In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
The following in the crux of why Andrew Breitbart was murdered and as Reggie Love trying to do whatever he could for a new necrophile attraction for either the Chicken Entree or the Fang Jinn, in stating that Birther Obama was "playing cards" on the night that the bin Laden events transpired, this is setting the record straight.
Upon inquiry, this blog conclusively generates now the fact that Sheik bin Laden did not die on the night the world was told the Navy SEALS killed him and others in that compound in Pakistan. The following events are what transpired, as all of this took place over 1 year previous.
Sheik bin Laden was murdered 9 months before the date it was published. It was not in a hail of gunfire or the whomp whomp whomp of helos coming into an LZ. The Sheik was contracted for while in Chinese custody as this blog noted from the start of this in the Xiangxang province on the Pakistani border.
While undergoing treatment for his kidney condition in dialysis, a lethal neuro toxin was placed on the filtration system and he died instantly while his blood was being transfused.
The group behind it was Dr. Zawahiri's Islamocommunists. In contract with the regime, the Islamocommunists agreed to leadership for the Zawahiri group with his protection, the turning over of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood and managing the multi billion dollar opium trade for al Qaeda in the region, all for the murder of Sheik bin Laden.
The body was taken into the custody of the communist Chinese for "sale" at a later Obama date.
Who was assassinated that night in Pakistan, was as this blog stated an "actor", who was an American asset, like the others offered up that night to the Navy SEALS.
The actor was American of Greek heritage and resembled the Sheik. He came from New Jersey and was recruited for an operational plan to infiltrate Islamic terrorism. The women in the compound with children for cover, were told they were the guests and wives of the infamous Sheik as cover for it all, as was Pakistani Intell who were told they had the real bin Laden in their midst at the higher levels and at other levels it was said this compound or chicken ranch was part of their protective custody of a "friendly" terrorist.
Breitbart gained access to the NIA or Naval Intelligence which suspected all was not as was being published after suspicions arose in the mass murder of the SEALS in that set up.
Breitbart did not have photos of bin Laden, but he had the name of the Greek American from New Jersey who was recruited to impersonate Sheik bin Laden.
On the night in question, the cover story was that Obama was "playing cards". The reality is exactly as Benghazi that Obama was dancing with little Kenyan boys in that pedophile ring uncovered here.
Upon inquiry, there is in safe keeping, a "blood splatter" item with this Greek's blood on it, that is not in the custody of the regime which would prove the Greek was in that compound and not bin Laden.
Three days after the "bin Laden hoax" was world Mark Levin mic slobbering news, the body was not dumped in the ocean for burial at sea, but when the Stealth Helo was handed over to the Chicoms in Pakistan, the bin Laden corpse was handed over by the Chicoms in Egypt to the Americans where it was flown to Bethesda Naval Hospital where it was destroyed.
The ashes were scattered at a military landfill in Maryland.
Within 6 months of the bin Laden murder, the Zawahiri group had assassinated all those associated with bin Laden in China, including the women and children.
That is enough of the bin Laden saga and I have had it with those who are so dense they keep wanting more information as if I am going to put my life in danger so they can validate themselves in chasing a Jinn's tale. Go glue Oreo cookies to your body for a Guiness record that you can brag to others about.
The Control knew that the cover story was Obama was "playing cards" with his jack of spades shuffling Kenya boys in reality. MIC went after the Reggie Love interview knowing he wants back in and all of this is to flush the Fang Jing.
They call that Lame Cherry EXCLUSIVES with an "S"in matter anti matter.
nuff said
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