As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive........
I see that the advent of sodomite marriage has now progressed to what this blog warned of in this all being about child rape being legalized, in Mockingbird has already produced a movie for the summer, meaning this was scripted in 2010 at least in genesis, meaning gay marriage being legalized was a certain already then in the "Smurf Movie" sequel.
The trailers have Neil Patrick Harris, the anal poster boy being fronted for the media as the happy face of feces penis smells, standing there delivering lines while a Smerf in a bathtub shows him his "blue butt".
Yes what should all children be taught that nasty little boys show their naked bums to adult homosexual males.
All scripted and as I warned you, the feudalists could not give a damn about the fags, as this has always been about the legalized rape of children by these perverts.
Neil Patrick Harris and the children's Smurfs is proof of that warning........yes Harris signed on in mega bucks to focus a movie at children to promote sodomy with subtle messages about anal sex with children.
All there and all the reality of the coming legalized child rape in America, and you parents who try to stop this, will be deemed criminals for interfering with this "legal loving intercourse"
Lame Cherry proven absolutely right again.........thanks to the rich for not donating as it is your grandchildren and children who will be raped first, as the cartel likes trophy children first.
You will get what you deserve for holding onto your money and screwing me over.
The Smurfs 2 International TV SPOT - Is A Smurf's Butt Blue? (2013 ...
Jul 3, 2013 - Uploaded by MovieclipsCOMINGSOON
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