On Thursday August 22, 2013 at 12:17 pm Cape time, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, extolled the virtue of Dan's Bake Sale, as he castigated Dan from Colorado for stealing Limbaugh's intellectual property in copying it and then reading the Limbaugh Letter for free.
Dan had the bake sale with the Limbaugh circus and sold out in minutes, and Limbaugh is still saying what a sponge Dan was as Dan tried afterwards to sell cookies, but failed as "Limbaugh was not involved".
Rush mentioned that he arrived by a helo........somewhere in this the grouchy Limbaugh as was witnessed that day all pissed off in expression and action, neglected to mention the lovely Marta, the bottle blonde 3rd wife in waiting he met online and married, and then they divorced as Limbaugh became an oxy addict which caused the ruination of his hearing, so he is deaf.
One could add the perverted boxes of sex drugs Limbaugh was stopped with after this, and his Elton John million dollar payment for his 4th wedding to his daughter, blonde daughter, the lovely Katherine, but as this is about Dan having his sponge failure rubbed in his face yet over a decade later, let us examine something.
Rush Limbaugh was outed by John McCain as an etertainer employed by Mockingbird. Little stooges of the Mock have tried to smear this blog as 'entertainment' as you rich people murdered my goat Emma,and have done severe damage to TL and myself physically and financially.
Rush Limbaugh like Glenn Beck like Mark 'cut and paste' Levin, are all millionaire Mockingbird welfare stooges managing the masses so they would not revolt. As the above, Rush Limbaugh in being outed here for stealing the intellectual property of others, what he accused Dan of in Colorado, mumbled out on air, that "sure I read emails" confirming the charge.
The reality is, this is what is behind the 11 million dollar bill Rush Limbaugh owes this blog and others in payments for their email suggestions and things he has stolen like Beck as "his own ideas" to prop up his scripted peformance.
Perhaps the solution in this is for a Rush Bake Sale to pay what he owes this blog, and numbers of others who have plagiarized this blog could have their own bake sale too, in gleaning money from others as they will not pay the money owed from their millionaire accounts.
Let us examine Dan in his failures on the Limbaugh blueprint. Rush Limbaugh with the lovely Marta launched, his Limbaugh silk ties which gouged consumers, like his Limbaugh letter did Dan and others......like his website does in subscriptions, when this multi millionaire has destroyed right wing talk radio as Limbaugh sucks up all the money leaving nothing for development of others who are better, as Andy Dean of Ohio now acts like he is suffering from PMS most broadcast moments.
Let us examine the Limbaugh success in his ..............well he .........then there....you know the only thing he started was another blonde project in that tea smear against the Tea Party which is failing like the silken ties.....which of course you are paying for in your taxes in this massive Obama spending debt in high gas, food and inflation prices, as Limbaugh writes this off as a tax deduction in his millions owed.
So Limbaugh castigates a sponge in Dan, when Limbaugh is thee entire luffa of sponges in sucking up life out of others, claiming it is his own, and never coming clean he is a stooge of the feudal state manipulating every person to just wait around to be killed in this gulag America.
That is the reality in Rush Limbaugh in his uber failures and the reality is at least Dan made an effort to stop being a criminal in stealing intellectual property, but Limbaugh has made no monetary restitution.
Rush Limbaugh is like all of you richtards in you expect poor people to pay your way. I have had it with the lie that rich people "earned" money they have. I have proven that no human even at 50 dollars an hour at REAL LABOR could earn more than 150,000 dollars a year. The way wealth comes in millions of dollars is by mass exploitation of the masses in robbing them one dollar at a time which the poor can not afford.
When it was Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Cyrus McCormick turning out products which made life easier for Americans at AFFORDABLE PRICES, that was American Christian Virtue. What Limbaugh and the inflationary rich are doing in economic rapine is pure satanic as it enslaves entire nations.
If Rush Limbaugh had taken that money paid him not for work, but to manipulate your minds, and invested in real poor people in enterprises they could own, then that would have been just in turning filthy lucre into moral livings. It would NOT EXCUSE his theft of the work here and other places in trusting listeners emailing in, as he did not even acknowledge any of these inspired people.
Rush Limbaugh needs to have a bake sale. Perhaps Dan could help as he at least tried and knows what not to do, as Limbaugh never has tried, but has just created tax deductions to keep his bottle blonde groupie wives occupied so he can have some peace.
At 12:44 pm Cape time, Limbaugh revealed that his parents never "gave him anything". Limbaugh perhaps has forgotten his own admition that his father owned a radio station and gave child Rusty a job, instead of employing an adult DJ who needed a job for their chosen career.
Apparently the Limbaugh half brain suffers in delusions or senility now, as the reality of Rush Limbaugh is like the thousands of richtards and screeners who read THE CARD PLAYER as yes they came back for the sexy story which got Andrew Breitbart murdered, but not one of these thieving A HOLES donated what they could afford.
Rush Limbaugh can rub it in to Dan of Colorado, but the reality is Rush Limbaugh is a subsidized welfare failure, and an intellectual thief, like most of the robbers on this blog.
Click that donate button on top right hand of this blog you millionaire thieves. Do something right for the first time in years and stop acting like Limbaugh. You owe it. So you get this straight, if you are a multi millionaire or billionaire, that bill is 250,000 dollars. If you are a millionaire, then 50,000 is the bill. If you are a high speed internet rich kid, then it is 1200 dollars as you thieves waste more than that on trinkets to show off your wealth or on take out.
Rush Limbaugh paid his 11 million and I would stop making a point of this. Hell if one rich person would step up with 500,000 I would pay the 40% in taxes, leave me 300,000 and then I could go milk Joan's cows and buys Franz's honey.
Thank you sincerely for the congratulations to TL and myself. We do not have a date set because of the finances, but will trust in God about that. Your words were very kind and appreciated, a fitting salve to soothe in your minority of goodness to the overflowing wretchedness of the bake sale type.
At 1:11 pm, Limbaugh stated at hospital he pays with a credit card, like 12,000 dollars, and yet for some reason he and all the rich with the same credit cards just can not pay their bills here, and think they are giving me something for something they already took as a service like a hospital.
Limbaugh then lamented at 1:16 pm Cape time, that the Wall Street Journal was saying the same thing he was about health care could be paid in less costs if hospitals did it this way.
Odd how all the rich can see things owed them, but when it comes to each of you paying for what you owe, then it is sudden amnesia.
Thousands of you came after leaving over your role in the murder of Emma, all for the Card Player exclusive. I have not forgotten what you did and what you still owe, no more than God has erased any of it.
nuff said