You tell me who puts on sun glasses to look cool, and all he does is look reptilian cold blooded?
Yes that Fang Jinn has all sorts of interesting expressions coming out in it's reptilian look as it takes on the image of Birther Hussein Obama Chin.
You just can not tell if it is that gecko coming out, that chameleon from Obama or that Slestack lizardonian exuding now from every pore.
Thing is others have hinted of this before in the association of the Birther with the Land of the Lost lizards.
People can deny this Jinn all they want, but why is it the non flexible Obama promising more flexibility before he stole the 2012 election from Mormon Romney, suddenly as TL noted is now doing some kind of band majorette kick that looks like poised before it darts out it's tongue to gobble up the next fly.
There is something really wrong when a Jinn posing as Obama strikes a pose and the mind immediately sees something sinister and creepy and then it occurs this is some Sid and Marty Kroft nightmare menace on a kids program from the 1970's.
I ask again, who puts on cool dude shades and the guy looks like a reptilian.......but a reptilian.
This shapeshifter looks like a lizard, because apparently deep down that is what class this thing is in the demons of satan.
The Father and Jesus had to have known from the beginning that you put pretty jewel on anything that looks like a lizard and that is going to spell some revolt, as you know Angels that look like other animals or people just do not have the subtle thing going on.
Sid and Marty never had nightmares about lion men or horse men, nopers it was them reptiles.
You will notice that this Obama Jinn does not put on sunglasses and look more regal like a lion or more Godly like God, nopers this entity impersonating Obama looks like a creepy lizard.
Now for those who dismiss this odd looking Obama since June 13, answer then in all of this, why is it Obama looking at that camera looks like he is hunting you as some fly and wants to eat you, as he looks exactly like some lizard dude reptilian?
First it was that devil in the Bible movie looking like Obama, and now this Fang Jinn is looking all reptilian as Obama with no Hollywood make up.
Those are not Obama nor Jinn photoshopped photos. That is what they really look like and they look exactly like a Slestak from the Land of the Lost.
That dude Obama being possessed was catching flies out of the air in 2009 and looking like he wanted to eat them...what is the real deal in a shapeshifting reptilian going to be snacking on eh?
Yeah consider that..............what does a demon eat?
Maybe could use that as bait.
nuff said