Regrettably, the American Afroid, Danny Glover, has become the poster boy for the image of the foreign Chinoid agent, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, in giving a "black face" to Obama rule to give an excuse to the regime's dictatorial rule.
This manifestation of Barack Obama hiding in American and African blackness and now degrading from Bill Cosby's once thoughtful image in hiding the Birther Obama, to now Danny Glover's ignorant rants is a grievous day in America, for instead of the black being emancipated from Barack Hussein Obama's Marxist plantation, the fearful black is doubling down in becoming the apologist nonage to not only their disgrace, but to their now becoming the Stalinist guards in the Obama gulag of America.
Mr. Glover's recent ignorance for Mr. Obama was fully on display in contriving the Second Amendment was created to advance slavery, because it was not written for blacks or American Indians.
Mr. Glover is quite ignorant when in fact during the Constitutional Convention, there were black American Citizens like Benjamin Bannecker born in 1731 who was a scientist, surveyor, author and farmer in Maryland who was part of the group with Major Andrew Ellicot who surveyed the area which would become the District of Columbia.
Mr. Bannecker corresponded with Thomas Jefferson and President Jefferson while championing Mr. Bannecker later discovered that some of Mr. Bannecker's intelligence perhaps was owed to the work of Maj. Ellicot.
In any event,
Benjamin Bannecker was an American, and the Second Amendment was written for him, and he never expressed that possession of firearms had anything to do with slavery, as he had rights to firearms as much as white Americans did.
Mr. Glover expounds upon his ignorance of historical fact in the reality that the United States Constitution did not afford rights to slaves nor to Indians. The reality is the US Constitution did not afford rights to Chinese in Asia no more than to a German in Europe, as at that time the American Indian was a sovereign people with their own set of laws and codes by nations. Many of whom were in genocidal warfare against all Americans, and were in the process of owning their own slaves, black and white in their sovereign lands.
These savages and they were savages were cannibals, torturers, slave holders and genocidalists in league with the European empirical powers of England, Spain and France against Americans.
The Indian lost their wars and had to become civilized.
The slave of that time was property, but protected under American property rights. Houses nor more than cattle were afforded rights in the Constitution, no more than they were denied any rights to owning guns.
In a historical reality, the leader of the Filipino guerilla fighters reported to US military a question that puzzled him in what those metal things on barrels were used for. Those metal things, were gun sights for aiming. If indigenous peoples were ignorant of weapons, then a slave would have no more insight into a firearm than a cow would. The "right" was Constitutionally contingent on various aspects as voting included at times property ownership, which hindered the poor.
Indians could trade an island for beads, because beads had more value than Manhattan. To compare apples and oranges is ignorance on Mr. Glover's part and is designed that way as it appeals to the ignorant mind.
The reality is though that there was a vast difference in African Negroids. There is a reason that Algerians were not imported as slaves, and that was because they were armed.
The same with Zulu, Dinka, Masai and other armed tribes. Slaves were made of Arabs, superior aggressive blacks and European traders, because Danny Glover's group was a group as President Theodore Roosevelt noted in African Game Trails in 1910, in being a people who would not build shelters from the cold, but instead would huddle under bushes in misery.
President Roosevelt stated that he and his white party, would have to force these blacks who were the basic group that American Negroid slaves derived from to build a shelter, light a fire, and then he reported they would smile happily.
This was their nature in need of civilization which Queen Victoria and other colonial powers were attempting to transform the African Negroid into a civilized people of self determination.
Theodore Roosevelt noted the American Afroid was much further advanced and had in fact been bettered by slavery. The simple reason is Danny Glover's parents were not intelligent enough to move from the slave trade to lands far enough away to be captured. They would re inhabit areas where slaves were taken like gophers returning to an empty burrow.
In that, Danny Glover's relatives would have been eaten by a lion or by a crocodile as the African Negroid of that group was a fatalist in concluding that one was going to die, so why build a boma or a stake pen in a river to keep a crocodile from getting you, as that was meant to be.
Much of Danny Glover's ignorant rants like those who espouse such things for Obama, only reflect the African heritage which President Roosevelt commented on. They lack reason and their reasoning is flawed as they want something to be true, in this case they want this Chinese product of a Hawaiian brothel in Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama to be right about any anti American policy he dictates as that means Danny Glover has advanced from camping out under bushes.
Hollywood stereotype and script writing can not change the fact that ignorance abounds and is embraced by the American Afriod.
There is a reason that this blog utilizes the definition Afroid for Americans, as they are as separate a race from the Negroid as the Egyptian and Algerian. The Afroid in America is a product of this slave class who were not adept at concluding flight was the best survival technique in Darwin natural selection. They were then selected by slave traders as they were easy to capture and control.
This group then bred with Caucasians in majority and sometimes Mongoloid in the American Indian, producing this Afroid American race which is considered "black" today and has little in common with genetic African Negroids in nature.
The Afroid is more aggressive and this is the problem, where the Negroid of Africa is more complacent in not acting nor speaking before they think. Danny Glover simply does not reason things out, but acts and starts speaking and is revealed the ignorant for Obama which he is.
This group showcased by Danny Glover chose to trample on Martin King in 2009 in order to elevate themselves to Obama their messiah. It was disgraceful and something they have chosen to ignore as they double down on B. Hussein Obama.
Mr. King jr. is often quoted by them. The new tactic is to not focus upon, I HAVE A DREAM speech, but to attempt to quote THE DRUM MAJOR INSTINCT speech, which was the last given by Mr. King.
I will quote in part
that speech as it is what the Chinoid Obama is and what the American Afroid is in Danny Glover.
“let us look calmly and honestly at ourselves, and we will discover that we too have those same basic desires for recognition, for importance… We all want to be important, to surpass others, to achieve distinction, to lead the parade… It’s a good instinct if you don’t distort it and pervert it. Don’t give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be first in love. (Amen) I want you to be first in moral excellence. I want you to be first in generosity."
That message has been lost by self serving Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin and on the grandiose Danny Glover self serving racism against America.
I could not as a Christian more disagree with the context of Mr. King's speech in the part of "keep feeling the need for being important" as that is the selfish message which has only been heard by blacks and what Chinoid Obama has preyed on.
Christ taught the greatest must be the least in serving all. There is no room for harboring self importance, even if it is coddled in trying to validate and build self esteem. That is a psychological message for moral disaster which Mr. King ends his message with.
Barack Obama is the Mongoloid
Drum Major the American Afroid has chosen to lead their black parade into the Obama Abyss.
The drum major instinct can lead to exclusivism in one's thinking and can lead one to feel that because he has some training, he's a little better than that person who doesn't have it. Or because he has some economic security, that he's a little better than that person who doesn't have it. And that's the uncontrolled, perverted use of the drum major instinct.
The very Danny Glover, Obama voter and Barack Hussein Obama people who bring up the Drum Major Instinct do not do so to warn of self serving, but do it to use it as leverage in "a black man knows something more than a white man as cracker only knows of I HAVE A DREAM", and these Obama voters with Obama are quoting that speech in the very violation of what Martin King warned of, and what this blog disagreed with Martin King on a posted above in allowing selfishness to have any grounds in the heart, every time blooms into an Obama who is tearing down Jesus the Christ, Ronald Reagan or Martin King for Obama to take that place of admiration, and as Obama is tearing down America, sure as hell is hot, you will always have a Danny Glover chiming in with his Amen to allah, about how self serving Obama is a great deal, because that kind of selfishness is lusted after by Danny Glover.
No one calls Obama or the Glovers on these reprehensible misbehaviors. It is the greatest of tragedies that the silence of the Clarence Thomas' is deafening in no one standing up and exposing this ignorance gone mad for this sociopath Barack Obama, the 10 year old Indoneisan adopted boy, looking to validate hisself as president of something and chameleon to to a growing list of accomplished people, so Barry Chin can feel good about hisself.
That is what is behind Danny Glover being loud, in he does not feel good about himself as a black man, so he takes on the Afroid mentality to try to be an intellectual as he knows how unintelligent he is.
Ben Afleck is this type in white liberalism in the Letterman cocktail crowd who are phobic of how stupid they are, so they indulge in attempting to have Charlie Rose intelligence.
All of this is on full display, and yet it falls to here to set the point on this again as the cowards all cower behind their Rush Limbaugh Mockingbird salaries and the Obama parade marches jackboot on in dullard thuggary of the mind and conversation.
These kinds of diatribes were tolerable when a Barack Hussein Obama was not around with his fingers on military, monetary and Constitutional buttons, but now they are real problems, and made so by the Afroid Danny Glover types reinforcing the idiotry of B. Hussein Obama.
Yes idiotry is now a defined social class of Obama voters.
It is one thing to celebrate a Benjamin Bannecker or for a Danny Glover to ignore a black Citizen of the Constitution. It is though another matter of reason after being euphoric that the monkey can turn the grinder and make organ music.
This is what
Thomas Jefferson concluded in 1809 after praising Bannecker in being duped by Bannecker's "abilities".
The whole do not amount, in point of evidence, to what we know ourselves of Banneker. We know he had spherical trigonometry enough to make almanacs, but not without the suspicion of aid from Ellicot, who was his neighbor and friend, and never missed an opportunity of puffing him. I have a long letter from Banneker, which shows him to have had a mind of very common stature indeed.
The common stature points to Mr Ellicot was the organ grinder assisting his pet designer negro.
Barack Obama is this generation's designed negro. Those who celebrate him are fools and those who celebrate Obama's unConstitutional regime are fools like Danny Glover.
Barack Obama exposes the racism and psychopathy of the Afroids who follow this pied piper. Jake Tapper does it for his perversions. Danny Glover does it for a perverted soul in his knowing he does not measure up.
Regrettably ignorance abounds among Obama followers, and there are no Maj. Ellicot's to assist the thought processes of a Bill Maher or a Danny Glover to reason out what Barack Obama's massive failings are.
Yes Charlie Rose as much as Jake Tapper know this, but their behind the doors conversations to not match their public rhetoric, hidden behind their condescending looks at all things Obama and his voters.
The American Afroid has replaced a bush for an Obama to huddle under and are still not content.
This is the devolution process on display as was first written of here in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
It is not a Darwinian process in the least for it is not genetic, but it is a mental choice of degradation in following Obama into the abyss. The natural proclivities of the Afroid in being both Caucasian and Negroid, indulges to descend to the easiest or most accessible route and that is the support of Barack Obama in his "blackness", instead of choosing the whiteness all of these Obama voters are 50 to 75 percent genetically housed in.
Human nature is naturally sloven in naturally choosing the laziest way to success. That is the Obama Birther career and that is the Obama supporter career in not having the mental nor moral aptitude to advance, but relying first on Affirmative Action and now on Obama Action to "overcome".
The Afroid parade of ignorance with their Obama drum majorette leading the band. It is time a Jefferson stood again and exposed this designer negro farce, so the reality of the humiliation silences the ignorance and evokes a nature of education with facts, instead of Barry Chin fantasies in Danny Glover propaganda.
The difference today from 1800 intellectuals, that when Thomas Jefferson realized he had been fooled by his designer negro of the day, in intellectual angst he arose and exposed it, for it was an affront to his intelligence. Today the Zbigniew Brzezinski intellectuals know they fooled the masses in installing B. Hussein Obama, and are willing to look the fool for that gain in not exposing Obama and allowing an intellectually retarded Danny Glover be their spokesman.
Blacks are not the only ones experiencing devolutionary choices. The white Obama intellectual has succumbed in the succor of Obama to devolve also.
Fascinating study of the Afroid of Bannecker and Obama, with King in the middle of the sandwich which white intellectuals designed and Danny Glover praises as the
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