Dearest Friends,
This feels awkward, as it occurred to me this morning you know LC quite well (many of you longer than I have) and I am a virtual stranger to you in randomly posting things on this stage. I am a lesser light of LC as the moon reflects the Sun, and since LC and I share everything it does not seem right to me that you have no share reciprocally as we do discuss in marveling over and admiring each of you as you shine brightly, reflecting the Father and His Christ.
In a world of All God's Creatures as Members of the Body... Viking Maidens, Lillies of France, True Southern Gentleman Lawyers, Marilyn Monroebinsons, Davidic Composers for dark times, Avangelisonian Hearts, Sympathetic Reeds bending with the winds of grief, Chickenlips with Breathtakingly Beautiful Spirits, Jeffrys and Janes with strong family ties in their trying to do Right, Karens Keen Sense of Humor in billaring with laughter, Gordons and Gregorys and Godwins, Patts and Peggys, Zuchiniellies in thoughtful commentary, Sharons and Scotts independent non conformist minds, Elainas and Debbies in sincere thanks for Blessings in prayers, Galluppolls that actually tell the Truth in my sincerest Thanks, seeing sunrise Dawns in a Blasing and cheerful sun, Sweetest ice cream Sundaes better than that gelatto stuff imported from the Euro or Nordic places, Hilarys with a Joan of Arc Heart for Creatures great and small, Jamies with quirky Quasars, Isaiac Roys shepherding lost sheep as Jesus does the Father's sons, Asus sun devils from yore, Michaels and Larrys and all the silent senders... It is a privilege and an Honor to be Blessed by You. My apologies and deepest thanks if I overlooked anyone.
And now for a little something about me. If you have read about LC's childhood the tale is almost exactly like mine-- the intellectually brilliant but deviously abusive father, enabling in excuses and constantly beaten Mother, and jealous sibs as conduits of satan always sniping when the chips were down. Last but not least, as LC wrote so poignantly of in the best Gifts God Gives turned against His Children, satan used Love as the means by which to destroy me and almost succeeded. The Holy Ghost in LC's Inquiry of the Lord Informed that if He had not sent LC into my life at the time, I would not be alive now to write to you.
Love is a powerful emotion in the young, made so by hormonal chemical reactions as extensively catalogued by the scientifically inclined but even more so when one is a Spiritual sensitive in abilities to feel fathoms and universes more deeply than what the poets write. Everything sensory and emotional is enhanced, and when a young girl has no abilities in innate impulse for self defense or protection, as newborn puppies are friends with everyone, she is like a lamb to the slaughter in a world of wolves.
After decades of abuse under the iron-fisted rule of a "holier than thou" father who would not tolerate any dissent of his incessant teeth-grindingly unbearable condescension and feudalistic treatment of me and everyone else in the immediate family in being "disrespectful" as he "spoke with the voice of God" while holding my parentally-imposed financial dependence over my head, I finally got away and was able to start living what I thought was my life. Of course, he never treated anyone else outside my family so horrendously, as they were not under his control nor in his power nor forced to be around him day after day. That man made me hate everything associated with Christianity in the way satan always uses deluded Phariseeical types as they pick up the Bible only to use it to bash everyone else over the head in being "more enlightened" than others (similar to Floyd Wilson, Dita Grammar Poolice, Kannoying Ginsu, Missouri Trailertrash Jock Itch, or that self-important Cold Corpse Posse lap dog, name escapes me at the moment). I truly look forward to the time when they are ashes under the feet of the Saints.
Anyway, to shortcut the story for now, I was on the path to complete and total destruction. Imagine a puppy huddled in the rain and the dark, lost, shivering, scared and alone, and every stranger it meets pretends to be a friend. As soon as it lovingly thrusts its muzzle into their hand in token of trust and Love, they beat it, rape it, and throw it away like it was trash. That was my "life" until LC was Godsent to me in the nick of time. I thank Him every day for a human savior reflecting the Savior Who died for me and all of my Brothers and Sisters who I would not have the Blessing of knowing if not for the obedience to and instrument of His Will, the "mad Prophet" Lame Cherry.
For this and many other reasons, I am quite shy to post things or to open up to people (and LC would not in respecting my privacy), but I wanted you to know you are very much a part of our lives in being Spiritual family. You are part of God's Plan for these end times, though you may not see or feel it. You have a role as well that is just as vital, which if you ask God for His Answers on what He Requires of you will be made clear in time.
God Bless the Remnant in Storehouses of Heaven Opened and Overflowing, and God Bless in mountains of fiery coals everyone else.