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This blog in exclusive matter anti matter would appreciate in a Lame Cherry way of pointing something out as the rich horde their money, think they can hide from God for not donating and I am on point here alone telling the children and brats what is really going on in this world whether they believe it or not.

As this blog broke ANALGATE and Benghazi, along with hosts of other exclusives, this blog now remembers for you children and bratty brats, that before Col. Khadaffi was brutally murdered with over 50 of his people, that it was George Soros who convinced the Libyan Government to release all those damned terrorists who then blew up Libya by design and were in on the murder of Chris Stevens and the gay parade at Benghazi......in that weapons buy back and hostage taking scheme for the Obama 2012  election theft.

As of this date, John Kerry, has now strong armed the Israeli Government Cabinet to release 104 Philistine terrorists who are murderers.

The U.S. on Sunday, July 28, 2013 announced the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian talks following years of stalemate, after Israel's Cabinet agreed to release 104 Palestinian prisoners convicted of deadly attacks. The return to direct contacts between the sides gave U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry his first concrete achievement after months of shuttle diplomacy.

For you to be reminded, this is the same John Kerry who fudged his 3 Purple Hearts, one being a self inflicted wound where he threw a grenade into a rice pile and when it blew up, it blew rice into his ass cheeks........
The same John Kerry who lied in saying he threw his medals over the wall in a protest against the Vietnam war.......same Kerry who was illegally in contract with enemy North Vietnamese agents.........
Yes the same John Kerry who negotiated the Sudan "peace agreement" which set free the black Hitler of Africa for an oil partition deal of Sudan. This same black Hitler as was covered here, was committing RELIGICIDE ON CHRISTIANS IN SOUTHERN SUDAN, using Saddam Hussein chemical weapons and yes, Iraqi pilots at Darfur.

Odd how we no longer hear about Darfur under the Obama regime, but the Marxists did get an oil deal with the Islamocommunists who promptly started murdering Christians again.

It is this John Kerry who fathered this atrocity of letting one of the worst homicidal Muslim Marxist maniacs free from a Nuremburg Trial, who is now behind a Soros deal.......yes George Soros BOUGHT UP ALL THE MINERAL RIGHTS IN PALESTINE FOR WHEN THEY BECOME A NATION......oh yes you forgot that little gem did you not, who just got Jews to set free 104 of thee worst terrorists on the planet for absolutely nothing.

I have warned as was posted here in Pravda coverage that there is an August push coming to murder the Assad Regime in Syria. The CIA has bases in Turkey and Jordan, full of munitions, training facilities and terrorists for an Obama Jinn slaughterfest.
What could be more fitting in this, than to release over 100 mass murdering terrorists into Israeli territory or as the Holy Ghost wrote TERRORTORY, all for a stoking of the fires of a Jinn Intifada, this time sourced by John Kerry for the Obama regime.

What better way to murder a pile of Jews, give reason for the IDF to unleash on Philistines, Hezbollah (remember that the Obama regime just got Hezbollah terrorist labeled by Europe) and that biological, chemical and nuclear WMD fest of Dr. Germ in Lebanon and the Syrians, as who in the hell is going to know when these 104 terrorists get loose who is doing what......including Obama's terrorists being the catalysts in turning loose the WMD which of course would be blamed on Assad.....or whoever else needs to be eradicated for the Neo Roman Order.

Frankly, John Kerry for this act as much as his other treasonous and murderous acts, should be indicted to face the death penalty by a United States Tribunal.......even if in the course of Great Tribulation and anti Christ events, I support what is taking place.

Based upon the logistics of Soros in Libya, what could be better than to release over 100 murderous Muslim Marxist maniacs into a powder keg, and blame them for things as the IDF surgically strikes with it's own WMD's the Philistine peoples, the southern squatter Lebanese peoples and the Syrian peoples, all to clean things up, so the Pope and anti Christ can rule Greater Palestine.

Do not  forget there is a treaty from years ago involving Jordan, to allow in European "peacekeepers" in boots on the ground to the West Bank. Simone Peres, yes Simone, signed over a decade ago a deal with the Vatican to rule at Jerusalem in this international capital rebirthed.
All of this is in place, and the Vatican owns huges chunks of the Israeli state in majority ownership, so what would be better than to have 104 lit maniacs blowing up, with Hezbollah and whatever in Syria where Assad gets the blame in his fiery furnace tomb of what was Damascus, for all this WMD stuff.

All the Obama regime requires, and they have piles of this Libyan and now Syrian WMD at their terror bases, is a half dozen chemical warheads to have some piles of Religious Jew babies coughing up lungs in bloody mustard gas foam from multiple locations in turbulent Gaza, upheaval southern Lebanon and bloodbath Syria.
 A few tactical mini nukes in response in haunting memories of Zyklon, and you got the rat exterminator getting rid of all the problems with a radioactive glow and everyone says Amen Rabbi, as those rat bastards deserved it.

I hope of course that some Turkish missiles whack that Dome to rubble and then we can get that Temple of False Peace built in the next year as rubble is cleared.
Sounds like the perfect plan really, rather John Kerry elementary, but as it worked in Libya, why not repeat the crime and hose down a few Jew babies to cough up lungs, as those Religious Jews breed like rats and need to be thinned according to Ashkenaz protocols, and then we all can have this international city state of Jerusalem, run by financiers out of Europe and managed by the Caliph as thug patrol for the champagne secular drinking Ashkenaz masters ruling out of Jerusalem for the order.

I believe that is enough of an exclusive as the rich are hardly donating the Sean Hannity or Laura Ingraham type salaries of 500,000 and up, so why should I bother with any more details as I got to go pick through the shit pile and dead chic clothes pile to be fed and clothed this day.

Yes it would be beneficial for Christ's return if this evil John Kerry serving Fang Jinn and the Berliner boys would be successful in unleashing a quasi war around Jerusalem to start the process.
I really hope I do not derail things by publishing all of this as sometimes happens, because I do love the scent of Jericho missile fuel in the morning and that warm nuclear afterglow to sip coffee over as the globalists mark their territory.

Oh for the apocalypse now.

nuff said on these non rich donation slave salary.

agtG 290Y

Jericho II

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