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Rush Limbaugh still not donating


This blog is shocked, not it is matter anti matter ........just a moment need to thesaurus word..........matter anti matter balled over.........no that sounds too in the closet fag.........am just interested that Rush Limbaugh's daughter he is married to has not counseled for him to pay his debts with the grim reaper treading water on him.

You know about Pontius Pilate's wife, not Pontius Pilates wife as she was another Roman lesser known who did workouts, how when Jesus showed up, Mrs. Pilate said, "Pontius, leave that Galilean be as I had this dream and am feeling all Excedrin moment".
Oh you don't think they had aspirin eh? Well I will have you know it is willow bark that makes aspirin, so of course women were chewing on twigs and such for pain killers......

Where was I?

See where are the Pontious Pilate wives in this world? You would think one of these rich women would have had a dream and said, "Rush, Rush.........daddy DADDY, wake up, as I had this dream and you should settle accounts as the grim reaper is coming."
Would think as Mrs. Elton Blonde gets ravaged by lots of Russian dicks or large vulvas that she would want to get in good with LC and find a way out of this mess, instead of dreaming about other things.

Same with Sean Hannity's Catholic ball and chain. What is it with these women? What does she have some altar boy picked out to replace Hannity when he is scorched earth?
Not like she can trust the pope in being that false messiah thing.

You know there are nice people like the Viking who really should ask questions as when I do get time I try to answer things like no Rush Limbaugh has not donated.

Sometimes there are Chicken Lips Chics who are really nice too and that is appreciated. Etta James was always interesting in she never got paid to sing at a Limbaugh wedding. She was not like blacks now days......in I look in the Enquirer and I can not figure out who the children of the misfits are........and poor OJ now dying of diabetes as a fat old Negroid still hiding his dough from the Goldman family.
I would think that those children would be creeped out by spending money that should go to a murder victim's family, but then that is OJ and those women who cuddle up with jungle fever are not stable.........look at Peggy Noonan attacking Obama all the time after he would not take her sloppy seconds.

I can only ascertain that all these women want their husband's dick dead so they can inherit the poon tang and spend it on some pool boy named Javez. Think of it, in Rush Limbaugh's wife will not even try and save him.......of course, I do not know if it is not the widow thing completely as maybe she has a thing for forced group sex. I see allot of that in porn stories in white guys like watching forced sex and the too white blonde wives like it a great deal too.
That though does not explain Sean Hannity's wife in not saying, "Sean my Catholic boy, say a few Hail Rosey's and donate the bucks to LC as she is a popular girl, and what did it get you buying that bicycle for Mark Levin......he never bought you no ten thousand dollar speedo thing in return".

Wives used to save their husbands.......wives used to be intelligent enough to cut some deal for themselves to keep the things from happening to them, but now wives just seem inclined to getting the inheritance as a widow and going off with Beau or some pool boy as the husband is  fish food in the ocean.

Look I don't want Rush Limbaugh fish bait. He should probably find a nice piece of land somewhere like Sean Hannity in a place which will not flood or have Russians tapping the daughter.
Be like where white people live, as interestingly it seems that where white people are the majority is where most of the bad things are not going to happen. Not saying white people are that great, but even if Limbaugh is white and Hannity is white, it would seem the majority of people who will go tits up in the world are going to be people who are not white.

I was speaking with TL about this donation stuff and said I probably should have lied and told rich people how wonderful they are, instead of pointing out what frauds their friends are, that they are going to hell and God's wrath is going to nail them.....TL said I should not tell them how special they are as the Truth was what needed to be written of.
I figure that Rush and Sean's wives pretty well prove the point, like all the rich people scurrying away from this blog, as you would think one of them would have had a dream warning them of their coming doom, and how to get on my good graces, but none of them have that going on. A wife should save her husband and husbands are dumb as posts really....and yet these rich wives have no dreams nor desires to save their men folk.

Who would have thought Mrs. Pontius Pilate was the standard eh? Women used to be sensitive enough to know things by intuition and now they just seem to sense pool boys or girls and know how to wear our credit cards.

Kathleen Keating has a really cool name even if on sabbatical......that sounds Catholic, Nothing wrong with being a Catholic, until they martyr you by the false prophet, but my mission impossible is one of I do  welding and I really do enjoy it. Something about that arc and fusing things together is just pleasant to me. I do need though for my cultivator I built a tractor....Lord have I prayed for a tractor for years, but no such things fall from the sky.....probably good for that, but oh what sweet joy a diesel WD would be......or a Ford 9N.....or a little wide front H with a two point hitch.......get a loader for that and I could scoop manure with it and have all sorts of fun things happening that my garden would just enjoy.
Am really pissed about who bailed my hay or what all took place there as they did a piss poor job.

I digress as this is about why women do not get their rich husbands to donate to save them.

I think allot of rich wives long for the day they can be a widow. You get passes made at you at the funeral. You get all that money to spend. You get to decide on who carves the turkey and ham.....get to do all sorts of widow things like blowing a huge cash haul after the husband goes tits up.
I really do not have time to wait though in years for all of these rich men to die and their wives to show a little appreciation here.
You would think that the wives of Conservatives would have more than grocery and gas money, and Sean and Rush do not go through the purses making an accounting twice a day on what the wives are spending.

Such tragic things really in what learns of marriages in the elite. Makes one  feel sad in how poor they are......poor in Spirit and the husbands making the wives rinse out tampons for a second use as they are perfectly good after a spin in some Oxydol and a little dryer freshener.

I guess rich women do put up with allot......recycled tampons and having their knickers gone through for if they bought the brand names or the generic. I suppose I would not save my husband either if I had to do the tampon thing to save a few dollars. Probably being a widow would be liberating an something looked forward to.

I guess that is the moral of the story in Mr. Pilate never made Mrs. Pilate use her tampons again just like poor people never make their women do that sort of thing, so they are happy to donate their mites in not being widows.

I just thought it would all be different in the Limbaugh household and Hannity household. What one learns when one contemplates why rich people do not donate............saving money in rewashing tampons is really pinching pennies.
I suppose the wife uses the dog's toothbrush after the kids are done with the community cavity fighting too.

I wonder if Rush gets to use the Charmin and the lovely Katherine gets to.......never mind.

So beneath all the rich women out there are husbands who have them wearing washed tampons and rub burns on their bottoms.......interesting way of looking at rich people who we all want to be like.


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