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The Liberal Snuff Daddy


I hate liberals and that is why I detest being forced to be one here on the Lame Cherry blog, because the malaise which is now "liberals" is beyond reproach. The American liberals is every bit the murderous bourgeoisie fiend that the Ho, Hitler, Stalin, Pot, Mao, Kim, Amin, Mandela, Mugabe, Castro sociopaths are........in as long as it is Obama doing the murdering and torturing it is just fine with the American liberal.

Somehow inside of me, I hope that some way I could shock a liberal to at least SEEING what they are without this seeming a condemnation in the broadstroke like Bill Maher or Chris Matthews resort to. I would not trust a liberal around my children or family as they are inherently perverse, but in all the ivory tower they are, I honestly believe that a Charlie Rose, a Chuck Schumer, a Norah O'Donnell, a Robin Williams are "good" people in they do not think that dragging Khadaffi around the streets and then blowing his head off and putting him on display is a good thing for societies any more than putting Hosni Mubarak in cage or flooding out people in Reagan Blue States destroying their property as Obama did for his wild rivers.

There is a veneer crust on liberals in they think they are superior in all ways. They trust in this superiority in they do not need a God or religion, and therefore can rule their lives without the need of those boundaries. The problem is with liberals like the stone headed Brian Williams who was rolling around in bed with Obama in jokes, is they are given talking points and follow them to protect their lives, and to admit that their ideas of feudalism are wrong, and that to admit that doubling down on murder, doing deals with terrorists and asserting the daily lies that the economy is recovering when they know how bad it is, and they know that propaganda is only there to keep the mob from revolting simply has to be wearing on the liberal mind as all of this destruction is hurting people, even if they can deceieve themselves that a better order will come with their absolute rule as they of course are no Putin.

I desire a liberal to just look at one headline from the chief law enforcement officer representing America. Could they ever imagine a day, that the Attorney General of these United States would tell the Kremlin that "Edward Snowden will not be tortured or executed" so it would be fine for the Russians to cuff him and hand him over the to Obama regime.

That personally is stunning to me, as any American telling a foreign nation that America will not torture one of it's Citizens and not implement a death penalty, just to put this human in prison for life.
Should not a phrase like that just stun a liberal as they are against torture of anyone and against putting people to death or even Gitmo used for terrorist incarceration.
The Obama regime has been going full throttle for 5 years, and yet Eric Holder felt the need to say that the Obama regime would not do the  things they campaigned and promised they would not to in 2008.

Why do this, except for the reality the Obama regime has been wholesale torturing and slaughtering not only people globally, but engaged in it against it's own Citizens.

You will note that Eric Holder did not promise not to end the life of Edward Snowden with a predator strike as the regime has killed other Americans without due process. You will notice that Eric Holder will not prosecute the Black Panthers for violating Constitutional Rights, but will stalk Edward Snowden for exercising his Constitutional Rights.

Edward Snowden stated in public that the Obama regime is wholesale spying on Americans. This is not news. These stories were frequent from the Reagan Presidency in the English spied on Americans and the Americans spied on the English in a quid pro quo. This blog has as other sources have, spoken of the public information revealing all of this data collection.
For the fact, Barack Hussein Obama and his liberals were accusing George W. Bush and Dick Cheney of the very things Snowden states the Obama regime is engaged in.

So why is Birther Hussein or Fang Jinn not being hunted down by Eric Holder.....the same Holder who has been managing wholesale murder from Gun Runner in Mexico to the Boston Bombing.....why is it that liberals engaged in murder and torture are above their own mandates and they refuse to impose one restriction on the murder and torture in America, any more than they refuse to restrict abortion.

Liberals do you not even realize how far you have degraded? Could you imagine Ed Meese ever issuing a statement that America would not torture or murder a Citizen so it was alright for Russia to hand them over for trial?
You know in your shadow memories how much you hated Ronald Reagan and how much you smeared him, and would have smeared him with such charges, but now you have Al Roker saying Reagan was a "liberal" as you are so deluded in this, you can not admit how damn wrong you are and who heinous you are.

It disgusts me that an Attorney General would even give voice to something like this, unless that Eric Holder so hated America, that he desired to slander America in being some sort of torture and murder state.
This though is the same Eric Holder who conned Bill Clinton on the last day of his Presidency to pardon Marc Rich, the notorious money launderer for Saddam Hussein, all for the price of that filthy lucre.

I have detested liberals my entire life for being self deluded idiots on every issue of security and social welfare as they are flat world wrong. Yet I am now voicing liberal ideals, because the very things liberals accused the Right of doing, they are wholesale enabling in this Obama Jinn regime with Eric Holder become one of thee worst butchers in history as a thug enforcer.

I know liberals lose God and put in their own amoral code, but where in LIBERAL HEART is not that reality, that they comprehend Trotsky or any of the other dead hosts in the left, who suddenly became enemies of the state once the regime felt secure enough to house clean.

Do you think Rod Blagojevich, John Edwards, Charles Rangel were some anomalies? Do you not remember what Obama did to steal the 2008 primary in politically raping Hillary Clinton and thug intimidating her voters at meetings?

Why do you think all those liberals are fleeing Congress? It is not because they would lose an election, because the voting is all rigged across America. The reason is they know like Norah O'Donnell's computers turning off and on, that the next step for them is Lara Logan mass finger banged by some mob sent to send a message.

This is the situation most stunning to me in liberals have been degraded so fully that they will not save themselves. Is it a reality in this, that a liberal in Obama sees not only the death of America, but that this regime will provide them a post birth abortion to euthanize them for the penance they are seeking in all that misery.

Is this what liberalism has become in a Conservative Christian is espousing what is liberalism in standing against the liberalism of the Obama regime, and liberals are so in denial of the heinous, wretched, criminal thing they have devolved into, that they would rather have this regime murder them, than admit every last tear they are has been flat world wrong.

Why is a Tavis Smiley the only liberal man or woman enough to stand up and express how monstrous this all has become. It is one thing to hate others, hate oneself, hate one's nation, but to literally remain silent when Eric Holder issues a statement that America will not torture and murder it's own Citizen is beyond having squandered all the high moral ground, it has taken the basest of atrocities and made it their own.

Ronald Reagan had the moral ground to speak of Evil Empires to bring down the Soviet Union with John Paul of the Vatican, the Lutherans on the ground in eastern Europe and Saudi financial backing. Eric Holder and this Fang Jinn just told that same Kremlin thuggery that it will not engage in the immoral activities that Ronald Reagan prosecuted the Soviet Union over.

Where is the morality of a liberal when the legacy of Barack Hussein Obama has changed Washington DC into Red Square and the Forbidden City.

You liberals in your Peter, Paul and Mary.......your Joan Baez......your Rob Reiner......Your Michael Moore were nothing but a facade of a psychotic delusion pretending you had morality when all of you are sadomasochists with a snuff wish.

Eric Holder is now the liberal Snuff Daddy for the Murder Incorporated of this Obama legacy.

Nuff said


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