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A Rod O Rod


I do not cover sports a great deal any more, as I have had it with the Roman circus distraction of the masses which I find absolutely ludicrous.
You have people who spend their lives literally watching games and idolizing players who could give a damn if they lived or died. None of these millionaire players or billionaire owners are going to be inviting you over for Christmas. That is the reality and with so much in life to experience, the idea of focusing on a game, A GAME, where some ball is struck and accomplishes nothing is just beyond belief.

My brother in law and sister watch baseball as fanatics. They spend money on it, talk about it, do that number thing in plays and go on holiday for that stupid damned baseball.....in they love the Minnesota Twins. I do not need to follow the Twins to know that idiot who manages them in Gardenhire is a fricking moron. He always loses the big games while in the Tom Kelly era, Kelly found a way to win them.
Most people in sports are losers and few are winners. I have experienced enough jocks to conclude they are all A Holes with sociopathic psychosis.
Yes one way to get me fuming is to get me thinking about sports and all that is involved, as it boggles my mind how I in having such a pathetic existence I used to delve into the NBA and NFL. I have never been more relieved to have been set free from that nonsense as it absolutely does not matter.

In that, one of David Letterman's sports rapists of the Sarah Palin daughters in humor form at CBS, Alex Rodriguez or A ROD is the huge story in thee most boring game in history called baseball in he is a doper. So the big story is A ROD took steroids and now might face permanent suspension.

Wow Bud Selig, that jackass, had no problem in "might" when it came to a white man in Pete Rose in destroying Charlie Hustle when Rose never fixed a game, but simply bet on some baseball games, but when it comes to this dark skinned Obama voter, there is talk of "might" and negotiations taking place.

It gets worse in that now the Baltimore Orioles are whining about if A ROD is suspended the Yankees will be able to buy their catcher in not having to pay that 24 million dollar salary for the doper A ROD.
Of course that means the catcher will have to be healthy and all sorts of things....but the point is, the Yankees always buy players to win, as that is what they have always done.

If Bud Selig was real, Bud Selig would not just ban A ROD, but take every last dime this fraud took in salary, as IT WAS ALL FRAUD.
Hey if you rob a bank, does the FBI show up and throw you in prison and leave the cash in your banking account or do they take the money in that criminal enterprise too?

So A ROD should have every damn thing he possesses confiscated and that money returned to the fans.

Want more? Well baby sister it is coming.

I want the Yankees pennants and World Series all voided and A ROD to have to pay all that money back too to THE OTHER TEAMS who were cheated out of those seasons.

Same garbage the NFL pulled with the New England Patriots cheated the Steelers and other teams out of the Super Bowls in their spying on other teams. That liberal Obama voter running the NFL just swept it all away like they always do for the connected liberals.......yes some people are of a different Obama order when it comes to sports.
Pete Rose gets destroyed and barred from his rightful place in the Hall of Fame for not manipulating any games, and here is A ROD in negotiations and the Yankees come out smelling like financial roses.

Taking all A ROD got from baseball and banning him for life is justice, but what now is justice in this Fang Jinn world as George Zimmerman is being stalked even to Texas in his being hounded.

All of this is just one of many reasons I hate baseball. It is a slow game. It is a game filled with cheating husbands and groupies. It is an absolute waste of time in people's lives.
It is all what I complain about in the same people who will shell out tons of money for all the stupid A ROD things and not bat an eye, will not donate here for something that will save their lives.

Report: A-Rod's flirting fan identified (PHOTO) - USA Today

Oct 17, 2012 - According to the report, A-Rod threw a baseball into the stands asking one of the women for her number. The Daily Mailhas identified that ...

Yes A ROD doping is something that got Bud Selig's attention, but not A ROD using women as whores in throwing them a ball to ball them. For some reason, I judge being an asshole around women in thinking they are only good for fucking is a much worse crime than using steroids.....but oh wait, people on steroids are nothing but walking scrotums due to all that hormone coursing through their systems.

This Alex Rodriguez like all jocks has had excuses made for him his entire existence as he was paid to fuck women and play games, all suckering the stupid mob into thinking if A ROD wins, they will win.
A ROD is the Barack Obama of baseball in Obama had everything handed to him...except Obama likes feces penis scented cock.....then again who knows what a cocksucker A ROD is until the book comes out into how he broke into the big leagues.

I have had enough of this.


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