The problem with these greedy slave traders in Obama votes and Rubio worked to death labor camps in the America gulag, and let us not overlook the fact that what America has become is a concentration camp of Mexcian slave labor exactly as Hitler Germany and Stalin Russia in their work to death camps that America is the equal to the Chicom expendable and Indian expendable life force worked to profitable death, is that these products of foreigners born here in Obama and Rubio, is they wish to infect the body with cancer and pass a law and call it health.
Let us be honest in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter no one else is in half infomatter Limbaugh or whatever else is gurbling on the left.
Rubio is selling out America for his chance in 2016 to be Vice President. That is what the tycoons and barons have stated that if Marco brings on the GOP to political oblivion, then Rubio as a Judas Goat for Pied Piper Jeb Bush gets to look in the window and Jeb rapes the American corpse in the grave.
Do not miss that Matt Drudge has been non stop featuring Scooter Bush in incestuous politics urging daddy to run daddy run.
It is like watching Lady Gaga do self promotion in no one cares who this American Idolotry is.
In the background of this, and no I could care less how the liberals are trying to murder America again in a new scheme because they are too cowardly to pull the trigger themselves.............
The point in all this Limbaugh, Drudge and Rubio up the arse to the Mexican cock in labor looking to birth a bastard USAsto, is that none of these frauds are telling you any Truth.
The numbers of border busters is said to be 11 million. That number is a lie and is closer to 40 million as has always been reported. Add another 50 million to that in Obama Rubio Amnesty and America can wave byebye to the Afroid as Obama always intended, as there will not be any place for blacks as Asians are superior in intellect, whites actually work, and the Mexican will do any job to their own injury.
I will give the facts in this, which these liars will not.
As I type this, I'm watching a crew of Mexicans in Kansas City, putting on a roof of a very expensive townhouse rental division. They are great entertainment, but as I have done roofing in my life, I know what I'm observing and that is something Limbaugh would only have his finger up his arse testing the wind on.
This crew is from a national chain of Doddard or something, The pickup says 60,000 satisfied customers and since 1987 or something of that era.
There are no whites, Asians or Afroids working, and that is for reason. The Asian is too smart, the white would not kill themselves in this work and the black will not work.
Blacks apparently prefer to spray pesticide in sneaker wearing chemical dispensing.......breeds cancder easier.
What I mean though in the whites not killing themselves is key, as this is not John McCain gardeners. This is American labor which has been supplanted due to unsafe work enviornments.
I observe this and can explain a number of things as I actually as stated have done this work. First the Mexicans run around like cats on a roof without any support in most cases. They do have ropes to tie them on and then run around on 45 degree inclines like monkeys.
In proper roofing, there would be scaffolding on the ground to the roof line, in case the roofer fell off and then would not fall off to the ground. That though is expense like taking the time to place mandatory brackets in which a plank is laid so one does not fall off the roof when shingling. None of that is there with these Mexicans and if it was there it would be added time and cost. A thing called OSHA keeps white people from being exposed to dangers like this, but it is OSHA free for Mexicans apparently.
Like all roofers they used potatoe or garden forks to lift off the old shingles, but forks were left on the pinnacles of the roof, whereby sliding off they would become a missile impaling anyone below.......once again no OSHA.
I did notice these Beaners like their staple guns in using more staples than roofing felt or tar paper to hold down the product. It has air bubbles in it, which is trapped air that lifts and moves the shingles in heating and cooling. Once again though no inspections taking place, and of course the million dollar owner of this development has nothing going on to know what is being done, as rich people just care about slave labor.
I was watching though a 2 by 4 nailed to the roof, as the only apparent footing there. The one Mexican started chopping on it with a roofing hammer for shakes which they all carry and use for nailing, and it puzzled me as it went into two pieces. The mystery was another roofer was sawing a hole in the roof, and into this they slid and air nailed the two pieces.
A carpenter will immediately see what I just exposed, in these Mexicans were fixing a rafter on a huge roof that apparently was rotted through with a 2 by 4 which is does not meet specifications, but no one is going to know as it is all covered up.
I did see the boss taking photos of the roof, apparently to show the owner all the good his workers were doing, as there was a great deal of rot on that roof, and as the shingles were fine, that means moisure was coming from below and condensing there on the plywood, which was then rotting.
There should have been a Kansas building inspector on scene to evaluate what was going on in that rental property, but in the state of America the carnivore and cannibal capitalists never are checked when running slave labor.
So it is sneakers for safety scaffolds and a nail gun will patch any house of cards together, as I believed for all the nail gunning taking place in trying to keep the plywood in place, that the building gained a few hundred pounds in nail weight alone.
With those obvious glaring facts that Mexicans are left in unsafe work conditions, no OSHA, no state inspectors, the use of inferior construction materials and using methods which will compound future dangers, all add up to that white working construction companies can not compete with Mexican slave labor rackets.
This degrades worse, as Rush Limbaugh plays Battle Hymn of the Republic to divert, that these 11 million to 100 million are not going to be slave labor recipients of no benefits under amnesty. They will all then have Social Security numbers which are real and bring real retirement benefits, including Medicare.
America which has lined the pockets of the agricultural, industrial, construction etc... industries, which has worked these people to crippling status, will have an America now mandated to care for them in the most expensive of medical care. These people will not die now as intended like China, but will be kept alive as aging cripples as roofing work is the most destructive of all work. That means one trillion dollars more per year in these Mexicans competing for the resources.
As stated, the Asian holds superior paying jobs, so will have the money to deal with this. The white will struggle, but as a hearty stock will work smart and die smarter. The black though will not compete as welfare will not be able to afforded for Affirmative Action welfare workers or these welfare generational blacks. When it comes to push, the Afroid will be the genus which disappears as Mexicans are not a group to just wait around and die. They are natural socialists by Indian peon ancestry and by Catholic dogma. They will combine like a pandemic and eat the body negro out of the body politic for funding.
Of course they will receive the funding due to the reality they are a labor and voting block to be exploited for gain and not red line black Affirmative Action.
No one is telling you this, as no one has shit under their fingernails or worn out jeans on asphalt shingles. None of these people talking at you have never held a real job in their life. They might play at it like Hannity did in stating he once worked, but for the majority of Americans, they actually have to work at this labor, and as non Beaners, they have to do OSHA, regulations, inspections and costs that give Mexicans the jobs to fund the robber barons and nation rapists.
This is reality and no one brings any of this up, but Matt Drudge can feature his shit pit of propagandists in Mockingbird to drive all of this.
Shouldn't these always experts actually have been involved in America, instead of looking at this foreign land from an ivory tower as Mommy Limbaugh makes you a cookie as you lay on a couch because you can not find an Afroid job, until the CIA gave you one behind the Golden EIB.
Yup Limbaugh plays you Battle Hymn songs and has on George W. Bush, as the Bush claque is these elitists futures. No one informs anyone though of what is going on and the results of it.
Where does a white person go in business having been destroyed by Mexican labor? Where does a black go who will soon be expendable in Welfare America? Where does an Asian go but to their bank account in trying to deal with more expense and more danger from illegals.
The one Mexican was looking at me as I was doing reconnaissance, and a I waved, and he waved. Friendly invaders being worked to death, as they haul around in vans packed in and the sun makes them look like 1850 slaves in Mississippi after a hot summer.
Limbaugh mentions the exclusive here, but from Politico, that Obamacare "might" destroy small business, when of course this blog Inspired long ago stated Obama was all about destroying small business as that is where American wealth is generated.
He will not link it though to his illegals being designed to destroy American small business, as that touches his nation rapists in the Bush structure backing Limbaugh.
I end this informational teaching lesson here and you probably should retain this as few of you actually work or are diversified enough to know what you are seeing in your own neighborhoods.
nuff said