This blog calls for the Fang Jinn to stand against wombless and breastless Angelina Jolie in her calling upon all Japanese to join her against rape in war .
Angelina Jolie speaks out against rape in war | CNS News
5 hours ago - Angelina Jolie speaks out against rape in war... Angelina Jolie delivers a statement before screening the film "In the Land of Blood and Honey" ...I mean this blog agrees with Barack Hussein Obama Chin and the Fang Jinn, in what is war without the spoils of war?
What good is war for the common American uniform wearer if officers can not force subordinate boys and girls to engage in sex with them?
What good is war if platoons of dope encrusted males can not force women to be platoon prostitutes.
What good is war if the scary foxhole does not have an anal hole to put things in, in sodomy.
What good are all the sexual strides of the Obama regime in Don't Ask Don't Yell being obliterated in the American military being a rape zone, if Angelina Jolie is going off all whole cocked in demanding no sex in war?
Could it be that Mrs. Pitt is only speaking of the rape of sheep and dogs by Muslims of color? Could it be that Mrs. Pitt is only speaking of the rape of children by UN Peacekeepers out of Europe in Africa? Could it be the rape of women in ethnic upheavals targetting Christian women around the world?
I just do not know, but that is the point, as are we speaking of political wars where Noel Sheppard and Camille Paglia are saying Sarah Palin likes gang political rape or does it include Lara Logan being mass finger raped by the Obama regime on Egyptian streets to shut up white women?
For that matter, what about Chris Stevens who was raped to death in Muslim sodomy? How can you have a good ANALGATE murder and 2012 election theft to scare white people from voting for Republicans if, you do not have that rape thing taking place?
What is this Obama Nobel Peace going to look like if Mrs. Pitt gets her way in Japan? Sort of strange too in Japan as the Japanese had comfort women in socialized rape during World War II, and that is where Barack Hussein Obama Chin's Filipino roots are in that Japanese mass rape of women in the orient, but brown and white.
This is Obama Chin family tradition from the Mideast to Africa to Asia in this getting to take the edge off in raping the people in mass.
I do not get it if Angelina Jolie has a problem now with rape or was it acceptable when Joe Stalin, FDR's best friend with Harry Truman looking on, raped every female in East Germany and impregnated the majority during World War II as part of the communist spoils of war.
Is a cultural war against Christians in America, with Patriots put on terror watch lists by Homeland as American children are now auditioned for legalized rape, as their college aged children are indoctrinated into rape, is this what Angelina Jolie is talking about being unacceptable too?
Just where in this feudal state that Mr. and Mrs. promote does rape mean rape and where is it just an acceptable part of "war", as what really good is a good Obama war without the benefits of rape?
Rape has many good things about it, or I am sure the world powers would have stopped it before. I am sure that raping sheep makes them easier to breed by rams later.....same with what Stalin did in Germany as raping all those women created a hybrid mongrel race that must be somehow more resistant to disease.
....and has Jolie Pitt examined the problems in this in Planned Parenthood profits in is she not cutting into revenues of the very foundations of democratic donations.
I mean how can Angelia Jolie demand a stop to a time honored tradition of rape in war? I guess we should be thankful she has not come out against homosexuals drugging people with emotional problems and raping them to make them the new Doogie Housers. Yes I can see that Hollywood rape is something everyone desires, like people being date raped drugged, as Jolie does not mention that, and focuses on how bad the Obama......I mean those rapes of war which are so very bad, compared to raping women, children and men out of even prison rape, which must be a good thing, as Jolie singles out war rape.
I do get confused in this Obama good and bad terrorists and this Jolie Pitt good and bad rapes, as I am naive at times in thinking that all terrorists are bad and all rapes are bad, as that is why this blog has alone stood against these revisions when every other outlet relished the savaging of Christine O'Donnell and of course refuses to focus upon the push for legalized pedophilia now highlighted by a Smurf in a tub with other little Smurfs showing Neil Patrick Harris the sodomite "the Smurf's blue butt".
Angelina Jolie seems to be a Womb Raider. The vixen who probes the nether regions for treasures which have been deposited there when rapists have gone where no one has gone before.
All of this reminds one of Princess Diana of Dufus Blondedumb coming out against mines in war. Again, I mean what is a good war without bombs planted in the ground to blow things off people?
The Soviets dumped planeloads of exploding toys on Afghanistan. Then the Islamocommunist terrorists put IED's to blow up Americans in mass....problem is for some reason, the terrorists never obeyed Elton John's Diana in the Wind, and no royal came out against IED's so I suppose IED's are a good thing as were Soviet exploding toys, but in that nether between there was bad mines, but mines are now good because they blow up Americans.
I sort of figure that with the good rape of Chris Stevens that in a few years it will all be Angelina Pitt forgotten and rape will come in vogue again, as you can not import Mexicans into America without some good rape of American women and children. Think of the benefits to Chicom and Russian invaders of America, if coming to Alaska they are told the first one gets some Sarah Palin wang dang sweet poontang.
That is sure to be a stimulus for hitting the beaches.
Just think of all of that American pussy on display on Chive sites and Jolie movies, with beefer Brad flexing his muscles....all that enticement of foreigners to come here and give those Americans the rape they are begging for......should not invading hordes get the same opportunity to rape America that Birther Hussein engaged in to do not all of us want a designer black dick raping us before rationed death prevails?
It is what Angelina Pitt and Brad Jolie donated to and voted for. I see no reason why rape in Eurasia is bad while rape in America is good.
This racism of Angelina Jolie after purchasing her black children form Africa in calling for an end to the rape of women, men, children and perhaps not pets by persons of color where these wars are, while not focusing on the rape of white women in the west, is an obvious racial attack against Barack Hussein Obama's legacy.
Denying the colored overseas the same benefits of rape the Obama, the Mexican and the white have as a societal right in America, now expanding ot Doogie Houser children is racially motivated, and this is such a shame after Nigazzi Hoodie Trayvon Martin has been lynched by the Obama regime and Eric Holder tossed the corpse onto the side of the road, when George Zimmerman had to go off and be a hero in saving people's lives again.
In the Land of Blood and Honey, one wonders in Jolie whoring for a film of that title in using a title that torn vulva tissue bleeding in a rape, somehow exhibits the "honey" from a woman secreting fluids, as Jolie must be saying women like being raped.
Yes it appears the world has good terrorists and bad terrorists, good mine and bad mines, and good rape and bad a liberal Obama legacy pattern that the terrorists who are murdering Americans, blowing up Americans and raping Americans.......are the good terrorists, good bombs and good rapes.
nuff said