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The Black Widder


Since the departure of Birther Hussein on June 13, 2013, a reality has become reality in matter anti matter exclusives. When this blog featured Muchelle Obama in WOMEN OF CRIME, it was never followed up on, as people have no idea what this woman is really about.

Muchelle Obama has been portrayed as a stupid black bitch by the media as a cover, but the reality is while Muchelle Obama is a stupid Negress and does bitch, there is a great deal more going on with her as Michelle Robinson Obama.
One must understand this woman who is now at the head of the Obama family. She is every bit the criminal that Barack Hussein Obama was, but she never dared appear on the path of the messiah in that type of blasphemy. While she has always been the appendage chosen by Birther Hussein as his Chicago ho to gain access to the power structure there, she has had her own drives and has been the driving force behind Birther Hussein in keeping this gay dope head marginally on track as he self imploded.

The terms used to describe Muchelle Obama are "enforcer" and "the devil in the details". Every major move that Birther Hussein was brought to, was something that Michelle Robinson had major input in.
Obama was only installed at 1600 Penn due to clearing it all first with Muchelle.

If you want to know Michelle Robinson, one only has to review the posts here exposing Tony Rezko, a story now buried. Barack Obama was not the mover and shaker in this, but it was Muchelle Obama who started the exploitation of financial resources, which linked up to Saddam Hussein's bag man in Nadhmi Auchi, who funnelled money from Latin Aemerica into the Obama Senate campaign.

All of this has a resonance which sounds again and again, and it all harkens back to Black Liberation sown by the Kremlin into Latin America and nurtured by Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Chicago as the grits and cracklin's of the couple Obama, now international despots with a Jinn shapeshifting it all.

Revisit the things you have forgotten in the promise by "Obama people" to Narcommunists in South American drug production that Obama would be in the White House in 2009, in a certain prediction to them in July 2008. That prediction was from Muchelle Obama's people as she was the devil in the details.

Muchelle handles the details, after numerous inspirations on the path to go. Bearick was the one influenced by the idea and it formulated, but when it came to carrying out the crossed T's, that is what Muchelle has been carrying out for years.

Muchelle Obama has not been involved in the dope trade, but she does partake of weed and coke for her own use. She has two major areas of control and that is the Obama finances, IR, the money skimming and bribery they have taken in, as she manages the accounts, and in one of the most creepy things, she actually in her overseas trips, has been the conduit for the management of al Qaeda.

All of this ties directly into OCREEP, the Obama Committee to Re Elect the Prez, which Muchelle Obama is the enforcer on. Val-erie Jarrett manages the Obama's a robotic political lesbian mum, and while David Axelrod and David Plouffe have their criminal management, the reality is when it comes down to Andrew Breitbart going puffy pink, those coordinations for murder with the Holder cell at NSA, all go through Muchelle Obama in the details.

The most heinous of things that this regime has conducted, all had the involvement of Muchelle Obama. She holds the money and she is the grease for the terrorism skids which gives al Qaeda it's slide. She rules as every bit previously and before as Mrs. Woodrow Wilson when that communist was brain dead in his bed, and the wife was signing things for him into law in the overthrow of America.

Everything that OCREEP has been involved in from Benghazi in ANALGATE, the ruin of David Patreaus, the murders to cover up the numerous Obama crimes from Breitbart to this last car burn in California, all goes directly back to Muchelle Obama's role in OCREEP. Nothing ended in the 2012 election theft, as 2014 is what is being engaged in, as Muchelle Obama like Madam Mao and her gang, need to keep power, or there will be investigations and all of this will come before the public to their ruin.

This is beyond backing Joe Biden who is now acting President as Muchelle runs the political manifestations of the dark side. This is the outreach to clown sock H.W. Bush in bringing in the anti President demon in joining with Jeb Bush, all to protect the Obama legacy, which protects Muchelle.

In this series of Lame Cherry, matter anti matter exclusives, you want to know who it was that came up with the idea of bringing in this Fang Jinn to replace Obama when he went tits up and was on life support? That was Muchelle, and it is the kind of cold creature she is. She made the hard ass decision as Obama was cooling yet on the slab.
It all harkens back to that Voodoo Mama of her's, the very attractive Mrs. Robinson. All of this manifested in being in bed with a Jinn to actually having a Jinn to carry on Brither Obama when he was no longer on the fruited plain.

To revist Muchelle in Africa with al Qaeda, you have to understand the little princess' dream. As Bearick was busy trying to replace every known leader from Jesus to Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan to Jimmy Carter, Muchelle has had two images she has been busy as the ugly duck trying to put the swan skin on.

The first was her hair in she was nutso about being Diana Ross in the Supremes as that is what made her lily wet or Obama erect for action.

The second deals with Empress Muchelle, in she wants to be Queen Elizabeth and replace her in the colonial feudalism, and she really lusts for that in Africa. she wants to be the African Queen, but looking down it all from a White House, just like Liz does Buckingham for her subjects.
That is why she is in Africa and is in bed with al Qaeda, as it has nothing to do with dope running or weapons, but it has to do with management of Africa, as in the Roman Empire, Muchelle wants all those Negroids adoring her in her Norwegian named black race named Robinson.

It is all quite obvious when pointed out what is plain for all to see, and now be expert on, but that is what Muchelle Obama has been and is. She manages the money skimming accounts, does the devil in the murderous details in OCREEP to keep them from prosecution and she has this African dream of Queen of the Black Bush.

Muchelle Obama's fingerprints are all over the clumsy operations from the using of Trayvon Martin as the black intimidation poster boy against whites to the using of that black Egyptian to be the front man for that Muslim video blamed for Benghazi to intimidate the white Romney voters to not vote.

You must comprehend that Muchelle has adept nefarious political scams, but she is so inflexible and her talking points so Pyongyang and Tehran, that they all unravel to a mess, and even after she will not bend in closing up shop, but keeps pushing things making a disaster.
Muchelle would do great in 20 years in Amerika when the media is all there is and blogs like this are gone, as the lies would perpetuate and be believed. She is just a despot before her time and is too dense to figure out when not to keep pounding George Zimmerman's skull to the pavement.

Aaron Burr Biden is President, and has been for some time, by his public proclamations as he was running day to day things, but the real dogma and rabid dogs is Michelle Obama's venue and always has been.

When Lawrence Sinclair revealed the Obama fagsexual carryings on, it fell to David Axelrod and the Kennedy machine to smear Mr. Sinclair. When they failed, it was the Delaware Syndicate of Joe Biden who were the stormtroopers attempting a political assassination of Larry Sinclair. The underpinnings of it all though in the malevolence all harkens back to Michelle Obama in the life imprisonment threat to losing Sinclair in the tombs of DC.
When it came to the termination of Donald Young, Barack Obama's gay sex partner, that was signed off on by Michelle Obama, along with Barack.

Donald Young spoke no truer statement to Lawrence Sinclair, than when he mentioned what kind of malevolent female Michelle Robinson Obama is.

Since the Birther's passing, Muchelle has been running the Obama legacy machine as the dark soul. She is the Black Widder in feeding on her dead mate for the progenation of her brood of Marxists, all with the assistance now of her lesbian Brown Recluse.

Muchelle Obama has come into her own, as she owns all of this now. She is the Semiramis to her Nimrod. No immaculate conceptions yet, but plenty of necrophilia with a little Fang Jinn foreplay for the Obama legacy.

This is the Muchelle web and the world is caught in it.

agtG 306Y

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