Representative Mike Lee of Wisconsin, or whatever and whoever is the chair of the House budget committee who was on the media saying that Obamacare could not be funded because it was a law that Obama signed, is a goddamned liar and it outs what this fraud is in being a crony of the feudal state which will make trillions off of this rationed death and that is why Lee is backing it along with the other frauds.
Before I explain this so everyone knows in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Let me relate to this how this works really. See everyone is promised health care, so everyone gets it rationed, so the poor and really sick die in WAITING FOR THAT CARE, which the medical structure makes no money off of now in Medicare and Medicaid.
The last honest thing Sarah Palin said before she went jezebel was that Obamacare is rationed death and that is what it is. It allows legally for the medical community to murder people by not treating them, where now if they tried that, they would be sued.
That is what this is about on the money GOP end. It is about killing off people, and the GOP is savvy enough to know in this angle, that the majority of poor are not going to be voting for them, so this medical holocaust is their selective culling.......only problem is the loudest voice on the right is a poverty stricken Continentalist named Lame Cherry exposing all of this rationed murder.
Democrats want it for the same reason of population control, and they know that people will die on this, but in their savvy political world, they know this will ration murder legally to the the insurance funded voters who vote for the GOP. In the stalemate then the Democrats figure there is more by odds voter Mexicans who will survived to offset the GOP elite who are making the most money off of this.
Now getting back to refute this Mike Led as a goddamned liar in saying Congress can not defund Obamacare as it was signed into law, as Rubio and those twats all are in diversion trying to make this sound like it will be a government shutdown battle which it is not, so nothing would be done.
Congress has the purse strings right? I do not have time if you are too ignorant to know in answering, so I will just tell you yes, so stop thinking and just read and be informed of this liar Mike Lee and his feudal talking points.
The House does approriations and funding, meaning they decide about money taken in, how much and where it is spent.
Does the Constittution allow the President to send the military off on wars? Yes it does, but it requires Congressional approval. So a President can send the military any place he decides in these modern war projects as even Jefferson had the Marines marching through Africa.
How though did the Founding Fathers check that if a President sent troops off that Congress did not agree to a war with. Yes it was funding, and a military can not run without bullets or funding.
Now examine Mike Lee's lies.
What has greater authority, the Constitution or a bill signed into law? It is the Constitution.
So if Congress has the legal right to defund wars in stopping a President in Constitutional Law, then of course Congress has even greater power in not funding Obamacare in stopping it.
I will give you an example. Boom state North Dakota for years has had this Garrison Diversion project and other such non sense in canals to also save Fargo from flooding.
Want to know how much of all of that is being accomplished as CONGRESS PASSED LAWS FOR THIS AND ADVOCATED FUNDING FOR THIS?
Nothing really.
Now wait a minute, did not Mike Lee say that when a President signs a law that Congress MUST follow it in funding? Why yes he did.
Has not Marco Beanio from Florida demand action on a government shutdown on Obamacare..........well why is it that Garrison and other water projects in North Dakota mandated by Congress and signed by a real President, which have been defunded and are sitting there dead.....has not caused a Rubio shutdown or has immediately had moneys provided as after all it was signed into law?
It is because just like the funding of wars, Congress can defund any blessed thing they choose to and do it all the damn time.
That is the fraud in this, and you know the media and Mic Heads are all in on this deception too as you know very well that I am not the only popular girl in media who knows things like this.
Mike Lee is a traitor to the Constitution as much as Marco Rubio for this scam. Obamacare could be defunded just like all things signed into law and not into law, because Congress can spend money on whatever it sends it out for. That is the state of the US regime.
So do not buy the lies of this GOP feudalcans as Obamacare could be shut down just like any North Dakota water project as they are the same legal animal, just like a war is.
The US Government does not shut down if a war is not funded, so it is not going to shut down if Obamacare is defunded.
I am tired of dealing with this stupid shit from these turds. The blog will function, but if I do not seem to be responding immediately, I will be offline for awhile.
Maybe if the rich ass donors would get off their asses and donate, I would be up and running through all of this and not so wore out, but those people who can afford the big donation never conceive that I appear to be all that is left in facts in media and standing in the way of the regime confiscating all that money they think is safely theirs.
Got to get this posted as time is running out.