As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
I do not have a great deal of time on this as I have errands to perform. There is a reality though that YOUR REPUBLICAN HOUSE is in the process of trying to repeal the Renewable Fuels passed by George W. Bush.
I repeat that it was George W. Bush who with both democrats and the GOP passed after 9 11 a law to promote the removal of America from Muslim oil blackmail and funding terror attacks.
Tom Daschle backed this on the democrats with George W. Bush.
Now Mark Levin has lied to you, as has Rush Limbaugh, as has Laura Ingraham, as has thee entire oil baron Mockingbird backed mic heads concerning using corn for alcohol as a way to make fuel cheaper in America.
They have lied in trying to say that ethanol is too high, by including the prices of combines and the price of drilling oil and shipping it from Saudi Arabia.
They have lied about ethanol being the reason that wheat prices went up along with rice.....when the FACT is one does not grow corn on rice ground as it is too wet and wheat ground is too dry.
Now after being exposed about this, these liars, have shut up for a time and they never apologized once to their listeners for being oil whores.
As a reminder to the new children in this, the facts are all explained in the archives. The fact is also that if not for ethanol being added to gas to increase octane and keep engines running cleaner, that gas would now be over 5 dollars per gallon due to the millions of gallons of ethanol which IS stretching that strangulated supply since Obama and his BP oil cronies did the Gulf Gusher and shut off ALL oil production......except of course in North Dakota which is OIL PRODUCTION ON WARREN BUFFETT RAILROAD MONOPOLY LANDS.
See what you are never told except here, is North Dakota was chosen for oil drilling, because in North Dakota the OIL IS OWNED BY THE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE LAND ABOVE IT.
In South Dakota where the oil is owned by the state, there is no oil drilling taking place, as people are lied to that the oil shale does not extend deep into that state.
I have catalogued here that Faith South Dakota which is outside the "oil patch" we are told, struck oil while drilling a water well for their town. For those who might remember Catherine Bach from the Dukes of Hazard....Faith is where she grew up.
The Russians proved decades ago that if you drill deep enough anywhere on this planet that you will hit oil, as oil is deep earth produced and is not a fossil fuel at all. Earth forces in heat, pressure and elements combine to produce a water carbon or a hydrocarbon which is oil.
I have covered all of this exclusively and often, but it requires repeating and adding some more new information, as what is taking place in the GOP House is criminal. This goddamn oil bunch with Obama has murdred America, and now this GOP bunch with America on life support is sucking a quart of blood out of the corpse.
That is criminal and these bastards and bitches should all be brought up on charges, tried and hung for treason against America as that is exactly what it is.
They have Obama and now this Jinn dumping trillions into Wall Street creating debt to destroy the public, and that is not enough in high fuel costs they illegally set along with raising food prices on the now this bunch of ghouls is trying to carve another pound of flesh off you in this push to repeal Renewable Fuels.
No one mentions any of this, including that whore fraud Sarah Palin. Gas prices in America CAN MATCH RONALD REAGAN's below one dollar a gallon. That is a fact, because Ronald Reagan was buying North Sea crude with Saudi help in production, and deep sea drilling has no difference compared to fracking which we are lied to in saying that is so expensive.
No what fracking is, is a way to enrich Wall Street investors, that Oklahoma Hamm oil baron, Warren Buffett, while depleting Americans of their ability to live and have money to donate to produce American political candidates.
Can you believe this shit? America has almost 4 dollar gas, is in an Super Obama Depression and going to part 2 and these oil barons and their minions in Congress are trying to drive gas up to 5 dollars a gallon to suck the last drops of blood from you body.
As I have stated, these are criminal acts in times of war and cirminal acts when people are under such distress. You can not charge 40 dollars a gallon for gasoline in a hurricane shortage, and yet these engineered shortages and now a push to repeal Renewable Fuels is exactly that.
Add to that as this blog only has covered in the rape in housing and land prices by these Wall Street real estate speculators intended to price everyone out of homes and into the gulag, what a massive drop in corn prices would do to states from Iowa to Ohio. It would cripple thee entire food production in America.
That is the reality in this and no one else is going to expose this. I have told the tycoons, barons and the rich welfare patrons that if I was donated to, I would then have money to go fishing and not be posting on things like this, and only God and project things.
No donations, means more rooting out these rat bastards and bitches for a time when they will be in a revolutionary nation and hauled before Tribunals to be speedily tried and hung.......and left rotting on the street lamp until the body falls from the neck.
These goddamn rich people are the problem. They have millions and billions of dollars, and yet Obama looting the US Treasury for their inflated Wall Street investments in bribes is not enough. No they have to go into North Dakota and steal that oil and give that state crumbs turning it into a welfare liberal brothel, and then they have to in an Super Obama Depression try and destroy the nation's food supply, the nations energy supply in renewable fuels, all to gain a few more billions for their trillions.
Yes Mr. Limbaugh, you negotiate you bigger and more bourgeoisie contracts as parrot to the nation rapists as Americans are forced into the sewers to survive.
That is disgusting.
nuff said