I never have watched to Kill a Mockingbird. I would be sad if Mockingbirds were killed in that movie, not because killing a Mockingbird is evil, but because I doubt eating one would be of any benefit as one never reads of the settlers dining much on song birds, although the Indians would roast them guts and all in the fire to eat them bones and all as a treat.
I wondered what it would to be a Queen who ate only fillet of hummingbird breast. You know that little piece of meat on a chicken or turkey by the breast bone? I suppose a hummingbird has that too. It would be novel of some royal woman to only dine on such things as fillet of hummingbird. Be more than 4 and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
I was asked if I really killed people. Not like Raskolnkov in Crime and Punishment by Doestoevsky's novel novelity. It interests me that the English produced Jane Austin in Pride and Prejudice and other such sense and sensible dramas, but for some reason those Russians always came up with some satan awful thing of some maniac or some damn misery too miserable to endure.
They just could not say the story, but had to labor on it, like a constipation turd caught sideways they just would never leave go of.
Raskolnikov - definition of Raskolnikov by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Noun, 1. Raskolnikov - a fictional character in Dostoevsky's novel `Crime and Punishment'; he kills old women because he believes he is beyond the bounds ofI never understood Africans either, as their warriors would be rewarded for bashing some child or old woman's head in from a neighbor tribe as if they bashed in a warrior. Somehow the western mind and the eastern mind of Japan met in honorable things of killing, as one jousted or one did a Samurai of hari kari in making things all right with the world.
Of course things, can go to extremes in drawing and quartering a human. I have nothing against it, but human guts smells of excrement, just like a mummy of Egypt smells of a rotting flesh. Why the wonder for mummies is puzzling as I never did have an allure for sniffing dead things, even if they have a tangy earthen aroma.
Same with the Japanese in they just could not kill themselves, but had to ceremonially do it all with a big blade, stick it in, then wipe the thing off as the main arteries in the abdominal cavity bled out.
I doubt fermented rice has any more appeal than ferment wheat in English guts in the drawing and then the quartering. For me, the quartering is not the problem, but on wastes good steel on missing the joints and slicing into the bone.
From forensic archeological evidence, most people are not good at killing. Like the Charlie Manson women were not good at murder. Think the one broke a knife tip on Sharon Tate as they hacked her or the murderess complained chopping into Sharon Tate's ribs hurt her hand.
Either way the baby inside Sharon Tate was gurgling and gasping for breath and Sharon was worried about the child to her last breath and the Manson woman was calling her a bitch as she died.
I have studied people who kill, and found that the ones who enjoy it really, are not just good at it, but it is an accomplishment for them. There is a satisfaction in making a series of grand shots on an enemy, like shooting ducks.
Some people would have problems shooting ducks though, but have no problem knifing a cabbage.
For me, I see no difference in life. A flora is as alive as a fauna. I do differentiate though in things like spiders as I have my Granddaddy long legs who hunt other spiders for me which do bite me, and I of course kill those fast black spiders as I have no affection for them as my web spider with very long legs.
Killing people is never what is expected. The serial murderers get off on the feeling of the struggle of life, but that is not the murder, it is like rape in a power thing, and not a sex thing. Ted Bundy liked banging dead women to their point of rotting. Not many Dexters really out there, as some like Jeffery Dahmer butchered and ate the folks. See murder is work in dead bodies weigh allot, they do not butcher up properly in being a mess, and most murderers get caught, because they are too lazy to properly dispose of them.
You can not do things proper if you do not like butchering and most people are McDonalds types in liking Ronald to do all the cutting for the burger with fries and not the actual physician work.
Killing people or murdering them is different, even if the results are the same. Affinity for death is a forensic psychology in some prefer poison, some prefer blades, some prefer guns, some prefer strangulation, some prefer snapped necks. Each though reveals a psychological profile of what the person prefers in intimacy and what the psyche is aroused by in sensuary stimulation.
Numbers of serial murders are feline in psyche in they enjoy stalking and torturing the mouse they have captured. That is their intimate association as that is what they deem empowers them as the sociopath in them does not allow them to feel human emotion to make connections on an emotional level.
The thing is as my Beloved Uncle told my Grandpa, "People just do not die that easy". Nothing really does. It is always messy like pitting cherries. It is why forensic experts all become aroused studying blood spatter and other such things in their puzzles of what evidence tells of the murderer.
Saddam Hussein used to sit in a chair in the torture chambers and smoke cigars lamenting why people forced him to torture them to death. Fidel Castro had people imprisoned for years, and would every so often inquire about how that poor soul was dealing with a lifetime of imprisonment.
The greatest mass murderers are the ones who are the least interested in intimate contact with death. The serial murderer is the one who is interested in the intimacy of murder, and that is why they murder not in quantity, but in quality.
I recall that General Montegomery picked up a school lad on his way to school. The boy started talking to him about what the General did, and the General said, "I kill people".
The lad asked, "How many people have you killed?"
Monty replied, "Thousands!!!"
The boy in a quiet voice said, "I think I would like to get out now".
The mystery of a woman is such a thing that some things are best not answered. I wonder sometimes in people who say they have never killed anyone, when most people are garnished with the benefits of killing.
Would a prosecutor have a living without a murderer? A Judge without a homicidal maniac? The medical trade without aborticide? Some of the most admired jobs do a great deal of trade in death and benefit immensely.
Yes that is all too Russian in pondering the balance of the scales which is so much more "angels on the head of needles" things.
I was going to answer all of this, but I have a sandwich ready and must phone my TL to discover what adventures were there this day.
God appears to kill people all the time as do the Watchers.
Yes I have a sandwich waiting.