Look Sarah Palin, prove that you are not a whore now of the cartel in your scripted responses now of appealing to Christians in Chaplain exile or big gulp or chicken bits.
If you need Mrs. Palin to be told of the realities of politics and political life, then listen up, as while you refused to go to North Korea to settle that situation, you did seem to pay attention enough to stop sparring with idiots like Bill Maher over retardo things, and at least prance about with the political arena in sparring with that nobody Senator from Alaska.
Yes you hint you will run for the Senate and no one cares as your time has past.
I understand Mrs. Palin after Gabby Giffords that you were informed you had a target on your head with a Libyan missile to shoot you out of the ether. Problem is unlike Joan of Arc in trusting God, you took the 30 pieces of silver and went FOX...to which FOX fired your ass when Obama won, as they thought their ratings would hold with the Bushites, and wonder of wonders Roger Ahles saw his numbers being plunging further as all of that pro Obama economic news was turning off everyone in the propaganda.
So Uncle Roger decided to hire you back as a whore to lead the dupes back into the fold so they do not revolt....what they put Rush Limbaugh on the air to as Elton Blonde sodomy to give that illusion all of you are Conservatives ....hell Mark Levin dusted off the last Conservative in America in farm boy, with three names, Victor Hugo Davis or something like that...all the illusion of the minders on the right are really on the right.
Ok Sarah P, here is the deal in another free lesson which you should be paying for. I can not stomach you if fear is what is driving your retard message now in these talking points that are just so boring you make boring seem exciting.
Now here is the deal as you do not figure this out nor are feudalists allowing the real issues to be focused upon.
Sarah Palin, simple thing if you are a leader of the right. You focus on one populist issue to topple all the Obama regime issues and knock Boehner and McConnell off their perches. You have a meeting with your people who still are the grass roots Tea Party, and if you have any leasdership qualities you talk to Ralph Nader and you talk to Tavis Smiley and you tell them up front, you are going to try and run for President, and what you are going to build it on is focusing on the huge energy spikes which are impoverishing Americans and raping the economy.
You will not allow diversions of "it costs so much to get oil out of the ground now" to lie to the people, as everyone knows under George W. Bush the same oil barons knocked gas down to 1.87 cents and still were making billions.
Obama announced he was going to drive fuel prices up as it would help his green diaster to come online, which has now been broken as green does not work.
The point is Ronald Reagan when he leveraged with Bill Casey the drop in oil prices to boost the US economy and topple the Soviet Union, IT PROVED IT CAN BE DONE.
What is taking place is a global rapine of people in making all poor for the feudal state.
You Mrs. Palin, get your group together and you start protesting outside Exxon, BP and outside Congress in a continuous focus, that will make all of these oil barons react...and you start naming them, and you realize they will murder people over this, but in these numbers of real people on the right in grass roots and real people at the left who have proven they are not regime oriented like Nader and Smiley, the first step will be engaged in to save what is left of the US economy.
I am trying to tell you Sarah Palin, that either you prove you are a leader in making an issue like oil which you did in Alaska to benefit Alaskans is something you can fix for all America.
I have no problem in this in your advocating that all of these US wars, start demanding those trillions back in oil barrels at 50 dollars per barrel from Libya and Iraq, along with mineral rights in Afghanistan. America did not ask to be at war with Muslims, but Americans are not going to be made to pay for this and these Muslims to get off for free.
This is America at stake and the more low cost energy which Americans have, the more secure America is.
Work with Ralph Nader and Tavis Smiley on energy issues. Tell them you can not make fuel efficient trucks because the engines burn out as you need fuel to haul loads. Give ground on green issues which are something America can accomplish and Americans desire.
Prove though Sarah Palin you are a leader or shut the hell up and go away, as your being whored by Roger Ahles and Jeb Bush is unbecoming of a western woman from Idaho birth and raised in Alaska.
You are looking now like a Skagway Brothel Bimbo all painted up for the show.
March on the oil companies. Demand confiscation of assets in direct rebates to the American consumer. Demand if they do not accomplish a drop in oil prices set out of England, that there will be a real revolution of the people, and they will start taking back by pitchfork what is their rightful energy and property.
If you get arrested or you get a bullet, you will join Dr. King and the Kennedy boys in bucking the system. I doubt though the cartel is in any mood to off you Mrs. Palin or try a John Edwards on you to shut you up, as you in prison or the grave will be a rallying cry they will not be able to stop and the people of America will start marching in a real armed revolution as you will have tipped their hand.
I am calling on you Sarah Palin, as it is no sport in exposing you for a fool as you are unarmed Spiritually now that you went down to Sodom. Do what is right and for America's sake, get off your hind legs and LEAD where Americans are willing to go. Take back America Mrs. Palin and be something more than a chick sandwich with a big gulp on your knees.
It is nauseating to watch what you have become a vassal of the state. You are nothing but talk and bimbo talk at that now.
You are a faded dim bulb Mrs. Palin, either you do this now or your ability will forever be gone as those who stayed in the fight are not going to let you or these other frauds pied piper their way into the scripted manipulation again of what is left of the American remnant.
Nuff said