In celebrating all the Jokers and Hookers inspired by B. Hussein MK Ultracraft Obama to assist in covering up his 2012 election theft, including ANALGATE, this blog once again rises to the ocassion to assist Barry Chin, and what better way would there be than to have televisions most popular Soap Drama the Young and the Restless hold a fan lottery in who they would like to see shot off the show in a big Obama drama.
This all started with me, because Y & R is a sentimental favorite of mine as I knew Lee Phillip Bell who created the soap with Bill her husband. She was the nicest person in California really in entertainment for dealing kindly with the people peering in at her from the locked gates.
After Lee left, Y and R just went goofy. They hired all these black Obama actors who could not act. Yeah there was that Jazz character when Niki Newman was a stripper who had to read idiot cards, but you could tolerate though they got nothing but blacks who have as much talent as coasters, except of course for Neil Winters.....that guy got his start on the Bad News Bears, and he actually can act.
So what I advocate is, that Americans for Obama instead of shooting up pedophile schools or Batman theaters instead of Y and R do it for them. Americans can pick out a dozen actors they hate on the soap to be offed.
Granted that is going to be six black coasters to start with and Neil Winters is going to be the only token on there.......well unless one counts his tan Obama daughter who is hot.....then you have the rest of the cast.
What it would be is Obama could do a guest spot. All would be going well, and then John Boehner would keep calling him about debt cliffs and Obama would would be some party that Victor Newman would be throwing in honor of getting a trillion dollar green deal to build million mile solar them to the sun and such things.
Certain people will be off limits like Catherine Chancellor....Victor of course as he rocks, and .......oh Tracey Bergman Recht or Tracey E. Recht as she was known.....what a cool name the censors would not allow her to use, but she is Buddy's kid and at old age she is still one hot woman who does not get enough air time.
The rest are on the Obama shooting block when he goes nuts at the party for him because Boehner drove him bonkers.
I'm thinking about characters as I do not watch the show, but Mom does.......I miss the original caste of Snapper, Greg......oh and that Pammy Peters as the sister to the hot blonde Chris.....of the rich dude's stable. That Lee Bell could pick out breasts that took two scenes to record.
Where was I?
Oh yeah Obama shooting people........
That Tucker on that show......grubby white guy rich dude from a defunct soap......cap him Obama style.
Jack Abbot......he might play a doc on television but he ain't no Terry Lester.
Phylis.....she is nuts and ugly......oh and all her children are just annoying starting with that witch faced Summer.
That is sort of using my dozen up.......maybe could expand it if, people came too close, they could go into coma and just disappear.
Brooks, that was the name of the rich is Abbot, but there are no hot Abbot chics......just crippled up Jack getting his leg massaged by a black that Chris Matthews thing going on from cinema.
This would be a great thing really, Sort of like Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, the viewers could vote who they wanted Obama to shoot, and then Obama voters would not have to do it for him in gun control. Would be a national catharsis really.
It would not need an act of Congress and as Obama was pleading in his press conference about wanting playmates at 1600 Penn Avenue......he could go out to Hollywood and get some real playmates.
Think of how cool it would be in Renee Tennison recast as Muchelle, and the two Obama daughters could be recast as Miss May and Miss June.......everyone would win.
Granted I post here, that if Barry Chin wants someone to play with, I would gladly volunteer for salary to go play with him. We could shoot guns, go fishing, go trapping, go bronco busting, build things out of walnut and weld......all manly type things.
We could even do some planting of apple trees.....maybe make some know all the things I told John McCain to do with Obama as Barry desperately needed a man to show him how to be one.
I would sacrafice this as an Obama chum as a good woman would naturally be a good first step for Barry......we could go predator shooting and the Secret Service could bring the whores. I even saw a stripper bar in Iowa that Obama could whet his whistle in.......providing of course we do Church on Sunday and sing Nearer my God to thee......the real God and not messiah Barry.
The Young and the Restless is the key in a great deal for Obama to go nuts in shooting people. Hell the Bells could also go out and write in some characters like Oscar Ben London for Obama to duke and duel it out with.
What would be better than that eh ?
So that is the Lame Cherry advice to assist Barry O on election theft numbero duo........He goes to Cali and blows up the Y and R set in what the fans decide needs termination, and John McCain and Obama go out and shoot coyotes......and I could do the itinerary for a consultant fee.
All works out great and everyone has a good time.