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Are You More Stupid than a Richtard


In this study of rich people placed before the world, it is interesting what presents itself on this blog and in the other side of the monitor world.

One of the stories I came across was a jock NFL football player whose bill came to over 70 dollars at a take out place, and he generously tipped 3 dollars.
To set things straight, take out is not something one usually tips at, so that is added to the salt to this wound, as here is another example of "ARE YOU MORE STUPID THAN A RICH PERSON" which Jeff Foxworthy should expand his program to as rich people are in a class with stupid leftists in what they view the world through their rose colored goggles.

First, when one is a celebrity and everyone knows you are a multi millionaire TAKING MONEY out of a football town, you should probably not be an A HOLE and put some of that cash back.
For example, the farm store I get feed from, has an owner a year younger than me and when he purchased the business, he was telling me of a conversation he was having with other merchants about how the teachers in the city would not spend the money they were paid locally, but instead were driving off to another burb.
That stuff really pisses businesses off and it hurts them immensely........and they of course can not hire local kids to work, so they do not have jobs.

I see this in my locality a great deal in for some reason the idiots in my county cross the line to shop, when the grocery is right in town where they live.
I live by another town which did not have good city planners, and they have basically had every business close, while my city has expanded and sucks the life out of the other areas due to products.
It is becoming worse as I see a non stop parade of people from surrounding counties now 50 miles away coming to where I shop. Yes almost an hour commute and they of course do not have businesses in their smaller burbs, because these dumb asses were shopping in big metro areas for years.

That is how stupid people are. They have money and yet will cut their own throats destroying what is available, and then be forced to drive another half hour to get a product which will cost them more.

Perhaps part of it is being rich and brain dead catharsis, as I was hauling home a load of something I might devulge later as it was given to me, and being loaded heavy, I had this dumb ass in a nice van poking along at 55 miles an hour. Of course when I had enough of that and popped up to 65 to get around them as the road has hills, this mentally richtard........I like that name and think I will use it as the title of the post and will be what I epitaph rich people from now on with............of course decided to speed up making things difficult.

Yes the rich do not want to be passed so speed up as they think they will be left behind. Probably is preparation in phobia for when Jesus comes back, but this mentally richtard sped up after awoken to the reality they were impeding traffic, and then went back to coma state after a mile as I left the asphalt fumes in their intake.

It goes back to the jock in asking the question of what is a waiter supposed to do with all that money in that big 3 dollar donation? Granted it was not 2 cents someone donated twice costing me money in income taxes as Paypal took it all as they thought it was clever when it was being the same sort of leaving 3 dollars which no one has said, but that was not a tip as this richtard had change and being too rich to deal with dollar bills dumped them like trash on the poor people who work.
I have had people tell me of rich people literally throwing change they get on the sidewalk as they do not want to deal with it. That of course is passing in a debit card world, but it just is the reality that rich people think they are being so generous in what they do in handing out what "they judge is fitting" to the poor, when they never consider if they could make it on that sum or if they would be insulted as hell with that amount.

It amazes me in how money makes people richtarded. The same people who will drop thousands of dollars on goddamn bling or dining out, to present themselves as more special than others like Designer Negro Obama in the Whites House display case suddenly go scrooge when it comes to a donation which would save their lives as here or a tip to people who next time will spit on their take out just to make a point.
The rich can always find reasons to indulge themselves, but when it comes to doing the actual giving, then suddenly a few dollars is more than adequate as everyone can live on a thousand dollars as Dinesh D'Souza rationed to George Obama who needed teeth fixed, hospital bills and a shitter in his mud hut. Yes generosity is a place where apparently poor people like myself can buy houses for a dime and we all drive around in luxury cars that cost a penny.

Bring up that reality, and oh my do the rich become incensed at my and other poor being so ungrateful at being starved to death in this rationed demise. Yes being rich is a state where big  donations only go to established charities where one gets their name in print and gets the tax deduction as ........well being generous to people has little to do with doing good, but has to do with other rich people knowing what a wonderful soul you are.

That is the thing in this which really grates on me personally. I have always had a plan if I had money, that I would search out poor people, who were moral, desired to build lives, and then initiate a way where I could start a business as a silent partner and help them build their dreams for profits. Giving money would destroy most people and it would be wasted. But by joining with real people and not some damn charity which rations more death to the poor, I could make a difference.
As a child, I had made entire plans, where upon seeing the poor in coal mining towns, I was going to literally buy up a small town, then engage the government for contracts as a base revenue, and then create an entire sphere where everything a person ate, crapped, shopped or lived in, was something I was making money off of, in an exchange where I would provide a moral and save community like George built in It's a Wonderful Life.
I would be an unseen hand for good in which everyone would be taken care of and they would not comprehend it, so they could be proud of who they were and have a community from schools to jobs which were of Christian morality and American virtue.

See I never forgot my 4th grade Teacher who read me the Little House books in which Mrs. Wilder said Almanzo as a child was offered for 5 dollars lemonade or a pig to invest in. He bough the pig, and I have plans for money when the Lord provides in I will never be poor again and I will not waste it on frivolous things. There are too many others I could assist in building things for their lives so they would not be wards of the state.

Take that now to the 3 dollar tip or 3 dollar insult. If someone has a million dollars laying around, that million dollars in American ingenuity would be worth 100 million in 10 years. A celebrity could open a restaraunt and those businesses as much as a grocery will produce millions of dollars a year when successful.
The same is the reality of putting your money to work with people who are willing to work, instead of some damn charity where pasted smiley face people are all dealing with money that changes no person's life, but just rations misery and death to them.

Yeah I am at the God Inspired phase of busting rich people's asses non stop, because it is humiliating to beg for money and not have any of these richtards donate amounts they waste on themselves every year. If you want the Truth, too bad because here it comes, EVERY RICH PERSON who does not donate or rations death on this blog or in tips IS NO DIFFERENT THAN A COMMUNIST LIKE OBAMA, because in state control or richtard control, they horde  their money OTHERS PRODUCED, and then they ration it out making everyone miserable.
The rich on this blog are the same person who Jesus gave money and they hid it under a rock, instead of getting off their asses and putting it into the hands of people who would make them a fortune and change people's lives for good.
That is sloven rich, in they donate to charities for show, but will not interact with people who want the opportunity for a business where they will work their asses off, with the rich person's contacts and silent partner leadership, and in a few years turn that first investment into something worth 10 times more.
That is better than Wall Street welfare, but when one has money, one is more interested in keeping others poor, so the rich always have that crutch of walking on people to feel superior.

I am warning you rich people that a revolution, a societal fracturing is coming to America. What you see in Chicago is going to be in your nice Trayvon Martin gated neighborhoods, and there are going to be too many pissed off people with clubs for the police to protect you.
The mob is coming, because I see it in the things I am told from the poor in these people have been raped economically now for decades and they want pounds of flesh in return.
It is why Reno and Napolitano are phobic about their lists, as the psychological projections all reveal all hell will break loose when these poor people get started.

Now do you want to be in a community where the mob sees you as George Baily or the mob sees you as Banker Potter?

You rich people, do not like having your noses rubbed in it, nor facing the reality that I have a God Who is going to do a reckoning on each of you to mothers sons and fathers daughters, but that is too blessed bad in your not liking it, because it is for your deluded own good as the Bible says you are going to hell in most cases and the reality is history proves when the masses rise up, it is you in all your 3 dollar generosity who get your head bashed in as the wife is spread eagle panting as the mob pulls a train on her.

Arrogance bites in the ass. Those same mansions on a hill, same nice cars, same bling you present all have long memories in poor people, who when the opportunity arises are coming to your door, whether home or vehicle as that money neon sign is just advertising how appointed you are.

If you want me to shut up richtards about this, then the money which is God's in your accounts, you can donate and make me rich too.  I will then post of things on how I am making a difference in changing people's lives who are poor as I do not buy lemonade, but I have astute plans on many scales of wealth to make a difference as money is not my God.
Being poor has made me pay attention and God made certain I never was paid for my generosity in helping people or having a benefactor for this blog in what it is worth.

If the rich desire to be praised here, then they will get off their asses and do those things of charity, which include mercy and love as the Bible defines checed, and then perhaps it will be noted, as this is not knowing what he left hand to right hand is doing for the Lord.
No one gives me anything, as I earned it in posting this blog. The problem has been that the poor have been paying what they can not afford and the rich here have been eating the 70 dollar take out for free.

That is the way it is with the richtard though, they never see the million dollars for what it is, in 500,000 poor people bilked out of a 2 dollar price hike in food, fuel and the electric which they can not afford, but ends up in accounts of rich people who think that is their money.

That is how ALL MONEY is made in large sums, as no human can work enough in real labor to legally earn over 125,000 dollars a year, and that is at 50 dollars an hour in 52 weeks working 40 hours per week.
That is the top end, and anything over that is robbery, because it is making it off of USURY which thee God detests and what everyone from John Adams to Andrew Jackson warned against.

Having money is not evil. Money is not evil. The ROOT OF ALL EVIL though is the affection for money that you trust in it more than God or it is not being utilized to assist someone to build a better life to provide for themselves which enriches everyone more.

You rich better make a decision today in are you the rich man to Lazarus in ending up in hell or are you Drew Brees leaving a 3 dollar tip judged right now a richtard auditioning for hotter take out.

nuff said


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