.
When someone is just adding currency as Mr. Obama is by punching in numbers on a computer program for electronic money, then it makes that money worth less and your labor worth less. It comes to a point in Banana Republics, the Weimar Republic or Mugabe's Zimbabwe that printing up this much money leaves it with no value.
It is known what this monetization has been engaged in by Mr. Obama, but he has never come out in such simple terms in defining things as he has no intention of cutting spending, balancing any budget, creating any budget or making an economy which would create jobs. Mr. Obama has now stated that he has fixed the spending problems of health care, and even with trillions more in spending and massive tax increases, it is all going to be fixed by printing up fictional dollars to pay for it all.
The only problem to Mr. Obama is Congress not raising a debt limit which would endanger his spending, or his Ponzi Scheme, because that is exactly what Obamanomics is, it is a Ponzi pyramid scheme, which will collapse robbing Peter to pay Paul......and with Obama Peter does not even exist.
I have stated that there are several economies and the fictional one Americans have been gouged by, by B. Hussein is one which will have to implode as Great Britain's did in the attack which brought down the empire when wealth generation did not match spending intake.
Inflation is already eating American's alive. They can not keep up with the costs of buying homes, transportation, fuel and food. There is a feudal American state in wards of Obama welfare, the working slaves and these elitists like Limbaugh and Chris Matthews worth millions hiding the reality of all of this Obama ponzi, for the barons and tycoons on top engaged in this house of cards.
These feudal lords who installed Obama know that the masses must be bribed or they will revolt as they can not afford to live. The entire scenario is one of Obama moving to disarm the masses in enough numbers, so when this does implode when the Eurasians pull the plug on this as Europe rises to replace America in the west and China in the east as Obama has created, the mobs will be able to be pacified in an FDR speech of nothing to fear, but fear itself.
In that, the protocol would be for some Pearl Harbor terror attack to refocus Americans on a wound and not how they have just been plundered.
This is Obama in what he has admitted. He is so secure in this madness that he has been repeating it often enough in private and in public that it has been in print, and the masses apparently do not comprehend what he has been telling them.
It is the Obama fashion show in the window of Designer Negro R Us from the Peking main office.
Obama's synopsis is spending money which does not exist on spending which he has solved in Obamacare as spending rises.
All fascinating.
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