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Lame Cherry Right Again


Yes my children, from the start of the "embassy threat" I told you that it was bogus, and now a week later MIC decided to place their own spin on things, as this embassy stuff was just a preliminary for what the cartel is attempting to do for an end month war.

Official: Embassy Attack Threat 'Had No Basis in Fact'...

The reality is I should use some foul language here to offend people looking to be offended or make some Nig comment or perhaps the porn above is not enough to be offended by for those searching for such things as they are perfect and looking to make all perfect according to their psyhosis.

Where was I?

If I was the Fang Jinn, with all that power and was running al Qaeda out of 1600 Penn, I would just throw down. It would be easy.
See you just get an Arab like that Egyptian blamed for that Benghazi video to release a bin Laden look alike, sorry an Assad look alike, raping some little Jew boys and girls anally. Then you have Bashir pull out his other pistol and blow their brains out as he spits on them, saying something against Jews etc....
Of course they are not Jew kids as one only uses orphan Muslim kids for such things, as only Hitler got to kill Jews for propaganda.

Where was I?

Then you get your al Qaeda to lob a half dozen mustard gas missiles into  right wing Jew settlements that you have Netanyahu order those Jews to be outside for some inspection, and of course you have the video cameras recording it so the Jew kids are coughing up lungs.
Sorry this has to be Jew kids as for some reason Jew parents would only be happy to have hauled in Philistine kids coughing up bits of bloody lung.

See people just got horny over Lara Logan getting bang raped. People like Levin like Muslim kids crawling around in bin Laden stand in blood and gore.
Yes that Khadaffi thing even got Mark Levin's threshold of uber sadism boundaries, so that is why when it comes to starting wars, you need to get some sex involved that would shock most people who do not vote for Obama and entice the Dougie Howser types.
That way when you see the Jew babies coughing up parts, everyone will demand a war and it is easy then to really have a final solution in this.

I have seen Damascus as rubble and felt the warm atomic glow of ground zero.

When you want to start a war to get Jerusalem, you just have to make it so shocking and conjure up the old Hitler propaganda so when it happens, the nukes can launch to make absolute rulers of the Ashkenaz elite. The few bankers ruling the surviving sheepfold.

That is how you start a war to cement the feudal world of the anti Christ. You just got to ramp it up hard and fast, so when the final solution comes on religions Jews, Christians and Muslims, no one much pays attention.

Oh and the great part in this, is the anti Christ can dump all that Mars faces stuff in telling all of you religious people that you are children of the stars......you know there is no God, but the miracle worker in the empire, and he can make you all immortal if you just get tagged.

All transforms the world, and people will be so off balance that they will welcome what they are told for some semblance of order.

Newspaper Bane: Nobody reads the stories!

Perhaps if the media syndicated the Lame Cherry, people would at least not get what was written, but look at the pictures.

 FACEBOOK Bans Pro-Israel Columnist...

Israel is dead as you can not have a world capital for the Pope Pater if all those Jews are about the place like rats.  The world order demands a clean, Jew free zone where all may worship at the temple the satan of their choice made for them.

Never mind all that Jew stuff as the Ashkenaz elite wrote off the Ashkenaz lower classes with the Sephardic Jews long ago, and only kept them around as fodder, as you can't have a Jewish state with only 300 Asians living in Europe ruling it.

Time will prove out as always, but I do feel compelled to try and assist this Fang Jinn and the feudalists as they are just so timid in all of this war starting. It is really simple. You just pretend it is a movie and go do what you are doing in your villas with little children all the time, and then you just pretend you are firing off champagne corks instead of chemical warheads.
You get away with all of this Obama crime stuff and all your other murders, so what is the big deal in this?

Yes, yes, I know about that lunar stuff and your Haman dates for best results........yes I know the secrets but all this effort in waiting around for things even have the Yemeni stooges saying you are a great bunch of dopes.
Murdering competing drug lords in Yemen just is not sexy. You need some drug lords.......you know that is why John Kerry is off to Brazil and Colombia as it is that feudal black market trade that he is going in to check on........just need some hot women in lingerie, with some greasy dope lords and AK 47's and people will really get into this propaganda while you are off doing what you like best.

I really do not judge you satanists worthy of a new world order, as you are all so timid. Forget the due dates for the rites and just do it like the protocols say. You will blame it on Christian things and you have a global Obama following by nimwits galore who think they are geniuses to make it all easy.

When the crown is just sitting there and no one is brave enough to reach out and take it, it is just weak. Napoleon crowned himself. You just got to get this done, as I am bored with all of this and want to hand the reigns over to the fire breathers.

I suppose the Two Witnesses in wearing sackcloth will not exactly be getting the rich to donate to them either.........odd how God is always suppose to get by on empty collection plates, but the richtard always can find reasons to keep piles of money.

I am sort of enjoying all of this making people uncomfortable about the donations and the rich frustrated by this witness appearing in everything.

Well I am in recovery today from all the evil you wicked people sent, no Emma to absorb it as you murdered her. That little girl sure took a load of of it. I pray God cuts you evil people off as I do not accept your foul curses and more innocent animals murdered does not please me.

You have the Haman dates, so start the war as I have things to do away from here as I do not like the company which keeps trying to keep me.


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